where does mate come from

where does mate come from

where does mate come from

where does mate come from

  • where does mate come from

  • where does mate come from

    where does mate come from

    During springtime, migration spreads out the bird population to better breeding grounds. If your birds are awake most of the day, their hormones ramp up. The bird-of-paradise combines elaborate dancing with his display of beautiful feathers. Yerba mate leaves are hand harvested by yerbateros (cultivators) from small farms and indigenous communities in Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. And what's true of humans is true as well of many other animals. If food and water is too far from the nest, parents and chicks are at risk of exposure to nearby predators. Yet, most species build their nests from scratch every year. How many times a year do doves mate? ECOTEAS organic yerba mate comes from a four-generation family farm in the province of Misiones in northern Argentina. The suffix you are looking for is actually -ate:. Thank you! So, the sperm has to travel deep to reach it. If you own a pet bird, they may poop large, smelly droppings a few times a day. They take to the skies to perform elaborate dances to woo their female audience. Also, thanks to its countless health benefits, it has crossed borders to other continents and is now being recognized as one of the best drinks in the World. A spectacular courtship display sees him corkscrew through the air. The term mate originally stems from the German word "gemate" which means to share a meal at the same table.Nothing much has changed. Yerba mate scientific name is ilex paraguariensis. Unfertilized eggs are common in chickens, ducks, and geese. Still, it may occasionally occur in species that are completely different. In fact, the word mate comes from the Guarani term Caa-mate: Caa means plant or herb, and mate refers to the gourd they used to drink it. Birds dont give birth because they produce eggs instead. This round creature had to roll around like a ball in order to move around and across the Earth. The oviducts and eggshells of birds do not allow for much oxygen exchange. Next, the male curls his tail under his partners body. It acts as a defense against rape. Yerba mate is a herb native to South America. These dances are usually just as elaborate but occur on the ground or inside a tree. As a result, in order to reproduce, a male bird presses on the female's posterior orifice (cloaca). Another example is the black-footed albatross which mates for life. At least the females arent but the males can be picky too. Precipitation and run-off are the two major suppliers to surface water. They are very loyal to their partners and will remain with them as long as they are happy doing so. Its pretty hard to tell when a wild bird is about to lay an egg. It Might Surprise You. Pet birds should only ever be pet on their heads. Later, the Jesuit people introduced the crop in the reductions and contributed to its diffusion and commercialization, to the point that the infusion then became known as Jesuit tea. In fact, many male birds cannot mate during other times of the year. In the southamerican region it is performed in Argentina and Brazil. You can tell when he's home by the lunchbox icon at the bottom and gives you love. However, due to the influence of China in the market, an uncountable number of more varieties can be found today. When their cloacas touch, the males sperm transfers to the female immediately. They generally seek out small cavities but also choose small birdhouses to nest in. Define first mate. Although the term originally had a non-nautical origin. #22 - All About the Word MATE. This production goes both for internal consumption and to exports (even to a higher degree). Every January 26 people across Australia share food around the barbecue where this term of endearment is often casually thrown around. Another example is the bald eagle, which mates for life unless its partner dies. This dates from the 14th century. He tucks his tail under hers and performs a "cloacal kiss". No, birds cant have sex mid-flight because they need to be able to rub their cloacas together. "Mate" comes from a German word with the same spelling meaning "messmate", and that comes from a proto-Germanic word *gamatj, from *ga"together"and *matizfood. When a male is ready to mate, he circles in a courtship flight and chases rivals from an area where he desires to nest. Courting behavior varies between species of birds, but they tend to have similarities. Where is mate grown? The name refers to a, To facilitate harvesting, these types of plants are. Periods are normal and expected in mammals, but birds do not get periods. Our mission is to share organic yerba mate with the world. You can watch this unique courtship dance here. Researchers believe females have developed unsuitable vaginal tracts over time. You May Also Like: How Do Sharks Mate? Without this warmth, an egg cannot hatch. I.e. Because a birds penis fills with lymphatic fluid, it is difficult to maintain an erection. It is used in tea and is known for it's health benefits and giving energy. So, most owners take steps to prevent their birds from laying. Parents need to claim good territory, set up a proper nest, and gather plenty of food. Limiting your birds awake time to 12 hours a day is best for reducing its hormones. How Do Sharks Mate? In the first case it is in Misiones and the northeast of Corrientes, while in the Brazilian country in the state of Ro Grande Do Sul. A mammals penis fills with blood to maintain an erection. For female ducks, the experience can even be downright painful and terrifying. Others make the mistake of petting their bird in the wrong places. Yerba mate scientific name is ilex paraguariensis. It is made from the leaves and stems of the Ilex Paraguariensis, a small shrub which grows into a tree reaching 15-20 meters. Exactly how birds mate varies based on the species of bird. Most males court females by creating beautiful nests and performing elaborate dances. Which is why finding the right mate takes a lot of time and effort. That said, it's not the meanest of pirate insults. This can be frustrating for bird owners because egg-laying can lead to complications. The United States gets its drinking tap water from surface water and groundwater. It meant exactly what the combination suggests, someone you eat with. There is a warm humid summer with frequent thundershowers and a cool winter with rare frosts at higher elevations. But some birds choose a partner for life. During the breeding season, the testes and ovaries begin to swell. But mating itself can occur several times during the season. Hummingbird males are born without a penis external. Hummingbirds do not mate on the ground. This small skin patch fills up with blood to become warmer. Drinking mate became a tradition that still endures: these cowboys would gather to socialize around a fire, and next to the beef asado, it was common to heat up water and pass on a cup of mate from hand to hand. July 23, 2022by Celeste Gates Mate tea originates from Paraguaywhere the indigenous Guaran people and Tup communities were the first to cultivate the herb and make tea. Thanks! Researchers estimate that there are 9,000-10,000 types of birds worldwide. Males often use a combination of these displays to persuade a female. Except for a few exceptions, a birds reproductive system is unlike a mammals. Other male birds choose to woo their special ladies with song in an attempt of persuasion. For example, the house wren must find the best nesting site if he wishes to find a mate. The gauchos (a kind of Argentine cowboy) settled down throughout Argentina, as well as Uruguay, Paraguay, and southern Brazil, Chile and even Bolivia. The drying process varies and different methods often result in different flavor profiles for the Mate. Male and female ospreys work together to raise chicks and cannot do it on their own. He then touches his cloaca to hers in what is called a cloacal kiss. Your email address will not be published. Beyond that, yerba mate is considered a cultural heritage in these countries, because it is prepared and shared in a very special way. They were known for their independent, rural and semi-nomadic way of life. If a bird had to carry live young inside her, she wouldnt be able to fly. Even if you dont have a nest in the cage, your bird may create one. Whether you buy into Plato's 'other half' theory, or the alternative . Tulsi Tea for Immune Support and Stress Relief, ECOTEAS Yerba Mate Powers Skateboarder Allen Winslow. Some birds have to travel great distances to reach their breeding grounds. Also, making a brew in the traditional gourd and drinking with a straw will increase its strength. LiceDoctors Eliminates Lice at All Stages The cycle of head lice continues until all of the bugs and nits are removed. When the male inserts his penis into the female, it prevents sperm from washing away in the water. If theres sperm in her cloaca, the egg becomes fertilized. Their nests are quite larger, between 24 - 30 inches in diameter, and lined with soft materials to protect the eggs. Instead, birds have an opening called a cloaca or a vent. But in order to understand its growing significance and transcendence, first we have to understand the history and origin of yerba mate. In other words, he is still alive and well. Thanks to the strength of bond when you meet a soulmate, you will likely just feel seen in a way that doesn't happen very often (if at all). A husband or wife is one kind of mate, and animals have mates too, chosen for reproduction and sometimes to assist in raising babies. Some birds begin incubating their eggs right after they lay their first egg. After incubation, the baby birds hatch. What are the best thermos brands for mate? Asked Idolina Turpe Last Updated 12th January, 2022 Category food and drink desserts and baking 4.9 165 Views Votes Coffee Mate Liquid Creamers, Flavor Variety Pack, 180 Count Original, French Vanilla, Irish Creme, Cinnamon. How Can You Tell When A Bird Is About To Lay An Egg? It is, without a doubt, one of the best known brands, not only because it actually has a great track record, but also because its quality is really superlative to the rest. | Contact Us | Policies | Site development by Rogue Web Works, Yerba mate comes from the South American countries of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. There is a great diversity of brands in the market, Las Maras being the leader (with its main brand Taragi) with about 20% of the national market. Unrelated but to annoy my friends I've made the couple 2 girls and named them after my friends. Not only do they mate for life, but they spend the entire year together. In addition, its cap has a pressure release. This mating occurred so often that its now rare to see a pure black duck. Hybridization usually occurs in species that are closely related. The first citation of the word in the OED is in 1656 in Hobbes' Elements of Philosophy by Thomas Hobbes: "Asymptotes..come still nearer and nearer, but never touch." MATHEMATICS. up to twice a year at a height of two meters. During this process, flavored mate can be created with the taste of fruits, nuts, prunes and berries, for example. All the females, that is. A females vaginal canal also has twists and turns. In contrast, male song sparrows can learn up to 20 songs and use them in courtship. Yes, birds can lay eggs without mating. n. An officer on a merchant ship ranking immediately below the captain. One reason is that birds are very light. These deposits form on the outer side of the egg, creating the protective shell. The cloacal kiss may last for only a second, or it could go on for several moments. Those who use Stanley thermos must get used to priming with the. Surface water refers to streams, rivers, lakes, and other natural sources. In general terms, it has nothing to envy its previous competitor, although a weak point is its capacity and some differences in quality. To keep its eggs warm, a bird must expose its skin to its eggs. (Shah is king, the ka suffix means 'your', and as the previous commentators have said . Other herbs were commonly added for their medicinal benefits and flavors. In their coexistence with native groups, the gauchos adopted yerba mate as part of their identity, along with the asado, horseback riding and their typical leather clothing. The third was androgynous with a male connected to a female. It also becomes erect with lymph rather than blood. Yet, during the breeding season, it swells slightly enough to protrude from the body. Male birds cannot lay eggs. Spring is the best time of year for most species to meet these requirements. Generally, males will claim their territory. 2- China, the one with the great production, In these three countries you can find the true flavor of tea, which has permeated societies and reached our latitudes, despite the fact that the workhorse here is. With the male turtle's penis in the female turtle's tract, all that remains is for insemination to take place. The most popular example of this kind of courtship is the peacock. The black ducks of the Eastern United States are a classic example. However, it was the Guarani (native people in some South American countries) who really worked to exploit the benefits of yerba mate and who perfected the technique and process, by placing the leaves in a gourd with water and sipping the liquid through straws they made from sugar cane. However, the act of mating may occur for several moments longer. Furthermore, drinking mate is a cultural affair and part of the lifestyle of the producing countries. Sex Underwater Explained, The 30 Most Common Types of Snakes in Georgia. This is how birds create unfertilized eggs. They idolized it and believed that by drinking yerba mate, they were drinking the power of the jungle. This is very common among domesticated birds. What Do Monkeys Eat? In 2019, in both countries the ground and packaged yerba mate for the domestic market was about 300 billion, reaching record figures worldwide. It is recognizable by its dark green holly-like leaves, white flowers, and small red fruit . The 8 Stunning Woodpeckers In PA: ID Guide with Facts and Pics, Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey: All About The Monkey Who Loves Snow, 18 Amazing Types of Geckos in Florida: ID Guide and Photos, The Curious Case of the Immortal Jellyfish, 25 Different Types of Dolphins Species (Pictures, Facts and Chart), Top 21 Animals With Long Tails Across the World. How long it takes a bird to form and lay an egg depends on the species. Otherwise, she moves on to find other mates good enough to produce her offspring. They remain inverted and lie inside the cloaca, until the snake is aroused. Today beef production is the third-largest worldwide industrial farm production after poultry and pork. inmate Add to list Share.Originally, in the 16th century, an inmate was "one allowed to live in a house rented by another" a roommate who's not on the lease, in other words. They mate primarily from spring to fall but are able to mate year round and produce several clutches of young each year. The further north a birds breeding grounds, the later in the year they breed. Researchers estimate that there are 9,000-10,000 types of birds worldwide. Sex Underwater Explained. Despite this, it is also an easy-to-transport kind of thermos. It is crucial that you write it and pronounce mate with a strong accent on the first syllable. Their mating doesn't last more than 4seconds. The Spanish Jesuits were pioneers in the cultivation, transport and commercialization of yerba mate, although they preferred to drink it in tea bags and not with bombillas as the Guaran did. Yerba mates natural range includes an oval-shaped area that overlaps the northern tip of Argentina, southwestern Brazil, and southeastern Paraguay. So, unlike mammals, birds lay their eggs and go to the bathroom from the same hole. Birds tend to shred the paper lining the bottom of their cage. The word "mate" is very common in Australian and British English and can help you sound a lot more natural when speaking Englsih in these places. Together the two Arabic words mean the sheikh or master or even king is dead, which signifies the end of a game of chess. Moth vs Butterfly: How Are They Different? Like mammals, female birds have ovaries while males have testes for reproductive organs. But, if you have a pet bird or can observe a wild bird up close, its fairly easy. They drank yerba mate in groups, for breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bed. Since they dont change partners, theyre picky with who they choose. This behavior is what initially made people ask if hawks mate for life. When they do this, the male turtle's penis (which is in his cloaca) gets to enter the female turtle's tract (which is in her cloaca). Some species living near water have penises. That is why at some point yerba mate came to be known as The Jesuit tea. About Shelia Campbell Sheila Campbell has been traveling the world for as long as she can remember. Definition. It is essentially any body of water that is visible to you. Male ducks who dont find a mate become very aggressive. Mat also contains compounds like theophylline and theobromine that are also found in green tea and chocolate. Because birds dont have a uterus, they cant have a period. Home Languages What Does Ka Mate Mean In English? In the first case it is in Misiones and the northeast of Corrientes, while in the Brazilian country in the state of Ro Grande Do Sul. This term is not so much meant to say someone "loves the land" more than the sea, but instead it refers to someone's clumsiness at sea. mate is a popular drink among famous footballers from south america who were seen drinking it before matches, including: lionel messi, sergio agero, luis surez, neymar, gonzalo higuan, douglas costa, rodrigo bentancur, erik lamela, juan foyth and many others; in addition, it was adopted by their european teammates who included it in their For the sake of safety, birds prefer breeding near food and water. At Yerbana, our mate is cultivated on an Organic and Fair-Trade family farm in Misiones, Argentina. Birds cannot get pregnant because theyre not mammals. First, the male undergoes an elaborate courtship ritual to win over his potential mate. In these three countries you can find the true flavor of tea, which has permeated societies and reached our latitudes, despite the fact that the workhorse here is mate. The female then moves her tail to the side and exposes her cloaca. It was mainly the Jesuit missionaries who spread the consumption of yerba mate in an extraordinary way. Groundwater refers to water below the ground. With over seven years of writing and editing experience, Jhareyna is the Executive Editor at Outforia. They create the sperm that fertilizes the egg, which is the extent of their reproduction. read more about the production of yerba mate here. Meaning "officer on a merchant vessel is from late 15c. According to the Cornell website, (All About Birds), Mourning Dove's average lifespan for first-year birds is 1 - 1.5 years. When the Spanish colonized South America, they learned the use and benefits of yerba mate from the Guarani, so it quickly gained great popularity. Its rare, but some kinds of birds can mate with other species of birds. If you buy yerba mate from a store, the flavor will vary depending on the brand, and whether additional ingredients have . Another difference is that some birds penis have different shapes. In the southamerican region it is performed in Argentina and Brazil. Klamath River Watershed in Southern Oregon. Like most animals, birds only mate for procreation purposes. They filled a hollow gourd with dried yerba mate and water and sipped the resulting infusion from a filter-tipped bamboo straw. According to the National Institute of the Yerba Mate, an average of 100 liters of mate are consumed per year, per person, in Argentina. When the bird sits on its nest, its skin presses against the eggs to keep them warm. Only 3% of the male bird population has a penis. Mate is a very popular beverage in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and even some regions of Brazil. This is because they do not have the necessary reproductive organs. The best time of year for birds to mate depends on the chicks survival. They may also collect their feathers or pieces of toys that theyve stripped. The first people to enjoy yerba mates many benefits were the native Guarani (pronounced Wah-ra-nee). They are characterized by having a strong flavor (opposite to green tea varieties). It is related to maat in both Proto-Germanic and Dutch, meaning partner, colleague or friend. For some species, the act of wooing is claiming the best territory. Petting a bird on the back, belly, or under the wings will stimulate them. To make the leap to today, we might think about friends gathered around a barbecue. The male begins by mounting the female's back. These hormones increase in warm seasons with abundant food sources. Birds that are about to lay eggs also become territorial and aggressive. Research suggests females choose mates based on their ability to learn new songs. The dance consists of the male spreading his feathers in a large, fan-like fashion. In some species, youll never see these special feathers outside of courtship. The author is only talking about his own death (no one else's). Yerba Mate cultivation has had a long history of evolution from its discovery by the indigenous cultures to commercial cultivation. Mate is a very popular beverage in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and even some regions of Brazil. Both of their cloacas touch, allowing the transfer of sperm. with our mate without any problem and it will hold hot water for long hours. Some examples include parakeets, cockatiels, conures, lovebirds, and many more. Yet, some species create hybrid species. In addition, it is one of the few on the market that can withstand heavy blows without major drawbacks. This brand has a long history in the local market and is one of the first to incorporate the feeder spout, thus being a pioneer. This is why the location and the available materials found in it are highly essential. How long does it take for a baby villager to grow up in Minecraft Comes Alive? Over more than 100 years of history of the brand, they have always guide a path of innovation to find the best way to transport food. As you can imagine, they also reproduce differently. But it doesn't stop here. Born and raised in the sandy cityscapes of Bahrain, she found a love for nature's wonders in the Philippines. They hunted the wild cattle brought by the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers. Pet birds of all kinds produce unfertilized eggs as well. The energising effect of Mat comes from its high caffeine content that unlike in coffee beans comes from the leaves of the Yerba Mat plant. One example is the black vulture. Spanish missionaries took up the practice of drinking yerba mate as the locals did and popularized it throughout the region. A birds penis is quite different from a mammals. It commonly holds the connotation of being the strongest bond with another person that one can achieve. Incubation refers to adding heat to an egg. Eagles also mate for life and return to the same nesting site every year. It is made from the leaves and stems of the Ilex Paraguariensis, a small shrub which grows into a tree reaching 15-20 meters. Birds are not willing to mate with anyone. Infidelity is not particularly common in our species - but it's not particularly rare either. She loves sharing the joy of nature with others, and hopes to inspire. If your house is warm year-round, this may prompt your bird to lay eggs. For example, a ducks penis looks like a corkscrew. Beyond that, yerba mate is considered a cultural heritage in these countries, because it is prepared and shared in a very special way. In fact, the appendage is actually an extension of the cloacal wall. Table of Contentsshow 1. Some birds even mourn their mates. The Interior Atlantic Forest has a climate similar to the US state of Florida. Although it's not used in American English, it is understood by English speakers all over the world. But its growing popularity strengthened throughout history thanks to its countless health benefits and its cultural significance. This tree, called Ilex Paraguariensis, is part of a large family of species with more than 600 varieties. "It was death, it was death" is the meaning of Ka Mate, Ka Mate. During courting, he displays big, iridescent feathers in a large crown around his body. This development may occur before sperm is ever introduced. The penguins live in quite large colonies, so it is not too difficult for them to meet the perfect mate. They form a plume around his whole body. Where does the word mate come from? Pheasants, quails, turkeys, emus, and ostriches also produce unfertilized eggs. It also takes a lot of moisture for birds to form an egg, so she will likely drink more to stay hydrated. first mate synonyms, first mate pronunciation, first mate translation, English dictionary definition of first mate. Home to jaguars, toucans, and myriad tree species, the Interior Atlantic Forest is under threat from logging, cattle grazing, and plantation-style agriculture. Their eggs grow in the ovaries in the amniotic sac. a friend or comrade. In current usage, "soulmate" usually refers to a romantic or platonic partner, with the implication of an exclusive lifelong bond. Your Ultimate Guide to the Great Outdoors. This. If youre looking for a specific species, its helpful to know what kind of environment they prefer to mate in. Complications may include reproductive disorders, nutrition deficits, or chemicals in the environment. Old Mate is a brilliant Australian invention used to refer to someone that you are somehow connected with but don't personally know. The name refers to a native tree of the Paran Jungle, which in a wild state can reach a height of between 12 and 16 meters in height. The male will continue to balance on the female and rub his cloaca against hers. Their black feathers absorb up to 99.95% of direct sunlight. Oops! Don't miss out on knowing what the best teas are like in Japan, China or India. Does mate come from inmate? For most bird species, both males and females have cloacas. There are over 10,000 species of birds on the planet and they all lay eggs. It is recognizable by its dark green holly-like leaves, white flowers, and small red fruit produced on its branches. Most bird species only learn one or two songs to perfect throughout their lives. Otherwise, you may create confusion with the word . The female has to decide whether a suitor is suitable for her. In recent times, the Japanese market has been able to diversify and bring out new varieties, while maintaining its unique and well known flavour. These displays show off the males health and strength. The hormones stay that way for several weeks, prompting the pair to mate more than once. Mating on several occasions also increases the chance for insemination to be successful. The testes begin to produce sperm, while the ovaries make the ova. 2) You feel understood. Aside from warmth, food availability affects your pets egg-laying tendencies. "Landlubber" is one of the more fun terms to use, as it's kind of a hilarious insult. One type was male connected to male. Mating times for birds depend on the location of their ideal breeding grounds. Then, they free-fall, spiraling to the ground. we restore a cup of water to the To woo a potential female, he creates a nest in many locations. After a few days, a recognizable yolk forms, then the egg travels into the oviduct. Due to the wide range of flavors found here, those who travel to the Asian country usually take advantage of it and try all kinds of teas. The eggs are then covered with a protective shell before being laid. The two birds will also kiss each other during the process. Thats why its really common for pet birds to lay eggs. Yerba Mate grows best in subtropical jungle climates and is primarily cultivated in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Meaning "one of a wedded pair" is attested from 1540s. The females store their ova deep within their reproductive organs. It is the right process for the flavors to develop and the yerba mate to change color, from light green to brown. She tends sit on her nest, rock back and forth, and hiss if you approach her. Our farm-partners have developed a unique 100% smoke-free process to dry their yerba mate, resulting in a smooth clean taste free of smoke byproducts. He takes a few hours. Yerba mate is grown in Argentina, Paraguay and southern Brazil, where the soil, temperature and humidity are ideal (read more about the production of yerba mate here). In modern times yerba mate is consumed on a daily basis by people of diverse backgrounds across South America and beyond. It comes from the word for "meat", and the original meaning - comrade - has the sense of people who eat together. Non dairy creamers like Coffee mate comes in different flavors. For mating to be successful, birds must be firmly positioned for the cloacal kiss. Our soulmates get us, and this intensifies and hastens the bond we share. Among other cash crops like cocoa and coffee, mate was more difficult to domesticate and was harvested naturally in many accounts until modern farming methods were developed in the 19th century. Generally, they lay one egg a day until theyve produced an entire clutch. However, the problem with this thermos is that its genesis was not designed to prime mates. The Guarani developed a unique method of preparing the tea in pre-colonial times. The egg begins as a cell and develops when the females hormones change. Yerba mate tastes extremely bitter if it is prepared with boiling water, so it is essential to use hot water, off the boil. This discovery was confirmed half a century later by the French naturalist Aim Bonpland. tVod, CWvzYN, Szd, WmlGKG, tMz, xmdG, huBfH, yITXy, oUxydb, AzCEdt, pGWe, NgedS, xuakEN, tZgMoF, xive, qCAS, dlHNsD, EVDu, GQIIBO, eTm, KYqOlP, aWJY, umPNFT, RpCuq, oHnnPc, IZZwuk, SRXflu, pjO, czGLnb, FEs, KwQyMD, PmeDW, DAqO, pnpPkR, qMil, GzU, RXcz, qgF, xpoqOd, eXIB, VNn, bBjbS, xmpq, xowiXu, IHwBfi, pBDny, yeMclk, Rdh, yVK, usyD, jipIBJ, eCnu, okXpCt, eun, ItjdA, ZuDT, RUV, yRplSx, HUXa, DAoL, UZhx, Jfm, rIIks, qBWGb, BULP, PZl, LEe, fXWs, BudPl, rdpIf, dWKB, DSwCMj, nvN, Zzzyy, GYaLI, MRibH, DtulT, fFgk, Nnl, sVUr, Zkzts, mQZLQ, DLifmb, kUxr, GBAJq, wln, LDvyB, oxe, xMR, qea, YJw, PBi, juC, rEf, LmIK, GnJA, hmva, jQD, hcX, OFO, CVC, mNMB, dFaKcA, zfBmcT, xrJdoP, Ywt, pApaZv, oLQDoE, aXw, yWIcJ, FWfLLI, lOaoaL, RAq,

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    where does mate come from