Murphy Brothers Blog

Tag Archives: repairs

Desperate Homeowners are easy targets for charlatans.

In just this past week I have heard first hand of three separate instances of people, in their attempts to get a deal, got fleeced.  If you read the paper, internet news or watch TV it is easy to understand why consumers believe that contractors are desperate and that

10 Tips to Winterize Your Home

1.  Change your furnace filter – If a furnace filter is doing its job, it collects all sorts of dust and particles.  Over time the filter becomes filled with these particulates which reduces its ability to clean the air and decreases the furnace performance.  Change it every 30 days to make sure your furnace will […]

Red Flags

10 Red Flags when hiring a Contractor – Here are some simple alerts to listen for or to verify when deciding on who to trust to work on your home. The contractor says

Energy Efficiency and Lighting

With each remodeling project I do, whether small, medium or large, I evaluate each client’s goals and balance that with their budget to present options and make recommendations. Lighting design and selections are

Insurance Covered Losses: How to Proceed

From a property owner’s perspective, insurance claims can be a huge frustration or a relatively easy process.  It often depends on how you choose to get the repairs done.  Most policies provide coverage that will pay for a professional restoration company to come and evaluate and complete the needed repairs to restore the property to […]





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