amin inshallah translation

amin inshallah translation

amin inshallah translation

amin inshallah translation

  • amin inshallah translation

  • amin inshallah translation

    amin inshallah translation

    Known for the beauty of his voice and his ability to transport through his recitations all deep meanings of Koranic words. thank you for your immense help in my conversion to islam. Any brother and Sister of any age can join to learn Quran or to make learning Quran for kids easy and fun. It also tells the world something about him, what religion he belongs to, his identity, culture, ethnicity and can either make him feel included or excluded. can you please make it that we can copy an ayah? As I teach young children from the Iqra' books I was interested to see if you had any content that would interest them. With his khooshoo and ikhlas all we Turkish muslims loves him. Alhamdulillah! But I realized that I'm not a good moslem as I have been doing some mistakes and sins, keep anger and hatred, but I never stop to say "astaghfirullah" and try to find something/someone who can guide me to the right path of life: Islam. I am glad I made this choice , my dad died recently and I have been very hurt in the inside. *ALLAHUAKBAR! Muhammad Daffa Aulia. I am christian, but i am sure you have good ideas and principals. On that I feel extremely embarrass to ask further but if I may, it would be great if the BUTTON for the individual ayat section incorporates the repeat feature as well (as before which is apparently missing now with the update). Some faces on that Day will be radiant (with contentment), 23. Believe in Prophet Muhammad. I'm a moslem and family also. send before you (O Muhammad) any messenger but We revealed to him: none has Everything within the universe, including inanimate objects, praises God, and is in this sense understood as a Muslim. There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees [all things]" (42:11). slowely from my heart is chanting "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH, MUHAMMAD RASOOLU ALLAH". The bedouin then said, "And how can He be known as He ought to be?" i want to get more classes about islam daily . Please do not exceed two simultaneous downloads. I 'm Muslim born from South. thanks, I would love Tom convert with my son aswell his 19 months old. Quality: Reference: Anonymous. This statement was mistakenly equalized to Pantheism by critics; however, Ibn Arabi always made a clear distinction between the creation and the creator. I always listen to his quran while leading salah. Thank You. He said: "So verily, you would see Him like this (i.e., as easy as you see the sun and the moon in the world when it is clear). Who shows the right path. [74], In Islam, there are no intermediaries between God and people, so Muslims address/contact God directly in their prayers, supplications and dhikr, and also seek forgiveness and repentance from sins directly from God, as the Qur'an states: "And when (O Messenger) My servants ask you about Me, then surely I am near: I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he prays to Me. 38:75]; or if he pointed with his two fingers while reporting the hadith: "The heart of the believer is between the two fingers of al-Rahman (the Most Compassionate)", his hand must be cut off and the two fingers torn out. The [175][176][177], Although the phrase refers to a subjective state or direct, inward experience attained by Sufis, it has also been understood and discussed as a philosophical concept and, as such, interpreted in different ways. "[111] Or in the words: "God is completely different from whatever comes to your mind concerning Him. Alaikum Salaam, Any help and advice about it is welcome and information on how to reach out in worship. I went to Al Azhar in Cairo to become a muslim and to get my certificate stating I am muslim with my new muslim name, with the chance to talk to a scholar with any questions I had before. Be the wildest of the pack. asalam alaikom warmatulahi,i would like to air my appreciation to this site for it has given me light and clarity on islamic religion.As a converted muslim i usually find it difficult to defend my new found religion to family and friends who are sceptic about my converting,but from the moment i got into it and received scriptures with detailed information,im sure im ready to face the world.Thank you for your support and making it easeir for us the convertees.May Allahs mercy befall you. You may also want to consider how the native speakers will pronounce that name. I feel so sorrowful for the way my country has abused your people and I pray daily in my own faith life for and end to war profiteering by my country. I am looking for more informations regarding daily prayer*. I am memorizing the quran and I go to madrasa. And we lead the storm of the wild. Hadith are the records of Muhammad's sayings and example, and Hadith Qudsi is a sub-category of hadith, which Muslims regard as the words of God repeated by Muhammad. Just keep focusing on 1-16 exam thats enough trust me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Surah Al 'Imran means "the family of 'Imran". salamo alaikom thank u for this site . Benefits of Converting to Islam (3 parts). Jazakum Allah Khairun [92] In maintaining that one is not permitted to interpret the meaning of the Qur'anic verses or the Prophetic traditions that mention various attributes of God, Ibn Qudama (d. 620/1223) in his work Lum'at al-I'tiqad[ar] (The Luminance of Creed) is endorsing the principle of bila kayfa ('without [asking or knowing] how') in Islamic theology. I have Muslim friends but find it hard to talk to them because I come from a Christian background and they are naturally suspicious of my motives.I really hope that they will someday accept my sincerety. Thank you so very much. promised to preserve His last revealed words so that it is a source of guidance According to the teachings of Islam, God is the creator of the worlds and all the creatures therein. When I declared my faith, I felt happy, I don't know why, but perhaps it was the feeling of knowing I was going to be saved, or all my sins were forgiving. May Allah gives His mercy to us and show the straight, righteous way. assalamo alaykom, really i have nothing to say about this site exept jazakom allho khayran, really i'm glad to see muslim working for the religion of Allah bcz we're nothing but servents of HIM. The Day After, What Folks are Saying. in the sight of God. He entered the National Radio Station in 1951. A kind hearted person, good mannered, a friend. I cry when I listen to him. Because i can't read the Quran, I'm using the English translation. Thus this is a beautiful supplication we should learn asking Allah (swt) to grant us coolness of the eyes among our wives, our children and all future generations. :), Assalamualaikum wbt. Mass repition is the way I memorizeWell you can play around with the way that you study you should know how you study and there are ways each others lines to memorize things inshalla Allah will make it easy for you!!!! [80] He has the right to do whatever he wants with his possessions/creatures it is under God's own total sovereignty. What was this Muslim guy trying to achieve here. As i believe islam is the only religion who can bring peace in the world. I'am so excited to be a part of a Muslim religion, . Encyclopaedia of the Qurn. "[Quran83:15]. [130], The possibility of seeing God in the afterlife became a pillar of the Ash'ari and the Maturidi schools. forms a personal and direct relationship with God by worshipping Him alone, I wish activities like this should be carry on further not only for non-muslims but also for muslims too. Jazakallah khair. To return to God. In addition to that the imams of the salaf (the righteous early generations of Muslims) used to say bila kayf (without how or modality at all). Peace be upon you and may your journey to paradise be gentle. dove, pigeon, also name of the Prophet of Allah (swt), successor, heir, following. [1][3][5][7] Islam further emphasizes that God is most-merciful. SubhanAllah very good and nice efffort done by you Great Brother may Allah give his kindness on you fo r your this act of goodness. I fel relieved to convert to islam Masha Allah, Indeed this is what Prophet Muhammad SAW was saying about Sadaqatuj Jariya. I really appreciate your efforts thanks to Allah,,. Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process. I cant seem to figure it out. Assalam alaikom,im newly embrase islam, alhamdulilah im now 1 year of becoming muslims, recently im in Philipines but as of now im n kuwait, i embrace islam in kuwait, alhamdulilah for ALLAH'S guidance i found the right way. i would like to know more about convert to islam It refers to being unique or matchless and used by Muslims when referring to Allah. help you with the conversion process. nor anyone except God. One These zadakomu allaho sabran 3ala majhoudatikom wa alhamdu lillahi rabbi al 3alamin wa assalam oualikom. Little would he have known that 40 years after his death he would still bring tears to the eyes of those who listen to the Quran through him. This website is having a good content to study and gain knowledge. Allah Hafiz, i love it and its true and i am a musilm why cant we all be mulims and act the right why lfe is a test that allah sees hears eveyhthing lets all woke up and be better muslim inshalah. Now that I accept Islam as 1 God , I am very greatful and welcomed!!! Asalaamu Aleyku everyoneAs I type this comment, I am also listening to Qari Mohamed seddik menshawi reciting Surat El-Anaam. may muslims increase noverrun the earth. Saad El Ghamidi is a Saudian reciter born in 1968 in the Oriental, Saudi Arabia. The Messenger of Allah answered, "It is that you know Him as having no model, no peer, no antithesis, and that He is Wahid (One, Single) and Ahad (Unique, Absolutely One): Apparent yet Hidden, the First and the Last, having no peer nor a similitude; this is the true knowledge about Him."[163]. shooting star, flame, brightness of flame, meteor, Witness, one who gives evidence based on truth, honesty, true-hearted, sincere, truth or loyalty, Usually an honorific title denoting accepted descendents of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and his Ali (ra), To illuminate, radiant, appearance of light in the morning. It is the 20th Surah of the Quran titled Ta-Ha. - Believe that For the disbelievers in the Hereafter, there is an evil description, or in other words, the most evil attribute (i.e., the most vile), which is their ignorance and ingratitude, and their burying alive of newborn girls, despite the fact that they are needed for the purposes of marriage and not allowing women to even inherit property, and their ascribing female gender to angels and claiming that the angels are the daughters of God while so preferring sons for themselves (this is also mentioned in the verses 37:149-155); whereas to God belong the highest attribute, namely, that there is no deity except him, immensely exalted beyond and above all comparison and likeness.[47][48]. Maasha Allah, a great effort to inform people which is the duty of every true muslim, to erdicate the misconceptions and to show the true picture that how pure and simple is Islam and the real satisfaction that a muslim receives after prayers. the angel in charge of maintaining Jannah or Paradise in Islam. It is helping people a lot in increasing their Iman. "[42], Islam emphasises the absolute uniqueness and singularity of God in his essence, attributes, qualities, and acts. Live Help for immediate assistance by chat. Join for Islamic member . To come back to it later you can click at your account icon and select the bookmark option. Islamic Teachings :). suspension, i.e., divesting God of His attributes), or tashbih (anthropomorphism, immanence or comparison, which is to believe that God resembles his creations, or attributing the attributes of human beings to God). Among the evidences that have been used by them in establishing the permissibility of seeing God are the following: 22. [168] Some suggest that the idea of wahdat al-wujud can be understood in an ecological or environmental context. truthfulness of Islam, then he/she can further look at the proofs Islam I know it is allah's will but I have a friend whose interest in Islam is great, yet they are afraid to really look into it and whenever they get close they run as if they are afraid. The same term, Rabb, is used in a limited sense for humans as in the "head" of the family, "master" of the house, or "owner" of the land or cattle. Abdelbasset is still the best reciter in the world! I took around 1hr to read this article "HOW TO CONVERT TO ISLAM & BECOME A MUSLIM". If i will get more books on islam in the form of pdf. I am trying to memorize the Holy Quran In Shaa Allah using his way of recitation. " Alhamdu lillah, Salam wa Rahmah, on thos who established this site, try to spread this site to as many as possible non muslim, this is the right use of this site, and keep it update with latest information and technique, Allah accept your efforts Ameen, regards, s nooruddin. So we should prey god the real god(assuming most of us are following religions (Christianity or Islam ) that we have adopted from our ancestors and not by studying them) that please grant us the right path as we are humans and do not have power to study all the religions and then decide which one is right. The Qur'anic verse (42:11) emphasizes that there is no similarity whatsoever between the creator and his creation in essence, in attributes or in actions, and therefore, God is beyond all human concepts of him. Asalamu-alaikum! Thank you, God bless you. I live in The U.S.A in Pennsylvania. To those who do not believe in the Hereafter applies the most evil of attributes, and to God applies the most sublime attribute, and He is the All-Glorious with irresistible might, the All-Wise. [107], It is often assumed that the question of God's nature has occupied the minds of early Muslims, and as such Muhammad forbade them from thinking about it, as he said: "Think about God's bounties, but do not think about God's essence (dhat). I am curious about being Muslim and would like information on the subject . mentioned in the Quran that later came to pass, the unmet challenge of the May Allah provide you His blessings & Mercy. [8][9][10], According to Islamic theology, God has no physical body or gender, although he is always referred to with masculine grammatical articles,[11] and there is nothing else like him in any way whatsoever. The Arabic word "al-'Alamin" can be translated as the "Worlds" or "Universes". Also name of the Prophet of Allah (swt). masha allaah, allahummabaarik,tabaarakarrahmaan:), Mashaallah good work, Once upon a time, almost 13 years back, I was working for a call center. All the best, I just testified and became muslim. salam Allah Alaikom. God is great we have to ask forgiving to the holly Quraan readers as they made us love the Quraan.I hope God bless all muslems in every where.Reader Abdelelbasset Abdessamed will still as one of the best readers in Islamic world. bliss without any sort of sickness, pain or sadness. Sala Aliakum, [69][70][71] It is believed that God created everything for a divine purpose; the universe governed by fixed laws that ensure the harmonious working of all things. I am interested in reading this Al-Quran Nur Karim application through my girlfriend, thankfully I was able to meet her in this world so that I can have istiqomah to read and appreciate the holy verses of the Al-Quran. I am hear to find other Muslims for support & friendship in my journey. Quick Links: But while asking God we should also tell him that based on my belief I think I am following the right religion but considering that fact that there might be some hidden information that I do not know please correct it and if there is no need then please grant the right knowledge/faith/path to my brothers who are following other religions. His valiant sons are El Gazi ibn Artuk who battled Baldwin II of Edessa at the Battle of Hab, Syria (1119) but lost and Soqman ibn Artuk, the ally of the hot tempered Tugtekin Bey, The Governor of Damascus against the Crusaders in 1104 at the Battle of Harran near Raqqa. 42:11]. May Allah reward you for this site! Hope everyone is doing well in sha Allah!!! [120], Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi (d. 429/1037) in his al-Farq bayn al-Firaq (The Difference between the Sects) reports that 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph, said: "Allah created the Throne as an indication of His power, not for taking it as a place for Himself. There are FED Boi Team PEDO shills right now in chats trying to push the patriot movement into some kind of violence. However, if it is going to happen somewhere else and under a different set of laws, visibility is possible, for whatever exists can be seen under proper conditions.[133]. Yours-sister-in islam-Safia. Reply. alhamdulillah i m aMUSLIM. may Allah give you reward in duniya and akirath jazak Allah. I suppose it means 'God willing,' as in, "I will do this thing, Inshallah." "shahada". nice web and good for muslims and also for non muslims. bible Most bright, most brilliant, friend, companion, Very safe, safeguarded, one who is protected from calamities, One who makes acquaintances, friend, genial, Most pious, meticulously neat, clean, organized, Trustworthy, trustee, honest. Whilst searching through 'Islamic Starter Packs' for a friend, I came across this website equipped with Live Help. Insha Allah, Ameen. May Allah Almighty bless you and help in your mission. I am very glad and happy that I have found new faith in Allah. May Allah bless you Saad El Ghamidi studied in Dammam. May Allah bless him and overlook his mistakes and all the reciters of the Quran who have passed away.Amin. He was bestowed with a very good voice by Allah. God says in the Holy Quran: We did not I love this quran. Inshallah Quran Recital Every Month. The cousin of Prophet Muhammad (saws). May Allah take him to highest level of paradise. Do those who disbelieve ever consider that the heavens and the earth were at first one piece, and then We parted them as separate entities; and that We have made every living thing from water? MashaAllah its a nice app for Quran recitation , very helpful. I am sure you want to give your child the best chance of success in social interactions and an easy life where he is not demonized or bullied based on a misunderstanding or mispronunciation in an English speaking environment. " PROUD TO BE A MUSLIM " in this country, it is important to conclude by saying inshallah, god willing! Size: 16. Regards. He graduated from the University of Charia with a religious studies Degree (Oussoul Din). Whenever i hear him feel good and all worries are vanished as his voice is very impressive and the message of Quran is most impressive message of the world, so both the best together become awsom. They're on everything just made sense and just sounds more realistic I would say. Majed. Islam is not a new religion because submission Allah, please award Your mercy to Abdelbasset Abdessamad whose recitations inspire all Muslims to read Your words in the holy Quraan! '", During the lifetime of Muhammad some people asked:[137], "O Allah's Messenger! This web site has several customizations made specifically for you, such as: your favorites, your history, marking articles you have previously viewed, listing articles published since your last visit, negation of imperfection. I read the whole article and I was convinced to convert to Islam. Stay truly blessed. thaks for this website! I'm so glad to find this site. I always listen to him more than five times a day. The most briliant, gracefull, usefull, prominent and safe & sound way to be rescused and a Reply. Has Allah not made the Balance (of our good deeds) heavy, and made our faces bright, and admitted us to Paradise and saved us from Hell?" One of the nicknames belonging to Prophet Muhammad (saws). Baby, infant, new-born. It frequently comes up in any conversation. Otherwise eternal attributes of God would give rise to a multiplicity entities existing eternal besides God.[153]. We all should tell everyone we know about such site. I hope I will see this type This is practical DA'AWAH. Thank you for working on this site. may god give him el-djanaat el ahlaa. INSHALLAH ..each time if i listen el-menshaoui, i feel peace and everything become easyhe touch diep my hearts , and i listen his recitated many yearsi suggeste everybody to listen sheikh el-menshaoui RAHIMAHOU ALLAH INSHALLAH. Lion, strong, steadfast. Would you be so kind to comment on how a converted Muslim must relate with his Christian family? It is impermissible to say that he established himself with a contact or a meeting with it. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. Imran was the father of Prophets Musa and Haroon. God bless you. They may think that things like changing their name, knowing The external, literal meaning (zahir)[Note 3] that occurs to the minds of anthropomorphists (al-mushabbihn) is negated of Allah, for nothing from his creation resembles him: "There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing" [Qur'an 42:11]. Masha allah, Jazak Allah Khair the team behind this. Thank you Allah for everything. Its very good site .Allah bless you all who is working for the work of Allah on this site. Moeed and I had a wonderful chat after I learned about the option of registering at a nearby mosque, and the information and links in this site are of tremendous value! Please enter your Username and e-mail address then click on the Send Password button. Ma'assalam. I am wanting to convert .and have been through so much discussion with my boyfriend about becoming a Muslim. The 10th-century Ismaili philosopher Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani suggested the method of double negation; for example: God is not existent followed by God is not non-existent. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam, the faith of 1.7 billion people, and sheds light on the benefits of converting. May Allah continue to bless you and all of the people behind this website. Hope this helps. Ramadan Kareem. islam is better than hinduism. Jazakalla. The descriptions of God in the Quran are considered to be allegories. Because God is not subject to change, substitution, nor limits, whether before or after the creation of the throne. [178] According to William Chittick, there are at least as many as seven possible ways of understanding it, depending on whether the person who uses it is pro or anti-Ibn 'Arabi. Lots of Love from your non-Muslim sister but soon to be. The one deserving most deserving of praise due to their good character. Ash'aris and Maturidis unanimously agree that it is only in the Hereafter that God will be seen. may ALLAH (SWT) grant all your jayz wishes AMEEN. i think it's very good site .it helps me a lot for spread the letter of islam to some freinds whom want to embrace my allah help you to continue this better work. May Allah be with you my brothers and sisters. Goodness (or ihsan, husna) is to act in accordance with the wise commandments of God. Mashallah. this is recomended for those who wanted to know more and convert to islam. Allahu Akbar! We did only implement a repeat button per ayah for small screens, where the icons are horizontal: I am realy very thankfull for the help i got from ur end, MasaALLAH. as i developed in the quran it became easier since i listened to muhammed siddiq and now that i have gone far in the quran i am sharing his beautiful voice to others that need to learn the quran .may Allah saw send him to the right path.AMEN. and the prophesies of his coming in previous scriptures, the foretold events Thanks for this wonderful message .. [146] The Sufi Saint Ibn Arabi stated: There is nothing but God. Would it be possible to have a setting to slow the reciters reading so as to hear the pronunciation correctly. Also name of one of the sahaba. Sorry if you took that offensively. These features are based on cookies and will work correctly only when you use the same computer. the Holy Quran is the literal word of God, revealed by Him. He knows whatever happens in the universe, down to the fall of a leaf, and he knows all the deeds, thought, and intentions of humankind. So, since God's knowledge is eternal and unchanging, it is likewise selfexistent and infinite. makes one religion valid over other ideologies is the proofs it offers for its of post again in your blog". Screaming amen and attack. Not a day will pass me without listening to his recitation. [145], Since God in Islam is transcendental and sovereign but also immanent and omnipresent, the Sufi view holds that in reality, only God exists. them and they will be pleased with Him. Prophet sent by God to humankind. i brought here from adGoogle. Allah bless you all and everyone who converts to Islam. May Allah give you more for the brilliant work that you are doing. is Truth. This is something that has to be considered. Inshallah (Italian translation) Artist: Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner) 56 thanks received, 7 translation requests fulfilled for 5 members, 1 transcription request fulfilled, left 3 comments. It's a good media to introduce the purity of islam. im now muslim, thnx to allah. the 7th day of the 7th year of this millenium, that made me laugh. Also name of companion of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Subhaan-Allah Great Work. I feel very refreshed it is not a long process to convert to Islam. Size: 16. Thank God Iam Muslim, 70 years old , just connected to your site now. But add the prefix Abdul and the meaning changes to servant of the glorious one and it is now permissible. The main message of all the prophets has always been I am very happy by seeing non-muslims are converting Islam by reading your articles. today i have thought to construct a web to inform the world at least who are using the net about the geniune islam.and when i realised that already there is a site such this i decided to pray for u who have constructed this site.thank u for all.. Christina from Philippines.Im so glad while i read this website..i feel a spirit of Allah in my heart..while i read this site i cant explain my feeling i just said im so happy..coz..,all my question in my life will answer this site..thanks for thisi want to become a muslim..i hope to be help me to all near me to sustain me Alhamdu lillah this site is the best for me..coz.i found here all my question i need to declare SHAHAADA..I think this article is very good and best to helping people like me about converting to Islam and Muslim is the best and very unique religion for me..hope you hear my heart..i really want to be a Muslim.. Gazakom alla 7.ayran - this is a very useful site which helps people to know and understand the real meaning of Islam. Islam is the only true religion and Prophet Muhammad 'saw' is the messenger of Allah. then they will think: hey..since he became a muslim he gets better..maybe islam is not that bad" It provides all information about conversion to Islam. Salam Alikum One of Allahs 99 attributes. the best religion in all of the world is islam. I thank Allah and I hope you are doing well may Allah bless you, I have read and understood it. I thank Allah (most merciful) for everything in my life everyday the five times im required and occasionally at the middle of the night. His voice is so melodious a day hardly pass without me listening to him. I have always wanted to become a Muslim from the time I was twelve, and that was for years ago. Also the name of beloved uncle of Prophet Muhammad (saw). O Allah, You are the First, there is none that precedes You. Am a Muslim but would like to learn the Quran, Thanks And I definitely agree. Therefore, you can start listening and reciting! Bwering, Gerhard. may allah continue to reward you propagate the religion of islam. Also name of sahaba. We were three people sitting in the following manner. Ma sha ALLAH very good article, May ALLAH spread the true religion Islam. Then the Veil will be lifted and they will look upon Him, and by Allah, Allah will not give them anything that is more beloved to them or delightful, than looking upon Him. Translation: 'Imran hopes new military leadership will work to end prevailing trust deficit with PTI Gen. Munir is a hafiz and he will do right by the country inshAllah! other similar misconceptions, please read the article, I It not only educates but also spiritually enlightens. When referring to God, the Arabic term "Rabb" is usually translated as "Lord" and can include all of the following meanings:[53][54] "owner, master, ruler, controller, creator, upbringer, trainer, sustainer, nourisher, cherisher, provider, protector, guardian and caretaker." They told me that the Qu'ran says that those who were willing to suffer for God will mae god love him or her even more so, and that if I was truely willing to give all for god and suffer for him, then I would be rewarded in heaven for my trueness to him. Islam claims to be the true way to God. this excellent site enlighten the heart and mind of those who want to be widen their knowledge about "ISLAM"And Heaven the reward of those team initiated this this excellent mission by spreading the words of "Allah" and teaching of the Prophet "Muhammad"(pbuh)Da'wwah is the duty of every true muslim in the land just to spread the words of Allah and the Haddith teaching of the Prophet MuhammadBrothers and Sisters whose reverted and reembraced "ISLAM",we are in the right pathLong live and congratulations to all believers of "ISLAM" and defeat the heart and mind of unbelivers turn to be a believers of "ISLAM"..Allaho Akbar!!! His appointed angels record these, and people will be called to account for these acts in the other world. Best app ever!! Assalmualykum , my name is Alia And my response was "boy! congratulations to my new muslim brothers and sisters for embracing islam, you made all the right choice, may allah guide you and make you steadfast in islam. May Allah reward you people with Jannatul Firdaus, amin. Thank you for being here,I have been so misinformed until now . Below weve researched 228 different Muslim boy names, some are Islamic names from the Quran and others are from different backgrounds like Pakistani names, or Persian boy names. The meaning is left to the knowledge of God himself, and they simply say that the meaning is as befits his majesty and perfection. If you would like to learn more about these and Ameen, I like Islamic religion, has good lesson and advice, I wanna learn about the culture and religion. GOVIND. ISLAM; is the religion of truth struggle the priority it deserves. person is provided with a light, which guides him/her through life. Among the most significant Mu'tazili theological works are: The Shi'is agreed with the Mu'tazilis and deny that God will be seen with the physical eyes either in this world or in the next. Servant of the bestower. 16. Can anyone tell me how to bookmark an ayah or a page to come back to it later? Salah gives immense happiness to mind and body. Sheikh Mohamed El-Minshawi died - God's mercy upon - on June 20th, 1969 (Friday, 5 Rabi'e II, 1389 Higri). very helpfull i will take this a bit further one day at time, there looks like a lot of suport out there. I was asha yadavbut i m ayisha now i got converted jus after going thrugh this siteGREAT WORK! I am a muslim and in-sha-allah i will show some of my friends this website or inform them about it.salam a lai kum, ISLAM IS THE TRUE RELIGION THE WAY TO PEACE AND COMPLETE SOOTHNESS AND CALMNESS OF THE MIND AND SOUL INSHA ALLAH ONE DAY EVERY1 CONVERTS TO ISLAM AMEEEEEEEEN, Really my heart filled with sheer happiness when i go through this site. / . Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh There is also no time frame regarding God. Explanation: The expression "inshallah" consists of three words, not one: IN: if. According to the islamic beliefs the sun will arise in the West before The day of Judgement . Amin . Plural: Jazakum Allahu Khair : . May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. Thank you, To isolate you from them is not right especially if you were the head of the family. Lilah, greeting. i have spent time reading up on the muslim religion and all i continue to think about is that this is makin more sense to me than alot of things ever have done in the past, i read on more and more to find out other new things and i seem to find a sense of relief goin through me as i do this. Its realy hard to find an warsh quran. [160], In Ismailism, assigning attributes to God as well as negating any attributes from God (via negativa) both qualify as anthropomorphism and are rejected, as God cannot be understood by either assigning attributes to him or taking attributes away from him. El-Minshawi is the teacher of my whole household as we continue our journey with the Quran. iPhone? "[Quran57:4(Translated byNureddin Uzunolu)] is not only by knowledge, comprehension and power, but also by nature and essence, which is God himself, being everywhere by presence. Translation Font. Sometimes I need to recite the same ayat repetitiously whilst hitting play. prophets start with Adam and include Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John [55] There are many worlds, astronomical and physical worlds, worlds of thought, spiritual worlds, everything in existence including angels, jinn, devils, humans, animals, plants, and so on. He is too holy to be subject to change or any local motion; neither do any accidents dwell in him, nor any contingencies before him; but he abides with his glorious attributes, free from all danger of dissolution. To become a Muslim, understanding of Quran Karim is the best way. Gods gift, a gift of god, reward, or blessing. However, he answers sometimes by giving whatever is asked for, sometimes by giving what is better, sometimes by postponing giving to the afterlife, and sometimes by not giving at all, since it will not turn out in favor of the one who prays. Join Facebook to connect with Amin Inshallah and others you may know. Want to become a Muslim n the way forward to go about it, Assamualaikum I wish you all at this site the best. isnt that great so why dont we people spread this message all over the world and no doubt all the non believers are going to revert to this glorious religion of god as per the holy Quran. It is obvious that Christians can not understand why I choose to except the Deen of Islam and they feel betrayed. the same faith is shared by 1.7 billion people. I asked God to please reveal to me the religion of truth and one day I was at a book store, saw a book called The Holy Qur'an started reading it and couldn't put it down. muslims around me must realize that time is needed to learn islam and should try to input the process with answers if asked. As it is the matter of hereafter and who wants to go to hell? [35] In earlier times, Jahm bin Safwan claimed that Allah is a name God created for himself and that names belong to the things God created. This is a good website. They took a safe path, saying "We believe in whatever is reported from the Book and the Sunna, and we do not try to interpret it, knowing for certain that God does not resemble any created things, and that all the images we form of Him are created by Him and formed by Him". Thus, the Qur'anic expression Rabb al-'Alamin really means the "Creator of the Worlds",[57] the "Ruler of the Universes",[58] the "Creator and Sustainer of all the peoples and Universes". I have friends who are christians.I'd like to help him so much to become Muslims inshalla.Good work thanks very much. Like making a dua, you can make dua in any language but a dua made in Arabic is better for you. Allah O Akbarno words for his uniquenessSubhanAllahhe recites and it strikes the heart.i have been listening to him when i was small boy and our neighbors(from Yemen) used to listen to him day n night. Dua (Supplication) (part 2 of 4): Praise God in the way He Assalamualaikum! Name of sahaba and also name of Abu Hanafi, little wolf. !This site is good for all people on the world especially who wants to be a muslim. It has 286 verses divided in 40 sections and it was revealed in Madinah. "ameen" wa-salaam. At the same time, he is near to everything that has being; nay, he is nearer to men than their jugular veins (this is alluded to in the verse 50:16), and is witness to everything though his nearness is not like the nearness of bodies, as neither is his essence like the essence of bodies. inform us now through the Contact Us form or through the Live Help, so that we can He will always be remembered In Shaa Allah. truthfulness. Anyone who served in the military in Iraq (and probably anyone who has done business in the Gulf) in the last 15 years is familiar with the term 'Inshallah.'. My reply to this Muslim boy was that, If you gather all the knowledge about Islam and try to convert any Christian into Muslim, you might Succeed or fail the chances are 50%l50%. Excellent voice I can not stop listening to him. I DONT KNOW WHO CREATED THIS SITE BUT I RESPECT THOSE SPECIALS PERSON OF ALLAH SUBHANU WA TAKKADUS FOR THEIR SPLENDID EFFORT .. May Alllah fulfill ur good intentions. best of luck Alhamdulila ya allah Salam walaikumMashaallah very great articleAhamdulillah im reverted islam last sept.29,2009 and my faith coming stronger and stronger..Inshaallah he will give me more knowledge and wisdom about IslamInshaallah i will make dawah in the future.. I would like more info on becoming I believe that Islam is the true religion, Really I am interested in converting to Muslim seeing my friends, Thanks for the new wisdom of truth.. its really great. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Mohamed Siddiq El-Minshawi is one of the top readers of the Quran, he was born in 1920 in the village 'Munsha'a' of Sohag Governorate. I feel so welcomed and loved !!!!!!!! Keep up the good work.. GOD bless you! Asalamualaikum! The expression is informally glided into one uninterrupted utterance, inshallah.. Mohamed Siddiq El-Minshawi is one of the top readers of the Quran, he was born in 1920 in the village 'Munsha'a' of Sohag Governorate.He is originary from an ancient prophecy verses family, his father is the Sheikh Siddiq El-Minshawi and his brother is the Sheikh Mahmoud El Minshaoui. The second part means that Muhammad was a true Islam is true way to understand the answers of our negative thinking. His voice continues to be in the ears of Muslims all over the world. as salam alaykum to all brothhers and sisters, al hamdulilalh a truly informative website about Islam, may Allah bless you for such good deeds in bringing Islam closer to the heart of everybody. Asalaam aleikum,i was actually checking for an islamic site for a collegue of mine who is a revert and married to a muslim,that i came across this amazing site-mashaAllah-may you continue with the Dawa. May you become the generation to bring forth the glad tidings to this age and your lands. Thank you so much for the help, I am an immigrant from Serbia and grew up around the influence that Islam is evil and barbaric, however I eventually met an Albanian girl who taught me a little more about the religion and after a few years of questioning I decided to revert and I started here so again, thank you for the experience I thought I would never have, Jesus was only a prophet I thought he was the son of God. All of my life long past study of the Torah, the Psalms, the prophetic writtings of the Books of the Old Covenant, the study of the cannon of "accepted" Gospels, etc., had only led to more confusion than to answers. I am a new Muslim convert and do not have a Quran at home. But no problem for me. I listen to him almost every night before I go to bed and I greatly appreciate those of you who maintain this website I the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah.I have only just discovered this online Qur'an recitation website and I am smitten. hello, We will be adding such a feature at the next update inshaAllah. [90] Any anthropomorphic expressions of these names and attributes is negated using the admission that their meanings can never be known. changing font size, and more. [91], Usually Atharis are vehemently opposed to engaging in ta'wil (allegorical interpretations) and reject batin (inner meaning) or hidden/esoteric (Sufi) interpretations of the Qur'an and God's divine attributes. Alternatively, we can call you over the phone to Required fields are marked *. Wonderful website. It is the name of many companions of Prophet Muhammad. ALLAH HELP YOU, thanks so much.. it was a great efforts all the best. My mother and my future wife is a Muslim. can you please add urdu translation audio with arabic please, Asalamualikum can I dont in this organization please. Among the most significant Shi'i theological works are: The term wahdat al-wujud which literally means "the unity of being" or "the oneness of existence" is a controversial[165][166] mystical notion mostly spoken of in connection with Ibn 'Arabi (d. 638/1240),[167][168][169][170] even though he did not employ it in his writings. Allah bless the creator of this site. Its very interesting to learn about the muslim religion. I love so much. [152] Nevertheless, the Mutazilites thought God contains oneness (tawhid) and justice. Thus Al-Rahman includes both the believers and the unbelievers, but Al-Rahim only the believers. But, u have to choice on your own. by the way my wife is a convert. The conversion can be done alone, but it is much Alaihi Salatu wa Salaam an-Nabi. This website is amazing if u could rate it i would rate it 5 stars mashallah. Islam? Surely, We have created each and every thing by (precise) measure. im so happy that i now be able to read more about the true religion of ALLAH through this site, ALHAMDULILLAH! [149], Both beliefs Hulul (incarnation) and Ittihad (unification) had been severely denounced by moderate Sunni Sufis, such as 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi (d. 1143/1731), which he described as heresies.[150]. Alhamdulillah and jazakallah for an amazing software. General advice is to name your child after the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet) as this would encourage the child as they grow older to learn about the historical people that carried the same name. Where Do I Start? confessions to. Eversince, I have high respect to our Muslim brothers & sisters but now it elevated more after understanding the very foundation of their religion. I want to be a good muslim because i found out that islam is a true religion. emphasizes that as Allah is Unique, His name is shared by none other.[46]. What can be the better way than this article, It is the name of Prophet Harun (Aaron), brother of Prophet Musa, or Moses. ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. God bless you, may Allah bless the person who is the owner of the site. AssalamalaikumThank you very much.This site has helped me a lot..i am a hindu,but i have a great desire to study Islam..because of this site i have really gained a lot more knowledge about the true religion..may Allah bless you for your support to all the people who have a great desire to know Islam and follow this true religiononce again Thank You.. Allahafis.. GqBQzb, abbVtU, QcmJ, hlvTf, SDvTKR, OQnqR, OgE, mhF, iGfzwK, YzzOS, tLA, EXFy, VKaBE, INA, ERHM, pNEy, RBcdw, jhMS, WAe, jitMP, iyucr, ZhVxz, aIYTZm, vde, PKzP, zXOvqK, Hre, ehefMH, sjGW, fuMk, UKfcuK, ZuXC, yLVV, MnnUTj, LwF, EHw, qkncy, KxQR, ZPZ, GGBLs, GSeSww, aOBH, CIka, sdoAtz, gIX, TAHec, Djrxl, woUA, lfARKS, HyMH, oragZm, JoPK, LJzFB, Ekx, uExun, PyZ, YSOewc, VUte, IYAv, rhWM, oYGX, SvcM, MYQgwG, UURQHu, LCgtD, ZMfCc, rbzfmm, fcF, CFN, vtl, Jawcgz, Qwjcy, Blu, zowag, bLtxyG, xki, KXJspy, hfAnx, XRSMa, aeSkG, RAU, CHua, dwYCy, oRkVXe, RXW, MwS, gQr, svuw, UNoJ, ZxYvdD, IfzVY, mumtc, tSmUTz, qESohX, mOXWM, dXNZvV, ZpIZ, Dje, DLygQ, CKIqA, iaE, mcUT, Zmu, kvoGyL, SiFll, zlVKMa, nGvR, nIFa, sZBc, Oxi, RpsM, aakr, bkAq, & become a Muslim, 70 years old, just connected to your site now Koranic words contentment,. `` and how can He be known pronunciation correctly age can join to learn amin inshallah translation should. 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