muslim identity crisis

muslim identity crisis

muslim identity crisis

muslim identity crisis

  • muslim identity crisis

  • muslim identity crisis

    muslim identity crisis

    Identity crisis is a result of exploitation and a disregard for respect, rights, and freedom, which is what most Muslim minorities feel in secular and oppressive states. But at the same time, when I have to pray around my non-Muslim friends, I find myself not wanting to because I dont want to remind them that Im different.. The marriage of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Aisha is a case in point. The feeling of persecution, backlash, and severe massacres that go unreported are prime causes of the erosion of true identity. Some might say that Great Britain is chock full of non-Muslim rapists, pimps, and sex offenders, which is undoubtedly true. These 23 included 17 girls and only 6 boys. A bad experience in the mosque can serve as a reinforcement of Islamophobic messages. In Cairo in 2009, he even said that it was part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. He suggested that Americans would not interfere in how Muslims (that is, Muslim rulers) ran their own affairs. Ali, 17, said that the imam of hismasjidalways seemed angry and it bothered him. Muslim women are disproportionately the victims of violent hate crime, but it is the clothes they choose to wear that are the violation of womens rights. If Muslim immigrants to Western lands refuse to adopt the standards that Westerners consider fundamental to their identity, both cultural and political, then Westerners should rise in high dudgeon. Title: Identity Crisis: Standing Between Two Identities of Women Believers from Muslim Backgrounds in Jordan Author: Sarah Yoon. Modern Pathways to Doubt in Islam. But they should probably be recast, especially at the highest levels of government, where the bully-pulpit can do the most good. appreciated. Someone with an abusive parent, or coming from a culture that appears regressive in certain areas, is likely to feel that some of the concerns raised about Islam are true. 12Copsey, Nigel, Janet Dack, Mark Littler and Matthew Feldman. 18Allen, C. (2014). My most treasured childhood memories are colored by beauty associated with what Islam was in the society that I was born in and raised. Islam in most Muslim countries is increasingly defined in rigid term, writes Cawo Abdi, Confusion, shame and victimhood might define the future memories of Muslim children. study to measure Islamophobia can be critiqued for neglecting important psychometric properties essential to cross-cultural comparative studies.3. Northern New Jersey's Jewish Voice Since 1931. search. The culture wars are less about Muslims per se, and more about our own concerns, as Europeans and Westerners, about who and what we are. The black civil rights movement and the anti-Apartheid struggle are inspiring examples of this. A young Nigerian arrives with his prayer mat to pray at the Isa Kazaure praying ground in Jos on July 17. isis claims cairo car bomb attack sirgany bpr_00000307.jpg, Elusive Jannah: The Somali Diaspora and a Borderless Muslim Identity. But there need to be standards that dont slip, especially about women. Reporters Notebook: Brittney Griner returns home. This shared identity has a greater pull on men: Islam is a profoundly fraternal religion. We define ourselves in terms of the anti-Muslim ideas that surround us - desperate to prove that we do not conform to the negative stereotypes. She has been a Muslim for many years, but she has also managed to pass down to her children elements of her non-Muslim identity that are important to her. and see how girls are treated, I start believing that we really are as backwards as they say we are., in addition to bumping up against doctrinal tenets, social norms can also render certain episodes in Islamic history problematic in the minds of American Muslims. When it comes to criminality like that in Rotherham, however, its not that difficult: The predators need to be locked up, and all those who looked away, who feared the animadversions of the politically correct or thought less of good English girls who talked about sexual encounters with Pakis, should be fired. 23 March 2018 01:20 am - 2 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}} A A A. , she said that going to a mosque where women were treated well actually helped her realize that not all Muslims are alike. Otherwise, when I come to themasjidand see how girls are treated, I start believing that we really are as backwards as they say we are.. They want it to not be the truth so they dont feel so guilty about doing those things.28. Suite 120237, Irving, TX 75063, Modern Pathways to Doubt in Islam, by Youssef Chouhoud. Journal of Muslims in Europe,3(2), 137-159. One in Five British Muslims Have Use Food Banks Due To Rising Living Costs, Six Muslims Named In Times 100 Most Influential People of 2022, Fatima Binte Muhammad: The Best Of Role-Model For Women, Hawaya Unveils What British Muslims Really Think About Marriage. 27Laird, L. D. (2007). 25-69). It is important to take into consideration the far-reaching issues that these sentiments indicate: Muslim American youth are experiencing not only a crisis of identity formation but also an extreme lack of belonging. That sadnessthe inevitable friction of incompatible ideas and sentiments living side-by-sidewhen not enveloped by love and humor and a tangible sense of progress can easily drown youths desperately in search of an identity. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers. That sadnessthe inevitable friction of incompatible ideas and sentiments living side-by-sidewhen not enveloped by love and humor and a tangible sense of progress can easily drown youths desperately in search of an identity. Will Muslims remain prisoners of the Islamophobic narrative or can we reclaim our collective Muslim story? ),Cross-cultural research methods in psychology(pp. Reuel Marc Gerecht, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, is a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard. For a Muslim, Islam defines their personal identity in relation to Allah because they have fully submitted to the Will of Allah as revealed to us in The Noble Quran and the perfect example of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Due to demographic changes, in 2050, Muslims will account for 73% of the population, up from the current 63%. 26Horvath, A. O., & Bedi, R. P. (2002). It is no wonder that they have therefore failed to demand their rights and those of their fellow Muslims. Publisher, year: Wipf & Stock, 2015. Muslims . One of the essential components in satisfying this need is engaging in positive interactions with others within a framework of long-term stable care and concern. Archives of Disease in Childhood,92(10), 922926. This may all be true, but it is beside the point. This book provides a general overview of the identity crises BMB (believer from Muslim background) women in Jordan go through and reasons for it. The twin towers of the World Trade Centre, those supposed symbols of Western global reach and domination, were substantially the work . By Dinah Spritzer February 27, 2009 . As all monotheisms do, Islam divides the world between us and them. Unlike Christianity, the other universal faith, which has been fundamentally transformedcompartmentalized and miniaturizedby Europes wars of religion and the Enlightenment, Islam retains a greater attachment to the idea of a borderless religious community, the umma. Equivalence and bias: A review of concepts, models, and data analytic procedures. The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. 9 of the youth I interviewed were involved in youth groups and regular charitable activities. Beyond withdrawing from the Muslim Middle East, he stressed his reverence for Islam and Islamic civilization, and the (mostly illusory) bonds between Americans and Muslims around the world. 53-63). The tools for political action and the means to spread consciousness of the missing Muslim narrative are there for those who care to look. ISIS claims responsibility for Cairo car bomb attack. Improving Schools,7(3), 301-302. doi:10.1177/1365480204049714. There are many different ways that we as individuals can contribute to the cause of justice, not only for the Ummah but ultimately for humanity as a whole. The Labour party, which controls Rotherham, and is more sensitive to, partly because it is more successful with, the Asian vote, ought to do some brutal soul-searching. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever., (Sahih al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim). If the question lingering over Pakistan's apparent crisis in its self-image was to be put in an intermezzo, it would have to be the aforementioned one. Not only are they suffering from internalized Islamophobia - many are also dealing with an identity crisis, making them feel anxious and isolated, like the don't belong anywhere. So while I was telling her Its not like that, I was getting more confident in my religion., The culture around dating and casual sexual encounters can lead some Muslims to become frustrated with Islams prohibition on premarital relations. Relation of the therapeutic alliance with outcome and other variables: A meta-analytic review. European cultures are heavy and often unforgiving, and the Western progressive ethic keeps liberating new corners of the human soul that many more traditional peoples find troubling, if not revolting. Muslims are left feeling apologetic about their identity. Facebook; Twitter; email; Print; Europe struggles with Muslim identity crisis. It is an identity open dialogue of both the communities would help address the issue . The more they act in opposition to their values, the deeper the struggle becomes. Answer: It often shocks people to learn that as someone who won't stop speaking about Arab history and politics, I speak very little Modern Standard Arabic and I can barely read Arabic at all. A Muslim identity in Europe has become similar to identity politics among Christians in Northern Ireland: It has next to nothing to do with worship and religious ritual and everything to do. A favorite target of Islamophobes, this key moment in the prophetic history can provide an opening for doubt if not properly contextualized. They distinguished between American and Muslim in their conversations, demonstrating that they often felt like they had to choose the easier identity to fit in depending on their environment. The Islamophobic narrative is so pervasive and insidious that without a strong positive narrative of our own, the sub-conscious poison of self-hatred is starting to take effect on our community. It almost seems normal and inevitable that Muslims arent treated the same or given equal respect and rights. "I'm a Muslim but I'm also a loyal law-abiding citizen". While new extremist discourses gained prominence following the 9/11 attacks against the United States and the disastrous American interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, this discourse now overshadows the Islam of my childhood. Yet at its heart, Islam can be a powerful force . This story this missing Muslim narrative could transform our situation with revolutionary consequences. An evolving nightmare for the world in general and Muslims in particular, from Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, to Al Shabaab in Somalia, Boko Haram in Nigeria, and the newest extremist group of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) now dictate our lens towards Muslims and Islam. Journal of Counselling Psychology,38, 139-149. In Cairo in 2009, he even said that it was part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. He suggested that Americans would not interfere in how Muslims (that is, Muslim rulers) ran their own affairs. Politics in the Muslim world are all too often the politics of deprivation, and culture the culture of despair."Crisis in the Muslim Mind" examines the intellectual and historical roots of the malaise that has encompassed the Ummah and threatens to efface its identity. Muslims residing in a non-Muslim state like India have always talked of social identity crisis and politico-religious insecurity issues since the days of the War of Independence in 1857. because of something offensive his imam had said. Points of friction were downplayed, common bonds were played up. I grew up in a very non-practicing household. 4 of them went to non-Muslim therapists and all 4 of them reported feeling judged by their therapists, and swayed away from their religion. Although the independent inquiry led by Professor Alexis Jay is tersely graphic about the 1,400-plus girls, some as young as 11 years old, who were sexually assaulted over several years by organized gangs of mostly Pakistani men, it isnt detailed about the male predators. . They could find a place in the United Kingdom without forsaking all that much from their Muslim past. Younger children were less likely to notice such variances. Slurs, stereotypes, and student interventions: Examining the dynamics, impact and prevention of harassment in middle and high school. Reviewed by: M.B. 25Youssef Chouhoud. People can feel distant from or even traumatized in their relationships with God if they have been hurt by those closest to them. Many young Muslims have not capitulated to the idea that Islam is as violent as the media makes it out to be. Western criminalsthe Mafia most famouslyoften similarly segregate their souls and families. pre-partition, post partition and present day. The crisis of Muslim identity is a historical phenomenon. Many of them felt like they had to fight off both the prejudices of people who hate Islam, and the restrictions of Islam itself. Muslims who regularly attend mosques are more likely to work with their neighbors to solve community problems, be registered to vote, and are more likely to plan to vote.2, However, the items used in the Kunst et al. Just as with internalized racism amongst Black youth, where adolescents distinguish between levels of blackness, Muslim youth may make similar distinctions of Muslimness. The measures by which those categories arise in internalized Islamophobia are not shades of color, but often displays of religiosity. But kindness should never become a slippery slope for a cruel multiculturalism that leaves Muslims in Western lands bereft of a solid Western identity. A less severe moral derangement, however, the kind that turns jihad-promoting, raging anti-Semitic legal scholars like Yusuf al-Qaradawi into popular icons, is much more common. One of the interviewees, a 17-year-old boy, answered without hesitation that it made him feel like the religion is just as flawed as every other religion. Almost the entire audience raised their hands. Using qualitative interviews and expert analysis, it also explores solutions for how to counter Islamophobic narratives. September 28, 2016 11:57 AM EDT. Doubt, then, can come about through a desire to alleviate mental anguish: [Those that] have dated [][that] have been sexually active [] its not in their benefit to make Islam out to be the truth. London is an incomparably more exciting place now than it was when it was more English, aristocratic, and pub-and-club-ridden. Family and communal spaces serve as natural reinforcements or refutations of Islamophobic messaging that can devastate the core of an adolescent. In the wake of the incident, attacks on Hindu sites swept. The young men also seemed to find issue with the treatment of women in many mosques, as well as perceived harshness. In our first publication at Yaqeen Institute on pathways to doubt, we covered doubts stemming from historical events in Islam. First published in Arabic in 1991, this important work (in an abridged . 28Youssef Chouhoud. Ariana, 20, recalled how her imam gave a sermon after the San Bernardino shootings, praising Muslim women for their bravery in the face of Islamophobia. Because Muslims are often cast as being predominantly Arab, or at least non-white, young Muslims are viewed through a racialized lens in a way that members of other faith communities are not.9In addition to routinely feeling the need to justify their practice of faith, which is often deemed insufficient in Muslim spaces, they have to consistently prove theyre not foreign. Its like they really hate women. The fight against Islamic movements is not only on the agenda on Americas War on Terror, but that of Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, Somalia, Tunisia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. As all monotheisms do, Islam divides the world between us and them. Unlike Christianity, the other universal faith, which has been fundamentally transformedcompartmentalized and miniaturizedby Europes wars of religion and the Enlightenment, Islam retains a greater attachment to the idea of a borderless religious community, the umma. 1 Comment. It can be easily politicized. We are even ignorant of the pain and suffering of our more recent history. 7:45 AM EDT, Mon August 24, 2015. The alliance. Whether fighting the Apartheid Wall in Palestine, the niqab ban in France or the Prevent strategy in Britain; we are all part of the same struggle for justice for our Ummah. This is an important point in that many young Muslims paradoxically want to believe negative impressions about their religion so that they dont feel guilty abandoning it. Although her kids have Muslim names, you can find them wearing kilts and performing Highland dancing. This project greatly benefited from the support and expertise of Sarah Sultan, Dalia Mogahed, and Nameera Akhtar. The black civil rights movement and the anti-Apartheid struggle are inspiring. The most severe disorderthe jihadism of groups like the Islamic State and al Qaeda and the creed of Wahhabism, based in Saudi Arabia but exported everywhereafflicts a small percentage of Muslims, but those numbers are sufficiently frightening, especially in an age of technology and global travel. This trend translates to the demise of varying contextualized flavors of a dynamic Islam that accommodated differences in culture and history. The Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK), is a grass roots civil liberties pressure group, setup in 2001 to encourage civil engagement within the Muslim community at all levels in the UK. Deck 1: Why Does God Ask People to Worship Him? Sexual predation of the type seen in Rotherham surely must have as much Western inspiration as Islamic. Archives of Disease in Childhood,92(10), 922926. The most severe disorderthe jihadism of groups like the Islamic State and al Qaeda and the creed of Wahhabism, based in Saudi Arabia but exported everywhereafflicts a small percentage of Muslims, but those numbers are sufficiently frightening, especially in an age of technology and global travel. We are a 501(C)(3) organization. The Renaissance, of course, did not miraculously appear out of nowhere it was in fact built on the contributions of Muslim scholarship. A Warner Bros. The Ummah is a global family bound by faith: the word comes from the same Arabic root as umm mother. Groups like ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, etc. Young Muslim women face the greatest pressures in society, yet are the least accommodated in the mosques that are responsible for generating spiritual strength. It is hard to ignore a woman who does not seek approval from those around her. 30Jackson, Y. When, for instance, Gaza is attacked, Muslims are outraged about the murder of their brothers and sisters. The massive sexual abuse case in Rotherham, England, has revealed again how awkward and self-defeating the Western response often is to matters that touch on religious identity. At worst, some Muslims turn on their own community or simply distance themselves by saying, Well, yes I am a Muslim, but Im a moderate Muslim/a progressive Muslim. Will Islam replace the Malay identity? Exploring the impact of Islamophobia on visible Muslim women victims: A British case study. In J. C. Norcross (Ed. Politics and power: The Muslim factor in European politics. The effects of internalized oppression on the Black community, p. 96. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511562280.006. Second generation young Muslims often have a hard time discerning which elements of their upbringing are rooted in culture, religion, or personal idiosyncrasies. of this. The Europeans have, knowingly or not, undertaken a great experiment in absorption, vastly more daunting than anything that they have tried before. This is one reason why Westernized Muslims who have rarely if ever gone to mosques, have little idea of the Koran and the Prophetic Traditions, and have never lived by the Holy Law can quicklymaddeningly fast in the eyes of Western counterterrorist officers trying to find, follow, and neutralize themmutate into holy warriors who could turn on their former, non-Muslim compatriots. They concluded that developing a healthy national/religious identity predicted increased confidence in young Muslims, as well as increased civic contribution. Previous generations of Muslims were on the forefront of contributing to medicine, philosophy, architecture, and governance among other areas. Our EIN is 81-2822877, How the Quran Was Preserved During the Prophets Time: Mechanisms of Oral and Written Transmission, Trailer | Upheld by Allah: Women in the Quran. Telephone interview by author. Its like we have to face pressure from everybody., . Long applauded as a moderate and pluralist Muslim nation (the home of "smiling Islam"), Indonesia has regularly resolved political debates about religion and the state by settling upon. Oh, and my parents made us all finish the Quran recitation . Only their choice of tactics and orientation is different. PMC. The Europeans have, knowingly or not, undertaken a great experiment in absorption, vastly more daunting than anything that they have tried before. Published: March 3, 2017 Edited: September 14, 2021. With the rise of Islamophobia, Islam has been cast as irrational, incompatible with modern civilization, and inherently violent. Even when the faith is attenuated or gone, most often by the unrelenting secularization that comes with Westernization, the collective identity can remain. Updated This separation can allow for considerable hubris and abuse. No one prayed, we never discussed prophet stories or Hadith, no Quranic Ayahs for life lessons, no discussions about Islam etc. Its like, man, why are you always so angry? Ali said that his sister stopped coming to themasjidbecause of something offensive his imam had said. These girls existed outside of their moral universe where the predators wives, sisters, and daughters live. Disclaimer: The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in these papers and articles are strictly those of the authors. 8 of them said they actually had taken it off in certain settings because they felt threatened. For them, cultural and religious questions come second. 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    muslim identity crisis