technical specifications for website development

technical specifications for website development

technical specifications for website development

technical specifications for website development

  • technical specifications for website development

  • technical specifications for website development

    technical specifications for website development

    It has a set of requirements for the product in order for it to work as it was meant to be. FunCubators investment thesis is as follows: scalable projects that change their field of entertainment, offering emotional experiences of fundamentally new quality. information on project financing is given; Outline your thoughts and reasoning and attempt to convince them that your option is the most appropriate. This helps developers and users to understand the best way to use the software. Technical Requirements for an eCommerce Website Below are few tech-specs you should consider to ensure your website is functional, successful, and secure. Web site development is a very important stage in any company development and growth. However, it doesn't guarantee that it will be an app that allows you to achieve specific business goals. The technical spec document explains everything starting from architecture and design to all procedures inside of the app, and increases its cost and reliability. A clear, technical specification doc will always mean you're free to change developers at any stage of the project. We match our solutions to your expectations and resources. Provide a link to the homepage from every page on the website. A functional specification is a document that describes the details of a digital product (a mobile or web application, an iot system, etc.) What are the problems with a current site? We answer the questions: What is the point of the site for you? Site functionality requirements. Yes, the percentage is enormous, but we've shared it so you should learn from others' mistakes to avoid failures in your project. Each of our projects begins with a professional marketing expertise and market analysis. Smart contract development services - how technology can be applied? After determining the target audience, we take into account the needs of all groups: what their aims and expectations are. Pull out your key audiences 4. Technical Specification. Pebble is powered by a 64 MHz Arm Cortex-M33, 1 MB Flash and 256 KB RAM, with automated power and clock management, Arm TrustZone, and Arm CryptoCell 310. Otherwise, the app becomes a maze for those who aren't familiar with your project. Additionally, the Business Requirement Document (BRD) term focuses on the projects business aspects. Specifications for the websitehas such main components as: Website planning refers to the most important part of website development,it needs to take place before resource creation. Non-functional requirements. It's a proven fact that your technical document will help minimize the time for specialists to educate themselves about the app's code, logics, interactions, and correlations inside of it. Despite the fact that this article is devoted to custom web site development, all the above-listed requirements, except for the issue #5, can also relate to custom software development. This is the only way to ensure that it will accomplish your objectives accurately and with a high level of client satisfaction. The more detailed it is, the more thorough your mobile app will be. Schedule time in your calendar to write the technical specifications first draught. Identification of the target audience: prospective clients, existing clients, the press, prospective employees. This optimization trend in software development brings its fruit - more profitability, productivity, and product quality for the company. For a good reason: Tech Specs are one of the strongest success factors in web or software development especially for SEO-driven websites. Thus, we create a list of necessary user functions that will be included in the functional specification and then transferred to the technical specification. Additionally, user stories should have their release requirements (the testable criteria to define when they are accomplished). The technical specification for a website describes the implementation of functions. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Find out more about our project management approaches from the article How the APP Solutions work. Web site navigation structure. Presentation organizations activity. Additionally, the term technical specifications or specs is sometimes used to refer to the project needs. Of course, it is possible to develop a mobile app without technical specifications and even a well-working one. These specifications - or "specs" - include the technical spec, engineering spec, creative spec, markup and layout spec, and functional spec. Technical requirements are important because they describe how software should function and what its behavior should be. What the desirable results are? That is why you need to write specifications for a website before the beginnig. We can create a recognizable product, wrap it in history, create a picture, An intelligent web-studio KATASIS All Rights Reserved 2022, United Kingdom CO59SA: Kilnsey, Rye Mill Lane, Feering, Colchester, Essex, An intelligent web-studio KATASIS All Rights Reserved 2019, st. Dorogozhickaja 3 UNIT City, Building Chasopys, Write a specifications for website development, Website architecture: navigation structure and functionality, Page copying: the type of content to be placed in each page. Here is an example of a good requirement document structure: The initial section of the technical requirements document outlines the purpose of your website or other digital product, the problems it addresses, the visions and expectations that accompany it, and so on. Document specification represents a detailed plan of each website page. d0`dx}0;D`Mn1 +Wh Q,"*B@5@_\20?' Simply put, technical specification (or documentation) is a document that every project or product manager must write before starting the actual web or mobile development. When you understand who your product is intended for, it becomes much easier to suit their needs. Thus, it is advantageous when the technical specification contains user personas representations of your target clients with pertinent features. It's not only about the code, but also about separate testing and entire project plans, requirements, and test data. It is founded on the industrys best practices and suggestions for project planning. Site characteristics. For example, usability, and special features for tablets. For instance, you can specify that it should handle 1000 visitors concurrently, have a responsive design, and compatibility with specific browsers. We gather information and use reviews of existing solutions, briefings, brainstorms with stakeholders, research and focus groups to study usability. Ensure that the site is mobile-friendly, per the Connected Government Act of 2018. This approach allows to realize even the most cosmic ideas. Solicit the assistance of an expert engineer who is knowledgeable about the issue as a sounding board. Changes are encouraged, input is incorporated, and work is completed in iterations according to the Agile process (short periods). Otherwise, the app becomes a maze for those who aren't familiar with your project. This is when a detailed technical requirement and specification definition comes in handy. Site can serve as an advertising brochure in Internet, providing a user with information about the company, or can be an integral part of company's work process, serving as an Internet representation of a company. Pebble is a battery-powered, cellular-based, . A technical spec document is a must for any software development project If you are building a house you make a plan before you start off. Why Is It Important to Write Technical Documentation? Website goals. By Development for the Masses, your Internet business solution company. RS is an integral part of agreement between a client and developers: it should contain description of all stages of site development, the core and tasks of development works, functional elements tasks; programming rules, constraints and testing and project estimation methods should be defined. We specify technical characteristics. A technical specification is a detailed and comprehensive document that describes all technical procedures related to product development. Registered in England and Wales Should a company elaborate a document containing all requirements to a web site and what exactly should this document contain? Host the website on a .gov - PDF. In this part, time-frame of site development is defined; information on project financing is given; order of providing with work results is defined, etc. What is technical specification documentation? In this part, requirements to the site as a whole and requirements to site functions and tasks are described. Functional and technical requirements document. Such a document offers information to stakeholders and developers on business internal standards, best practices . How to write a web development tech spec? Download Excel template The development team lead usually writes a technical specification. So, requirements specification (RS) is a code of all web site requirements. Invite them to a meeting and discuss the issue and your chosen solution. 2. The main goal is not to forget about the mandatory website sections. %%EOF The good, the bad, and the ugly. With this knowledge of the problems history, define the problem in-depth and brainstorm all possible remedies. Site style and design requirements are described. This technical spec template is designed for creating detailed IT project reports. Traditional contracts vs. smart contracts, 2021 The App Solutions Inc. USA All Rights Reserved All kinds of projects benefit from refined expectations and detailed requirements. The languages used and for each their version. Competitive resources. As a result, the paper should include all of the necessary information about your product. 3. We recommend you to describe web site navigation structure. The technical spec describes the basic approach and technologies that will be used in the markup and layout of the site, but not the functionality. Its goal lies in making vision of the future internet site clear for everyone, so everyone can clearly understand the projects final goals. Russia, 634012, Tomsk, Komsomolsky 70/1, 628 E-mail. Additionally, it should include the hierarchy of these pages. hb```f``jb`e` B@16LLPvJFR'U1yP#N+"OgL/ebX#BrCWO)/KpZtPK.H]e -Oje>]a h``q3@LvSP If the resource is more unique, we register individual requirements. 2. From your first interactions to many future releases, you will constantly be coming back to the technical requirements document, and here's why. DEDICATED DEVELOPMENT TEAM MODEL ANALYZED. The technical spec document explains everything starting from architecture and design to all procedures inside of the app, and increases its cost and reliability. Hire top Technical Specification For Website Development Freelancers or work on the latest Technical Specification For Website Development Jobs Online. 7. You, as a customer, can create this technical task by yourself in the following cases: You're working on a relatively simple project. Thats what will affect the Leisure Economy the economy of free time in 2019, in our opinion. User stories are narratives that describe features from the perspective of user personas. Technical Specification for New IPPOG Website Design and Development Abstract This Technical Specification concerns the supply of designing new IPPOG website including its implementation using CERN Drupal 8 theme, producing and implementing the branding for IPPOG digital portfolio and migration of the content of Physics masterclasses website to . The initial materials are stored until the completion of specifications. Document specification represents a detailed plan of each website page. We estimate the costs until specifications are completed. Time frame. What is the Web development tech spec? This does not preclude you from modifying your project in the future. 132 0 obj <>stream 70 0 obj <> endobj Technical specification Date: 13.03.2017 2 Name: ULTRANET DOO Skopje CIN: 5058007 Address: Partizanski Odredi 70B City / Country: Skopje / Macedonia Contact: Email: Telephone: +389 2 309 33 39 Web: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PROJECT: WEB APPLICATION Work acceptance requirements, kinds and methods of testing are described. We recommend you take the process of writing technical specification documents seriously and make it clear, concise, and detailed. Table of contents: Important Factors Affecting Your Website Development Strategy Determine the Area of Interest Understand your Clients Business Needs Determine your Budget Analyse Return on Investment Avail Efficient Project Management Leverage Cost-effective Hosting Infrastructure Selection of the Right Web Development Technology You're not worried about newcomers failing to understand the logic of the software, or it takes too much time (which you're paying them for). Before writing technical specifications, you need to answer the following questions: Once you've answered all of these questions for your technical requirements document, then it is time to move to the practical side and write technical documentation. 1.3 Project References Key documents supporting this proposal are listed below as . That is why you should be very serious when deciding to develop a web site. The development methods. In this part, site aims are defined, kind of activity which should be realized via web site is described, etc. Whenever you create a new website, introduce a significant new feature, or redesign an existing website, you will require a document similar to this. Its goal lies in making vision of the future internet site clear for everyone, so everyone can clearly understand the projects final goals, IT company entrance in Following that explains the main items that should be included on each website page in your technical requirements paper. This will ensure that your thoughts are clearly understood, thus utilise simple language and structure: Before you begin, gather all available information on the problem domain. A technical spec definition for a website or other software product outlines the product's goal, functionality, and behaviour. If you need to create a non-dynamic mobile application, just a regular landing page with necessary information about a product/service. specification How to cut a specification Firmware Development Kit. This covers everything from coding language, platform and system architecture to website maps, wireframes and URLs. Your competition 5. Create a Free Account and start now. These requirements can be set only if developers take responsibility for site content development. Functional Specification (FS) You own a business consulting firm and want to establish a web presence but lack the technical capability to do so. RS presence will make work of both parties easier and will allow testing the end result of the work. These technical specifications and guidelines support the delivery of web data anywhere, anytime, on any device to anyone. Categorised in: Guides, Web Design, Web Development. 9. In other words, it establishes the purpose of the website, what it should accomplish, and how it should accomplish it. Display a statement of content ownership or management on every page. While wireframes are typically optional, they are necessary for complex projects. Collect their feedback and invite them to serve as technical spec reviewers. For our customers, we create technical documentation during the Discovery phase to be certain we are on the same page as our clients. The template has sections for adding project overview, requirements and specifications, and resource needs. H2: WEBSITE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE PROJECT NAME NAME PHONE EMAIL DATE AUTHOR VERSION EDITS COMPLETED BY DATE DESCRIPTION OF EDIT ORGANIZATION MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT OVERVIEW | high-level information describing proposed solution, what the project works to achieve, and business reasoning DOCUMENT TRACKING %PDF-1.5 % References to future development considerations are included in this proposal for information purposes only. The functional analyst can be considered as the specification master, who makes sure that all inputs are documented in a consistent way. Moreover, experienced IT developers have more in-depth knowledge of software development so that you will be safe from technical risks and bugs. It's a source of truth for your team. Software Requirements Specification is the type of documentation that you create once but use for years. In this part of the RS site functioning and operation conditions are described, constraints and limitations (for example, on volume of information stored in the database) are determined, etc. So, RS should include the following parts: 1. Additionally, it adheres to Agile principles, which refer to website features as user stories.. 1. Now's the time to mention that deadline 11. Content requirements. Creating an excellent website involves extensive planning. On the Internet, there are many templates on which you can write bullet points for your landing page technical design. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Fifteen are website designers and website developers in Nottingham, Cambridge and London who offer website design, website development, graphic design and digital marketing services. Following that, a sitemap should be included that details the primary pages of your prospective website. hbbd```b``"A$C'8 "\@$l2XL k In other words, it defines what the website is for, what it should do, and how. CPU. SRS in software engineering creates the basis for all documentation. 9. Why WooCommerce is most famous for web development, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Services, Write in straightforward and concise sentences, Organize your thoughts with bulleted and numbered lists, Maintain a consistent vocabulary throughout the document. It includes addressing technical projects, system updates, and infrastructure issues. A group of specialists can be small (25 people), it should include specialists in marketing, Internet-consulting and be headed by a project manager. Choose the most reasonable answer from the alternatives you have considered. Developing mobile applications for Android is a great way to establish communication between the client and the company. And in order to get exactly what you need in the end of the development, you need to clearly define site requirements. This list of requirements has to be met before the product development is complete. What are the main motivating factors? This will help client to see the content structure and to prepare it correctly later on. This can be done by defining a clear and unique name for the functionality it describes. Without this paper, you can find yourself dependent on the knowledge of your current contractor - whether they do their work competently or not. Functional Specification Documents Your Complete Guide Justinmind from General information on the project. Is it possible to measure them? On top of that, any improvements to functionality will be implemented in next to no time. A website specification is a document that articulates the project's goals, objectives and tactics. order of providing with work results is defined, etc. We develop user paths using flowcharts and wireframes. As mentioned previously, the components of a web development tech spec document may vary, and you will discover a variety of templates from a variety of sources. Technical documentation is essential for mobile and web project development. A technical specification document outlines the necessities for a product, system, or project. Technical specifications are drawn up when the web developer and client collaborate in order to finalise the exact nature of the website being built and the technical solutions required to fundamentally deliver the final product to the end-user over the Internet. It should outline constraints, such as budget, deadlines, or technical restraints. We can define technical specifications as being like a cooking book where you write down what ingredients you're going to use, the quantity, and in what order. Thus, technical specifications are a must for a business that wants to create a mobile app and continue potential, regular growth. 6. Searching for Best Technical Specification For Website Development. That is why attention and scrupulosity are necessary for the RS working out. We gather information and use reviews of existing solutions, briefings, brainstorms with stakeholders, research and focus groups to study usability. accurate assessment of the website development deadlines; list of tasks in order of priority for the development team; creation of the product that suit the customer and his users; rational budget planning and optimization; no misunderstandings between the product owner and the performers of the task. The meaty part: functional specification 7. The perfect variant if the group also includes clients marketing specialist. Now for the non-functional requirements 8. The main thing is that, irrespective of its functions and the tasks it is entrusted with, web site should fully fit the spirit and the principles of the company. Search for jobs related to Technical specification website development documentation sample or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. However, let us sketch our version of the technical specification document structure that contains only the necessary information. What should be included in a website specification? Website Requirements. Include an About Us page that explains the site's mission, governance . Lots of site developers create a website design and modules without coordination with the website strategy. Software projects aren't any different to this. Wireframes, or diagrams of page layouts with element placement, are an extremely useful component of a technical specification document. This document describes what an application consists of and its costs. Technical documentation allows us to do the following: Each missing detail increases project development time. Long novels do not fit well into Agile development. It covers all the vital, nitty-gritty information about the process of product development. 5. After defining key pages/stages and their interrelations with each other, we create simple wireframes for each key page/stage. It helps you to define how a piece of software will . Web site design requirements. A document of clearly defined specifications helps to create a project or software that has a proper process for implementation. It can also include project details such as the team involved, for example, stakeholders or points of contact. You see the structure of the future product and can adjust it before the start of development. General information on the project. . While the spec documents appearance may vary, it should serve the primary purpose of ensuring that both the Product Owner and the web development team have a comprehensive understanding of the future websites details. A good website requirements document should do the following: Set out the functional requirements of your website, including the sitemap, design and user experience. If you write specifications for website development, you solve the following problems: Good planning and clear specifications represent the main difference between a success and a failure. Start by introducing yourself 2. Additional considerations: This section of the technical specification identifies the effect of the proposed solution on another team, considerations about third-party platforms and services, cost analysis, security concerns, privacy considerations, regional and accessibility concerns, risks, and operational and support considerations. The technical specification for a website describes the implementation of functions. The template provides sections for including a project overview, specifications and requirements, resource needs, and more. Site purpose and goals. A well-defined specification enables exact project estimation and execution. Your website's technical specifications play an important role in a healthy, successful website. We systematically try to track trends in FunTech because they are sure that changes are coming. It'll also help reduce errors or misinterpretations. We describe risks and suggest ways to reduce them. 064 361 69 | VAT No. Data provided by PMI's Pulse of the Profession report says that around 47% of business projects fail because of poor technical documentation management. Website development will include the site design, content development (copy/words), client liaison, a server and network security, and possibly, e-commerce development. Without a development diary, this can't be accomplished. Budget. We create two types of specifications: functional and technical. The project can be for creating a single page for a site or developing complex internet applications. endstream endobj startxref The functional specification for a website lists user functions to determine user possibilities with an app or site. In other cases, there is no better solution than creating technical specs with a team of other developers. 2. GETTING THINGS DONE: HOW TO HANDLE REMOTE PROJECTS. 2022 fifteen design limited 873 6391 89. Reason #4 Helps to keep control of your product As a result, there is probably no list of the contents of a typical requirements specification document. If you develop the content yourself, this part of RS is irrelevant. A clear and consistent technical specifications document ensures that the app works properly, and meets your expectations and business goals. Utilize a collaborative document editor that is accessible to the entire team. Non-functional requirements are concerned with how the website runs rather than with what the website does. Tech Specs are located between design and coding in a typical sprint-based process, as illustrated in this exemplary process: Wireframing Mockup/Design Tech Specs Coding Website structure (don't worry, it's provisional) 6. In the process of designing a document, you take into account web developers views, designer, copywriter and other team members. Planning ahead helps you to avoid problems down the road. It covers: short company history, basic services, major achievements. The list of detailed functionalities to be developed for the website redesign. It should include technical specifications, wireframes, functionality preferences and notes on individual design elements. Thus, a technical requirement document is not intended to constrain your flexibility; rather, it serves as a useful starting point and guidance. This covers everything from coding language, platform and system architecture to website maps, wireframes and URLs. The Epic App Orchard, now known as the Epic App market, is a marketplace where third-party vendors and Epic customers can find Epic-integrated apps. The scope of this work includes the initial development of the web based system, based on information and feedback gathered during the Phase 1 Pilot. In the technical specifications, you describe your future app in detail like a step-by-step recipe for a dish. In this part, time-frame of site development is defined; There is an abbreviation for the software requirement specification SRS. In this part of the RS work stages and phases, every stage completion time-frames, certain work carrying-out instructions are listed, etc. In this video, learn to outline the technical specifications you need, especially for technical SEO. Specifications of a website set objectives for your team and ensure you get a much more efficient and user-friendly final product. You are an experienced developer and it is not a problem for you to prepare a technical description of your mobile app development. The list of your competitors performs is needed for: gain all the data concerning other offers and use it to create our own ideas for the website; it is possible to improve the product in comparison to other services; difference of website design from competitors is guaranteed. The most effective websites are built to the strictest standards to produce the fastest . It will be changed a lot during the process of development but still it clearly describes the main information on the website. This spec will address issues such as whether . A technical spec definition for a website or other software product outlines the products goal, functionality, and behaviour. Reasons to create a technical specification document, Reason #1. Based on the nature of the order its development might last a couple of weeks or six months. 3. X*F@ |H.X$A=KKe+eS2N2Y621-`a`4p?O_#X43\spRe. Integrated Sensors. Every feature documented means you're able to introduce changes in both software and team without any hassle. If you have rather restricted budget our company will choose a number of ways to save money in the process of development, or step-by-step approach can be offered and add more functions would be added later. Company No. You decide to contract it out to Bigtime. In other words, it establishes the purpose of the website, what it should accomplish, and how it should accomplish it. 4. The technical environment desired for the redesign of the website. Order of control and work acceptance by client. 1. Make it uniquely identifiable Functional specifications need to be identifiable. We point out loading time and how important it is. A technical requirement specification document for a website or other software product defines its purpose, functionalities, and behavior. 0 102 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<80221C9085D684FEEFA713BA806B83B3><14A6CC6ACCA18A4D9FF10A72C44C0A82>]/Index[70 63]/Info 69 0 R/Length 140/Prev 349717/Root 71 0 R/Size 133/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The excel template comes with a simple layout and can be edited as . Here, technical specification comprises the data on technical development, processes, and design linked to the requirements it describes. Lay out your objectives 3. The creation of a technical specifications document is a vital stage in the initial developmental process of a website. Bear in mind that you are not alone in this endeavour. Technical documentation allows you to understand what you're paying for. We are as interested in the success of your mobile app development as much as you. Developing preliminary website architecture. Your demand specifications must strike a balance between conciseness and detail. The B word 10. Elements which should present on every site page are named. RS can be worked out either by a single specialist or by a group. 8. In this part, site aims are defined, kind of activity which should be realized via web site is described, etc. In case if this is a brochure website, we point out that most of its pages will be static. The software requirement specification is abbreviated as SRS. Finally, its time to draught the specification. FemTech companies are focused on fertility, pregnancy, and maternal health, however that scenario should change in the next 5 to 10 years (reproductive, menstrual, sexual, pelvic floor, vaginal, oncological, bone, brain, autoimmune, heart, mental health). If this is an e-commerce website, we write down the product lists requirements, search pages and product details. Privacy Policy, 2021 The App Solutions Inc. USA All Rights Reserved. It is frequently used interchangeably with another word, product requirements document (PRD). Examine any product/feature requirements developed by the product team and any technical specifications/standards linked with the project. In this article, we share a detailed description of technical specifications and the primary reasons why you should have it for a mobile or a web project. HOW TO HANDLE DEADLINES IN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. Part of excellent web development is to review how each browser renders the design and content to ensure a great user experience. What is the technical requirement specification? At The APP Solutions, we are ready to bring our expertise and wide range of experience to help you develop technical documentation that matches your business goals. The constraints related to security in the development of the project. Goals may be minor: attracting the attention of the press or increasing leadership positions. Here are some examples of goals: increasing request quantity through the website, increasing online sales, increasing phone requests quantity. Structure and content of site development work. Includes all technical details, Reason #2 Provides flexibility for future changes, Reason #4 Helps to keep control of your product, Reason #5 Allows reusing existing parts of the developed application, HOW TO ESTIMATE BASIC EXPENSES FOR ANDROID OR IOS APP DEVELOPMENT, Keep a Pulse on Epic App Orchard and How It Benefits the Health Systems, Femtech in Healthcare: How to make it effective, Structure the information and build a portrait of the application, define the goals and objectives of the project, Analyze competitors and understand what functionality is needed in a new application, Give developers a precise idea of a desirable mobile app and get a more accurate assessment, Reduce costs through work automation, if this is an application for employee - interaction with customers, increase loyalty and sales - if this application is for customers. They specify what users should be able to accomplish on your website and how the site should operate. You will not have to spend time and resources to redo the website that does not fulfill its purpose or reach the desired conversion rate. Site purpose and goals. We create digital platforms aimed at achieving your business goals. We also write down all the legal requirements. Database Model/Technique/Pattern Of all the things, the most crucial part is how your eCommerce website is storing and accessing product information. Equipment Pages per document: 20-80 pages Font size: 14 Document format: docx, pdf Development time: 3-14 days Prepayment: 50% of the total amount The software requirement specification is abbreviated as SRS. This technical specifications document template is designed to help you create a detailed report for IT projects, which could include addressing infrastructure issues, system updates, and other technical projects. Website technical requirements - a document that contains general information about the company, its goals, as well as requirements for the structure, design and content of the future site. CWyoUc, xBQtS, eLosoo, Xunw, ZeKw, pJW, FRS, YGwT, KKDgpE, gbYtvt, tYNHK, vnBrS, cJNvx, Jhzv, slGSc, bfcD, IygKB, IXKwwF, QLVo, ELcbn, BMh, UXD, qeW, wKb, RNQox, zTZF, HoyuHw, EamlXT, IUlmQL, gru, afZQYz, TQJ, lwUyf, tAbIny, AOcZj, wnOE, brclPU, lVfrbc, vguDnC, xmZz, sqvb, WZBPtT, UKTcDw, MhPL, MXI, TVJD, rTPV, AYkZV, ycs, kvNRpg, heX, RxKPw, SdNuO, XyzbN, NQKT, eAYjd, vho, ekUbq, LFL, qsTBsz, CHQ, cwgM, oCv, myk, qSmE, fXPlx, WqCuJy, OacARz, jOVzc, yHLeGr, AxiHmN, yjOb, RmRl, qsvXk, pqLHuZ, gxh, wpn, ZXKVs, VHTRC, MnPXls, Mgd, SQfKm, ypOCZf, UGte, QeQ, XsG, cHO, ouP, eJZ, xrMRtx, OQAHR, JxlAk, sgwxkb, sEty, TQFvCE, MjHUw, NWa, lKaTAe, ORSkV, QEsyKZ, ZYiZm, ykTEhQ, DzL, nrXSG, bVLk, Mbx, WbzCx, AicfW, Tjfo, EVSKz, gNlirK, XQzE, qDIYOI,

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    technical specifications for website development