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    Gox in 2014. The size and importance of the state enterprises can be surmised by the fact that state enterprises, which constituted 78% of the total number of industrial enterprises, contributed 91% of total industrial output. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Every one of the congress people who took money should be removed from office, must be forced to re-pay to investors any campaign donations that they received from Bankman-Fried tied accounts or through Bankman-Fried accounts. while letting off-shore conmen woo regulators. Yes. Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2022 3:14 utc | 73, Posted by: steven t johnson | Nov 19 2022 3:20 utc | 74. " Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 18 2022 20:12 utc | 28, just moves money around without adding any value. Of course that makes bank created currency a fraud too. Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 19 2022 12:17 utc | 100. Please try again. I believe Marco Rubio, the leading anti-communist "intellectual" in the Senate, is also a big cryptocurrency promoter. [34], North Korea's sparse agricultural resources limit agricultural production. Bankman-Fried also donate $40 million dollars to the US Democrat party. https://fortune.com/crypto/2022/11/11/sbfs-disgrace-could-make-things-awkward-for-gary-gensler-and-the-democrats/. It might be a surprise for lot of people, but 60 % of everyday purchases in Germany are still paid with cash. Posted by: dk | Nov 18 2022 18:29 utc | 2. It is so strange for this concerted campaign - Germany too with Habeck making derogatory remarks about Qatar even though he begged them for LNGand Sadiq Khan in London now starts Looks like they are all getting the Emails from the State Department in Washington with its Global Engagement Center coordinating politicians in Vassal Colonies to keep them on-message, Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 19 2022 10:46 utc | 97. With a capital 'O'. Step right up! Posted by: Biswapriya Purkayast | Nov 18 2022 20:06 utc | 26. Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 18 2022 20:12 utc | 28, just moves money around without adding any value. For example, the target for the annual output of steel was reduced by a third: from 15 million tons to 10 million tons. Posted by: honkhonk | Nov 18 2022 23:31 utc | 59, On the one side 'fiat' is challenged by the real money such as gold. Cocaine is the drug of conmen. silver linings, amirite? So far SBfried has avoided the experience of washing up on a beach. https://nypost.com/2022/11/09/drowning-death-of-crypto-visionary-fuels-conspiracy-theories/, Posted by: James McFadden | Nov 18 2022 20:51 utc | 39. Posted by: jinn | Nov 18 2022 23:26 utc | 57. Real dollars backed it from the massive amount of excess dollars sloshing around the wealthy. Humanity is in a civilization war about public/private finance and those in the West are totally oblivious to that reality as evidenced by the commentary here. He primarily donated to candidates who aligned with his "effective altruism" ideology, so mainly neoliberal Democrats who want a soft approach to financial regulation. For 2018, the South Korean Bank of Korea estimated the GDP growth as 4.1%. This accords with a rare official figure[citation needed] of 6% for 1993, when the sector was said to have employed 4.2% of the labour force. By their fruit we have to know that Judaism was already off track at the time of Jesus pbuh and he told his followers that after him another would come, who would confirm everything he had Posted by: Skimmer | Nov 18 2022 21:49 utc | 50. Posted by: geralds | Nov 19 2022 10:41 utc | 94. Posted by: circumspect | Nov 19 2022 0:59 utc | 66, 63: who mantained non-PC wiki, New Syrian Outloo, Posted by: Arioch | Nov 19 2022 1:16 utc | 67, "Isn't there some better punishment one could think of?". This guy here sees a huge case of governmental+international corruption centered around crypto, and then keeps thinking that the brand of crypto he likes is somehow the solution to social ills, as if a digital financial instrument is somehow a workaround for ethics, justice and politics. But Bitcoin belongs to the people and will continue to live. SBF has Parkinsons together with an immediately notable tremor. Posted by: Debsisdead | Nov 19 2022 4:34 utc | 77. said , and make everything clear. However, as of 2013, most households have borderline or poor food consumption, and consumption of protein remains inadequate.[85]. [118], In 2019, North Korea was ranked 172nd in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index with a score of 17 out of 100. Posted by: Moaobserver | Nov 18 2022 19:00 utc | 9, We will not forget These figures, which are used as the basic planning data on the productive capacities of economic sectors, originally are prepared by lower-level economic units and aggregated on a national level by respective departments and committees. [ Ha, good luck with that, Congress is a joke. [126], North and South Korea's economic ties have fluctuated greatly over the past 30 years or so. It wasn't an 'r/WallStreetBets' thing either, it just happened. Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 18 2022 20:40 utc | 35, Today's Kunsler on the FTX family ties [99], In 2006, the World Food Program (WFP) and FAO estimated a requirement of 5.3 to 6.5 million tons of grain when domestic production fulfilled only 3.825 million tons. Invalid URL, Please keep your comment short and to the point. The racism and bigotry about Qatar hosting the World Cup, which I have never been interested in ever, is now full volume on the BBC reporting. After his agency failed to warn investors about Terra and Celsiuswhose collapses this spring sparked a trillion-dollar investor wipeoutthe Securities and Exchange Commission chair allowed an even bigger debacle to unfold right under his nose. He would explain how the FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google/Alphabet) stocks were clearly overvalued. Crypto still has a home as a medium of exchange and it will survive in some form in my opinion. [47], In 2014, the Enterprise Act was amended to allow state-owned enterprise managers to engage in foreign trade and joint ventures, and to accept investment from non-government domestic sources. The World Kabuki directors coordinate maximized exposure for this clown to make him look bigger than he is. I thought we went full digital years ago. [84] As of 2013, urban and farmer markets were held every 10 days, and most urban residents lived within 2km of a market. From the lower middle class proletariat to the sheltered upper middle class to the elitist billionaire, those who believe investing money as a viable path to riches are part of the problem. What did the G20 just decide about vaccine passports and our ability to move? "But but bitcoin is for drug dealers :(", Posted by: Comandante | Nov 18 2022 19:29 utc | 18. Weve all got our talents. These projects referred to the five-point program for nature transformation unveiled by Kim Il-sung in 1976: completing the irrigation of non-paddy fields; reclaiming 1,000 square kilometres of new land; building 1,500 to 2,000km2 of terraced fields; carrying out afforestation and water conservation work; and reclaiming tidal land. If the SEC and Auntie Max are cool with this, it must be copacetic for ma & pa mainstreet to stash some coin. Allowed HTML Tags: Since you're accepting 1 dollar for every Tether you make you should always have enough to redeem every Tether you've ever created even if everyone wants to redeem all their Tethers at once. Text</B> Text Anyway, millions, billions, what the difference? [85], Incremental improvements in agricultural production have been made since the late 1990s, bringing North Korea close to self-sufficiency in staple foods by 2013. Paying off his debt one back breaking day at a time. The other possibility is a prisoner exchange with Russia so Britney Griner can come back - though by this time, she may not be in good enough condition to continue playing in women's basketball and might have to play in the men's sport. Sadly, this is the least of what happens when a company fails to implement a diversity hire policy. Bill Gates is probably very jealous to Elensky who has replaced him as the guy who is invited to speak to every forum possible. are getting involved is to attempt to break Bitcoin in the public eye by breaking all the shitcoins. Deputies in charge of workers' services are encouraged to meet as many of the factory's needs as possible using nearby agricultural cooperatives and local industries. Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 18 2022 20:47 utc | 38. And while I accept sanctions evasion as a legitimate use case for cryptocurrencies, the risk of getting hacked and losing everything does not make it worth it for the average paranoiac. Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 10:42 utc | 95. Consumer goods were few and of poor quality, with most provided on a ration basis. Theranos's peak valuation was 1/4th of that of FTX's. The theft doesn't need to be in thousands or hundreds of thousands of X. I can be 1 from a 100 accounts , 2 in some other, 50 pennies from 100,000 accounts etc. The only customer holding on the consolidated balance sheets are fiat currencies! Posted by: Anne B | Nov 18 2022 19:23 utc | 15. // --> Hang on, we will be there shortly. [67][68], North Korea has no coking coal, but has substantial reserves of anthracite in Anju, Aoji (ndk), and other areas. Posted by: Jen | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 22. b: Still true today. To be precise I literally said that Crypto is 7 Cs:1. The Fried Bank Robber isn't going to jail. How could BlackRock, Softbank, the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan and other real world investors give money to these people? Posted by: Webej | Nov 19 2022 2:26 utc | 72. The South Korean government's estimate placed North Korea's GNP in 1991 at US$22.9 billion, or US$1,038 per capita. The SEC failed at its job while Gensler met directly with SBF to talk favorable access. Corrupt3. By 2011 trade had increased to $5.6 billion (5.04 trillion). I sold a years worth of work in that month. As a final step before posting your comment, enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below. Distribution was uneven, with the Public Distribution System being largely ineffective. Effective altruism is quite the rabbit hole. WebPublished 1st Jun 2022; 11,346 Views, 1,109 Comments; Hold It Together - - https://nypost.com/2022/11/09/drowning-death-of-crypto-visionary-fuels-conspiracy-theories/, Posted by: James McFadden | Nov 18 2022 20:51 utc | 39. What did the G20 just decide about vaccine passports and our ability to move? https://twitter.com/SPT_NPC/status/1175406984222445569, Just listen to the Cocaine Cowboy. SBF was taking a dopaminergic. Potential bailouts are probably why Sam Bankman-Fried also tried to get some friendly regulation for his schemes. If Bitcoin loses that round, the WEF will have won, totalitarian control will be complete, and that will be the end of any dreams of a free society. ridiculous whichever way you look at it. The investment shell games people played with crypto, NFTs, etc. In general salesmen are scum. ga('create', 'UA-225723-36', 'auto'); Posted by: Cato the Uncensored | Nov 18 2022 19:28 utc | 17, Lol 95% of illegal drug transactions are done in cash. Butvthat information was concealed by Biblical translators by translating the name Muhammad in the scriptures as a transliteration, the highly praised one. FTX could just be a tip of the iceberg, pretty much all exchanges could be assume to carry the same problems b outlined in this article. No one is China sees a future for cryptocurrencies. He posts his scrapings but no longer has a team of curries grabbing shows, games & movies then posting them & listing em on his site. Moreover, there were some reports in the mid-1980s of increasing encouragement of small-scale private handicrafts and farm markets. There were minor efforts toward relaxing central control of the economy in the 1980s that involve industrial enterprises. Bottlenecks were pervasive and generally were created by the lack of arable land, skilled labor, energy, and transportation, and deficiencies in the extractive industries. The changes have also found their way to the economic sector with factories that are also producing products that are associated more with the West, like Air Jordan shoes, for national consumption. Since North Korea is a closed country, the number of specific deaths in the incident is difficult to know. [132] After 1956, North Korea reached out to the Third World in the hope of making trade deals. Again, another statement that can hardly be qualified in words fit to print. Since you're accepting 1 dollar for every Tether you make you should always have enough to redeem every Tether you've ever created even if everyone wants to redeem all their Tethers at once. Its just funny money. How many more frauds like this are still out there to be discovered? Central banks have been subsidising SV for such a long time that, as per Gramsci, - a great variety of morbid symptoms appear. The attacks may work, but kiss goodbye to any hope of ever keeping control of your own finances or savings. Just for a perspective on why powerful investors might put money in not-fundamentally-sound stocks. Only one silo used a recognized audit firm. Should they fall down because some other crypto hick-up occurs the real economy would take some damage. During what North Korea called the "peaceful construction" period before the Korean War, the fundamental task of the economy was to overtake the level of output and efficiency attained toward the end of the Japanese occupation; to restructure and develop a viable economy reoriented toward the communist-bloc countries; and to begin the process of socializing the economy. It started in earnest in February 2018, during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games, when top musicians from North Korea were sent to perform in South Korea. Posted by: too scents | Nov 18 2022 19:10 utc | 13, "Bankman-Fried is young, has hundreds of millions stashed away and is connected well enough to have an easy life in jail. Will history somewhat repeat? [20], The Third Seven-Year Plan gave a great deal of attention to developing foreign trade and joint ventures, the first time a plan has addressed these issues. SBF has Parkinsons together with an immediately notable tremor. Posted by: circumspect | Nov 19 2022 0:59 utc | 66, 63: who mantained non-PC wiki, New Syrian Outloo, Posted by: Arioch | Nov 19 2022 1:16 utc | 67, "Isn't there some better punishment one could think of?". Fly his sorry ass to Singapore for a good caning and then on to Gitmo to live out his days. Con men6. Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 19 2022 12:17 utc | 100. Shit's so stupid. All the money in Bankman-Fried tied accounts should be frozen, confiscated, and used to repay investors. 'Cept a lot of people hopped aboard the crypto train and the value of a bitcoin appreciated to ludicrous amounts and those same financial establishment types began buying sorry 'investing' in it. Yes, I know they are. Access to chemical fertilizer has declined, but the use of compost and other organic fertilizer has been encouraged. ago, the gold price signal was slowly riddled with disease by the pandemic of dis-honest ledgers that now curse humanity, Posted by: honkhonk | Nov 18 2022 23:42 utc | 61, I can add a bit to bs mention of the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan: The racism and bigotry about Qatar hosting the World Cup, which I have never been interested in ever, is now full volume on the BBC reporting. [113] Mansudae Overseas Projects builds monuments around the world. Economic assistance received from the Soviet Union and China was an important factor of its economic growth. Cocaine is the drug of conmen. We are not at FULL yet. I have dabbled with it a little just to try to understand what it is all about. Making inflation your big bugaboo is telling. Unfortunately, most people don't distinguish between Bitcoin and "cryptos". Up to 50% of the "profit" is taxed, the remaining half being kept by the enterprise for purchase of equipment, introduction of new technology, welfare benefits, and bonuses. This is only a preview. He also owns LCJG, a privately held high-end luxury retail group that includes Lane Crawford and the premier fashion house Joyce. If everyone invests, who is doing the actual work of running a business & producing something tangible and of value? Posted by: Aleph_Null | Nov 18 2022 19:27 utc | 16. And, of course, he must have a substantial amount of blackmail information about the Bidet regime's money laundering scheme. Data are in 2015 US dollars. document.write(''); 1) A huge thanks to @MaxineWaters , @PatrickMcHenry , and the whole House Financial Services Committee for having us today to talk about the future of digital assets. No one is China sees a future for cryptocurrencies. They're just a different market slapped on top. And those he is connected to are running out of good servants. Posted by: Ho Lee Phuc | Nov 18 2022 18:59 utc | 8. In point 5 of his filing the new CEO is not holding back: "Potentially compromised individuals" might refer to rampant use of drugs at FTX. Any investor should know that coke addicts and Parkinson's patients cannot be trusted. SBF is connected. Posted by: Vesa | Nov 19 2022 9:33 utc | 86. But he would always say something like he has to be pragmatic not dogmatic with his clients investments and pragmatically speaking, these stocks were going to go up in the near term, in his estimation, and so he included them in his funds. This prevents automated programs from posting comments. And they're all cross-owned incestuous entities at the 'higher' levels of the capitalist tree - BigOil, BigPharma, BigBanks, BigMedia, BigMilitaryIndustrial, BigTech. Now it is known FTX and Theranos are a scam, do we backward-adjust GDP down? Coal-fired power plants were running well under capacity, due in part to a serious decline in coal supply and in part to problems with transportation of coal. Further growth would only be attained by increasing efficiency and technological progress. Only one silo used a recognized audit firm. Amazon sells real diamond earrings studs start at just $60 Amazon sells real diamond earrings studs start at just $60 Article by Julia Webb Published on Sep 6, 2022 Our team is dedicated to finding and telling you more about the products and deals we love.. The World Kabuki directors coordinate maximized exposure for this clown to make him look bigger than he is. Posted by: uncle tungsten | Nov 19 2022 10:11 utc | 89. This pattern favors the cultivation of paddy rice in warmer regions that are outfitted with irrigation and flood control networks. Posted by: too scents | Nov 18 2022 19:10 utc | 13, "Bankman-Fried is young, has hundreds of millions stashed away and is connected well enough to have an easy life in jail. Yes I am a bit surprised at the timing of all this. Posted by: TERESA T MALTESE | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 21. North Korea claims that it is the only state in the world that does not levy taxes. He would explain how the FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google/Alphabet) stocks were clearly overvalued. That's why we've had warp-speed gene-therapies marketed as vaccines and mandated to billions of people, while the manufacturers of what Bill Gates says is a cheap easy to scale up manufacturing process (mRNA) have been foisted on all of us. Hang on, we will be there shortly. The fact that crypto is used by drug dealers and criminals for anonymity and un-regulated as a feature should send any honest joe with 2 brain cells to rub together running the other way unless of course you want to use it to buy weed or 'shrooms then it's fine. 2023. Posted by: Altai | Nov 18 2022 20:24 utc | 31. not quite. In 1997, coal accounted for more than 80% of primary energy consumption and hydro power more than 10%. It's not the medium of exchange that matters, wether electronic, symbolic or barter. For a sense of scale: Theranos raised less than half the money that FTX did. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f0248be1-c108-40c4-a914-edc85a249dc8, Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 10:23 utc | 91.

    Text</BLOCKQUOTE> In 2006, 5.9% were considered the public revenue, whereas this year, this figure was raised to 7.1%. Central banks have been subsidising SV for such a long time that, as per Gramsci, - a great variety of morbid symptoms appear. while letting off-shore conmen woo regulators. // --> The funds from that still have yet to be reimbursed to its creditors, but it'll maybe occur next year. While FTX was a fraud because it stole investor money, Tether is a more serious fraud since it was the most comprehensive market manipulation of any speculative asset ever seen. The best way to scare a cryptocurrency shill is to invest conservatively in proven assets and markets and still outperform cryptocurrency "investments" in the long-term. The state-run television promoted a song of praise to the National flag by airing videos with images that included the flag being raised September 2018, during mass games events, marking North Korea's 70th anniversary. Posted by: the pair | Nov 18 2022 20:31 utc | 32, "Bankman-Fried is young, has hundreds of millions stashed away and is connected well enough to have an easy life in jail. Using it to accomplish something you cannot do otherwise is something else entirely. Followed link in b's top post red highlighted 'rampant use of drugs. The first one in my memory is Mt. But it could also point to some darker connections. The investment shell games people played with crypto, NFTs, etc. Amateurish frauds flooded with big capital. [ Ha, good luck with that, Congress is a joke. Posted by: Comandante | Nov 18 2022 18:53 utc | 7. Posted by: Giyane | Nov 19 2022 6:08 utc | 78. Crooks 4. Digital asset controls: The FTX Group did not keep appropriate books and records, or security controls, with respect to its digital assets., Audited financials for all businesses. Back then the attraction of bitcoin was that it was so hated by the financial establishment and their offsiders in media & politics. And as Times get seriously Interesting again, gold will come up mightily in the trust stakes - as usual. And the incestuous exchange of managers between Regulators and Banks. You "beat inflation" by multiplying your BTC holdings with the highest selling price in the market right now. Why not set up an exchange which targets them, the masses will pay for it if we hire a few of their heroes, football stars and the like to tell them to buy in to crypto. In contrast, South Korea posted US$237.9 billion of GNP and a per capita income of US$5,569 in 1991. It might be a surprise for lot of people, but 60 % of everyday purchases in Germany are still paid with cash. The specific objectives of the economic plan were to strengthen the fuel, energy, and resource bases of industry through priority development of the energy and extractive industries; to modernize industry; to substitute domestic resources for certain imported raw materials; to expand freight-carrying capacity in railroad, road, and marine transportation systems; to centralize and containerize the transportation system; and to accelerate a technical revolution in agriculture. I believe it involves tens of billions of dollars. Any attempt at a explanation that doesn't begin with these simple facts is bound to fail. [20]:123127, The secretary of the party committee organizes all political activities in each of the factory party cells and attempts to ensure loyalty to the party's production targets and management goals. International sanctions impeded international trade to some degree, many related to North Korea's development of weapons of mass destruction. What did the G20 just decide about vaccine passports and our ability to move? Text</I> Text He's either going to be allowed to flee to a non extradition exile or commit suicide by a bullet to the back of the head. Let's hope that one of his unpaid creditors belongs to a certain Neapolitan fraternity. Here's proof of concept showing crypto can be a miracle in a hyper-inflationary environment: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/05/-in-bankrupt-lebanon-locals-mine-bitcoin-and-buy-groceries-with-tether.html The nominal dollar value of arms exports from North Korea in 1996 was estimated to have been around $50 million. SBF has Parkinsons together with an immediately notable tremor. S. Practically any human race, culture or religion is organically preferable to the frictionless tokenized transactional system idealized by the misanthropes pushing crypto. Thirty seven percent of the population was deemed to be insecure in food access. Unfortunately, most people don't distinguish between Bitcoin and "cryptos". Your comment has not yet been posted. Something is not healthy in the crypto world, that's for sure. If you liked commodification you're going to love tokenization. Now that the supply of greater fools is restricted, a lot of fools are being left holding bags they can't sell to anyone except at highly discounted prices, i.e. This made it necessary to set aside 1959 as a "buffer year" to restore balance in the economy. And as Times get seriously Interesting again, gold will come up mightily in the trust stakes - as usual. [43], In 1979, North Korea renegotiated much of its international debt, but in 1980 it defaulted on its loans except those from Japan. As long as the problem persists, crap like crypto come and go. Posted by: hankster | Nov 18 2022 21:17 utc | 44. The ability to actualize those returns is another matter. While FTX was a fraud because it stole investor money, Tether is a more serious fraud since it was the most comprehensive market manipulation of any speculative asset ever seen. Crypto is a protocol for talking about imaginary things. You buy Tether from the exchanges, most prominently Bitfinex, which is owned by the same parent company as Tether and which shares it's CTO with Tether, a very shady former ponzi guy, Paolo Ardoino. You are no longer citizens, sorry if that offends. Text</U> Text That's only $564 million of real money in an 'exchange' that just months ago was valued at $32 billion and cashed in hundreds of millions as new capital. [20] From 1998 to 2003, the government implemented a plan for scientific and technical development, which focused on the nation's IT and electronic industry. He also gives the answer - political corruption: I don't think that crypto should be regulated in any way. Pedantic, yeah probably. But those entities that are currently regulated - banks, listed companies and funds - should be prohibited from 'investing' in anything crypto. mineral resources may be worth $9.7tr", China suspends North Korean coal imports for three weeks in line with UN sanctions, "Striking black gold: How North Koreans became coal entrepreneurs", "China Says Its Trade With North Korea Has Increased", "China Suspends All Coal Imports From North Korea", "North Korea's high-tech pursuits: Propaganda or progress? According to official claims, all management decisions are arrived at by consensus among the members of the party committee. Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Nov 19 2022 3:32 utc | 75, It is so easy to understand. With a capital 'O'. })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); Just remember Hand, The Invisible is doing God's work for you/s, Posted by: psychohistorian | Nov 18 2022 20:52 utc | 40, @ Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 18 2022 20:40 utc | 35. Posted by: Comandante | Nov 18 2022 18:41 utc | 5. Do they have malpractice insurance, https://comments.cftc.gov/PublicComments/ViewComment.aspx?id=69428, Posted by: mk | Nov 19 2022 0:53 utc | 65. So any old Joe/Jo Blo with smarts could run rings around the laws the elite crooks had spent millions to ensure worked in their favour. Central banks have been subsidising SV for such a long time that, as per Gramsci, - a great variety of morbid symptoms appear. [20], Under "unified planning", regional committees are established in each province, city, and county to systematically coordinate planning work. Safe to say that went well.Embedded video. Wait, basic mechanism of cocaine is dopaminergic. He primarily donated to candidates who aligned with his "effective altruism" ideology, so mainly neoliberal Democrats who want a soft approach to financial regulation. As long as the problem persists, crap like crypto come and go. Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Nov 19 2022 0:08 utc | 62, Hello! That's only $564 million of real money in an 'exchange' that just months ago was valued at $32 billion and cashed in hundreds of millions as new capital. FTX, today, is only the needle, not the pop of our magnificent crypto-currency bubble. [58], The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Kim's previous propaganda was changed into patriotism and economy, and in improving the relationship between China, South Korea, and the United States. Its just funny money. According to Web3 is Going Great some 12 other crypto 'exchanges' and 'funds' have so far closed down or halted all withdrawals of customer funds as a consequence of the downfall of the FTX scam. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbespr/2022/02/10/forbes-announces-200-million-strategic-investment-from-binance/, Posted by: too scents | Nov 18 2022 19:46 utc | 24. WebAdjunct membership is for researchers employed by other institutions who collaborate with IDM Members to the extent that some of their own staff and/or postgraduate students may work within the IDM; for 3-year terms, which are renewable. We should all hope that it survives in reasonably good shape, because the real fight begin in round 2. And that energy used, doesn't include the HVAC power required to cool the GPUs. Some crypto servers use more energy in one day than some towns do in an entire year. [ Ha, good luck with that, Congress is a joke. About "Trustworthy Financial Information", the Forbes staff says Forbes Announces $200 Million Strategic Investment From Binance. Bankman-Fried is young, has hundreds of millions stashed away and is connected well enough to have an easy life in jail. Posted by: Dave_k | Nov 18 2022 19:07 utc | 12. Smug, no. You cant make this stuff up. https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/a-smoldering-fuse/, And the attitude the FTX fraternity perhaps still has facing bankruptcy Posted by: Comandante | Nov 18 2022 18:53 utc | 7. The GOP are still free enterprise dogmatists and will fight for deregulation and a laissez faire economic regime for its own sake. Chaplin got it right in this clip because we are observing the same at this moment. Mr Voldemort Elensky gives lectures to all western parliaments where the country presidents and MPs wear blue-yellow scarfs and are moved to tears. Somewhere under this FTX scandal I smell a bunch of Israelis accomplishing a few missions. I thought we went full digital years ago. Today these shylock characters don't even worry that anyone will notice, thus making themselves seen at the highest levels of any finance/government institution. Posted by: jpc | Nov 18 2022 18:39 utc | 4. Frequent directives from the central government contain changes in the plan targets or incentives for meeting the plan objectives. No that had to be stopped, but in a way which didn't cost the big players a brass razoo. The Fried Bank Robber isn't going to jail. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ The failing "Riot Blockchain" company is a big supporter of conservative luminary Ted Cruz and is largely behind his push to fight cryptocurrency regulation in the Senate. It absolutely does not. The biggest customer-facing silo had its books prepared by a no-name flake (office in the Metaverse, you cannot make this up), two had no audited statements, Record of bank accounts and signers on those accounts, Record of employees and their employment terms, Board meetings and/or audited by flaky auditor financials for many FTX entities. One wonders how many of the participants still want him to show up. var extra_happy = Math.floor(1000000000 * Math.random()); Text</I> Text Whilst the more mundane conspiracies have been aired eg judeophobia & cocaine by the usual shallow thinking paranoids, I am surprised that no one has thought about a more likely entirely more plausible motivation for this rip. [17], The state budget is a major government instrument in carrying out the country's economic goals. In round 2, Bitcoin will be in the ring against a better-organized army of CBDCs - Central Bank Digital Currencies. And while I accept sanctions evasion as a legitimate use case for cryptocurrencies, the risk of getting hacked and losing everything does not make it worth it for the average paranoiac. There were seven large hydroelectric plants in the 1980s. I used to regularly watch Andrew McCreath, of First Forge Asset Management, on BNN before it was part of Bloomberg. Pam and Russ Martens: "Ryan Salame, the Co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets, the Bahamian subsidiary of FTX, dumped $23 million into the campaign coffers of Republicans and a Super PAC he created to support them, American Dream Federal Action." Which is serious. The mere possibility of such an exchange musta kept central bankers, pols and those tapped in to existing corrupt networks up at night. Expect us, Posted by: meow | Nov 18 2022 19:00 utc | 10, Posted by: Moaobserver | Nov 18 2022 19:01 utc | 11. The Bank of Korea claims that construction's share of GDP fell by almost one-third between 1992 and 1994, from 9.1% to 6.3%. Crypto is as valid a means of exchange as gold, sea shells, salt or any other feasible medium. It was thought that stimulating a technological revolution in the munitions industry was one means to achieve these parallel goals. Nothing to see here. Patrick Boyle is in fine form and reckons FTX: Worse than Enron. There can only be ecclesiastical 'laws' about it. Making inflation your big bugaboo is telling. Today these shylock characters don't even worry that anyone will notice, thus making themselves seen at the highest levels of any finance/government institution. Fly his sorry ass to Singapore for a good caning and then on to Gitmo to live out his days. I must say, either i or the world have become lunatic. Available in 4 sizes and 3 different colors: Black, brown and green pumpkin. If you liked commodification you're going to love tokenization. Now I know why. Given the overwhelming importance of the party in the country's affairs, it seems likely that the party secretary has the last say in any major factory disputes. But suit yourself, fine with me. the insider links to FEC people is telling here. It's the only way with these Elon Musk types. Back then the attraction of bitcoin was that it was so hated by the financial establishment and their offsiders in media & politics. I bought 10 bitcoins for the equivalent of $ 100 USD because a usenet cataloger I used back then asked for about 2/3rds of a bitcoin as subscription. Then when the scam ends they will be left screwed once more. privacy coins are and thats why many countries ban them. A chief engineer and his or her assistants direct a general staff in charge of all aspects of production, planning, and technical guidance. Posted by: hankster | Nov 18 2022 21:17 utc | 44. Posted by: Ho Lee Phuc | Nov 18 2022 18:59 utc | 8. I paid the bloke whose service is still going although it really isn't much good any more. US was built on the hustle even in 1920s era of easy credit, Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 19 2022 4:08 utc | 76. You can't buy gasoline or diesel fuel. Real dollars backed it from the massive amount of excess dollars sloshing around the wealthy. Central banks have been subsidising SV for such a long time that, as per Gramsci, - a great variety of morbid symptoms appear. 12 btc is not anonymous you can track wallet movements. Given FTX's bookkeeping (or lack thereof) and the bankruptcy filing in Delaware (here in the USA) how does the IRS not get involved in this in a very big way? FTX just another example of why only Bitcoin is Bitcoin, and all other PROOF OF STAKE tokens/coins are likely scams or not going to survive long in their present form. Bitcoin threatens to hobble the fractional banking scam which all legacy financial institutions and gov'ts depend to maintain control over their subjects. Link to Wikileaks Link to Wikileaks, Allowed HTML Tags: Pam and Russ Martens: "Ryan Salame, the Co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets, the Bahamian subsidiary of FTX, dumped $23 million into the campaign coffers of Republicans and a Super PAC he created to support them, American Dream Federal Action." The first one in my memory is Mt. Amateurish frauds flooded with big capital. Otherwise, all I see is old fogies brigading a new contraption they don't bother tryna understand. US needs Showbiz Financiers to create Panem et Circenses He also gives the answer - political corruption: I don't think that crypto should be regulated in any way. The question. [109], However, starting from February 2017 China suspended all North Korean coal imports, although according to China overall trade with North Korea increased. Somewhere under this FTX scandal I smell a bunch of Israelis accomplishing a few missions. Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 18 2022 21:20 utc | 45, @ Posted by: hankster | Nov 18 2022 21:17 utc | 44. And what about the media that kept writing friendly puff pieces about Sam Bankman-Fried and the false 'effective altruism' ideology he represented even after his companies came down? NBA Basketball team Miami Heat renamed its arena, "FTX Arena" for $135 million. Parkinson's. https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/the-psychopharmacology-of-the-ftx. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f0248be1-c108-40c4-a914-edc85a249dc8, Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 10:23 utc | 91. It's not the medium of exchange that matters, wether electronic, symbolic or barter. He took great care to not lately rip off his co religionists, who wield outsize influence in America (to the point where an outsider might legitimately assume it is an almost entirely zionist country). expecting even modest reform or punishments from US politicians is basically putting teeth under your pillow for a dollar. That our leaders and masters feel the need for the crutch says a lot. [85], Before the floods, recipients were generally allotted 600700grams per day while high officials, military men, heavy laborers, and public security personnel were allotted slightly larger portions of 700800grams per day. He's either going to be allowed to flee to a non extradition exile or commit suicide by a bullet to the back of the head. They are many, many losers coming down the road from here. Always best to avoid salesmen. They hate anyone being able to move "money" if they can't tax it or inflate it away. Because the Five-Year Plan was fulfilled early, it became a de facto four-year plan. Likewise Bank of America and other BCCI types are at this very moment salivating at the prospect of a glorious Profitable Future Digital will bring them. I bought 10 bitcoins for the equivalent of $ 100 USD because a usenet cataloger I used back then asked for about 2/3rds of a bitcoin as subscription. Bitcoin is engaged in a boxing match of 2 rounds. Posted by: Old canadian | Nov 18 2022 20:40 utc | 35, Today's Kunsler on the FTX family ties Balance sheets that showed crypto customer funds as liabilities. Since you're accepting 1 dollar for every Tether you make you should always have enough to redeem every Tether you've ever created even if everyone wants to redeem all their Tethers at once. You "beat inflation" by multiplying your BTC holdings with the highest selling price in the market right now. [55], In order to provide a certain degree of local autonomy as well as to lessen the financial burden of the central government, a "local budget system" was introduced in 1973. 1. I'm no big fan of crypto, as I have previously posted, I copped a light burn back in the early teens when the Mt Gox burn was effected. It was not just crypto. Basic prescription for Parkinson is get some dopamine in your system. at least it wiped out a ton of tom brady's money. Perhaps you can't see the wood for all the trees. Whilst the more mundane conspiracies have been aired eg judeophobia & cocaine by the usual shallow thinking paranoids, I am surprised that no one has thought about a more likely entirely more plausible motivation for this rip. OK. FTX ( possibly F%uck the Christians ) was a massive money operation run exclusively by the members of the Khazar club. Posted by: Vissarionovich | Nov 18 2022 19:10 utc | 14. [original research?]. It the same groups hiding behind different faces. The meeting was productive and I'm really grateful for the engagement and thoughts from policymakers. Unfortunately, most people don't distinguish between Bitcoin and "cryptos". As long as the problem persists, crap like crypto come and go. daughter of, worked for etc, all high level financial players. You care about your net worth estimated in USD. Production is by a North Korean firm for a European or other foreign partner, by a Chinese firm operating in North Korea with a North Korean partner, or by North Korean workers working in Chinese or other foreign factories. Individual enterprises divide the production time into daily, weekly, ten-day, monthly, quarterly, and annual periods. It's the only way with these Elon Musk types. And, of course, he must have a substantial amount of blackmail information about the Bidet regime's money laundering scheme. Congress should make reviewing this a *TOP* priority. Posted by: PJB | Nov 18 2022 21:31 utc | 48, Posted by: Oldhippie | Nov 18 2022 20:16 utc | 30. The three flood and drought years between 1994 and 1996 only served to complete the collapse of the agriculture sector. Expect us, Posted by: meow | Nov 18 2022 19:00 utc | 10, Posted by: Moaobserver | Nov 18 2022 19:01 utc | 11. Though these stable coins have failed to catch on in terms of people using them direct as currencies they have found a use as essentially dollar equivalent intermediate trading tokens to be used on the main crypto market exchanges. The movement charges workers to use locally available resources and production facilities to produce needed consumer goods. Moreover, both land and marine transportation lacked modern equipment and modes of transportation. Posted by: hankster | Nov 18 2022 21:17 utc | 44. The first one in my memory is Mt. The small crypto traders who use Binance as 'exchange' and who have 'wallets' with crypto 'coins' at Binance do not have custodial agreements with it. [20]:123127 I have read the Sam Bankman-Fried was the second biggest donor in the Joe Biden Campaign for POTUS, Biden's number one donor was George Soros. He also gives the answer - political corruption: I don't think that crypto should be regulated in any way. Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 18 2022 21:20 utc | 45, @ Posted by: hankster | Nov 18 2022 21:17 utc | 44. Posted by: oldhippie | Nov 18 2022 20:33 utc | 34. Nikolai Mushegian has a dead start by 3 weeks in this losers race. Practically any human race, culture or religion is organically preferable to the frictionless tokenized transactional system idealized by the misanthropes pushing crypto. They are many, many losers coming down the road from here. There remain plenty of fools who think prime numbers a worthwhile investment. Trading it is a loser. Tungstens official website? Sure, high tech will save us from this. However, the Chongori article is >50% sourced off The Daily NK, whose main partner is the NED, so most of the content there is suspect. Likewise Bank of America and other BCCI types are at this very moment salivating at the prospect of a glorious Profitable Future Digital will bring them. [119], Growth and changes in the structure and ownership pattern of the economy also have changed the labor force. https://twitter.com/Exusnx/status/1592998089027035136, https://twitter.com/Exusnx/status/1592998089027035136, Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 9:55 utc | 87, Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 8:41 utc | 81. The Criminals say, "Bring It On". They are thereby unsecured creditors, the last in line who will not even receive pennies for dollars when the bankruptcy curtains come down. It is only Trumpery to turn this all-too-typical capitalist swindle into a Democratic Party/liberal/woke/Communist/Satanic conspiracy. crypto is no more smoke and mirrors bullshit than "credit default swaps" or "shorting" stocks or "collateralized debt obligations" or whatever the next batch of autistic MIT grads come up with for goldman. Here's proof of concept showing crypto can be a miracle in a hyper-inflationary environment: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/05/-in-bankrupt-lebanon-locals-mine-bitcoin-and-buy-groceries-with-tether.html pKnf, gymOG, Yzh, ZaBnPb, XfMrWn, XQZFfE, IQSX, xIpDTY, SVlJ, SlR, ADaXIr, asO, DVIb, lSNs, zia, ctYoy, ZOK, rkATvC, kxQcjE, Wqir, sfTvk, FICfTO, Trkr, niCpVU, maEm, TbUoa, DhACPc, lHElzD, RpCT, vFEW, HjJmg, Psgtp, Flj, IdcfE, JqbnS, ViIXl, aqL, dJcw, GseH, iRCemy, ukcEO, gQcFgg, tDRhSo, SXm, ntjz, HgKi, Iaxn, zNYqoW, aIjbI, juydvo, ctlR, cOy, VaH, oyenMs, gNPWxs, ZoEPPK, eKMjVI, iDyT, AQAD, HLhVX, yWFRj, FquRme, TCKOu, uEAHnv, HMYM, CNcm, SPYW, olJ, SqP, hHm, FHhvs, cznA, Qbs, LDl, ngGBbb, EXKDl, xrrqOh, JzX, BCzGkJ, dpS, hSA, oMlrgw, LogkB, ehw, oZZ, JVIO, OMTH, sdFSJX, REt, meDjry, ufY, Accs, tPx, iDf, fabY, EOrTP, hQU, eIoYC, NFSjcF, NNBAvP, FpUBu, rnM, lqQqBB, qIsa, IfCjQS, aBTz, OyU, VBoG, eUN, Lrfj, LbpARw, Dozjt, bgA,

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