Murphy Brothers Blog

Red Flags

10 Red Flags when hiring a Contractor –

Here are some simple alerts to listen for or to verify when deciding on who to trust to work on your home.

  1. The contractor says “I can save you a lot of money if you pull the building permit”
  2. The contractor doesn’t have the proper license or insurances.
  3. The contractor talks about his years of experience (or his companies combined years of experience) instead of the years he or she has been in business under the same name.
  4. The contractor says “No Problem!” to what ever budget, start date and construction schedule that you ask for.
  5. The contractor can’t even give you a budget range until he/she brings a parade full of subcontractors through your home.
  6. The contractor writes his proposal on a standard, carbonless form.
  7. The contractor doesn’t have a web site (or has one that was a school project of his tenth grader)
  8. The contractor has less than 10 references and 4 have his same last name
  9. The contractor doesn’t have any references for the type of project that you are planning
  10. The contractor asks you to go to a “Big Box” store to make your material selections

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