telegram proxy socks5

telegram proxy socks5

telegram proxy socks5

telegram proxy socks5

  • telegram proxy socks5

  • telegram proxy socks5

    telegram proxy socks5

    Thanks for 24\7 support.Excellent service, recommend. The server's -r parameter can be used to enable p2p (ptcp and pudp) for the port. You will be instantly granted an access to your account from proxy to your email once you release the payment. In other cases, the authentication fails. Simple and intuitive interface. Level 3 TCP proxy (local) The following command is to open the http(s)\ss\socks service with one click, and enable the udp of socks5 and the udp of ss at the same time. It works stably and quickly without brakes. Then access the local port 8080 is to access the port 8080 of through the encrypted TCP tunnel. Option "Enable proxy server" enables proxy server support and activates the "Proxy" button. 2: Set the local authentication information local-auth. DNS is known as the service provided by UDP port 53, but with the development of the network, some well-known DNS servers also support TCP mode dns query, such as Google's, the DNS anti-pollution server principle of the proxy is to start a proxy DNS proxy locally. Topics. Tariffs; Tariffs by country; Help. 50 Million Residential IPs in 180 countries. proxy dns --default direct -p :5353. is the upstream used by this user, no space is left blank. Then access the local UDP: 5353 port is through the TCP tunnel, through the VPS access UDP: 53 port. Domain name black and white list, more free to control the way the website is accessed. proxy sps -S http -T tcp -P -t tcp -p ":33080" -F auth-file.txt, If the upstream has authentication, the lower level can set the authentication information with the -A parameter, for example: Controls the number of connections and connection rate of the client IP. Encryption is divided into two parts, one is whether the local (-z) encryption and decryption, and the other is whether the transmission with the upstream (-Z) is encrypted or decrypted. Multiple users can repeat multiple -a parameters. You can find IP addresses of all our servers in your account on our website, by going to Settings. Then when there is a user connection, the proxy will request the url in GET mode, and bring the following four parameters. proxy tcp -p ":23080" -T tcp -P "" Subordinate: proxy sps -S http -T tcp -P -A "user1:pass1" -t tcp -p ":33080", For more details on certification, please refer to 9.API Certification and 10.Local Certification. That is to say, compression and custom encryption and tls|kcp can be used in combination. Code proxy boost proxy-server socks socks-proxy socks-protocol roskomnadzor rkn socks4-server telegram-proxy socks4-proxy Updated Oct 7, 2018; C++; Execute on level 1 vps (ip: Unlimited sub-accounts, no handling fee, exclusive lowest discount. Replace the sword inside Netnet, show IP internal Netcom, peanut shell and other tools. High speed. b. If -i is not specified, the default is empty, and the control panel adds the IP field to fill in: the agent's internet IP. If something is not clear to me, those support always answered. I often use Instagram and Facebook, and this proxy is suitable for absolutely any social media. When the TCP proxy is a superior type (parameter: -T) is tcp, it supports the specified exit IP. proxy tcp -p ":38080" -T tcp -P "" The speed limit is 100K, which can be specified by the -l parameter, for example: 100K 2000K 1M . In addition, the IP part of the --bind-ip parameter supports specifying the network interface name, wildcards, and more than one can be specified. You need to configure the parameters according to your own network conditions. proxy socks -t tcp -p ":8080" -T tls -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key Encryption is divided into two parts, one is whether the local (-z) encryption and decryption, and the other is whether the transmission with the upstream (-Z) is encrypted or decrypted. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. proxy udp -p ":33080" -T udp -P "" -B, Intranet penetration, divided into two versions, "multi-link version" and "multiplexed version", generally like a web service, this service is not a long-term connection, it is recommended to use "multi-link version", if it is to keep long The time connection suggests using a "multiplexed version.". proxy sps -S http -T kcp -P -t tcp -p :18080 --kcp-key demo123 -h aes-192-cfb -j pass, Suppose there is already a normal socks5 proxy:, now we turn it into a common proxy that supports both http(s) and socks5 and ss. Can you prepare a custom proxy package for me. Https://username:password@host:port Local three-level execution: proxy http -t tcp -z demo_password -p :7777 If the all nodes are not alive, a random node will be selected for using. Then the local UDP port 53 provides a secure anti-pollution DNS resolution function. proxy socks -T tcp -P -Z demo_password -t tcp -p :8080 You can work in the Dominican Republic and still see German ads. 4: The authentication informationauth-info-to-parent` that is finally sent to the upstream. Rotating mobile proxies offer the best connection possible and Proxy Empire provides them in over 170+ countries where you can filter down to You can fix the port number of the UDP function by the parameter --udp-port port_number, for example: proxy sps -t tcp -p "" --udp-port 38081. proxy http -p "" -T tcp -P "" -b blocked.txt -d direct.txt. In this tutorial we will show you how to set up Proxy on Telegram for Android but first lets see what are our requirements. User: username If the child process exits abnormally, restart the child process after 5 seconds. Converted SOCKS5 and SS proxy. The socks/http(s)/sps proxy supports domain name black and white lists. : SOCKS5/HTTP:, : (SS/SSR/Clash for Windows/V2RayN), . Level 1 HTTP proxy (VPS, IP: ipsocks5http, 911 S5 911 S5IP911 Let's take v7.9 as an example. *** If your VPS is Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud is a VPS, if ifconfig can't see your public IP, you can only see the intranet IP, ***, *** Then you need to add the -g VPS public network IP parameter, the UDP function of the SOCKS5 proxy can work normally. You need to create a new mapping in the upper-level control panel to obtain the ID of the mapping rule. VPN Advantages and Disadvantages (Everything You Should Know), Do You Need a VPN for Porn? Never get banned. proxy socks --always -t tls -p ":28080" -T tls -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key, Local SOCKS5 proxy port 28080, execute: Format: parameter Parameter value, direct write parameter without parameter value, for example: --nolog. In order to find the best solution for your case, our team will ask what you plan on using our products for, and how much IP you may need. proxy tcp -p ":38080" -T udp -P "" Arranges that the pool of ip addresses is large, all individually and only in one hand. Level 1 HTTP proxy VPS_01, IP: There are a total of 17 KCP configuration parameters, you can not set them, they have default values, if for the best effect, We can disable a protocol by parameter. proxy socks -t tcp -p "" -T tcp -P "" Great proxies at a low price. The sps mode supports the iptables transparent forwarding support of the Linux system, which is commonly referred to as the iptables transparent proxy. It can also be used before custom encryption. user: the user name currently connected to the proxy, multiple are separated by commas, for example: user1, user2, ip: The IP address of the client currently connected to the proxy, multiple are separated by commas, for example:, proxy tcp -t tls -p ":28080" -T tls -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key Vps01: Pia S5 proxies help access geo-restricted content without extra charge. Comparison between the features of the free version and the commercial version, detailed operations on how to purchase and use the commercial version please click here to view. Level 1 SOCKS proxy VPS_01, IP: This command starts a proxy agent on the machine, and listens to ports 80 and 443 at the same time. Socks5://username:password@host:port Best and cheapest residential proxy and mobile proxy and the best Alternative, All packages are unlimited bandwidth, high quality fraud score 0 virgin residential proxy and mobile proxy high quality fraud score 0 virgin residential proxy and mobile proxy. For example: user:pass:100:10240: proxy sps -T tcp -P -M -t tcp -p :8080 --disable-socks, proxy socks -p -z password -t tcp, proxy sps -S socks -P -T tcp -Z password -l 100K -t tcp -p :33080. The intranet penetrating bridge can set the client key whitelist. We can also specify the black and white list file of the website domain name, one domain name and one domain name, the matching rule is the rightmost match, for example:, the match is, the blacklist domain name domain name goes directly to the upstream agent, white The domain name of the list does not go to the upstream agent; if the domain name is in the blacklist and in the whitelist, the blacklist works. With --always, all SOCKS proxy traffic can be forced to go to the upper SOCKS proxy. proxy http -t tcp -p "" --daemon. s Monitor stock market trends and price updates to optimize your investments. The internal use of AES256 encryption, you only need to define a password when you use it. proxy sps -T tcp -P -Z other_password -t tcp -p :8080 Step 3: Pay for your order. ip: The ip address of the client currently connected to the proxy. Suppose there is a upstream agent: Protocol PROTOCOL: tcp or udp. Then access the local 5353 port is to access the port 53 through VPS_01 through the encrypted TCP tunnel. The third computer is what is called the SOCKS5 server, so a SOCKS proxy. Any function that uses the kcp protocol supports the configuration parameters described here. id: service id flag. Secondary HTTP proxy VPS_02, IP: parent-ws-method: The encryption method of the upper-level ws transmission type, the supported value is the same as the value range supported by the command line. Limit the speed of each tcp connection of the service, for example: 100K 2000K 1M . Socks5://host:port, Host: the IP or domain name of the proxy We can specify an http url interface address with the --auth-url parameter. Expose multiple ports by repeating the -r parameter. For more detailed usage, please refer to the manual directory above to learn more about the features you want to use. The default is:; Sometimes the network where the server or client is located cannot directly access the external network. Tr li: Telegram Pro l tool ko mem telegram, spam tin nhn, seeding vi y cc tnh nng u vit nht trn th trng hin nay, cc chc nng chnh c lit k pha bn trn. It is very important that you transfer money with this note, otherwise funds will not be credited automatically. Secondary HTTP proxy (local Linux) YiLu Proxy s5IP 9,000 socks5IPIP, The interface writes the traffic data to the database, and then the authentication API queries the database to determine the traffic usage and determine whether the user can be successfully authenticated. The udp function of ss is turned off by default and can be turned on by --ssudp. IPIP200911 S5, IP, - IP, IPInstagramInstagram, PinterestPinterest Pinterest Pinbotsautopin, TwitterTwitter, IPRedditRedditIP, FacebookFacebookFacebook, YouTube The authenticated user name and password file. In this way, when the website is accessed through the local agent 8080, the target website is accessed through encrypted transmission with the upstream. proxy socks -t tls -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key -p :33080 They detect location by checking the IP address of every device that tries to connect to their server. proxy sps -T tcp -P -M -t tcp -p :8080 --disable-http, Disable the SOCKS5 proxy function to retain only the HTTP(S) proxy function, parameter: --disable-socks. proxy socks -t tcp -p ":33080" --auth-url "" Please fill in the reason for the report carefully. Order was delivered really quickly, I think it was just half an hour. . Earned funds can be withdrawn to PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Payoneer, Bitcoin, Etherium, USDT, Litecoin. proxy tcp -p ":33080" -T tcp -P "" --rate-limit 100k. Compress the data, that is, the compression function and the custom encryption and tls|kcp can be used in combination, and the compression is divided into two parts. Local execution: Dynamic upstream, can dynamically obtain its upstream from the API according to the user or client IP, and support http(s)/socks5/ss upstream. The GoProxy is a high-performance http proxy, https proxy, socks5 proxy, ss proxy, websocket proxies, tcp proxies, udp proxies, game shield, game proxies. This parameter specifies a file, one rule per line, and the beginning of # is gaze. Then add iptables rules, here are the reference rules: Many functions of the proxy support the kcp protocol. proxy socks -t tcp -p --bind-listen. I took a proxy for the coinlist, they showed themselves perfectly. http,socks proxy multiple upstream load balancing? The HTTP(S)\SOCKS5\SPS\TCP proxy supports the client to connect with the ingress IP, and uses the ingress IP as the egress IP to access the target website. Take five parameters: user, pass, ip, local_ip, target: Local execution: The code delays the release strategy, to a certain extent, to curb these behaviors that do not respect open source and do not respect the labor results of others. -c : The cluster port address of proxyadmin cluster edition, format: IP:port. The certificate file goproxy.crt and the key file goproxy.key will be generated under the current program directory. The details are as follows: SOCKS5 supports cascading authentication, and -A can set upstream authentication information. Then the client access port 7777, the outgoing IP is, access port 8888, the outgoing IP is, if both --bind-ip and --bind- are set at the same time listen,--bind-ip has higher priority. Great proxy! out_local_addr: outgoing tcp connection's local address,format: IP: port. Do you want to buy a proxy here? If the proxy helps you solve a lot of problems, you can better support the proxy through the donation below. When ordering in large quantities, an automatic discount is applied and the price becomes below market. proxy udp -p ":5353" -T tcp -P "" If the --k parameter is specified, such as --k test, then: -r ":8080@:80"CLIENT_KEY defaults to test; proxy udp -p ":33080-33085" -T udp -P "". Purchased proxies are issued with a scatter on networks and subnets, One of the main advantages of our proxies: minimal ping and high speed, Proxies are offered for purchase 100% personal, You can buy proxies in 20+ countries, the pool of which is constantly updated and expanded. Suppose there is already an http(s) proxy: Readme Stars. Http (s) agent, SPS agent, intranet penetration, tcp agent support the connection of upstreams through intermediate third-party agents. Proxies are selected from 800 different subnets and more than 300 networks, Round-the-clock support 24/7/365, without days off and holidays, Proxy replacement or refund within 24 hours after the order is issued, If necessary, our manager will set up your proxies. Local execution: 4.7.1. Range ports listen on, HTTP(S)\SOCKS5\SPS\TCP proxy supports port range listening, avoiding starting too many processes and improving performance. proxy.exe socks -t tcp -p ":8080" -T tls -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key Our dedicated proxy is ideal for search engines, promotions in social networks, mass posting on forums, placing ads - like on CraigsList, multiple account, for registrations, sneakers cop (AIOBOT). At this time, you can use the -g parameter to add the vps external network ip to prevent the infinite loop. Step 2: Order registration. Local execution: Suppose --control-url points to a PHP interface address. Note: The proxy.crt and proxy.key used by the secondary proxy should be consistent with the primary proxy. I want to note that they work without failures. Specifically, the proxy sends an HTTP to POST request to the HTTP URL address set by --control-url. their 100% compliant residential proxies, but it works and we're very happy with it. It's easy to figure it out. The default is 0 to use random. Execute on vps If the upstream is SOCKS5 proxy, then UDP is supported. IP . Find and remove online counterfeits, maintain your company's reputation and increase customer loyalty. The proxy can reverse proxy http and https websites. This parameter specifies a file, one line per rule, in the format: "username: password: number of connections: rate: upstream". We are not setting an excessive amounts of money to pay for our proxy. proxy tcp -p ":33080" -T tcp -P "" Compression is divided into two parts, one part is local (-m) compression transmission. IP online time is stabilized at 6-12 hours, No handling fee and Exclusive lowest discount. The intranet penetration consists of three parts: client, server, and bridge; client and server actively connect to the bridge for bridging. The local and upper ports are the same. We can also specify the black and white list file of the website domain name, one domain name per line, the matching rule is the rightmost match, for example:, the match is, the blacklist domain name goes directly to the upstream agent, whitelist The domain name does not go to the upstream agent. You may help us ensure that our products are used in accordance with our Acceptable Use Policies and to combat unauthorized and abusive activities by filing a report on any such activities that you believe are occurring as a result of using our products. proxy dns -S socks -T kcp -P -p :53 You can buy proxies in 20+ countries, the pool of which is constantly updated and expanded. Improved security over other proxies. Download the automatic installation script. Then access the local port 8080 is to access the proxy port 38080 on the VPS. Part of it is compressed with the upstream (-M) transmission. In this way, when the website is accessed through the local agent 8080, the target website is accessed through encrypted transmission with the upstream. Custom encryption, that is, custom encryption and tls|kcp can be used in combination, internally using AES256 encryption, only need to define it when using Quickly issue a proxy. For example, limit the maximum number of connections per port: Telegram SOCKS5 Telegram Telegram Desktop . upstream: upstream used by outgoing tcp connection, if none upstream be used, it's empty. Http://{USER}&pass={PASS}&ip={IP}&local_ip={LOCAL_IP}&target={TARGET} I bought for social networks, in particular for facebook and instagram. If the incorrect IP is bound, the proxy will not work. Secondary HTTP proxy (local Linux) Local three-level execution: For example: proxy http -a a:b:0:0: -a c:d:0:0: Example explanation: client_addr The address used by the client to access the proxy, format IP: port. Only when the traffic is reported will the report be considered successful, and if it response other status codes, it will be considered that the reported traffic failed, and the log will be output. proxy socks -t tcp -p ":8080" -T kcp -P "" --kcp-key mypassword proxy tcp -p ":28080" -T tcp -P "" In this way, when the website is accessed through the local agent 8080, the target website is accessed through compression with the upstream. proxy socks -T tcp -P -Z demo_password -t tcp -z other_password -p :8888 The price is profitable on the market, large amount of geolocation, HQ proxies. - It supports saving several proxies in Connection Settings, including MTProto proxy support. Project X. If it is not accessible, it will go to the upstream SOCKS proxy. S5911.RE Sock5 IPYiLuip90M+ I saw them about the decline in prices for the us proxy, decided to buy potestit. The detailed description is as follows: The parameter --max-conns can limit the maximum number of connections per port. Compression requires both sides to be proxy, and compression also protects (encrypts) data to some extent. Thank you! The HTTP(S) proxy supports upper-level load balancing, and multiple upstream repeat-P parameters can be used. With the help of a huge network of agents, you can quickly adapt to market demands, keep your finger on the pulse and stay competitive. Assuming the proxy is now running on the router, the startup command is as follows: iOS/Android , Telegram . Readme License. Proxies will be available in 3-5 minutes after the payment, For this purpose IP issuance will be delayed, If you make a payment within 1 minute, we will automatically confirm the payment. Due to policy, this service is not avaiable in mainland China. You can find them in your account on our website, by going to. ProxyEmpire gives you access to a robust infrastructure of mobile proxies that work well with use cases that involve APP only platforms. User name: proxy authentication user name, this is empty when tcp / udp proxy. http-proxy socks5 socks5-proxy socks4 socks4-proxy Updated Mar 18, 2021; Java; Anonym0usWork1221 / Free-Proxies Star 4. The free SOCKS5 proxy is an additional layer of VPN protection that does not impact speed. We offer elite Socks5 & HTTPs proxies, which will provide you with high anonymity level and it will belong only to you for the entire rental period. Normal:--nodelay=0 --interval=40 --resend=2 --nc=1 Features while supporting powerful cascading authentication. #1 When multiple upper-level load balancing is a weighting strategy, the weights are rarely used. If you want to speed up your connection. Our proxy will not stop it's work in most cruicial for you moment, the speed of their work does not jump and always remains stable. Primary TCP proxy VPS_01, IP: When sps is 1. This mode needs to have a certain network foundation. Telegram: @Liber8Proxy; My Account. An example of such use is that with proxy SOCKS5 you can access Telegram for free, even if its blocked in your country. Our proxies "coexist" with all programs and all sites, also the work with all the protocols - there are no terms and requirements. --intelligent=intelligent, blocked and direct have no targets, intelligently determine whether to use the upstream access target. The command is as follows: We also hope that you can actively report the fake PIA S5 proxy to us through the official customer service email It is suitable for types of social networks and has a large pool of addresses. Telegram Desktop . Youproxy provides private proxies Socks 5 and HTTPS(s) for purchase. proxy sps -T tcp -P -M -t tcp -p :8080 socks5IPIP,, YiluProxyip 9000 proxy http -t tcp -p :33080 -T tls -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key. Execute on level 1 vps (ip: The following tutorial uses the "multiplexed version" as an example to illustrate how to use it. Cheap and high quality. Secondary SOCKS proxy (local windows) For detail usage, please refer to the configuration file rhttp.toml, which has a complete configuration description. proxy socks -t tcp -p -a user:pass, proxy socks -T tcp -P -A user:pass -t tcp -p :33080. The residential ip we provide is anonymous, and when using a fingerprint browser, fingerprint replacement can also be done to help anonymity. Convenient site, good proxy quality and fast connection speed. The official Telegram Desktop channel, firsthand information from the developer. Residential Proxy. If there is no -a or -F or --auth-url parameter, the Basic authentication is turned off. The commands executed by the upstream agent are: So far the staff seems friendly and they're very accommodating! If there is a upstream agent, then refer to the above tutorial to set the upstream, the use is exactly the same. target The target to be accessed by the client. Dynamic selection of upstream proxies, through the external API, HTTP (S), SOCKS5, SPS proxies can achieve user-based or IP-based speed limit, connection limit, dynamic access to upstream. Local secondary execution: Intelligent mode setting, can be one of intelligent|direct|parent. If the HTTP status code 204 is returned, the authentication is successful. In this way, when the website is accessed through the local agent 8080, the target website is accessed through encrypted transmission with the upstream. And you can see the output log content of the proxy through the log file. Now the parameter --self-port can be manually specified when needed. Other versions may not be applicable. Https://host:port, Socks5 proxy writing: YiLu Proxy s5IP 9,000 SurgeSurgeSOCKS5(: 6153), ClashXClashXSocks Port(: 7891), ShadowsocksX: ShadowsocksXSocks5(: 1086), V2RayX: V2RayXConfigureLocal Socks5 Port(: 1081), V2rayU: V2rayUAdvance Sock (: 1080). --c controls whether to compress transmission between local and client, default false; --C controls whether to compress transmission between local and upstream, default false. Here is actual feedback from our customers. The multiplexed version of the server, client can open the compressed transmission, the parameter is --c. server, client either open compression, or not open, can not open only one. Client service parameters can use placeholders: {AGENT_ID} to refer to the agents id as the clients key, so as to ensure that each client has a unique key. proxy tcp -t tcp --c -p ":33080" -T tcp -P "" Then set your windos system, the proxy that needs to go through the proxy Internet program is http mode, the address is:, the port is: 8080, the program can access the Internet through vps through the encrypted channel. I highly recommend this store. The contents of auth.php are as follows: userconns: The maximum number of connections for the user, not limited to 0 or not set this header. After receiving a report, PIA Proxy will conduct an internal investigation and take appropriate measures if deemed necessary. Set by parameter --udp-port 0, 0 represents a free port is randomly selected, or you can manually specify a specific port. Level 3 HTTP proxy (local) Then the client access port 7777, the outgoing IP is, access port 8888, the outgoing IP is, if both --bind-ip and --bind- are set at the same time listen,--bind-ip has higher priority. Local secondary execution: You need to use an https or socks5 proxy to access the Internet. It can also be placed in a file in the format of a "username:password" and then specified with -F. Execute on level 1 vps (ip: Vps02: Local execution: proxy bridge -p ":33080" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key If it is the beginning of base64://, then the latter data is considered to be base64 encoded and will be used after decoding. Secondary HTTP proxy (local Linux) A Telegram bot for notifications and managing IP address changes. -r :2500@ and --http-host The 2500 port is the port that the server listens locally. User: username Set up in 5 minutes. PIA S5 proxy official platform and account summary, Residential proxies for Pia S5 are of high quality and from legitimate sources, High uptime keeps your business running smoothly. Ip: User's IP, for example: For example, the machine has IP,, and monitors two ports 8888 and 7777, the command is as follows: proxy socks -t tcp -p :8888,:7777 --bind-ip --bind-ip user is the authentication username At home, you can access the port 80 of company machine A by accessing port 28080 of the VPS. The format can be: a. And ProxyAdmin is a powerful web console of snail007/goproxy . ***, ***The udp function of socks5 is turned off by default, and can be turned on by --udp. Local execution: It can also be used before custom encryption. The proxy sends an HTTP POST request to the control interface URL. The load balancing check interval can be set by --lb-retrytime in milliseconds. On the "last level proxy proxy" machine, because the proxy is to be disguised as all websites, the default HTTP port of the website is 80, HTTPS is 443, and the proxy can listen to ports 80 and 443. To solve this problem, proxy client -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key. In addition, the IP part of the --bind-ip parameter supports specifying the network interface name, wildcards, and more than one can be specified. By default, the domain name inside the certificate is random and can be specified using the -n parameter. Such a thing as a proxy allows you to hide your real IP-address and replace it. Proxies works fine! proxy http -t tcp -p ":33080" --auth-url "" Support forward proxies, reverse proxy, transparent proxy, internet nat proxies, https proxy load balancing, http proxy load balancing , socks5 proxies load balancing, socket proxy load balancing, ss proxy load balancing, TCP / UDP port mapping, SSH transit, TLS encrypted transmission, protocol conversion, anti-pollution DNS proxy, API authentication, speed limit, limit connection. Timing defaults to 5 seconds, and you can modify Timing to the appropriate number of seconds via the parameter --traffic-interval. We have replaced the old proxy-based infrastructure with API links provided by PIA. These will hide your IP address and change it to the proxy IP. The proxy's blocked, direct, stop, only, hosts, resolve.rules, rewriter.rules, ip.allow, ip.deny files support protocol loading. Then accessing the local port 8080 is to access the proxy port 38080 on the primary HTTP proxy. Execute on level 1 vps (ip: The proxy's socks proxy can encrypt tcp data through tls standard encryption and kcp protocol on top of tcp. Suppose there is already a normal http(s) proxy: Please log in before operating. Shadowsocks-libev, written in C, ports Shadowsocks to create a regularly maintained, lighter and faster version of the original Shadowsocks.The data passing through the Shadowsocks-server and Shadowsocks-client is encrypted and can be made indistinguishable To specify a port that is different from the tcp port. Step 1: You need to decide what proxy you are interested in. And thanks for the reasonable prices, now it is a rarity. proxy dns -S socks -T tcp -P -p :53 Although the above --bind-listen parameter can specify the outgoing IP, the entry IP and the outgoing IP cannot be referenced artificially. Your balance has been successfully topped up. If you have the latest version, please use the latest version of the link. For multiple users, repeat the -a parameter. Underlying compression efficient transmission, http(s)\sps\socks proxy can encrypt tcp data through custom encryption and tls standard encryption and kcp protocol on tcp, and can also compress data after encryption, that is, compression function And custom encryption and tls|kcp can be used in combination. For example: The --traffic-url URL must response the HTTP status code 204. VPS (IP: is executed: . The detailed description is as follows: By default, the -C, -K parameter is the path to the crt certificate and the key file. Execute on the secondary vps (ip: For example, you can also bring ports:,,, If you are a standalone service, you don't need a upstream: Set by parameter --udp-port 0, 0 represents a free port is randomly selected, or you can manually specify a specific port. When the user connects, the proxy will request the url ("") in GET mode. let you start your projects instantly. Suppose there is a upstream agent: Secondary SOCKS proxy VPS_02, IP: 10240 is the rate limit of this user's single tcp connection, the unit is: byte / sec, no limit write 0 Bought my second proxy from them.. Works like a charm, and they have excellent support.. ordered proxies on this site, received quickly in just 5 minutes. Fast3:--nodelay=1 --interval=10 --resend=2 --nc=1. Then the local UDP port 53 provides a secure anti-pollution DNS resolution function. Tariffs. proxy socks -T ssh -P "" -u user -S user.key -t tcp -p ":28080". working to filter out the underperforming ones. The proxy sps proxy can encrypt tcp data through tls standard encryption and kcp protocol on top of tcp, in addition to support after tls and kcp The proxy's http(s)/socks5/sps proxy API function is controlled by three parameters: --auth-url and --auth-nouser and --auth-cache. We can specify an http url interface address with the --auth-url parameter. In this way, when the website is accessed through the local agent 8080, the target website is accessed through compression with the upstream. proxy http -t tls -p ":38080" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key. http and https are converted to each other. proxy http -T tcp -P -Z demo_password -t tcp -z other_password -p :8888 For example: Disable the HTTP(S) proxy function to retain only the SOCKS5 proxy function, parameter: --disable-http. You can slightly improve the work of online chat support, but the fact that it works 24/7 is a positive side. The default is: parent. At home, you can use the company machine A to perform domain name resolution services by setting the local dns to tunnel network proxy socks5 shadowsocks anticensorship trojan vmess xray vless xtls Resources. proxy sps -T tcp -P -Z demo_password -t tcp -p :8080 We support the following protocols: HTTP/HTTPS/Socks4/Socks5; Our proxy servers are compatible with all the OS such as: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10), Linux, Mac OS, Android, iOS; Regular promotions and purchase or extension discounts. Local execution: proxy socks -t tcp -p ":33080" -F auth-file.txt, In addition, the socks5 agent also integrates external HTTP API authentication. You can find your VPN username and password in your account on our website, by going to Settings -> VPN Username & Password. SOCKS5 proxy is currently the most popular one on the market. If the number of local listening ports is greater than 1, the corresponding upper port corresponding to the local port will be connected, and the port in -P will be ignored. The parameter is --client-keys. TelegramTelegram // -t 16 --proxy socks5://localhost:1080 I am pleased with the stable speed and full functionality. proxy sps -S http -T tcp -P -t tls -p :8081 -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key, Then run a sps node on vps02 ( and execute: For the telegram is what you need. Can also be placed in a file, the format is one line a username: password: number of connections: rate: upstream, and then specified with -F. The proxy sps proxy can encrypt tcp data through custom encryption and tls standard encryption and kcp protocol on top of tcp. Then the local UDP port 53 provides a secure anti-pollution DNS resolution function. In the Server field (6) type the IP address of the proxy server you want to use and in the Port field (7) type 1080. The proxy's http(s)/socks5/sps proxy function can pass Cross-platform, whether you are windows, linux, mac, or even raspberry pie, you can run the proxy very well. , ss encryption: aes-192-cfb, ss password: pass. Execute on the secondary vps (ip: One domain name per line, domain name writing supports wildcards, One domain name per domain, domain name writing supports wildcards, IP is, ssh port is 22, ssh username is: user, ssh user password is: demo, The user's ssh private key name is user.key, Clear the entire chain iptables -F Chain names such as iptables -t nat -F PROXY, Delete the specified user-defined chain iptables -X chain name such as iptables -t nat -X PROXY, Remove rules from the selected chain iptables -D chain name Rule details such as iptables -t nat -D PROXY -d -j RETURN. Buy Private Socks5 & HTTPs Proxies from Proxy-Seller for any Purpose. The HTTP(S)\SOCKS5\SPS proxy supports upper-level load balancing and high availability, and multiple upstream repeat-P parameters can be used. proxy http -t kcp -p ":38080" --kcp-key mypassword. BTC ADDRESS: 1BJcBhGhREiz1q3VTYoiVPuAZy5PGxRG9z, ETH ADDRESS: 0x0fA4c567768d2E59E6221152EA52F4842866AFC8, The author of this project found that a large number of developers based on the project for secondary development or using a large number of core code of the project without complying with the GPLv3 agreement, which seriously violates the original intention of using the GPLv3 open source agreement in this project. proxy tcp -p ":8080" -T tls -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key You can refer to the hosts file. 10240 is the rate limit of IP single tcp connection, the unit is: byte / s, no limit write 0 Level 1 HTTP proxy (VPS, IP: err: unknown long flag '-a' Rule interpretation: For example: resolves to, and then in your own notebook nginx (Yes, You Do Heres Why), We unblock Prime Video, BBC iPlayer and other 340+ sites, How to Set Up SOCKS5 Proxy on Telegram for Android, A CactusVPN account. 1 minute ago proxy list - buy on ProxyElite. The format of -r is: "local IP: local port @clientHOST:client port". And the analysis result cache time (--dns-ttl) seconds, to avoid system dns interference to the proxy, in addition to the cache function can also reduce the dns resolution time to improve access speed. proxy sps -S http -T tls -P -t tcp -p :18080 -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key -h aes-192-cfb -j pass, Suppose there is already a kcp http(s) proxy (password is: demo123):, now we turn it into a normal proxy that supports both http(s) and socks5 and ss. Secondary TCP proxy VPS_02, IP: iprate: The single TCP connection rate limit of the client IP, in bytes/second, not limited to 0 or not set this header. To the right of this field, select the type of proxy server: HTTP, SOCKS4 or SOCKS5. proxy keygen -C proxy The host file format specified by the --hosts parameter is the same as the system hosts file, and the domain name supports wildcards. service Proxy type, divided into: http, socks. The next tutorial will introduce the usage method through the command line parameters, or you can get the parameters by reading the configuration file. For example, this machine has IP,, and monitors two ports 8888 and 7777, the command is as follows: Proxy tcp -t tcp -p :8888,:7777 --bind-ip --bind-ip -T tcp -P proxy http -t tcp -p -l 100K. proxy http --always -t tls -p ":28080" -T tls -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key, Description: The principle of ssh transfer is to use the forwarding function of ssh, that is, after you connect to ssh, you can access the target address through ssh proxy. Secondary TCP proxy VPS_02, IP: In this way, when the website is accessed through the local agent 8080, the target website is accessed through compression with the upstream. Fill in the address in the webpage callback interface configuration of WeChat's development account: Execute on level 1 vps (ip: Now we want to use pc and vps01 and vps02 to build an encrypted channel. ! Very cool, I recommend this particular hosting. agent: is a function parameter, which means running agent mode. When for some reason we are unable to access our services elsewhere, we can establish a secure tunnel to access our services through multiple connected proxy nodes. Then access the local port 8080 is to access the proxy port 38080 on the VPS, the data is transmitted through the kcp protocol. Please contact our support team at to discuss your exact business requirements and pricing. These proxy servers help you remain safe on Telegram as it is your chats are encrypted and your IP is hidden. Execute on level 1 vps (ip: At home, I can access the 21 port of company machine A by accessing port 29090 of the VPS. proxy http -t tcp -p :80,:443. 0 means no limit. The format of the black and white domain name list file is as follows: 2. Proxies come from more than 180 countries, and the coverage is very wide. If both --stop and --only are set, then only --only will work. Sometimes the network where the proxy is located cannot directly access the external network. If the --k parameter is not specified, then: -r ":8080@:80"CLIENT_KEY defaults to default; 4.7.3. Our affiliate program allows you to earn from all the payments confirmed through your referral link. Type your VPN / Proxy username and password (8). SSH relay, HTTP (S), SOCKS5 proxy supports SSH relay, the upper Linux server does not need any server, a local proxy can be happy online. PIA Proxy has a zero-tolerance policy for any non-compliant traffic or abuse of our network. proxy udp -p ":5353" -T udp -P "" If an incorrect IP is bound, the proxy will not work, the proxy will try to bind the target without binding the IP, and the log will prompt. userqps: The maximum number of connections per second (QPS) for the user, not limited to 0 or not set this header. If it is not accessible, it will go to the upper level HTTP proxy. The SOCKS proxy supports the upper-level load balancing, and multiple upstream repeat-P parameters can be used. The parameters are: --jumper, all the formats are as follows: Http,socks5 represents the normal http and socks5 proxy. This "target" is generally a website or an arbitrary tcp address. The base64 encoding at the beginning of "base64://" indicates the contents of the above file, for example: base64://ajfpoajsdfa=, b. If it is the beginning of base64://, then the latter data is considered to be base64 encoded and will be used after decoding. The following two levels, three levels for example: Secondary instance Here it is assumed that there is an http superior proxy, which uses ws to transmit data. It can be specified by the -l parameter, for example: 100K 2000K 1M . If you need Free Socks5 Proxy Servers, then this is the place to be. IP200, Technical support around the clock in touch, respond promptly to requests to them. VPS (IP: is executed: Analyze pricing policies and e-commerce sites. * The matching suffix is the third-level domain name of I purchased proxies for social networks, everything works fine, sometimes it just hangs. Compression requires both sides to be proxy. The manual on this page applies to the latest version of goproxy. Suppose there is: vps, Local HTTP(S) proxy port 28080, executing: If the parameter --lb-onlyha is used, only the high availability mode is used, then a node is selected according to the load balancing strategy, and this node will be used until it is not alive, then another node will be selected for using, thus cycling. Chained proxies, the program itself can be used as an proxies, and if it is set up, it can be used as a secondary proxies or even an N-level proxies. proxy socks -T tcp -P -M -t tcp -p :8080 If you want to save to a file, you can use the --log parameter. SOCKS5 proxies supports cascading certification. Telegram supports proxies like SOCKS5 and MTProto in their application. proxy socks -t tls -p ":38080" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key. When the user connects, the proxy will request the url ("") in GET mode. proxy tcp -p ":33080" -T tcp -P "" --max-conns 1000 LOCAL_IP is empty. If you start a server docking peer separately, it is the proxy-admin control panel. proxy bridge -p ":33080" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key The feature can change your location and conceal your IP address completely. location. Secondary SOCKS proxy (local Linux) Thank you for your understanding! And the IP must belong to the machine running proxy, Explanation: http://,socks5:// is fixed, is the address of the upstream. Proxies are universally considered quite unreliable and insecure. The KCP protocol requires the --kcp-key parameter to set a password for encrypting and decrypting data. Can perform: Local_ip: IP of the server accessed by the user, for example: Execute on level 1 vps (ip: Premium USA 5G Mobile Proxies with 50 different cities to choose from for massive IP diversity combined with premium 24/7 onsite live chat support, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited IP & location changes along with all the other premium features to suit your needs. When the server is connected to the bridge, if there are multiple clients connecting to the same bridge at the same time, you need to use the --k parameter to select the client. Work without interruptions. You need to use an https or socks5 proxy to access the Internet. In view of this situation, the project adopts the source. Steps: Project X Channel. Demand: Proxies in any country around the world, verify affiliate test links and websites with sticky IP addresses. Contribute to TheSpeedX/PROXY-List development by creating an account on GitHub. / / / / / / / , Well-balanced team members and collaboration, Explore and code with more than 8 million developersFree private repositories . 100 is the maximum number of connections for this user, not limited to write 0 Now we turn it into a common proxy that supports both http(s) and socks5 and ss. The connection between the returned user and ip will be disconnected by proxy. Then start the server and add the parameter --server-id=the ID of the mapping rule to count the traffic. Specify a domain name whitelist file with the --only parameter, then the connection will be disconnected when the user connects to a domain other than those domains in the file. proxy http -t tcp -m -p :7777 , [2000:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:8080. proxy sps -S http -T tcp -P -t tcp -z demo_password -p :7777 I needed to surf on Facebook. proxy sps --redir -p :8888 -P httpws: // In this way, when the website is accessed through the local agent 8080, the target website is accessed through encrypted transmission with the upstream. If you want to connect the ports of 33080, 33081, etc. If there is no -a or -F or --auth-url parameter, the authentication is turned off. The service is very fast and reliable. The udp function of socks5 is turned off by default and can be turned on by --udp, The default is a random port for handshake, and performance can be improved by fixing a port. I bought a proxy here for Instagram. Then access the local port 23080 is to access the port 8080 of through the encrypted TCP tunnel. Xray, Penetrates Everything. Then the local UDP port 53 provides a secure anti-pollution DNS resolution function. Because the kcp configuration is complex, it requires a certain network basics. DiscordIP DiscordDiscordDiscord, TikTokIPTikTokTikTok,TikTokIP, YiLu S5IPYiLu S5YiLu S5YiLu S5 IP. Our residential proxy network consists of real IP addresses from real users, making sure you never get detected or blocked. For example: proxy http -T tcp -P -M -t tcp -m -p :8888 Do you want to buy fast proxy here? proxy sps -S http -T tls -P -t tls -p :8082 -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key, Then run a sps node on the pc and execute: After the proxy is executed by default, you cannot close the command line if you want to keep the proxy running. Their situation is as follows: For the sps proxy we can perform username and password authentication. Make sure you use your VPN username and password and NOT the website account credentials (What is the difference?). Server, which uses TCP to perform dns query through the upstream agent. The commands executed by the upstream agent are: The converted local port is 18080, ss encryption: Aes-192-cfb, ss password: pass. user: the user name currently connected to the proxy, multiple are separated by commas, not left blank, for example: user1, user2. Agent does not require authentication It only accepts the proxy request to "convert and forward" to the existing http(s) proxy or the socks5 proxy or ss proxy; the sps can put the existing http(s) proxy or socks5 proxy or ss proxy is converted to a port that supports both http(s) and socks5 and ss proxies, and the http(s) proxy supports forward proxy and reverse proxy (SNI), converted SOCKS5 proxy, UDP function is still supported when the upper level is SOCKS5 or SS; in addition, for the existing http(s) proxy or socks5 proxy, three modes of tls, tcp, and kcp are supported, and chain connection is supported, that is, multiple sps node levels can be supported. I bought a proxy here. /detect http proxy socks5 proxy socks4a proxy. Make sure you enable options Use proxy (10) and Use proxy for calls (11). You are able to buy Proxy Europe, Kazakhstan, Russian, Ukrainian, USA. The converted local port is 18080, tls requires certificate file, ss encryption Mode: aes-192-cfb, ss password: pass. Using the --bind-listen parameter, you can open the client to connect with the server IP, and use the server IP as the outgoing IP to access the target. I recommend it to those who still have doubts. Parameters: -- four fast3, fast2, fast, normal modes in kcp-mode, The encryption methods supported by the ss function are: aes-128-cfb, aes-128-ctr, aes-128-gcm, aes-192-cfb, aes-192-ctr, aes-192-gcm, aes-256- Cfb , aes-256-ctr , aes-256-gcm , bf-cfb , cast5-cfb , chacha20 , chacha20-ietf , chacha20-ietf-poly1305 , des-cfb , rc4-md5 , rc4-md5-6 , salsa20 , Xchacha20. Suppose there is a upstream agent: The traffic is reported to the interface. Tap on Data and Storage (2). Report in normal normal mode Swipe right to expand the menu and tap on Settings (1). When the connection is released, the proxy will report the traffic used for this connection to this --traffic-url address. The proxy needs authentication, username: username password: password It should be noted that the ss function of sps also has UDP function, and the UDP port of ss is the same as the tcp port, so avoid the conflict between the UDP port of socks5 and the UDP port of ss. proxy tcp -t tls -p ":33080" -T udp -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key I used to play only on the LAN, and now I can play anywhere. to reliably analyze price accuracy, as some advertisers adjust their price display based on the user's socks5udp--udp --udp-port 00 5.1 SOCKS5 proxy socks -t tcp -p "" --udp-port 0 --udp In internet world is not all that simple and sometimes if you are connected directly your speed will be slower than if you would be connected through 1 more station. server_addr: proxies's address requested by the client, format: IP: port. interval defaults to 30 seconds, this value can be modified via the --control-sleep parameter. Then the local UDP port 53 provides DNS resolution. What Can Someone Do With Your IP Address? socks5 http socks5 If it is ss, a is the encryption method, b is the password, and no username password can be left blank, for example: If the username and password are protected, special symbols can be encoded using urlencode. Company Machine A provides web service port 80, There is a VPS, public network IP:, Your own notebook provides nginx service port 80, Company Machine A provides DNS resolution service, UDP: port 53, Company Machine A provides web service port 80, ftp service port 21, Clear the entire chain iptables -F chain name such as iptables -t nat -F PROXY, Delete the specified user-defined chain iptables -X chain name e.g. Part of it is local (-m) compression transmission, and part is whether the transmission with the upstream (-M) is compressed. Secondary HTTP proxy (local windows) out_remote_addr: outgoing tcp connection's remote address,format: IP: port. High speed and works flawlessly. With --always, all HTTP proxy traffic can be forced to go to the upper HTTP proxy. You can set an http interface address through the parameter --traffic-url. Then the local UDP port 53 provides a secure anti-pollution DNS resolution function. Now we turn it into a normal proxy that supports both http(s) and socks5 and ss. proxy http -t tls -p ":28080" -T tls -P "" -C proxy.crt -K proxy.key -u: proxy parameter, empty by default. When the http protocol is used to request the ip:2500 port of the server, the header HOST field of http will be set to The above mentioned multiple sps nodes can be connected to build encrypted channels in a hierarchical connection, assuming the following vps and the home PC. Good shop of proxy servers. You can still access US-only content in Sri Lanka. Select SOCKS5 (5). Without unnecessary moderation and confirmation. Tuy nhin, y khng phi l tt c. proxy http -t tcp -z demo_password -p :7777 The format is: -p,,.,:5000-6000, more The bindings can be separated by commas. Manage your social media presence, easily enter new markets without geographic restrictions. If the related concepts are not understood, please search for it yourself. Generate a self-signed certificate and key file with the following command. From that can suffer not only with web-surfers but also business projects. If it is blocked, it will use the upstream proxies (provided that the upstream proxies is configured) to access the website; if the visited website is not blocked, in order to speed up the access, the proxies will Direct access to the website without using a upstream proxies. proxy http -t tcp -m -p :7777 proxy tcp -p ":33080" -T tcp -P "" To start working with our program, you just need to sign up and start attracting customers using your referral link. For example: When you used a proxy, it cost 1 proxy balance from your acct, its paid up to 24 hours of use time. followed by argk=argv are parameters: parameter name = parameter value, multiple parameters are connected with &. All the supported parameters are as follows, and the meaning of the command line with the same name is the same. Then access the local port 28080 is to access the target address through the VPS. For example: Use the --ip-allow parameter to specify a client IP whitelist file, then the connection will be disconnected when the user's IP is not in the file. Tap on Save icon (9) to save the changes. It is randomly specified during the protocol handshake process and does not need to be specified in advance. Monitor market trends and analyze competitor activity from anywhere in the world without restrictions. 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