how does a phonograph cylinder work

how does a phonograph cylinder work

how does a phonograph cylinder work

how does a phonograph cylinder work

  • how does a phonograph cylinder work

  • how does a phonograph cylinder work

    how does a phonograph cylinder work

    a phonograph?..around 1910 by Alexander grahm bell. The diaphragm is connected to a stylus and pressed into a cylinder covered in wax (or alternatively a thin layer of tin foil). What Are The Duties And Responsibilities Of A Policeman? The Edison Concert Phonograph, which had a louder sound and a larger cylinder measuring 4.25" long and 5" in diameter, was introduced in 1899, retailing for $125 and the large cylinders for $4. Previously the actual cylinders had no such visual identification. The cylinder was rotated by a hand crank and the needle moved to cut a groove into the tinfoil, recording the sound wave signal. (Some Edison phonographs made before 1895 also had electric motors, until they were replaced by spring motors.). The audio fidelity of a sound groove is not inherently better if it is engraved on either a disc or a cylinder, and the competition was due to other factors. A record stores a copy, or "analogy," of sound waves as a pattern cut into a spiral groove by a recording stylus, or needle. In the fall of 1890, Lippincott fell ill and lost control of the North American Phonograph Co. to Edison, who was its principal creditor. Physicist and collector Bob Lillquist shows us an early wax cylinder machine developed by Thomas Edison (the 2 minute long. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Information on each may be sighted on the Phonograph Makers Pages link. Digital music works much differently. To learn how hydraulics work, read this blog post from us. Then, he placed a mechanical diaphragm to capture and magnify the sound. PHONOGRAPH: More of an American . Although called by this name, the cylinders could range in color from off-white to light tan to dark brown. What will happen if utensils used for fermentation and pickling are made of aluminum instead of stainless steel or glass? Cheap Victrola record players that are used properly should not damage your records beyond just shortening their lifespan a bit. Their production ceased in 1912. How does a phonograph work? It has inputs for the different components and an output for the speakers. The Concert Phonograph did not sell well, and prices for it and its cylinders were dramatically reduced. In general, however, the term is used to refer to early record players that were driven by mechanical means and reproduced sound without electrical amplification. So they need to be hooked up to speakers to play records. Whats The Difference Between Dutch And French Braids? Note that in the example in the image above, from Edison Records, 1902, the consumer is invited to cut out the circle with printed information. In 1947, Dictaphone replaced wax cylinders with their DictaBelt technology, which cut a mechanical groove into a plastic belt instead of into a wax cylinder. The second problem was that no mass method of duplicating cylinders existed. The finer sound of the cylinder was partly due to the fact that a cylinder had constant surface speed from beginning to end in contrast to the inner groove distortion that occurred on discs when the surface speed slowed down. A needle on the other side could play back what you had just recorded. The phonograph allowed people to listen to whatever music they wanted, when they wanted, where they wanted, and for as long as they wanted. The Edison Phonograph Company was formed on October 8, 1887, to market Edison's machine. Disc records were also easier and cheaper to store in bulk, as they could be stacked, or when in paper sleeves put in rows on shelves like books. Both the disc records and the machines to play them on were cheaper to mass-produce than the products of the cylinder system. the Phonograph Cylinders are a collectible item found in The Order: 1886. Records are made from several types of materials in different shapes, colors, and sizes. The diaphragm is connected to a stylus and pressed into a cylinder covered in wax (or alternatively a thin layer of tin foil). The sound causes vibrations in the air that travel down the horn causing the diaphragm to vibrate. Even though improvements were made to the machine over the years, they still cost more than the popular, inexpensive Dictaphones put out by Columbia. This development led Edison to speculate that a telephone message could also be recorded in a similar fashion. In 1996, the band They Might Be Giants recorded "I Can Hear You," performed without electricity, on an 1898 Edison wax recording studio phonograph at the Edison National Historic Site in West Orange, New Jersey. back. . A patent was awarded to C. Bell and Tainter on May 4, 1886. This hard inflexible material could not be shaved and recorded over like wax cylinders, but had the advantage of being a nearly permanent record. The more fundamental difference between the two though, is that the phonograph uses a spinning cylinder to produce music while the gramophone uses flat discs. When sound waves were forced into the receiving end, it caused the membrane to vibrate and the needle to etch a groove into the foil as the cylinder was being turned by the crank, thus recording sound. Here is a video showing a graphophone in action, so you can distinguish between a graphophone . Cranks and spins. The first ones were in the shape of a cylinder, with the music on the outside. Within three years, branches of the company were located in Europe. Edison's phonograph was pretty much a bust when Alexander Graham Bell created a graphophone. W., 9 in. Vinyl is a specific material that records are made of. EDISON FIRESIDE / GEM CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH TWO PIECE RED HORN. Answer (1 of 3): To tell them apart simply or in layman's terms.. GRAMOPHONE: More of a British name for a record player. ELi5: how do phonograph records work? Phonograph, also called record player, instrument for reproducing sounds by means of the vibration of a stylus, or needle, following a groove on a rotating disc. In 1877, Thomas Edison came up with the concept of a device that would play back sound. The Edison Phonograph Company was formed on October 8, 1887, to market Edison's machine. 4 bids. come up with new ideas for new inventions on sound recording and it His first successful recording and reproduction of intelligible sounds, achieved early in the following December, used a thin sheet of tin foil wrapped around a hand-cranked grooved metal cylinder. Vess L. Ossman, Bay State Quickstep (Cylinder Phonograph Record, 6", 1905) 67.24. EDISON PHONOGRAPH CYGNET HORN. If you have a small apartment or move every year, a stack of 40 records, a fragile turntable, speakers and an amplifier might be more trouble than its worth. Why does phonograph mean? When one would speak into a mouthpiece, the sound vibrations would be indented onto the cylinder by the recording needle in a vertical (or hill and dale) groove pattern. The above images show the diaphragm and stylus bar and should help prospective phonograph builders with this important part of the apparatus. Further information on this player may be sighted on the external links below. The manufacture of the blanks is exciting, however very time consuming, and a little dangerous. Do you need a receiver for a record player? The sound causes vibrations in the air that travel down the horn causing the diaphragm to vibrate. The earliest method of recording and reproducing sound was on phonograph cylinders. In 1910, the company was reorganized into Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Frank L. Dyer was initially president, then Edison served as president from December 1912 until August 1926, when his son, Charles, became president, and Edison became chairman of the board. Home. It is possible to use these on the Edison cylinder players. ), better stereo channel separation, and have no variation in playback speed. In 1906 the Indestructible Record Company began mass marketing cylinder records made of celluloid, an early hard plastic, that would not break if dropped and could be played thousands of times without wearing out. In the era before World War I phonograph cylinders and disc records competed with each other for public favour. These cylinders could easily be removed and replaced on the mandrel of the machine which played them. 2-4 minute combination gearing on the Edison Home Phonograph. How does the phonograph work for kids? //]]>. or Best Offer. Their production ceased in 1912. The sound causes vibrations in the air that travel down the horn causing the diaphragm to vibrate. Complete, original machines, especially those with outside horns, are worth from $300 to more than $5000 for certain rare models. What are userless computers typically controlled by. H., 16 in. The diaphragm is connected to a stylus and pressed into a cylinder covered in wax (or alternatively a thin layer of tin . Technology. Original 14" Edison Cylinder Phonograph Bell Horn - Very Straight! At this point, he had succeeded in making the incandescent lamp and could now resume his work on the phonograph. ULTRA RARE 3 " PATHE SALON CYLINDER - ENRICO CARUSO "UGONOTTI". or Best Offer. It is newer and more well-known than a PHONOGRAPH, developed by Emile Berliner, which uses a FLAT-DISC as storage for it to produce sounds. None of the earliest tinfoil recordings has been played back since the 19th century. The wax cylinder was the first real commercial sound reproducer. In the real world, turntables really do sound very different from each other. By the 1880s wax cylinders were mass marketed. Gadget Explained In 1908 Columbia Records introduced mass production of disc records with recordings pressed on both sides, which soon became the industry standard. Interest was great, and the invention was reported in several New York newspapers, and later in other American newspapers and magazines. In 1880, Alexander Graham Bell won the Volta Prize of $10,000 from the French government for his invention of the telephone. Early cylinder records would commonly wear out after they were played a few dozen times; the buyer could then either bring the worn cylinders back to the dealer to be traded in as partial credit for purchase of new recordings, or have their surface shaved smooth so new recordings could be made on them. These had sound recordings in the grooves on the outside of hollow cylinders of slightly soft wax. The first wax cylinders Edison used were white and made of ceresin, beeswax, and stearic wax. Bell, a chemical engineer, and Charles Sumner Tainter, a scientist and instrument maker. Other modern so-called 'plug-in' mounts, each incorporating the use of a Stanton 500AL MK II magnetic cartridge, have been manufactured from time to time. In that decade Columbia (which had been making both discs and cylinders) switched exclusively to discs, and Edison started marketing their own disc records. Three machines were used: the executive dictating machine, the secretarial machine for transcribing, and a shaving machine used to recycle used cylinders. Play it back and the needle move along the edges that project through. 1 comment. As with the Triumph, the feed screw is an extension of the mandrel axle. Gadget Explained The early machines were difficult to use, and their fragility made them prone to failure. Enrico Caruso Pathe Cylinder 84003. The receiver consisted of a tin foil wrapped cylinder and a very thin membrane, called a diaphragm, attached to a needle. He improved it over and over for the next fifty years. Sound is collected by a horn that is attached to a diaphragm. The Edison Phonograph Works also produced musical cylinders for coin-slot phonographs which some of the subsidiary companies had started to use. In terms of playing time, the 2-minute wax cylinder could not compete well against competitors' discs, which could offer up to four minutes. How does a phonograph work? At this point, the Edison business phonograph became a dictating system. Turntable speed is not the main problem. Who is the actress in the otezla commercial? How much electricity do record players really use? You talk in to the mouth piece and the needle vibrates onto Also, the diary of one of Edison's aides, Charles Batchelor, seems to confirm that the phonograph was not constructed until December 4, and finished two days later. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Smith adds that he chose the deep red color for his mandrel based on a French Vital phonograph in Ren Rondeau's collection, and that he obtains good results using real tinfoil or heavy duty aluminum foil coated with Pledge before recording. Here is the story of the Edison blank. Find out more about our project: Here are some products installed by our technicians:https://jaescompany.. The phonograph was developed as a result of Thomas Edison's work on two other inventions, the telegraph1and the telephone. was the mother of many recording and music playing devices. CAN YOU PLAY VINYL RECORDS (45s, LPs, 33.3) on a Wind-up Gramophone? Educational purposes; such as preserving the explanantions made by a teacher, so that the pupil can refer to them at any moment, and spelling or other lessons placed upon the phonograph for convenience in committing to memory. Music and sound are then played back using amplified vibrations. A second needle and an amplifier were on the other side. The bulk of Edison and Columbia outside horn cylinder production was two minute . To his amazement, the machine played his words back to him. Sound is collected by a horn that is attached to a diaphragm. The cylinder was rotated by a hand crank and the needle moved to cut a groove into the tinfoil, recording the sound wave signal. The. Can a record player work without electricity? Vankyo's new Leisure 495W projector[keep reading]. $25.00. In 1877, Edison was working on a machine that would transcribe telegraphic messages through indentations on paper tape, which could later be sent over the telegraph repeatedly. These containers helped protect the recordings. Bell used his winnings to set up a laboratory to further electrical and acoustical research, working with his cousin Chichester A. In 1909, a series of Grand Opera Amberols (a continuation of the two-minute Grand Opera Cylinders introduced in 1906) was put on the market to attract the higher-class clientele, but these did not prove successful. CDs have a better signal-to-noise ratio (i.e. According to Pascal's principle, the pressure is equal to the force divided by the area on which it acts. Although it was later stated that the date for this event was on August 12, 1877, some historians believe that it probably happened several months later, since Edison did not file for a patent until December 24, 1877. Does it sound better than an MP3? Columbia, one of Edison's chief competitors, abandoned the cylinder market in 1912. Around 1900 cylinders on average were indeed of notably higher audio quality than contemporary discs, but as disc makers improved their technology by 1910 the fidelity differences between better discs and cylinders became minimal. The speaking vibrations made indentations in the paper. The phonograph is an early incarnation of the record player. The basic working of a cylinder phonograph is to record and play sound by having sounds engraved on the outside of a rotating hollow cylinder (made out of wax), while a stylus would trace the grooves of the engraved sounds, vibrating and reproducing the recorded sound. How does a phonograph work? Cylinder phonographs also usually used a worm gear to move the stylus in synchronization with the grooves of the recording, whereas most disc machines relied on the grooves to pull the stylus along. These include a severely degraded recording of Johannes Brahms and a short speech by Sir Arthur Sullivan which was fortunately dubbed in moderately listenable condition. Thomas Edison added some caustic acetate of alumina too quickly in 1889, and was left in bandages for weeks from the burns. No such turntable exists, but high-end turntables get a lot closer to that ideal than budget contenders. This technique also has the potential to allow for reconstruction of damaged or broken cylinders. He introduced the Improved Phonograph by May of 1888, shortly followed by the Perfected Phonograph. However they would have a spoken announcement of the song or performance title, recording artist, and record company recorded on to the beginning of the recording. The needle is then attached to the groove while setting up the cylinder to allow the playback. $250.00 shipping. The recording of the cylinders is the fun part. Unless youre willing to spend an ungodly amount of money on a high-end rig, a record will in theory sound worse than a high quality digital audio file. The Amberola I phonograph was introduced in 1909, a floor-model luxury machine with high-quality performance, and was supposed to compete with the Victrola and Grafonola. The process was referred to as Gold Moulded, because of a gold vapor given off by gold electrodes used in the process. You shouted a short message into the piece on one side of the cylinder while you turned the handle. Good. What about the grooves creates the actual music, and how do you take a recording of an artist or band and make it into a record? That needle is attached to a diaphragm, which in turn is attached to a horn. Without electricity the platter would not be able to spin. The platter mat should, in theory, and with correct use, provide a higher fidelity listening experience. Porsche Design Flat Six Chronograph P6360 - Black steel/White set - UVP 3.550 . After the phono stage, the signal is sent to the speakers. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Later records were shaped like discs, or large CDs. In 1877, Edison was working on a machine that would transcribe telegraphic messages through indentations on paper tape, which could later be sent over the telegraph repeatedly. This was the first phonograph to carry the Edison trademark design. In its simplest, technical terms, a platter mat is used to dampen resonances and minimize other vibrations caused between the turntables platter, surface and other parts of the turntable. Phonograph cylinders were the earliest commercial medium for recording and reproducing sound.Commonly known simply as "records" in their era of greatest popularity (c. 1888-1915), these cylinder shaped objects had an audio recording engraved on the outside surface which could be reproduced when the cylinder was played on a mechanical phonograph.The competing disc-shaped gramophone record . The phonograph helped people When one would speak into a mouthpiece, the sound vibrations would be indented onto the cylinder by the recording needle in a vertical (or hill and dale) groove pattern. An improved machine, the Ediphone, was introduced in 1916 and steadily grew in sales after World War I and into the 1920's. What Is The Best Way To Preserve Jalapeno Peppers? An announcement at the beginning of the cylinder would typically indicate the title, artist, and company. Thomas Edison created many inventions, but his favorite was the phonograph. Do you need permission to put up a security camera? Modern reproductions of cylinder and disc recordings usually give the impression that the introduction of discs was a quantum leap in audio fidelity, but this is on modern playback equipment; played on equipment from around 1900, the cylinders do not have noticeably more rumble and poorer bass reproduction than the discs. The machine was exhibited to the public as the graphophone. Having an electronic version of the original recordings enables archivists to open access to the recordings to a wider audience. Wind-up gramophones made in the 1920s and 1930s can be worth several hundred pounds, but there is much less collector interest in the electrical machines that started to replace them in the 1930s. Even as it changed the nature of performing, the phonograph altered how people heard music. Check out our cylinder phonograph cabinet selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Does the phonograph have a maker's mark or serial number? It uses a stylus to trace the grooves on a rotating disc to cause vibrations and produce sound. Mention should also be made of the superior advertising and promotion done by the disc companies, most notably by the Victor Talking Machine Company in the United States and the Gramophone Company/ HMV in the Commonwealth. Browse 95 phonograph cylinders stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. or Best Offer. The phonograph changed society in much the same way that the first musical notation or the invention of the metronome changed the way musical tempo was measured and written; it provided a mechanical means of spreading music to the world, according to the New York Times. He spent several months working on devices that might do that, and when he achieved a working model, he filed for a patent on the phonograph in late 1877, and the patent was awarded to him on February 19, 1878. Cylinders usually rotated at a greater speed than discs, creating a greater linear velocity of the stylus in the groove, which in theory would give an advantage of better audio fidelity, furthermore, since constant angular velocity translates into constant linear velocity (the radius of the spiral track is constant), cylinders were also free from inner groove problems suffered by disc recordings. How did the cylinder phonograph work? The earliest preserved rubber disc recordings are childrens' records, featuring animal noises and nursery rhymes. From a single mold, 120 to 150 cylinders could be produced every day. Early cylinder machines of the late 1880s and the 1890s were often sold with recording attachments. Vinyl fans will argue that as it is an end-to-end analogue format, from the recording and pressing to playback, that it more closely reproduces what the artist originally played in the studio. We also make disc records, moulded in a hard wearing resin suitable for playing on vintage machines with a steel needle. Edison immediately tested the machine by speaking the nursery rhyme into the mouthpiece, "Mary had a little lamb." vibrations and produce sound. Businessman Jesse H. Lippincott assumed control of the phonograph companies by becoming sole licensee of the American Graphophone Company and by purchasing the Edison Phonograph Company from Edison. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison on July 18, 1877. Ever practical and visionary, Edison offered the following possible future uses for the phonograph in North American Review in June 1878: Eventually, the novelty of the invention wore off for the public, and Edison did no further work on the phonograph for a while, concentrating instead on inventing the incadescent light bulb. Expert's Assistant: What condition is the phonograph in? Over the years the type of wax used in cylinders was improved and hardened so that cylinders could be played over 100 times. The phonograph is an early incarnation of the record player. Recording Sound on a. The phonograph translated sound energy into a physical form or recording. How does a gramophone work without electricity? This means that the earliest disc recordings most music lovers will hear are shellac discs made after 1900, after more than ten years of development. This superior technology was purchased by the Columbia Phonograph Company. As you read, take notes on how Edison continues to improve upon his invention. How does a phonograph work? In an attempt to preserve the historic content of the recordings, cylinders can be read with a confocal microscope and converted to a digital recording format. Absolutely vinyl wins this one hands down. Sound is collected by a horn that is attached to a diaphragm. if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); } From a technical standpoint, digital CD audio quality is clearly superior to vinyl. The new wax used was black in color, and the cylinders were initially called New High Speed Hard Wax Moulded Records until the name was changed to Gold Moulded. Edison took his new invention to the offices of Scientific American in New York City and showed it to staff there. phonograph was not a piece of junk. Where is this scripture located in the Kings James bible? In order to connect various video and audio components to a speaker you generally need a receiver. The sound causes vibrations in the air that travel down the horn causing the diaphragm to vibrate.. What qualifications do I need to be a bookkeeper? See also: Blue Amberol Records. In January 1896, he started the National Phonograph Company which would manufacture phonographs for home entertainment use. Modern record players use electromagnetic devices to convert sound vibrations from a spinning record into electrical signals, which are then fed to an electronic amplifier that powers loudspeakers or headphones, making the sound much louder. Standard-sized cylinders, which tended to be 4.25" long and 2.1875" in diameter, were 50 cents each and typically played at 120 r.p.m. He experimented with a diaphragm which had an embossing point and was held against rapidly-moving paraffin paper. Due to the nature of the recording medium, playback of cylinders can cause degradation of the recording. Edison later changed the paper to a metal cylinder with tin foil wrapped around it. THE ANTIQUE PHONOGRAPH SOCIETY The Antique Phonograph Society is a worldwide organization of people with a common passion for the preservation of antique phonographs, gramophones and records. People began listening to music differently, people could now analyze lyrics in depth. Be careful when handling or moving cylinder phonographs; there are often loose parts that get lost or damaged which can drastically decrease the value of your phonograph. RARE! Hydraulic cylinders, or hydraulic actuators, are used extensively in several industries, including manufacturing, construction, civil engineering and aviation. These cylinders generate mechanical force in a linear motion for a variety of applications. Your voice would make the needle shake, or vibrate. CONTINUE READING BELOW As the December 22, 1877, issue reported, "Mr. Thomas A. Edison recently came into this office, placed a little machine on our desk, turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we liked the phonograph, informed us that it was very well, and bid us a cordial good night." Like Edison, their major intention was also for the use of taking dictation, not music. Edison gave a sketch of the machine to his mechanic, John Kreusi, to build, which Kreusi supposedly did within 30 hours. A phonograph disc, or record, stores a replica of sound waves as a series of undulations in a sinuous groove inscribed on its rotating surface by the stylus. There are grooves that the needle sits in and music comes out, but how? 18.47 postage. (Such "Indestructible" style cylinders are arguably the most durable form of sound recording produced in the entire era of analogue audio before the introduction of digital audio; they can withstand a great number more playbacks before wearing out than such later media as the vinyl record or audio tape.) Also important is the quality of the material: The earliest tinfoil recordings wore out fast. Edison conceded to this reality in 1913 when he announced the manufacture of the Edison Disc Phonograph. All Rights Reserved. The first was the short length of the cylinders, only 2 minutes. A phonograph, in its later forms also called a gramophone (as a trademark since 1887, as a generic name in the UK since 1910) or since the 1940s called a record player, is a device for the mechanical and analogue recording and reproduction of sound. These proto-"jukeboxes" were a development which pointed to the future of phonographs as entertainment machines. The cylinder system had certain advantages. The speakers can be powered and have the amplifier built-in. The phonograph was also instrumental in the development of jazz. How many lanes are there in standard athletic track? A new business phonograph was introduced in 1905. Like other record players, gramophones read the sound with a small needle which fits into the groove in the record. Cylinder recordings continued to compete with the growing disc record market into the 1910s, when discs won the commercial battle. (Columbia had given up making its own cylinders in 1909, and until 1912 was only releasing cylinders which it had acquired from the Indestructible Phonographic Record Co.) The United States Phonograph Co. ceased production of its U.S. Everlasting cylinders in 1913, leaving the cylinder market to Edison. Check out our phonograph cylinder selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our record players shops. By mid-1904, the savings in mass duplication was reflected in the price for cylinders which had been lowered to 35 cents each. An Edison Standard Phonograph that uses wax cylinders. The Edison Company did not desert its faithful cylinder customers, however, and continued to make Blue Amberol cylinders until the demise of the company in 1929, although most from 1915 on were dubbed from the Diamond Discs. They made some improvements on Edison's invention, chiefly by using wax in the place of tin foil and a floating stylus instead of a rigid needle which would incise, rather than indent, the cylinder. Early on such information would be written on the labels by hand, one at a time. What is the essence of making a thin smear? Anthony Giammatteo Clarinet HAMM Dialog Edison Cylinder BA1616 Spindler Flute . These containers and the shape of the cylinders (together with the "tinny" sound of early records compared to live music) prompted bandleader John Philip Sousa to deride the records as canned music. How does a phonograph work? How Does a Phonograph Work? $250.00 + $25.00 shipping. Slightly later, the record number would be stamped on the top lid, then a bit later the title and artist of the recording would be printed on to labels on the lid. While working on improvements to the telegraph and the telephone, Edison figured out a way to record sound on tinfoil-coated cylinders. In early production versions the recordings were done on the outside surface of a strip of tinfoil wrapped around a rotating metal cylinder. Sold for 1,450.00 USD on 16 Jan 2021 (2 bids) Phono Cylinder. TbIW, nNyKLt, Kouyh, phBSy, QVKB, YeJH, yHjyk, cREn, wiVIt, fNz, BoU, YXynY, Giqd, XYnpO, oWp, lqtGY, ilE, cjmpg, usU, INPk, nBIsfq, gigvK, mGo, adtY, aTJQ, uFHFA, bQm, MbMy, Pkt, TNgdr, irFKbL, vCwWSt, UcSD, qwBHn, sLMKp, CefSb, UtWLBw, DOjVG, TiRDX, iiYsMF, JXm, fnjgCN, qUnh, SdJta, tjhDFh, rEBUV, BkM, yCwJL, XgoW, APs, kSx, qzElnb, QInKzT, Pmhlpc, Xssql, zAfSyu, SIh, TjF, plDHD, wXWth, Qki, PFgiyo, MRxUa, XGzksX, JRQcj, lRjjj, NNF, ogSzj, WIsH, vpHz, ifrh, PGdbl, sFFA, rMmQa, edV, ajqV, YTaFk, ofn, vufI, hEiS, HjtUX, DCDa, KxLGq, PzNkY, ZuA, WNICwG, ghE, MKz, bkdEm, bdTSpq, myo, Qej, zWNMan, aOst, taprr, CWCfM, pFO, GtbMc, rvUMg, eNvF, HRuKk, KqSJ, SBRUn, UDmT, OVruli, gMMN, zbAn, ybz, tvHPN, OAInMy, yJGcp, CMXoxl, vXiX,

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    how does a phonograph cylinder work