starting to dislike my best friend

starting to dislike my best friend

starting to dislike my best friend

starting to dislike my best friend

  • starting to dislike my best friend

  • starting to dislike my best friend

    starting to dislike my best friend

    She just doesn't get that other people have feelings and emotions that she should care about. Rant over, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She is becoming someone who I dont know anymore. 1. but doesn't want to get pregnant ). Is this odd behaviour? Although recently everything she does is starting to annoy me, even the littlest things. It seems so high school to still have conversations like that, and when she does I feel like an accomplice to her hatred, like she's looking to me to validate that opinion and I DON'T WANT TO. thats not a confession so much as a very boring f****** whinge. She craves attention. I've made multiple post complaining about them in multiple subs spanning over a few months. I wonder what she might post about you? She always tells people I'm not popular just because I have many friends, or because almost everyone in my grade knows me. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. She's constantly putting me down and I'm starting to dislike her. In the beginning, I really enjoyed hanging out with her because she was really nice and kind to me like any other friend is. It's a no from me", My brother said not to get addicted to drugs and their reply is "we already know (insert my name) failed that". But I suspect that there is a another version of this. How can I feel like she's really my friend when she never asks me how I am, never acts like she cares. and our She knows I experienced a loss in July. Trying to be funny, trying to be different. Of course, there's an entire world contained in that throw away line. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. But I feel like whats the point if I'm going to come back to more negativity and over thinking of if I'm being too sensitive or not. I feel pathetic. It seems like ever since June she's been ragging on me each week. Method 1 Noticing Communication Problems 1 Test text or voicemail response times. One of those major changes can be starting to feel differently towards a friend. He left me on delivered for 24 hours on snapwhat now? What score did you get on Arctic Shores Skyrise City. You can tell her that you are upset.. tell her the reason why and what happened and she'll be like "oh, that sucks.." maybe some random comment about it. I've complained about this person 3 times today. It's like every week they're saying something that offends me. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? Plucking Serene Dreams From Golden Trees. then she'll go into telling you about what she's doing later that day like what happened to you doesn't matter at all. Which is wrong, because if anyones a f***-up, I think that's gotta be you. And the girl who told replied telling Cynthia about how self-absorbed, outright mean, uncaring for anyone but yourself, blah, blah, blah. which I understand that alot of the time it doesn't, but friends are supposed to be there for you, and she never is. Whenever your friend talks about their friendship with someone you don't like, practice active listening skills. She is toxic and besides which true friends do not treat each other like you have been. All you end up doing is enabling them and that only gives you a false sense of control. Well, since you're such good friends; talk to her about it. When people tell me I'm pretty, or compliment me, she will say something like "I'm prettier, she's literally so ugly" and I just ignore her. She's married. I (18F) have a friend (18F) and we are in this friend group of 4. I know I need to put my emotions aside so we can get through this trip without a major explosion, but once we get back I think my only option is to start distancing myself. I'm starting to dislike my best friend. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So I when I return the same energy and say their fav shows don't interest me they try to insult the shows I watch only to ignore me and talk to everyone else in our group chat. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). I'm severely depressed, have stupidly cut myself and overdosed in an attempt to die. My life revolves around her 24/7 and i'm so sick of it.I want to tell her how bad of a person she is and to get the f*** out of my life, but I can't because she pretty much is my only social interaction.I can't help this growing animosity towards her. For more information, please see our She cheated on Jake (even though they're not dating, well they pretty much are just without the title but still) and Jake found out due to one of our other friends blabbing to him, So my bestfrind.. lets call her "Cynthia" went to our other friend and told her how worthless, mean, etc. I avoid being in the kitchen at the same time as my flatmates. that she was. Feeling lonely even though i have many close friends Best friends girlfriend affecting our relationship- any advice? Copyright 20052022 I think you should suck off your father then garggle his c**, Anonymous confessions, stories and advice. Keep in mind that your friends might miss a single text or message or think that it doesn't require a response. This is not healthy. She cheated on Jake (even though they're not . Here's is my own rendition of a friend: "If an individual is a burden to . But you certainly aren't hers either. I don't like her anymore. Live and let live. I'm noticing that I feel drained and resentful when I talk to them now. She is loud, outspoken and fun around those friends. Copyright The Student Room 2022 all rights reserved. But I don't know how to go about letting them go. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I will say that I haven't told her that half of any of this in fear that she just won't give a s***. The Official Cambridge Applicants for 2023 Entry Thread, Official Chemistry 2023 Applicants Thread, [Official Thread] Russian invasion of Ukraine. 08/01/2021 17:37. I love her, we've known eachother since we were kids but I wish she would atleast try and give a s*** about other people, besides mm..lets call him "Jake". And her childhood friend is no longer the centre of her universe. Here are seven signs you and your BFF are harboring bad blood. She is the most self-centered person I have ever met, and she talks about her kind-of boyfriend non-stop. And after yesterday's scuffle I'm really not wanting to be friends with them anymore. Privacy Policy. However, if you begin to notice a disparity on issues you previously held similar beliefs, then there is a problem. and she always expects you to be there for her whenever she needs you. Lately my spirit has been clashing with my best friend's. I can't tell if she has changed, or if I've changed, and I just used to put up with more than I am willing to now. I'm starting to hate my bestfriend. I later told them how I want to own a business regarding my gardening and all they tell me is "sounds too hard. I can't talk to her about anything deep. Like to me my best friend is literally the most beautiful girl in the world, so . They get to see our insecurities, our fears, our dark side, our failures, our annoying habits, . I am slowly starting to dislike my best friend. I don't like this. One of my best friends in highschool changed so much, I couldn't. - Family & Friends Question I'm weirdly starting to dislike my best friend. Here are the nine things that tend to happen when you secretly dislike someone in your life: You Find Yourself Avoiding Them, Even If It Seems Unintentional You're reaching out on Gchat a little. I like brevity as much as the next girl but I think meaning is found in those deep moments of life. Then let them talk, it's just talk and people do that no matter what you do. This is one of the obvious signs that your best friend hates you. I talked to my mom about it and she suggest I take a break from talking to them instead of unfriending them. This may sound stupid but I'm going to mention it anyway, yesterday I firmed my place at a university (one she didn't get into) and . They tell me "I love you but your memory is bad" basically telling me don't even bother trying. Is it weird to hide a long term partner from friends? I'm really starting to hate this person she's become. And I'm just getting tired of it. Good luck! You're afraid to get close to people. "You have to understand that Cynthia is the kind of person that constantly needs to be talked to and comforted when she is upset, angry, and bad emotion, but will never/rarely be there for someone else. I don't think a tiger changes its stripes. It neither helps you or her for that matter. I'm starting to hate my bestfriend. Listen to their. lilliaspace 1158 2022-09-16 21:08:51 She literally just keeps sending horrible photos of me to people, photos where i feel insecure, and especially to the boy i like. My best friend got a boyfriend and now hardly speaks to me? Best friends typically agree on everything, including values, preferences, and dislikes. In reference to me smoking weed. She's cheated on Jake because he told her that he didn't want a girlfriend. I've known me best friend for approximately 4-5 years she's a year older than me and we had mutual friends at school then we suddenly became close. She knows every month I get my heart broke with BFN. Look into your friend's eyes and show you're engaged. I used to like her a lot but idk what's happening now , she's a very nice and good person i would say but there's something about her that makes me soo annoyed and angry. How to stop the pattern of seeking revenge after leaving people? I need to be that cold-hearted un-caring person and maybe she'll realize how terrible a person she's become. Like, why did you even invite someone if you were planning on staring into your phone at the same washed up memes that are adding no value to your life? The Friend Who Gaslights You If your compadre constantly implies that everything's your fault in a friendship, it might be time to call gaslighting what it is and bounce. If you ever feel jealous when your friend describes how much they love the person you hate, take a deep breath. I hate my fiance's mother. I think the worst part is just how detached she is from everything. She may not be your "best friend" any more. For example, you may tend to see things in black-or-white, good or bad. I smoke cigarettes to get closer to death, and she acts as if nothing about this matters. You talk so much about how your life is horrible and that everyone that wrongs you in any slight way is such a complete f***-up. Answer (1 of 4): First, grow a back bone and send her down the road. I don't stand up for myself. I am being left a very large amount of money, I had no friends in Sixth Form, and Im afraid I wont have any in Univerirty either, why am i not getting food from my parents. and I don't understand why she won't just shut him out of her life completely, I really wish she would do this so I wouldn't have to hear about it.She treats her friends like s*** (excluding me besided the whole not caring thing) and constantly lies to them about anything she doesn't want other people to know (even though she lives in a small town and everyone knows everything about everyone) so they in turn don't trust her, and i'm left there defending her and lieing for her when I shouldn't have too.So yes, her life is f****** terrible, everything is wrong.I moved away, pretty much cut off all contact with my friends and the outside world except her and one other person. I've suspected this for a few months now. All rights reserved. We could sit on the phone and talk for hours about the problems in her life (which I might add are slim to none)She always complains about how bad her life is and how much she hates it, but in reality she has a very good life.Her parents and her don't get along.She manipulates them to get what she want and treats them like s***. But she is not your best friend is she?. You might also have chosen the wrong people to befriend. Cookie Notice Embrace the opportunity to discover more about what your friend values. She only wants me around because i'm there for her, i'm always no matter what there for her. So when I said there's exercises to help with my bad memory they say "you know those don't work right?". Once in a while, one questions the other, but it eventually ends well. Stop being afraid of putting things in perspective especially with assholes. Whenever she laughs I get annoyed because her laugh is really loud . Today she informs me she is pregnant (she refuses to use BCP or protection. That's a big adjustment. I've never been that person. If disliking your friends is a pattern in your life, you may be stuck in some unhelpful ways of thinking. I'm going on vacation with her in a few months, and I'm just afraid that this overarching dissatisfaction with our friendship, and who she is as a person is going to build up and erupt in a really big way. I personally think you should leave a little up to the imagination, and that the best people are the ones living their life in the present moment, not documenting their every waking moment. What is the point of trying to insult the OP? Learn more, I Dont Like My Best Friend Anymore. I love you, and I wish that things were different, but they're not. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. And then yesterday. [Blog], NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme - 2023 start. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Volunteer Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. She's very judgmental and constantly commenting on other's appearances and choices and I'm the kind of person who's just like, who gives a fuck? . She looks for a replacement best friend. All people should have more than one friend, but when either you or your best. Once I start to hate my best friend's boyfriend, there's pretty much zero way to rehabilitate him in my eyes because I don't think he'll ever change. But she treats me coldy. She invited her friend to join us when we went out to lunch the other day and sat staring into her cell phone the entire time, while I was forced to maintain conversation like a normal human being would at lunch with this person I had just met. and this entire time Cynthia was telling me about how much of a b**** this person was and just saying some really nasty and hurtful things about one of her former best friends. Despite never watching it. But I say when I move back home and have a life again, she'll be gone with one short phone call. My life is sooo ******* sad, ask me anything. Simple stop wasting time, move towards people and situations that you want in your life that take you forwards to better places and move away from people and situations that you DO NOT WANT in your life. You might like a friend until they do something that hurts you or that you didn't like. My friend constantly brags and boasts all the time? ^ WTF. I'm not liking my friend anymore. We let our guard down in front of our family and friends and show them the real us. I reply its "it's pretty good" and they say "it never interested me". If you don't want to talk to her and don't want to do things with her, if you think she's toxic, etc., then great - grow up and move on. 4. You start to grow increasingly intolerant of them, and interact with them less and less. However, if they are true best friends, who love you faithfully, I suspect you might not be feeling this way. So this shouldn't surprise anybody.Jake won't commit to dating her again, they always have problems because he smokes&drinks and she hates it, even though she's an avid pill popper and she smokes pot whenever she can gets her hands on it and parties whenever she has the chance. Answer (1 of 7): There's a classic quotations, "Familiarity breeds contempt." I think there's a lot of truth in that. 6. It's like we are on a journey of continuous change. The Student Room, Get Revising and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. I'm starting to dislike my "best friend" : ( I've made multiple post complaining about them in multiple subs spanning over a few months. She also invited me to the. My bestfriend and i have been friends for almost 6 years now, she is becoming someone i don't recognise anymore. People change. I can't tell if she has changed, or if I've changed, and I just used to put up with more than I am willing to now. She was not like this when I first met her. I'm just getting sick of their negativity. And when I call them out they imply I'm sensitive before apologizing, only to offend me again. She is the most self-centered person I have ever met, and she talks about her kind-of boyfriend non-stop. So I really advise that you take a good long look at who you really are and how you treat others before you go off and tell other people how horrible they are.". Its just a waste of bandwidth.OP, I think you already know what to do. I went to a wedding at the weekend with A Baptist minister was in there telling My son had a sleep over. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, You're seeing our new experience! To sum it up, you started to dislike them. They were talking about their fav tv show. You don't treat someone like crap temporarily and then suddenly realize that you're going to shape up and be a decent person. If I try to bring up something that's important to me she'll answer it with a one sentence answer and divert the conversation back to something of no substance at all. I wish she would just realize by not being there for me she is hurting me more that she ever could by telling me mean things. She isnt your best friend, she is a longstanding obligation that has become toxic. Anonymous #1. I'm noticing that I feel drained and resentful when I talk to them now. Help, what is the real risk of infection from wild mice/rats in the uk? 2022-09-16 21:08:51 i'm starting to hate my best friend and it's for such a petty reason. A link that will let you reset your password has been emailed to you. And after yesterday's scuffle I'm really not wanting to be friends with them anymore. I'm tired of being the supportive friend and I'm tired of lending an ear everytime they want to talk but never having the same returned. My best friend knows I've been TTC for the past year with no luck. I'll be really annoyed if she spends our entire vacation on her phone, or if we're out to dinner one night and she shuts me down during a conversation where I'm talking about something important to me. I'm 18, Parents threatening to kick me out, bad home relationship. and I was sitting there thinking "too bad everything she's saying is true. in Medieval History Christianity & World Religions, Hunter College (Graduated 1991) Author has 531 answers and 368.2K answer views 4 y Only you can truly know. She documents her entire day through a Snapchat story, every single day, trying to incorporate the newest slang that everyone is saying. Even tho I said it was for medicinal purposes, I told them I want to increase my math skills and practice increasing my concentration. I'm not liking my friend anymore. Send your friends a couple of texts or voicemails and watch to see how long it takes them to respond. But that will never happen because she's all I have left. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. B.A. 1. "Hey Cynthia, you've been a terrible friend, and I don't want anything to do with you anymore, unless you change vastly, which is most likely not going to happen anytime soon, which is why i'm calling you to tell you this. I got an A on a piece of work and so did she but as soon as the teachers brought it up she would immediately start talking about how good hers was. Every time you talk to them, you feel agitated, angry and almost frustrated. Lately my spirit has been clashing with my best friend's. So when I tried to talk about my they reply "never heard of it". You cannot help anyone like this and you should not even try. How important is a partner's popularity with your friends? How do I know if I'm of school-leaving age? She has a lot of issues going on in her life from her willingly marrying her cousin etc.. My soul feels starved and my spirit feels infected. I want her gone but at the same time she means a lot to me and is my only friend. I'm tired of the subtle put downs and I'm tired of the one sided conversations. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A do wonder what this Mumsnet fascination is with posting about "friends" that you obviously don't actually like. What to do if your parents find out you smoke? I love her, we've known eachother since we were kids but I wish she would atleast try and give a s*** about other people, besides mm..lets call him "Jake". If you're wondering their top offending comments thats making me not want to be friends are these; The time I told them I want to teach my kids how to garden in the future and they reply telling me "with your luck they won't like gardening". but she can't and never will be for me.I need to find the strength to drop her like she did me when I only f****** talked to Jake. She is so different with her other friends compared to me. 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    starting to dislike my best friend