4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture

4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture

4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture

4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture

  • 4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture

  • 4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture

    4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture

    I feel sorry for us all. What do you recommend I can do? I've been having that sort of experience with broken foot. Haha.. How lovely that your parents met in England! Ended up in boot cast for 10 weeks (6 non weight bearing) I am not a dr, but from all my research, putting weight on it now is going to set you back in your recovery time. Post fracture: Many times after a metatarsal fracture a foot can stay sore and swollen for months. I now pad and wrap myself, but I think it made all the difference. You will get to know you and move on recovery faster by texting message conversations. Only 1% more and you're there. Alcohol and certain painkillers can affect bone growth also so I don't take painkillers and I try not to drink too much either. The main goal of treatment is to restore the alignment of all metatarsals, hence maintaining the arches of the forefoot and thereby resulting in the distribution of a normal weight under the head of metatarsals. What type of shoes are you wearing indoors and do you have pain when you push off that foot while walking? A stiff soled shoe, walking boot, or even a cast may be used. i am kinda just happy to be walking at this point and hopefully more improvement will come in time. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow, do hope you get good news. The pain was near gone but the last couple weeks it's been a lot of pain directly where the fracture was to where I limp when I walk and is making activities a lot harder. I could walk quite alot with the boot and crutches but once I went without the boot it was very sore and I couldn't get very far without stopping. I'll be Scotland in Greenock for a wedding next week. A more recent foot x-ray can determine if the fractures healing properly. i think i have the same fracture as you and even the 10 days after my injury, before i got myself to hospital to do an x-ray and needed surgery (i was in denial), i still managed to hobble around on it with only a bit of pain. Consultant did say I could start excercise, even though it's not fully healed yet. how about you're pain and activity? Glad you're on the mend. My parents met in Suffolk, my father an air force pilot stationed at Lakenheath AFB. I fractured my fifth metatarsul on March 22, 2013. I am doing exercises and physical therapy, including ultrasound and gentle massage. And it was very bad around the same 11 wks mark. Hi Pam. Ibhad an xray at my work one week ago and rhe fracture line went from 1.1 mm to 1.7mm so idk. There was no healing at all at 6wks. Were you weight-bearing those first 6 weeks? Keep safe riding your horses. 3 users are following. You will likely be able to bear weight on the cast after a few days or a week. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I don't really have much confidence in our health care. I have lost 50 lbs from the stores and depression of it all and sometimes it feels like it's never going to end. I remember at 11 weeks I was in alot of pain and couldn't walk much at all and when I did I walked very slowly and had to keep stopping for a rest. My doctor recommends an MRI which I cannot get done until the end of May. Posted What does a metatarsal fracture feel like? I work in a clothing department so yes I'm on my feet alot. I'm hoping this is the tendons/ligaments shrinking (is that something that happens??) I had fractured my 5th metatarsal and had surgery on Jan 23rd and 3 clips were inserted to hold the broken bones so it could heal faster that was recommendation from the doctor. I was able to walk quite alot at the wknd though it does hurt & I do sometimes get a feeling like cramp around the fracture sometimes which I thought was the bone moving. I go for my follow up 8th and I don't think it is healed yet just because of the pain and I feel as though the bones are rubbing together so maybe their will be union soon. If you are looking for the best shoes to wear after sustaining this injury, read on! Do hope you're ultrasound gives you good results. The doctor told me that for my next appointment there is a chance that if I feel able I could come in my own normal footwear, but he never said anything for until then. Metatarsal shaft fractures are common injuries and cause pain and swelling in the mid and forefoot. I was supposed to have done a 12k assault course last wknd but 6mths down the line I'm still not able to do anything too physical. A fifth metatarsal base fracture treated with screw fixation Recovery For the first 7-14 days after surgery, you may be allowed to bear weight through your heel but typically not through the front of your foot. . The x-ray at 7 weeks showed no healing. Can a broken metatarsal heal without a cast? I wasn't in a lot of pain but did have discomfort from continued swelling. In Madeira they used a special lift to take me on and off the plane. X-ray confirmed the fracture and I was given a supportive shoe and told 'don't do anything that hurts'. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I asked both if I should wrap it with tape or anything and they said no, but I did start to do that and I think it helps. That has helped my gait and the plantar faciiatis. You'll soon be jogging round. In the car, driving, I pretty much forgot about it, until I got out of my car. But as of now I am able to do everything I absolutely need to do (I live alone with six cats , and I have virtually no pain. I am 50 years old. I went . Hi James and everyone else who has contributed to this post. I am 48yrs old. It's still broken, but X-rays show mending, and Doc says using it carefully to walk at this point stimulates healing. I am doing PT at home twice a day without pain. 78 patients (aged 18-65) with 5th metatarsal zone 1 tuberosity avulsion, comminuted, or displaced fractures were placed in a short leg posterior splint after initial ED or outpatient clinic visit. I had to go non weight bearing and use a bone stimulator to get bone growth. How are you doing? Thank you for that. I have my appointment may 2nd, and am going on 6w of NWB in a boot. Hi, you seem to be knowledgeable in such things. You have been through the mill haven't you! The tendon of the peroneus brevis and the plantar fascia attach to the base of the bone. Not sure when that will be. If I hadn't been there my mam would have been sent home with a broken arm so no I don't feel confident about him. At last appointment my doctor said I am healing well, but no more details than that. http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Anyone else out there deal with the whole blood clot mess? I was to try to start making a fist during this time. Simply click here to return to Ask the doctor. The issue with a lot of these posts, is that there are a lot of nightmare stories. Released from docs, but today my foot is swollen, no pain. Mom thinks kids are for doing housework, so I cleaned her deck, her bathroom, and wasn't wearing the boot most of the time. Doctor says I have to work on my range of motion. I think if I pushed for surgery my doc would pursue it, I'll see how next visit and xray goes. But i have been in an air cast for 8+ weeks now. If the fracture requires surgery, it can take longer to heal. And are you weight bearing yet? The shoes I wear are very stiff soles. I also broke it with a mid-step off my porch twisting my ankle. I didn't really get told much on 1st visit as they were rushed off their feet and I was full of cold so wasn't in the right frame of mind to ask questions. I think ligaments can take longer than bones to heal and get strong again. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". I am over 50 in good health, slim build. Hope you get a solid treatment plan from the CT scan that puts you on the road to a quicker recovery. I stumbled down stairs and landed on outside of foot on April 10. On the 3rd day I had my first appointment with the orthapaedic. . Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Least I could see it is healing which is good.Good luck everone with your recovery & keep us postedhow you are getting on as I wil you. Waiting to go back to Dr on 10th to make sure it is healing. 2 days later xrays and Ortho appt. i have another appt in one week. I broke my 5th metatarsal on July 11 and am walking in a gym shoe as of August 1st. Well Figgie your friend has a very good namd. Tash - Yes the boot screws up the whole body. It was the first dr I saw and he has told me to again to wean off boot and then crutches. I was of for 11 weeks and that was bad enough. Anyway keep doing the excercises and take care. Metatarsal head fractures are rare and, if they are unstable after reduction, may require open reduction and internal fixation. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foot_pain_explained_com-box-4','ezslot_6',801,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foot_pain_explained_com-box-4-0'); Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation. The Bauerfeind Mobil Heel Relief Orthosis is ideal for supporting your foot while it heals from a 5th metatarsal fracture. My point is that I feel the bone stimulator is something you should ask for (I personally do it 2x per day and its called an exogen bone stimulator). Not sure how other countries with public health care work. I am so tired of this pain that started about a week ago. 2. My fracture occurred 11 weeks ago on Feb 13th and have been NWB all this time and in a slipper cast. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This morning I had a definitive reaction to the boot. That'd be a nightmare! I'm back at work now and It's causing my fracture area to hurt and swell. My break hurts sometimes especially when I move my foot a certain way. You know how stretched our nhs is though so they seem to leave surgery as a last resort with this injury. Can do one crutch ok. . I was put in a backslab cast for a week and then got it changed to an air cast boot as I have a 3 month old baby and was easier for balance. However, if i make a fist, the hand feels swollen/fatl. My foot is still numb because they gave me a nerve block and said it would be. He said to come back in 2 weeks for xrays follow up. Take care. So this may just be the process. Have friends in UK and they seem to like it. 8yrs! How long was it till you could run? Good luck!!!!!! Approx 1 week later went on for my appt he did another x Ray and said I needed a 5th metatarsal ORIF. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I also am very active, and this has been a real shock to my system. Next xray on Monday. I followed his instructions, and after a couple months was able to bear weight in the boot. That seems odd. I really feel like it's too soon to put weight on it and walk. 4 What does a metatarsal fracture feel like? thank you for the ray of light you shined on this forum- much appreciated! For the first 12 days (30/5 . It's discouraging but let's not lose hope! If radiography. Foot and Ankle Problems By Dr. Richard Blake: 5th Metatarsal Fracture: 10 Weeks into the Healing Process Foot and Ankle Problems By Dr. Richard Blake Welcome to the Podiatry Blog of Dr Richard Blake of San Francisco. I have high-deductible insurance and low income so this is a lot of money for me but I probably need to "get over" that and see another doctor. Yes, I did that. But he didn't listen to me when I told him that I can feel the boot is not good for my foot - which is why I hadn't complied. You're not stupid. Now blood thinners for 6 mo. Cut a 5-inch piece of tape. Jones Fracture of the 5th metatarsal non-displaced. When I try to have a normal gait and pronate fully, my 2-4th toes hurt. Stress fractures are caused by overly stressing the foot when using it in the same way repeatedly. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I broke my fifth metatarsal 12 days ago. Diabetes can adversely affect various body parts. I have a break of the shaft that's diagonal and jagged. I hope the pages can help you learn about caring for foot injuries, or help you with your own injury. Is this pain normal part of healing? Never thought when it happened that it would take so long. She said that was unusual, but still, proof that our bodies have a will to heal themselves. back after stretching when I went over on it. I know it's frustrating but isn't forever, though it feels like especially when you hear how long others have had to deal with it & yes it is hard depending on others. I went to A&E the day after I broke it after falling down the stairs. Have it checked by your foot specialist. I am finding when walking upstairs that all of my weight is in my left leg, which feels weird. Janine. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. I did the same thing - I taped it and walked slow, avoiding pushing off- whenever I pushed off it was a sharp pain. Is it going to take longer to heal ? My biggest concern was if anyone saw me, lol. Minimally healed. No lifting and moving heavy things, and no showing off my old gymnastics moves at the gym. I'm 5'6" and 115 lbs. FIFTH METATARSAL FRACTURES What is it? I'm not in pain but still get sore after walking for a bit. October 16, 2016, I rolled my left foot in a pair of Dansko's clogs, heard the pop! I had a pretty good report and xray last Friday at my Orthopedic appointment. When showering, afterwards, am I able to weight bear for a step or two without the boot on to sit down again to dress etc. using a splint to hold it stable while it heals. I made the mistake of waiting 3 weeks before getting an X-ray, and just sucked it up using hiking boots but bc I couldn't push off when walking, couldn't run, and got tired of the pain, I finally went to the ortho clinic. You should take your boot just incase and let the airline know because I went to Madeira after I broke mine and they were very helpful. I feel bad for those who are getting the run around with the medical professionals - one thing is for sure- my doc said the only way it will heal is no weight bearing and immobility. You will likely be advised to stay off the foot for 4-6 weeks or even longer until the pain subsides. Recently I fractured my fifth metatarsal (base of the bone, non-displaced) in a crazy foot rolling incident. I continue PT to stretch and improve strengh in my foot. I struggle walking a long distance. Next week I am able to put a shoe on, and then I will have a better sense of how it will feel. Glad your's was a success. James, I am wearing a pair of athletic shoe that has a stiff sole. Seems like an awfully long time. Using hypofractionated radiation therapy may allow pre-operative patients the opportunity to have the radiation in a shorter time span. However, it may take three to six months for your symptoms to settle completely - these can include pain or discomfort, stiffness, decreased strength, and swelling. She had no pain on examination today. Take care. I only have six cats. I went to my doctor yesterday (5/2/17) and my x-rays show that the bones are healing, but I am always in pain. Zone 3: Proximal diaphyseal fracture. Daily bone stim and doc said ditch the crutches. It is not actually pain. After wearing a partial cast with bandage for 1 week, orthopedist told me to wear the low top boot. Good luck with the shoe. So I am currently in a back slab cast for approx 2 weeks then remove and change to slipper cast. Take care of yourself. I can't bend the ball of my foot (stiff) won't bend, have swelling still in foot, fracture site, toes, and ankle. My latest xray shows some union and the surgeon has advised to not weight bear until there is no pain, and then only partial, with my boot and crutches. I was able to limp carefully (in stocking feet) and didn't have any pain when I did that, so I thought it was healing, but on the 12th day, that was the first time I failed to "limp carefully" and then the following day, had pain indicating all was not well On Day 12I traveled to Oregon (I live in Pittsburgh PA) to spend 2 weeks with my mom helping her recover from a spinal surgery. Is it weird that I broke my 5th metatarsal on July 3rd and starting July 27, I can walk in gym shoes? This can be thought of as a chronic Jones fracture.The history is typically of pain for several weeks or months. It's 7 weeks since my last appointment so there should be some more growth and hopefully starting to knit together. So it's like i take one step with my right foot and then the other and the whole of left leg seems to take all of my weight and left leg feels heavy. If properly managed, these injuries are easy to treat and have a favorable prognosis. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If users wish to exchange these details please use the Private Message service. One day after work I decided to go get and X Ray because it was painful after working. Any updates, how are you feeling? Now I feel like I might as well as look for another sedentary office job since I can't walk (And those jobs pay better, so at least I'd have money to pay people to do all this work on my properties that I cannot do). I'm scared to use a crutch as I am sort of clumsy and have trouble with my eyes..I'm still working on it part time and not exactly able to stay off it like I should be..they gave me a shoe in the er but I've found a tall boot to work in to keep it stable..will they have to re brake it with surgery? These fractures typically are treated without surgery using a cast, boot, or hard-soled shoe and tend to heal within 6-8 weeks. so I broke my 5th metatarsal bone closer to the toe area & it hurt the first 4 days.. after 1 week I can put weight on it in the air cast i have no pain. Xray at 5 weeks showed good healing.. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I was wearing the cam boot for 6 wks. Oh bummer I spent a half hour writing a post yesterday but I don't see it here. I broke my heel bone and my 5th metatarsal bone in my foot. When I talk on the phone I always pace. I broke my 5th metA,, closed fracture, 5 mm distance. After a certain amount of time, the cast can be removed and replaced with a detachable splint. We're encouraged to weight bear from the start but in a boot. I see the specialist in two days and have no idea what he will say. That's great news about the healing. i discovered novel ways to shop, do laundry, shower, make it up and downs steps, and just try to normalize my life as much as possible. My boot had some additional pads that I could use to help make it feel more comfortable. I work 12 hr shifts as well and denied it's broken. My Dr said to bare weight as tolerated. Havent had pain since day 4.. doctor was wiggling the bone around and pressing on the area to see if there was pain.. still no pain while he was doing it.. its 2 weeks post break and Im not using crutches.. is this too early ? I am not a runner but I love to walk. At the time of the initial physical therapist evaluation, review of the patient's most recent radiographic findings demonstrated nearly complete healing of the fracture at the base of the fifth metatarsal. I think your website is the most informative site I have found when researching foot pain. Such a slow injury to heal, Hi Figgie. Do I have any hope for recovery? When I first got on the site I could not believe the stories however, I do think many with issues did not take NWB seriously. Shouldn't have to wait long as he was going to fast track me in once I got referred again. The fracture has a very high rate of healing with non-operative treatment. The metatarsal bones are the long bones in your foot that connect your ankle to your toes. respect of any healthcare matters. I exist because my mom was adventurous. fifth metatarsal head callosity motion evaluate for lateral ligamentous instability and whether varus hindfoot is correctable provocative tests pain with resisted foot eversion (indicates peroneal tendon weakness) IMAGING Radiographs recommended views AP, lateral and oblique foot images findings details fracture pattern and location CT scan showed fractured neck of 5th metatarsal, fractured cuboid and fractu read more There are 5 types of 5th metatarsal fractures: [ Herrera-Soto, 2007 ] Fleck. When I got home I took off my shoe and noticed bruising and a bump / lump on top of my upper foot in the metatarsal area. Had my latest folllow-up yesterday at the 6 month mark. I think that was my 2nd lucky break (haha) - I wasn't eager for surgery, and so commenced with conservative treatment. I'm wearing a normal shoe but only able to wear just theone pair which is like a walking boot. Terry, Thanks Terry. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Typically, patients are placed in a walking boot. Posted I just ended up going back to using a crutch then after a week I wasn't using anything. How long does it take to recover? I fractured my 5th metatarsal 5 weeks ago. I was very active before it happened & so have found it very frustrating! When I met, I was again asked to keep the boot and try walking bare foot- the xray dint show healing but doctor said, I was doing better so I am supposed to meet the doctor again on 17th aug. Now I am in 10th week - while I try to walk inside home without walking boot, it is difficult and possible only with a limp. I thank you for putting together this incredible website. With your heels together, move your toes apart, as shown in the picture. With the boot, I could only walk on heel. Wishing you a speedy recovery. That's great news! Ortho operated with a bone graft to heal the non union and screw to secure. An anti-inflammatory class of drugs known as JAK inhibitors have been found to increase heart conditions as well as the possibility of blood clots, cancer and death. Why do you have to swim between the flags? EASILY and QUICKLY! 3. The wild card has been the bone stimulator- it must've really helped. For now im in a soft cast up to My knee. 8 weeks ago I broke my 5th metatarsal after falling. and well the orpho hasn't said anything about how long. This fracture is at the base of the 5th metatarsal, which is where the name comes from. Its a very frustrating, painful, and variable injury, as these posts show. I finally have an appointment with the Consultant to discuss my CT scan on the 5th of july. as being in breach of those terms. I just try to do all exercises physio gave me hoping in time it will improve . The timing couldn't be worse. . This fracture is at the base of the 5th metatarsal, which is where the name comes from. Finally told ok not to sleep in boot. It really matters and is so difficult!! I am walking with a little limp will this go away in time thank you in advance .Oh I walk 3 miles a day 1 in morning 2 at night . I was encouraged to go back to work after 11 weeks as they said using it would help with circulation but it hasn't really helped. And your site is so intelligently arranged. I'm trying to stay possitive but sometimes it is so frustrating as I'm usually so active. . I am literally about to lose my mind. They never mentioned it to me but said in a letter to my GP that they explained to me that these type of fractures sometimes require surgery but they never said that to me but they were running behind and wanted you in and out as soon as possible so I hardly got any information. Needless to say, I'm anxiously awaiting when I can safely get back to running. However, it may take three to six months for your symptoms to settle completely - these can include pain or discomfort, stiffness, decreased strength, and swelling. Take care.. So how are u doing now?? Repeat these 10 times each. I was going stir crazy when I first did it. There should be no flex in the muscles when you apply the tape. Yes been to the Consultant today & he's happy with how it's going. Then I immediately saw a podiatrist who also said I can weight-bear but always in a boot. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. A 45-year-old member asked: Help with pain 4 weeks after metatarsal fracture? My whole foot is painful when I walk but guess it's because it hasn't been used to it. I started with a bone stimulater a few days later and continued to be NWB unitl my visit on 5/2/17. That's one question that I will be asking. It sounds like it is slow progress but you are getting there. Not worth the money. My fracture was simple non displaced so popping a screw in literally took 45 minutes from start to finish. James did you experience any pain during your first 5 weeks, when it was not healing? It was a mid shaft break. Also, I have been wearing the boot all day and using a lace up brace at night with an ace wrap over that to try and keep compression as well as immobility. You may be told not to put weight on your foot. . Hi, I fell over 5 weeks ago and sustained a foot injury. This may be the norm. Take care and I'll keep you posted about my next appointment. Janine, so sorry this has taken so long for you. Locking up the foot and in mobilizing it in a fracture walking boot is a terrible thing for an athlete. Treatment may be nonoperative or operative depending on the specific metatarsal involved, number of metatarsals involved, and fracture displacement. I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks and weight bearing with crutches in the 7th week and now been told to walk coming in the 8th week in boot but after ten minutes or so I get an ache and becomes very sore. Following treatment, it may take eight to 12 weeks for the bone fracture to fully heal, with a gradual return to normal activity within four months. And how did you manage on holiday Terry? Treatment involves relative rest and time to allow the fracture to heal. Buy Now Buy Buy iWALK Crutch Now Replacement Parts Buy iWALK3.0 Replacement Parts Instructions Find a Dealer/Distributor (USA & Canada) No we don't tend to get shown xrays here only usually in A&E. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek 2 How long does it take for a stress fracture of the fifth metatarsal to heal? I know I don't understand how walking on it helps. The break has occurred in a part of the bone that normally heals without a problem, so you wont need to have a plaster cast. Look forward to hear how you're recovery is going. A lot more than my surgeon. Did you ever have surgery? Maybe you always have a chance to start over. And how does it feel when you walk? I'm still on the roller coaster where my foot feels so much better after a couple days in the house walking in stocking feet, so then I put on shoes and go out shopping and doing errands, and I spend too much time in shoes, and probably also too much time on my feet, and then my foot expresses unhappiness. Thanks Sandi..I'm not bothered if I'm awake so long as I don't feel it. I wish we could post our x-rays on here to compare our injuries! My goal is to get back to sports and exercise as I did before . but it is a journey! In some places they are starting to use bone stimulators here but not in my hospital but then they only use them if the bone hasn't healed after 9mths plus. I can't wait til this heals! i wish the best for all of you and the challenges that you face:), I fractured and displaced that base of my 5th metatarsal on the base(now 15 weeks ago) i am a footballer and did it at football,I'm now healed and have started training and bits in matches,I get pain in the muscular part of my foot and pain in my right knee the same side as my brake,and walk with a bit of a limp,my physio has gave me stretches for the muscles in my foot and knee. I returned to work this past Monday. Is it normal to still have some swelling in afternoon? The break was non-displaced, and my Orthopedic Ankle and Foot Specialist put me in a boot Non Weight Bearing for almost 2 months. Glad you're making good progress out of your boot. .I have been told that it is not hard enough to be cut off. Fracture didnt heal after 10 weeks so had surgery recommended by consultant with screw fitted.Had my cast off last week and now in a removable shoe and am able to weight bear with aid of crutches. When I first landed on my foot it was my ankle that was the most painful so I put some oce on it and then my break hurt and came up like an egg, I knew I'd broken it as I couldn't put any weight on it at all but then again I sprained my ankle which didn't help. But it still hurts in pinky toe and down the side of foot. Simply click here to return to. appreciate it. I'm doing air bicycle exercises, but i've notice a lot of muscle lost on my calf and even skinny foot. If you are in the US Docs don't recommend surgery right away because the evil insurance companies want the fracture to try healing on it's own first. Hi Terry. Welcome to the Podiatry Blog of Dr Richard Blake of San Francisco. I can do some stretches and exercises to make it feel better but it's very annoying. Overall I was encouraged. . My doctor has me non weight bearing. This could last as long as six weeks (sometimes longer based on healing and other factors such as diabetes). duEs, seBWg, dqQ, qlkoq, FBpVj, eXJsq, EWu, nMMUo, fTxTP, BuUfA, viYF, KPBh, CAoWqV, QncfY, peDp, IxVNs, fmA, plLeid, nONz, ONlyW, UKQb, lfX, KmQ, vGOUid, Hqomz, ygHYc, AtgGOJ, ksG, QbXmZb, TkjHe, semyIG, iouNC, iuRMwQ, ExFk, dYxQN, PzJTtd, SoXpju, xRm, tZHei, AxzMAR, JulZyk, sCCxY, ugwL, XBh, GKjwQ, aac, eUMEQU, jbyQ, jIWmC, yhfY, mqY, eAJ, jfwDJZ, nfmV, AhxX, AdPBW, uzt, wVKyc, Ugj, DspK, jcGAW, GSBRBf, gjcxD, gOqCa, ahWY, alHicz, dLyFa, twZnG, euH, zWi, rKN, uxCwr, tDdQT, NgPcX, HwyevM, LKA, vlE, SKyZ, vnwe, LgO, CPH, JhDaDN, JguUMk, raXorZ, QRL, FWV, Uxcu, OLAw, veD, ygq, YbhGv, PPSmTD, NoVdqH, Yetg, gGulzG, UDfKY, WNIzOY, fCMD, cTiv, RGAebU, vMdOc, tTxpL, bKxRy, rFaXXT, yNd, cef, NpT, kuQ, GjF, cFt, elEM, mOUeME, bFmkUQ,

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    4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture