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    The requested ATACMS are ~$1million each. I still believe that some of the timing of the SMO activities are integrated into the bigger civilization war we are in and if/when an alternative system of finance is put forward, it will effect the Ukraine/NATO SMO significantly. I personally believe the risk of a Scott Ritter type slow invasion is far riskier for Russia. Given the temperature differences and the fact that Ukrainian trenches are keeping the soldiers wet is bad. 2. SBF-TXF-kerfuffles full of drug-stories Posted by: Dieter Kief | Dec 2 2022 17:07 utc | 58. Ukraine is claiming that they lost about 13.000 just today. I agree the Russians are finding the situation somewhat convenient, but I doubt this is what they "want". "Russian air defense systems will now have no problem detecting and destroying missiles fired from US-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) due to new software, RIA Novosti reported on Friday, citing an unnamed Russian military commander." Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. There is an important study called the network of global corporate control. All exceptions are spies! If you understood Russian manoeuvre defence you would not have posted this. There is an important study called the network of global corporate control. Because perception is king. How many ukies do you think are dead then? It's, does it matter to the US? How can the plan be to use the iaea who are blind to Ukrainian attacks to watch the plant? Pot meet kettle. Posted by: safe | Dec 2 2022 16:14 utc | 25. Russians dividing the number of dead nazis by ten in their public reports makes perfect sense and might fit better with the material destruction. Bakmut was in the headlines when Kershon collapsed Trench warfare in these conditions is moronic unless you just want to kill people that might turn on you later. 0. I do not how, perhaps 25-30k ukrainian soldiers been killed, in sum russian soldiers (and Donbass volunteers) roughly the same? This can be supported by a reasonable line of logic. "This is our principle: we, the Svoboda Battalion, do not retreat. Please enter a valid email address, URL: Going by Ukroid social media, Rus MoD very much understates the number of Ukroids dead and maimed. Ukraine instead has no qualms wasting men and material to defend positions they are in a serious disadvantage at. And how Strength becomes a Weakness. Many "bled out" before capture. Three million is Kiev sounds like a ridiculous overestimate to me. Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:23 utc | 100. Von Clausewitz Ukraine has between 150K-250K dead and wounded. The Euromaidan is not. The blog admins must know if their IP address come from Northern Virginia, or perhaps are associated with VPNs. I mean, you put forward "beliefs" and you call it logic Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2022 16:31 utc | 34. - How does that all add up? And the shelling was such that it was impossible to get out of the trench, so the guys were constantly wet for a day or two. Where do I sign up for trolling paychecks? There are plenty of other shortages. While Scott Ritter believes Russia won't achieve final victory until the end of next summer (see recent video with Judge Napolitano), I believe that General MacArthur's strategy should apply here (hit 'em where they ain't), thus I believe 1000 tanks can roll or blast their way through Zaporizhia to the Uman area, then divide to cut off supplies, cut off Odessa, and attack Kiev. I read a story that the commanding general of the australian corps in WW1 in France organized a special service to collect daily *socks* from soldiers, wash and dry them, and return them quickly in rotation, to ensure that australian soldiers always had dry socks and warm feet. @33 But Himars is basically useless as a front line artillery, and doesn't have the volumes. That is why Ukraine and Russian retreats are not the same and neither the casualty rates. They can shoot 10s of kilometers away and move quickly, which is what they've been doing. Eleven million living in areas now joined to RF. Posted by: anon2020 | Dec 2 2022 18:31 utc | 81. As for my beliefs about the 100K number: I have no beliefs about the number. Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:23 utc | 100. Plus, nobody here wants to work with their hands. ", Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 2 2022 19:10 utc | 95, Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:01 utc | 90. ga('send', 'pageview'); Your comment could not be posted. He should be arrested alongside Johnson Biden Nuland Von den Lyen and Blinken who are responsible for this carnage. Going by Ukroid social media, Rus MoD very much understates the number of Ukroids dead and maimed. Massive Ukrainian casualties undercut these threats how? A hundred thousand is very unlikely in my opinion, instead if one counts both the front and all kinds of internal nastiness I would have a guess at close to a million dead ex-Ukrainians. Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Dec 2 2022 17:12 utc | 62, Posted by: murge23 | Dec 2 2022 16:26 utc | 33. So you can't admit that your "logic" is fundamentally just your beliefs and preferences leading you to accept whatever Ursula V. der Leyden says along with one set of speculations about the truth, with no factual basis. :D (is that blood on my hands? The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance as "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history". Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2022 16:18 utc | 27. or other means of keeping trenches/feet dry? This is exactly what the Russians want. Bakmut was in the headlines During Koupiansk offensive And thatwas probably on the high side, they refuse to do a census. Duckboards? RF has huge inventory and shortish supply lines, other than that artillery is just too conspicuous and difficult to supply for high intensity use. The blog admins must know if their IP address come from Northern Virginia, or perhaps are associated with VPNs. Russian are still in the outskirt of Bakmut city. I believe it was something like 750,000 Ukrainians and about 225,000 Russian personnel. The training they receive must be abysmal and not cover any basics at all except for which end goes boom. High intensity artillery on the Ukrainian side looks to be close to exhaustion of western inventory and mechanical resilience. This is only a preview. Meanwhile ukies have lost their organic artillery tubes and rocket artillery derived from the Soviet Grad. Explanations don't have to be encyclopedic and legally conclusive, a sketch would suffice. They can shoot 10s of kilometers away and move quickly, which is what they've been doing. It's obvious to anyone that has been following this war so closely. Like how Trump consistently hired people who betray him. Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Dec 2 2022 18:13 utc | 78, Lol Zanny Posted by: anon2020 | Dec 2 2022 18:59 utc | 88, The former commander believes that NATO lacks the industrial base to replace depleted stockpiles and Ukraine continues to demand ammunition to use against Russian forces.. Explanations don't have to be encyclopedic and legally conclusive, a sketch would suffice. Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:09 utc | 93, LightYearsFromHome | Dec 2 2022 18:44 utc | 90,, Posted by: whirlX | Dec 2 2022 19:10 utc | 94, Putin Tells Scholz More Ukraine Energy Strikes 'Inevitable' Due To West Pumping In Weapons, "It was noted that the Russian Armed Forces had long refrained from precision missile strikes against certain targets on the territory of Ukraine," a Kremlin readout of the telephone call begins. A week ago I described how Ukraine is running on empty: Aside from HIMARS Ukraine's front artillery has become smaller with less reach than those systems used on the other side. Again, can we not see that Putin may be a traitor? As a final step before posting your comment, enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below. A small group of companies control 40% of everything and are interrelated by mutual cross holdings. Thanks for the link buddy, I needed a good laugh this morning. Try again. Name: Ukraine has gained territory without beating the Russian army and is holding on to territory while losing its army. Ukraine relies on Western support and Western politicians want to see results in form of territory, which is no result at all in military terms, if you cant beat the opponent's army in the process. Those people like Zanon refuse to see the facts that are right in front of their eyes. Its a cover story. All wars are bankster wars isn't far from the truth. God Bless the forced Ukrainian Conscripts they are lambs to the slaughter. Kremlin Turns Down Bidens Conditions for Putin Talks, Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 2 2022 15:53 utc | 15, Zanon -- are you for real? Not a flat-bed truck, but perhaps something leaning towards the Club-K: (Club-K Container Missile System) with some cost compromises of course. Perhaps we should expect some walk-back very soon, since that is the western modus operandi. Well, I'm glad they finally nailed that one down. Ursula has stated that the EU and the US are going to put together a special international tribunal/court with the help of the UN to charge Russia with numerous war crimes. But alas those pleas fell on deaf ears, and the slaughter of all continues as it must. In addition, it is a swamp full of mud. Going by Ukroid social media, Rus MoD very much understates the number of Ukroids dead and maimed. Assuming cost is not the main constraint, anything that can quickly fire a couple of Excalibur rounds and then successfully hide from counter fire will probably still be effective for a while but dense drone surveillance or audio / radar triangulation can direct a salvo of return fire in seconds so not a good long term bet shortish-term funding opportunities for m777 and Excalibur manufacturers =). Russia has maybe 40K dead AND wounded. "So that is a major for the Ukrainians and for the West, especially if the West wants to continue helping the Ukrainians stop the Russians. Ukraine is decimated, almost demilitarized, and stops being a country as we write this. Posted by: Peter AU1 | Dec 2 2022 17:44 utc | 72, Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 2 2022 17:44 utc | 73. Weary Dunlop is someone to read when it comes to surviving under harsh conditions. The claim of only non-Ukrainian/Russian spoken on the nazi radios. Posted by: Midville | Dec 2 2022 16:58 utc | 51. The current strategy ensures that a large percentage of the nazis will have self-destructed whenever a truce is ever called. The requested ATACMS are ~$1million each. I can read a map and they have options. As much as 1/4 of the Ukraine losses are well away from the front. Posted by: Midville | Dec 2 2022 16:58 utc | 51. Posted by: Jo Dominich | Dec 2 2022 16:59 utc | 54, Posted by: Ursula Zandt | Dec 2 2022 15:26 utc | 3.

    Text</BLOCKQUOTE> With the Ukrainians losing its air force, its navy and much of its army and artillery, the Russian plans to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine continues successfully. What do I believe? What is Russia up to? This can be supported by a reasonable line of logic. "Russian air defense systems will now have no problem detecting and destroying missiles fired from US-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) due to new software, RIA Novosti reported on Friday, citing an unnamed Russian military commander." Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2022 15:54 utc | 17. Don't kill animals just to troll the Ukies. Personally, as I have previously stated, I believe Russia must demonstrate enough strength in the near future to dissuade NATO and the U.S. from making some futile effort to win this war. If you look at the maps, Russia is still pretty much at the apex of their advances. that he did deliver drugs to Selensky too? Explanations don't have to be encyclopedic and legally conclusive, a sketch would suffice. No, nobody really, because there are no facts on the ground to support this. Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:19 utc | 99, Those people like Zanon refuse to see the facts that are right in front of their eyes.. Read this to begin to understand what is happening now:, Posted by: Bob In Portland | Dec 2 2022 15:52 utc | 14, US "diplomacy" goes beyond sanctions to requiring surrender. Likewise I guess no one here believe 100k russians have been killed as Ukraine claims. Mr Leighton told CNN: "The defence industrial base of all these countries, the NATO countries in Europe as well as the United States it is really not built for this kind of war. This is exactly what the Russians want. So who is left. Again, can we not see that Putin may be a traitor? ", Posted by b on December 2, 2022 at 15:13 UTC | Permalink. Because that is a more logical one and goes along with other estimates, 100k dead soldiers on the other hand is a tremendously high number. That will make it easier to counter it. Everyone can see that the war is not being run optimally by Russia, and its been continually collaborating with organizations that constantly betray it. Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2022 18:35 utc | 83, Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Dec 2 2022 18:13 utc | 84. They should act immediately to protect the civil population in Donetsk et al. I do not know why is that, but so it is. Now your turn: What's your line of logic supporting your assertion that the censoring corrections of V. der Leyen's speech indicates the correct number? m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Another 40,000 wounded. Those people like Zanon refuse to see the facts that are right in front of their eyes. Boston Museum of Fine Arts: October 9, 2022-January 16, 2023. Posted by: Ursula Zandt | Dec 2 2022 15:26 utc | 3. Okay, you're thinking: "This must be some kind of a joke. The Russian decisions, in some cases, to retreat rather than fight have been precisely for the purpose of saving Russian soldiers. Don Bacon@12dug my share of slit trenches, doesn't matter what size the trench is, they are all latrines at the end of a heavy arty day. My expectation is for a forceful thrust through Ukraine to threaten Kiev and cut off all supply lines to the Donbas and Odessa. I read a story that the commanding general of the australian corps in WW1 in France organized a special service to collect daily *socks* from soldiers, wash and dry them, and return them quickly in rotation, to ensure that australian soldiers always had dry socks and warm feet. Which is why they were used wonderfully to make the Russians withdraw from Kherson. SBF-TXF-kerfuffles full of drug-stories Posted by: Dieter Kief | Dec 2 2022 17:07 utc | 58. SBF-TXF-kerfuffles full of drug-stories Posted by: Dieter Kief | Dec 2 2022 17:07 utc | 58. 1. Someone needs to show this guy a current map because I am not seeing all that many achievements. Indeed. They got enough ammo, and a short supply-line. On the other hand if Russia gives as a number for the Ukrainian KIA something like 300.000 then people will conclude that Russian KIA numbers must be at least 30.000, regardless of the actual numbers, which could be far lower if they have been successful in keeping their losses to a minimum. And how? I still believe that some of the timing of the SMO activities are integrated into the bigger civilization war we are in and if/when an alternative system of finance is put forward, it will effect the Ukraine/NATO SMO significantly. Download, The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan is unfolding before our eyes. Your assessment that Ukraine is hollow sounds exactly correct to me. Von Clausewitz There are plenty of other shortages. With GLSDB, the rocket is a booster to deliver a glide munition that can then attack in any number of ways. This prevents automated programs from posting comments. As bad as raw sewage stinks, nothing holds a candle to carrion.

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