trinity genome guided transcriptome assembly

trinity genome guided transcriptome assembly

trinity genome guided transcriptome assembly

trinity genome guided transcriptome assembly

  • trinity genome guided transcriptome assembly

  • trinity genome guided transcriptome assembly

    trinity genome guided transcriptome assembly

    Among them, Oryzoideae and Pooideae belong to the BOP clad (Bambusoideae, Oryzoideae and Pooideae), which is one of the two primary groups in the Poaceae family. 2021; Genomic insights into the recent chromosome reduction of autopolyploid sugarcane Saccharum spontaneum, The reference genome of Miscanthus floridulus illuminates the evolution of Saccharinae, The genome sequence of segmental allotetraploid peanut Arachis hypogaea, A single polyploidization event at the origin of the tetraploid genome of Coffea arabica is responsible for the extremely low genetic variation in wild and cultivated germplasm, An enriched sugarcane diversity panel for utilization in genetic improvement of sugarcane, SMRT sequencing of the Oryza rufipogon genome reveals the genomic basis of rice adaptation, Extensive variation within the pan-genome of cultivated and wild sorghum, Genome sequences of two diploid wild relatives of cultivated sweetpotato reveal targets for genetic improvement, A draft chromosome-scale genome assembly of a commercial sugarcane,,,,,,, Identification of sex determination locus in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus using genome-wide association study, Expression characterization and cross-species complementation uncover the functional conservation of YABBY genes for leaf abaxial polarity and carpel polarity establishment in Saccharum spontaneum, Interspecific complementation-restoration of phenotype in Arabidopsis cuc2cuc3 mutant by sugarcane CUC2 gene, Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the coronatine-insensitive 1 (COI1) gene family in response to biotic and abiotic stresses in Saccharum, Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis of the growth-regulating factor family in Saccharum. Boxplots represent the median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile, and whiskers correspond to 1.5 times the interquartile range. Outer dense fibres are unique accessory structures that maintain the structural integrity of flagella and are vital for flagellar function53. Table S5. Cell 173, 15201534.e20 (2018). Whereas there are 3 TST genes in the sorghum genome47, the family has expanded in the S. spontaneum genome, which has 4 genes consisting of 13 homologs. Cao-Delgado, A. et al. Chen, J. et al. Katoh, K., Kuma, K.-i, Toh, H. & Miyata, T. MAFFT version 5: improvement in accuracy of multiple sequence alignment. TE density was calculated in 5kb windows upstream and downstream of the gene. Thompson, D. A. et al. Biotechnol. 40, D169D179 (2012). Notably, HENMT was significantly different in the testis between the two species. We used SynOrths [104] to identify syntenic gene pairs between each of 18 genomes and A. thaliana. Mol Ecol Resour. With the recent advances made by Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), the ONT system now offers ultralong sequence reads, delivering high contiguity with low assembly errors caused by long repetitive regions12. Google Scholar. Science. Injection of the synthesized C. panzhihuaensis fitD protein resulted in significantly higher mortality in larvae of both the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) and cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) (Fig. 24, 15861591 (2007). The piRNA clusters are transcribed into multiple long precursor transcripts which are then cut and processed into small RNAs that are reverse complementary to TE transcripts [46, 47]. TPM were calculated using the eXpress program, which was incorporated in the Trinity89 package. Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND. The Chinese pine genome and methylome unveil key features of conifer evolution. Lepiniec, L. et al. The association of this SNP with the hulless trait was validated by the development of KASP (Kompetitive allele-specific polymerase chain reaction) markers (Fig. 3f and Additional file 3: Table S25), and the ratio of FSGs in the multi-copy gene sets was more than twice that of the single-copy gene set in each of the 18 genomes, illustrating that the multi-copy genes were more likely to be flexible during intraspecific diversification. JASPAR 2020: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles. In the first round of MAKER running, ten selected RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) samples were imported into Trinity de novo assembly and genome-guided assembly pipelines with default parameters69. 2016;211:28899. Dutch breeders in Java made interspecific crosses between S. officinarum and a wild relative, S. spontaneum, to obtain disease resistance and stress tolerance traits of S. spontaneum while backcrossing to S. officinarum to recover high biomass and high sugar content4. Using A. thaliana as the reference, we generated syntenic gene arrays for A. thaliana and the 18 genomes on the three subgenomes. The sliding window of the inner rings 1-4 is 1Mb. To obtain Unique transposon landscapes are pervasive across Drosophila melanogaster genomes. Sci. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. 2005;33(2):5118. Suyama, M., Torrents, D. & Bork, P. PAL2NAL: robust conversion of protein sequence alignments into the corresponding codon alignments. The central line for each box plot indicates the median. c,d, Mortalities of Plutella xylostella (c) and Helicoverpa armigera (d) after treatment with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and cytotoxin. Aibar, S. et al. 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Genome Biol. Crop Sci. PubMed Central f The number of SVs after different combinations of individuals. The shift from swimming to non-motile sperm is a major innovation in land plant evolution, and C. panzhihuaensis and G. biloba exhibit an ancestral gene content that is part of the shift from producing flagellate to non-flagellate sperm cells. 40, 256263 (2000). & Wang, H. LTR_FINDER: an efficient tool for the prediction of full-length LTR retrotransposons. MCScanX: a toolkit for detection and evolutionary analysis of gene synteny and collinearity. 14, 26112620 (2005). Cheng F, Sun C, Wu J, Schnable J, Woodhouse MR, Liang JL, et al. (a) t-SNE visualization of 95,020 single cells from whole bodies of earthworm, colored by cell type (left) and cell lineage (right). In total, 1064 SVs were enriched in the heading population, which were associated with 266 genes in the Chiifu genome, corresponding to 191 orthologous genes in the A. thaliana genome (Additional file 3: Table S32). De novo assemblies when necessary were obtained with Trinity for transcriptomes or spades v. 3.14.1 for genomes and single amplified genomes (SAGs). 2012;63:53562. PubMed Central Proportion of repetitive elements in the genome. We selected shared TEs with more than 500 copies in both species for display. For example, although the second homoeologous group of oat and wheat are mainly derived from AGK4 or Os4 and AGK7 or Os7, the arrangement patterns of these two ancestral chromosomes are different. Genome Biology A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome. Front Genet. Charlesworth B, Charlesworth D. The population dynamics of transposable elements. & Borodovsky, M. Identification of protein coding regions in RNA transcripts. and L.-Q.C. Genome assemblies and annotations of B. rapa accessions have been also deposited in Figshare database [111]. 4a). We identified 1,269 R-genes across the three subgenomes of Sanfensan, showing a contraction compared with the numbers identified in the tetraploid and diploid (sub)genomes (Fig. DHont, A. et al. CAS The head, thorax, and legs of individual genders were mixed into one sample as a body tissue for RNA extraction. Recent accelerated diversification in rosids occurred outside the tropics. B. Oat evolution revealed in the maternal lineages of 25 Avena species. Avsec, . et al. Google Scholar. Natl Acad. 21, 213 (2021). Similar results were found in a study of D. melanogaster and D. simulans [84]. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Evol. Structural variation (SV) plays an important role in plant evolution and agriculture, by regulating flowering time, stress resistance, fruit flavor, size, and productivity [32, 45, 46]. The genotyping-by-sequecing data for 659 oat lines were deposited at NCBI under BioProject code PRJNA807126. Curr. A. 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If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. PubMed Weinreich, D. M., Lan, Y., Wylie, C. S. & Heckendorn, R. B. Correlations between TE mRNA abundance and TE-derived piRNA abundance. 2011;27(1):2331. 5b), the topology shows that the accessions of different ploidy levels (from hexaploid to hexadecaploid) diverged independently from ancestors in three groups, suggesting that the fluid ploidy levels may have independently evolved from ancestral progenitors. Nei, M. & Gojobori, T. Simple methods for estimating the numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions. b The ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous SNPs in CSGs and FSGs. Thank you for visiting PubMed Central 27, 573580 (1999). Evolutionary history studies on TEs suggest that TEs may be subject to different dynamics and resistances in these two species. In the tree of life, species with gigantic genomes (larger than 10 GB) only account for a tiny fraction, including lungfishes [4], salamanders [5, 6], deep-sea crustaceans [7, 8], and orthoptera insects [9, 10]. Genome Res. Genome. Garca-Ros, E., Nuvalos, M., Barrio, E., Puig, S. & Guillamn, J. M. A new chromosomal rearrangement improves the adaptation of wine yeasts to sulfite. nuda cultivar Sanfensan. Murat, F., Armero, A., Pont, C., Klopp, C. & Salse, J. Reconstructing the genome of the most recent common ancestor of flowering plants. RepeatMasker69 and RepeatProteinMask69 were used to search for known repeat sequences; MITE-hunter70, LTR_retriever71, LTR_FINDER (v.1.0.6)72 and RepeatModeler73 were then used to search the repeats de novo. Science. China. S.Z., H.L., X.G. Sixteen grass species belong to BOP clade (Supplementary Table 7) for which high-quality reference genomes were available, mainly representing the Pooideae subfamilies Aveneae, Lolieae and Triticeae tribes that contain the main cereal crops were used for gene family clustering analyses. Extended Data Fig. (e-f) t-SNE showing 21 subclusters from Drosophila C1 (central nerve cell) (e), violin plot showing the scale normalized expression levels of representative markers for each subcluster (f). Kronenberg ZN, Fiddes IT, Gordon D, Murali S, Cantsilieris S, Meyerson OS, et al. We thank M20 (Hangzhou), G-BIO (Hangzhou), BGI (Shenzhen) and CNGB (Shenzhen) for supporting the sequencing experiments; and Vazyme (Nanjing) for supplying the customized enzymes used in the study. All 16 accessions were planted in a greenhouse during 2018. conceived this genome project and coordinated research activities; R.M., C.N., J.Z. 3d and Supplementary Note 10.6). Top left: Pearsons r and associated two-tailed P values. Tandem repeats were identified by using GMATA (v2.2)52 and Tandem Repeats Finder (v4.07b)53. Structural cells are key regulators of organ-specific immune responses. Medini D, Donati C, Tettelin H, Masignani V, Rappuoli R. The microbial pan-genome. Birney E, Clamp M, Durbin R. GeneWise and genomewise. PubMed Surveying Saccharomyces genomes to identify functional elements by comparative DNA sequence analysis. Nat Plants., DOI: Li, B. Genet. 2020;6:34. Breed. Increasing studies have suggested that single-reference genome is not sufficient to capture all or even most of the variants in a species [27,28,29,30,31], including variants known to have been favored by breeders [27, 28, 32]. Shao F, Han M, Peng Z. Evolution and diversity of transposable elements in fish genomes. Pasam, R. K. et al. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Grabherr, M. G. et al. Van de Peer, Y., Mizrachi, E. & Marchal, K. The evolutionary significance of polyploidy. Dudchenko, O. et al. Salse, J. et al. Therefore, it is challenging and exciting work to study the relationship between TEs expansion and piRNAs within and between species. Based on this foundation, and to identify the subgenome donors accurately, we resequenced the genomes of 14 Avena species representing different genomic subtypes and ploidy levels (As, Al, Ac, Ad, Cv, Cp, AB and CD). Hollister, J. D. & Gaut, B. S. Epigenetic silencing of transposable elements: a trade-off between reduced transposition and deleterious efects on neighboring gene expression. Identifying genomic features uniquely shared by cycads and other extant seed plants, but not non-seed-producing plants, may shed light on the origin of key innovations, as well as the early diversification of seed plants. 11, R87 (2010). Mol Cell. 5b. Brandes, E. W. & Sartoris, G. B. Sugarcane: its origin and improvement. RNA-seq reads of different accessions were collected and mapped onto the two genotypes. A recent study of more than 600 insects using assembled genome data analysis revealed the proportion of repeats in insect genomes ranged widely from 1.6 to 81.5% [68]. Polyploidization is generally divided into two categories: autopolyploidization, duplication of the same genome; allopolyploidization, merging of two diverged genomes into a common nucleus [7]. 4a). dos Santos, G. et al. TASSEL: software for association mapping of complex traits in diverse samples. The pan-genome and genotyped variants in 524 diverse genomes serve as a valuable resource for the B. rapa research community. Article ISSN 1476-4687 (online) 8, R24 (2007). Eggertsson HP, Jonsson H, Kristmundsdottir S, Hjartarson E, Kehr B, Masson G, et al. De novo assembly of the Aedes aegypti genome using Hi-C yields chromosome-length scaffolds. Analysis of piRNA-mediated silencing of active TEs in Drosophila melanogaster suggests limits on the evolution of host genome defense. Graphtyper enables population-scale genotyping using pangenome graphs. and J. Wang conceived the study. Although the sequenced genome is haploid, each gamete contains four sets of homologous or hom(e)ologous chromosomes, representing two WGDs (that is, from one to two to four). Dev. The intra- and intergenomic syntenic analyses were conducted using MCscanX100, with the default settings. Morex (Hvul). Google Scholar. (n=9,168, 9,168, 9,168, and 9,171 indepent samples for groups A, B, C, and D, respectively). Nucleic Acids Res. Trinity Transcript Quantification. First draft genome assembly of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Plants 4, 8289 (2018). B. Saccharomyces Genome Database: the genomics resource of budding yeast. f, Distribution of predicted expression levels (y axis) in defined medium at each evolutionary time step (x axis) for sequences under SSWM favouring high (red) or low (blue) expression, starting with native promoter sequences (n=5,720). Genome Res. A reference-based or genome-guided transcriptome assembly algorithm uses alignments of reads to the genome that are produced by a specialized spliced-alignment tool, such as TopHat2 (ref. A novel two-component hybrid molecule regulates vascular morphogenesis of the Arabidopsis root. Li, H. et al. Constructing complete fitness landscapes, in which DNA sequences are mapped to fitness, is a long-standing goal in biology, but has remained elusive because it is challenging to generalize reliably to vast sequence spaces4,5,6. Cell. 3). Polyploid plants often have notable advantages in biomass production, vigor and adaptability to environmental changes, contributing to the emergence of important agronomic traits in food crops6,7,8. Nat. Raw reads were processed with IsoSeq3 pipeline ( /IsoSeq) to identify full-length, nonchimeric circular consensus sequences (CCSs). The single-base depth coverage of the properly paired reads obtained from the A. longiglumis, A. eriantha and A. insularis mapping was calculated using the Mosdepth (v0.3.0)79 program. All three types of immune receptorsCC-NBS-LRR (CNL), TIR-NBS-LRR (TNL) and RPW8-NBS-LRR (RNL)show patterns of expansion in C. panzhihuaensis and other gymnosperms, compared with non-seed plants (Supplementary Note 14). Natl Acad. We also produced genome assemblies for diploid and tetraploid Avena ancestors, which enabled the identification of oat subgenomes and provided insights into oat chromosomal evolution. Source data are provided with this paper. Proc. Original (y axis) and reconstructed (x axis) expression changes (the values in the evolvability vectors) for each native sequence (none seen by the autoencoder in training). These genomes together with the two published high-quality reference genomes (Chiifu and Z1) were used to construct a B. rapa pan-genome. Van de Peer Y, Mizrachi E, Marchal K. The evolutionary significance of polyploidy. 2021;12:693541. Sci. Google Scholar. Abadi, M. et al. Clauwaert, J., Menschaert, G. & Waegeman, W. Explainability in transformer models for functional genomics. Repeat sequences can reveal signals of evolutionary history on short timescales [69]. Reads of mapped rRNA accounted for 4.90% (L. migratoria testis) and 10.13% (A. rhodopa testis) of clean data, respectively. Adv. The BRL1 and BRL3 genes encode brassinosteroid receptors that play major roles in xylem differentiation and phloem/xylem patterning in angiosperms44. Second, we compared the piRNAs corresponding to each shared TE in the two species. 14, 29382943 (2000). Bowtie2 generated ten times as many uniquely mapped reads as BWA did (Supplementary Fig. Liu, H. et al. [56, 58], making it a trustworthy choice for assembly. Polyploidization plays a positive role in increasing the richness of the plant kingdom by supporting plant speciation through frequent and recurrent polyploidization and re-diploidization events [1,2,3,4,5]. Yan, H. et al. All illustrations are specifically created for this study (a high-resolution version is available at X.S. A myxozoan genome reveals mosaic evolution in a parasitic cnidarian. First, AUGUSTUS (version v3.3.3) ( and GeneMark (version 4) [79] were used for de novo gene prediction. Huang, C., Zhang, R., Gui, J., Zhong, Y. Prado, N. et al. f, LTR retrotransposon density. Article Homozygous sites of AA, CC, GG, and TT are filled using different colors as described in the figure, while missing loci (NN) and heterozygous loci (Hetero) are not filled with color. Each of the fragments was blast against the AP85-441 and LA-purple (unpublished) masked genomes, respectively, and the mapping score was calculated for each blast hit using the following formula: where S indicates mapping score, N indicates the number of matched bases and I indicates identity in each blast hit. We suspect that this uncorrelation is due to impaired piRNA silencing machinery in A. rhodopa. Zhang L, Cai X, Wu J, Liu M, Grob S, Cheng F, et al. Saturation mutagenesis of twenty disease-associated regulatory elements at single base-pair resolution. The transposable element-rich genome of the cereal pest Sitophilus oryzae. We identified miRNAs in small RNAs (see Methods), and found that the abundance of miRNAs in A. rhodopa was higher than that in L. migratoria. In Brassica rapa, large-scale resequencing revealed that subgenome parallel selection of homoeologous genes derived from polyploidization is associated with morphotype diversification in B. rapa and Brassica oleracea [24]. Genome Res. The outline of the B. rapa phylogeny constructed using single-copy nuclear genes across the genome showed extensive phylogenetic discordance. Sugar Cane Technol. The cellulose synthase superfamily in fully sequenced plants and algae. Understanding mechanisms of novel gene expression in polyploids. The top and bottom edges of the box indicate the first and third quartiles and the whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range beyond the edges of the box. All authors participated in discussion of results and manuscript editing. CAS Using these uniformly constructed cross-species landscapes, we developed a deep-learning-based strategy, Nvwa, to predict gene expression and identify regulatory sequences at the single-cell level. Science 361, eaar7191 (2018). 2c, event 3), presumably occurred after the two rounds of WGD. Zhang, J. et al. Genome evolution across 1,011 Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates. We performed TEs transcriptional expression analysis using RNA-seq data of four tissue types (testis, ovary, male body, female body) in both species (the body sample is a mix of head, thorax, and leg). Jiaqi Li designed the model. The APL gene is expressed in the phloem and cambium in vascular plants, and its encoded protein promotes phloem differentiation42. Crop Sci. Kelleher ES, Azevedo RB, Zheng Y. Xi, Z., Rest, J. S. & Davis, C. C. Phylogenomics and coalescent analyses resolve extant seed plant relationships. Dense and pleiotropic regulatory information in a developmental enhancer. Manni, M., Berkeley, M. R., Seppey, M., Simo, F. A. Microb. VanBuren, R. et al. However, TE transcriptional activity and post-transcriptional silencing jointly determine transcript abundance. Biol. Hybrid assembly of the large and highly repetitive genome of Aegilops tauschii, a progenitor of bread wheat, with the MaSuRCA mega-reads algorithm. We produced and collected resequencing data from a natural population consisting of 524 diverse B. rapa accessions (Additional file 1: Supplementary note). Kelley, D. R., Snoek, J. We found that TE transcript abundance was higher in the large-genome grasshopper and the TE-derived piRNAs abundance was lower than in the small-genome grasshopper. Nature 533, 397401 (2016). 0, 5157 (2014). 9, 559 (2008). TEs are extremely unconserved within and between species, and variation exists even between TE copies. 2d). Terpenoids are a diverse group of secondary metabolites encoded by terpene synthase (TPS) genes59. Sequence of the sugar pine megagenome. Mol. Nature 473, 97100 (2011). d, The numbers of expanded and contracted gene families in the eight Avena (sub)genomes. (A) Two reads and sequenced from different genes of the same family are aligned to the profile HMM of the family. The group number refers to the conservative level. All the candidate LTR elements were first identified using LTR_FINDER and LTR_retriever. Nucleic Acids Res. If giant genome grasshopper species have assembled genome data in the future, a higher proportion of repetitive sequences may be found. Freeling M, Scanlon MJ, Fowler JE. By using this website, you agree to our The nucleotide sequences of the FISH probes were given in Supplementary Table 17. Subgenome dominance is a common phenomenon that is widely observed in allopolyploids, including cotton [8], Brassica [9], and wheat [10]. 2008;24(3):11423. DNA Res. The BN kinship matrix and the first five components calculated from the principal component analysis104 (v.1.91.4beta3) were included as random effects. Open Access articles citing this article. Bioinformatics 23, 10611067 (2007). The raw ONT long reads were subjected to self-correction using the NextCorrect module implemented in NextDenovo (v2.0-beta.1) ( Ancestral genomes are labeled with AX (X is a number from 1 to 12) according to Salse et al.24. Persistence of subgenomes in paleopolyploid cotton after 60 my of evolution. This technology has facilitated complete telomere-to-telomere (T2T) genome assembly in various species, including Homo sapiens, by resolving long, complex repetitive regions13,14. 102, 892899 (2001). Egg cell-secreted EC1 triggers sperm cell activation during double fertilization. p>0.05 (method = T-test). Assembly results showed that the C subgenome is ~20% larger than the A and D subgenomes, which can be explained almost entirely by the relative abundances of repeat (Supplementary Table 6). Kofler R. Dynamics of transposable element invasions with piRNA clusters. Sequence variation and accumulation of repeat copies appeared in the proliferation process. Evol. 2a). Proc. J. BAC DNA libraries were sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq 2500 with a 250-bp paired-end sequencing strategy. When comparing the frequency of FSG among the three subgenomes, we observed a significantly higher value in the LF subgenome than in the other two MF subgenomes (Fig. Cell. Biol. 38). Biol. (c) Barplot of the Nvwa and single -cell ATAC cell type specific transcription factor for Drosophila. Environ. Payne, J. L. & Wagner, A. Mechanisms of mutational robustness in transcriptional regulation. Experimentally measured (y axis) and predicted (x axis) expression level (lo) or expression change from the starting sequence (hk) in complex (h, j, l, n) or defined (i, k, m, o) medium using sequences from the random genetic drift (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Note 13). and X.C. 2005;95(4):30912. 2 Characterization of sequence trajectories under strong competing selection pressures using the convolutional model. Orr, H. A. These pairs of duplicated genes are located on the same syntenic block identified in the C. panzhihuaensis genome. 34, W435W439 (2006). Cience. & Dewey, C. N. RSEM: accurate transcript quantification from RNA-seq data with or without a reference genome. led the bioinformatics analyses. performed WGD analysis. Transcriptome sequencing reads were trimmed using Trimmomatic106 program (ILLUMINACLIP:adapter.fa:2:30:10 HEADCROP:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:5:15 MINLEN:140) and mapped against C. panzhihuaensis annotated gene models using bowtie2 (with sensitive mode and default alignment parameters) by retaining the best alignments. PLoS ONE 8, e80870 (2013). Sci. Comprehensive analysis of the SUL1 promoter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Work was supported by the Klarman Cell Observatory, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)andGoogle TPU Research Cloud ( It is likely an unintended consequence that these rearranged chromosome arms are enriched with NBS-encoding genes, resulting in more disease-resistance genes being retained in S. spontaneum, which leads to higher resistance to disease and abiotic stresses in S. spontaneum than in other Saccharum species and makes S. spontaneum the source of disease and stress tolerance in sugarcane breeding program. The mapped reads were sorted, and duplicated reads were removed using SAMtools85. Luo S, Zhang H, Duan Y, Yao X, Clark AG, Lu J. 45, 401415 (1970). 4ad). Pan-genome and graph-based genome strategies have thus established a means for deciphering the impacts of SVs on favorable trait domestication. The distributions of these conserved genes that were absent in the polyploids were displayed with the A. longiglumis genome as the reference. J. Mol. Second, GeneWise (version 2.4.1) [80] with default parameters was used to predict homology-based gene models. Bar charts show the percentages of 1,614 highly conserved plant BUSCO genes that are completely present (light and dark blue), fragmented (yellow), or missing (red) in each assemblies. 122, 110115 (2018). Dudchenko O, Batra SS, Omer AD, Nyquist SK, Hoeger M, Durand NC, et al. 2009;10(1):118. With regard to the identification of flagellar genes, 58 flagellar-related genes were collected from previous studies81. iGenome-guided RNA-seqCufflinksStringtieCPATCPC ii) De novo assembly Fornes, O. et al. Proc. Fishers exact test was used to examine whether the functional categories were over-represented. 2009;5(11):e1000733. Wen J, Mohammed J, Bortolamiol-Becet D, Tsai H, Robine N, Westholm JO, et al. Science. Conserved and Flexible represent conserved and flexible syntenic gene in the homoeologous pair. SSCG, single-copy genes; LCG, low-copy genes; MT, mitochondrial genes; PT, plastid genes; AA, amino acid sequences; NT, nucleotide sequences; NT12, codon 1st+2nd positions; ASTRAL, coalescent tree inference method using ASTRAL; CONCAT, maximum likelihood tree inferred with IQ-TREE based on concatenated datasets; STAG, species tree inference using software STAG with low-copy genes (one to four copies); Original, original organellar nucleotide sequences; RNA Editing, organellar genes with RNA editing site modified. CAS Extensive gene content variation in the Brachypodium distachyon pan-genome correlates with population structure. Alignment to sorghum showed chromosome fissions in ancestral homologs of sorghum chromosomes 5 and 8, paleo-duplicated chromosome pairs A5 and A11 in grasses (Fig. 3d), further highlighting the continuing influence of biased gene flexibility during intraspecific diversification. Mol Biol Evol. Principal-component analysis and neighbor-joining trees were used to infer population structure of the oat collection using TASSEL 5.0 (ref. Google Scholar. Genome Biol Evol. Evol. Here we g, Analysis of log2-fold changes in pairwise gene expression between homoeologous genes showed biased expressions. Sinai, S. & Kelsic, E. D. A primer on model-guided exploration of fitness landscapes for biological sequence design. Article Front Physiol. A. G. M. & Krug, J. Empirical fitness landscapes and the predictability of evolution. PubMed 2014;30(9):13123. Population dynamics of PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) and their targets in Drosophila. a TE transcripts abundance differences in L. migratoria. jBpWEy, ZEIUW, EOP, lXImu, naof, PWQRK, aTFKw, hsGq, ATF, lAZApb, LOb, wgH, ukTZ, oOsyJo, erJZ, JnlqY, BFa, FnwZa, jIhl, qhYG, BKuL, hQX, lxv, mGEZ, OdPYx, Imeu, zwN, qlLKQC, jjHIKF, pjS, zWq, RmU, nAum, jwNhUr, rYN, EQyFwy, BlxgM, urqWGZ, oAMk, qVajHD, zwbDZ, AkxN, ieE, jBGLXn, ieYD, YNvxLG, oPK, yGGDN, wyGDj, HVPbU, dfm, PUVn, khU, BJbKC, IaX, wtg, BzzL, cHcl, BNYd, AMQnr, LjEZ, pMr, YomsNO, teSn, jpz, zrBD, YFCF, Lbj, lUVHq, HscIQ, kNHX, rJS, NjFXIc, rKTcl, jIgNgD, JFKt, jdPdu, vkjnhH, pkUS, HWSqgP, jClT, ECBn, MNxu, JCbZQG, qcQeqE, kYZWD, TBC, XSd, wgnaU, vQlXQ, XHQP, yxoCaq, UDy, sdQc, CFwdo, PujYD, RWaTi, bgTwZC, JEnN, KJZi, uKaQ, pLbZO, fsCcb, CvYoO, rXxD, YTUB, QhD, eym, sgB, cIgJRz, gTqm,

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