siren powers vampire diaries

siren powers vampire diaries

siren powers vampire diaries

siren powers vampire diaries

  • siren powers vampire diaries

  • siren powers vampire diaries

    siren powers vampire diaries

    Enzo tells her it's just a symbol, nothing more. Enzo uses this vampiric speed and saves them both. She did not know at the time that it was the same island in which the first Psychic, Arcadius, lived and was ultimately burned at the stake as a result of his powers. Sybil starts mocking Damon about him facing his humanity and tells him that fighting it is useless. Bonnie smiles at her and agrees to get something to eat with Virginia. Enzo is controlling her memories now and they walk and talk about Bonnie's time before vampires were apart of her life. He tries to stop her but suddenly she passes out. Isobel later tells Katherine that she made a deal with Klaus for Katherine's freedom, but she has to give Klaus the moonstone and the Petrova doppelgnger, Elena. She closes the garage door then starts up Damon's car, revealing her plan to commit suicide from carbon monoxide poisoning. Liz tries to capture and kill Damon, but accidentally shoots Jeremy instead. In The Ties That Bind, Bonnie dreams about the coffin and her mom. She receives a picture from Caroline, it's was her bucket list from when she was in sixth grade. Bonnie stands firm and tells Tyler that he can't make her leave because Damon lead her there and that he wants her to save him. However, Julian has already broken the spell and survives and Lily dies shortly thereafter. However, when she returned to the physical plane, she had her hair cut into a short bob. Height Damon then quickly grabs a newsletter and the two of them are shocked when they see the date - May 10th, 1994. Bonnie then appears where the sacrifice is being held and throws Klaus across the ground. In Never Let Me Go, Alaric approaches her with The Phoenix Stone after a class session where he teaches about death and warns the students to stay away from Mystic Falls, telling Bonnie that he got it from a contact in Duke, asking her if its magic is legit. Enzo tells her to end it and attempts to goad her to leave because of the smoke. After Nadia's death, Matt helps his friends deal with the destruction of the Other Side with the help of Liv and Luke Parker. Their spell tracks her to Cincinnati, Ohio, where they find an aged women. Based on 16 reviews, the eighth season holds a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes with an average rating of 8 out of 10. In Children of the Damned, Ben and Bonnie seemed to be enjoying their date together but Bonnie decides to talk to Elena real fast. Before she can channel the power of the eclipse to power the Ascendant and return home, Kai's sickness affects the various prison worlds and sends Bonnie to another snowy one. Later, Julian was captured by the Travelers and they brought Julian to Mystic Falls, where they had cast a spell that can undo magic, including vampirism. Liz is locked in the cellar at the Salvatore House so that the vervain can get out of her system and she can be compelled to forget everything. She stops when she realizes that she can't make Damon feel the worst part. During the reception, Bonnie goes with the twins to the Lockwood house; Kelly interrupts Damon's speech and reveals that the Lockwood house is going to catch fire because she started a gas leak. In You Decided That I Was Worth Saving, she is seen in Damon's memory of Wickery Bridge and Elena's parents dying. Jeremy tells everyone that Bonnie looked after all of them during the summer. Emily was an ancestor of Bonnie Bennett through Sheila Bennett. With a plan coming together, Bonnie calls Stefan, telling him that Katherine has to be dead and in Hell, for her plan to work to destroy Hell and he agrees that he's willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the plan. Sometime later, She accompanies Caroline to the Bridal Shop, unbeknownst to them that Damon has been commanded by Sybil to hunt down and kill Bonnie. It's Been a Hell of a Ride. He calls out to her and Bonnie is shocked to see him again. Turning around, Bonnie is confronted by Katherine. John packs his bags and gives his ring to Jeremy, though it was not made clear whether he had actually left Mystic Falls. Bonnie is very worried and Caroline tells her Abby needs time to adjust. She opens the box to reveal that it's Elena's previous necklace. In the beginning, we hear Bonnie mention numerous times that her Grams says she' a witch. Bonnie replies that she lost control of herself and there were consequences. She apologizes to Elena for being an absentee friend these past few days. Bonnie doesn't understand at first but then the two embrace as Grams says her final goodbye to Bonnie, telling her to be strong. When Bonnie went to school, Katherine popped up at the school demanding the immortality that Bonnie promised her, and threatened Elena's life. He went into the ceremony believing that he could win, but he ended up losing the merge ceremony and his life essence was absorbed by Kai, along with his ability to possess magic (something Kai was not born with). Initially, Arcadius was shown to be a nice, decent and sociable person. Seline takes out the Tuning fork from the adjacent desk and asks Bonnie to bring her phone over to her. Katherine makes amends with Nadia on her death bed, after being bitten by a hybrid Tyler Lockwood. Enzo goes on to tell her that the more specific he is, the more she can key in on him. Stefan tells Bonnie that they have to kill one of them to save Elena. It was revealed that she asked John to break up Jenna and Alaric because she was jealous. At the motel, Elena tries to help Bonnie wake up by using a cool towel. Enzo explains that it was Sybil and she is attacking his mind. Stefan comes to the house and tells them to fix Damon since Cade wants more souls to be sent to Hell. Family information When Bonnie was nine years old, she lost her favorite teddy, Ms. Cuddles. In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Bonnie and Enzo are together once again after the latter was saved from Sybil's grasp a second time. o. Sybil possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a human/psychic. Caroline is the daughter of the Sheriff of Mystic Falls, Liz Forbes, with whom she has a troubled relationship that develops into a more loving relationship. Jeremy consoles her, and she gives him the necklace, letting him know it is alright to let her go. She looks into his eyes and brings him into a moving kiss and he embraces her into a hug. Caroline is currently trying to save Bonnie from a lifelong misery of being forced to hunt vampires. This includes Dorian, who abducts Stefan and explains that he now recalls Stefan murdering his family back when Stefan was being forced to work for Klaus. Liv and Elena show up soon, though Bonnie chooses not to tell them that it's Silas who's teaching her the spell. They can cause a lightening storm to add dramatic effect to their evil deeds of the night. Caroline goes to stay with her, telling Stefan that Bonnie needs her. Jeremy does not know what to do and if he should continue to lie about Bonnie's death. The two make a deal that she will have dinner with him then they will go their separate ways with Kai letting her take the car. Inspired by her ancestors and Enzo, Bonnie gains new empowerment, saving Mystic Falls by redirecting Hellfire back to hell and destroying it along with Katherine. She then sabotaged Klaus' plan by running away with the moonstone. Just as everything is starting to look up for Bonnie and Enzo, with Damon about to leave the Vault, Damon hears Elena's voice. With all her might, she contains the hellfire, keeping it at bay, preventing it from consuming her as well, just mere feet away from her. This is the message that Damon, Elena, Jeremy, and Kai wanted to leave for her during their initial visit. It's later been a day since they arrived in this dimension and Bonnie first appears at the Salvatore's Boarding House in the morning with her childhood teddy bear which she lost when she was 9, and with her Grams' grimoire. Logan ran into Jenna at the Founders' Party and he tried to rekindle their relationship. She also reveals Cade's name and origins to Stefan. She stops Jeremy, saying that she thinks Jesse is dead. Some time later, Bonnie manages to get Enzo to the Armory, who is still in agonizing pain. In Postcards from the Edge, Bonnie is seen performing a spell with Nora to find the Huntress Rayna Cruz. Inside, Jeremy reveals that he thinks he's found a spell that might help and decides to ask Stefan to bring Johnathan Gilbert's journals for more information. A list of victims named Sarah Nelson ("Nelson" being Sarah's assumed surname) appears and Stefan, Caroline, and Bonnie go to the real Sarah's apartment to protect her from Damon and Enzo, the former of who is knocked out by Sarah with vervain upon their arrival. Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell. Suddenly Stefan is there and he tells her to close her eyes and flies with her to the outside. They later discover that they are stuck in a 1994 Prison World. Bonnie tells him that he will have to spend his life atoning for what he;s done, even though he's scared, he just has to believe he can. Later on, as Bonnie and Enzo get ready to head on back to Mystic Falls, the Traveler Enzo spoke about finally shows up. Damon Salvatore (based on Damon Salvatore from the novels) is a vampire, turned by Katherine Pierce one hundred and forty-five years prior to the beginning of the main storyline. At the same time, Sloan and the Travelers are performing a spell to bring Markos back from the Other Side-through Bonnie. Liz asks Damon to keep Caroline away from her, but after a talk Liz eventually accepts Caroline being a vampire; Caroline decides to compel her and Liz loses her memory of the whole ordeal. Caroline gives birth to the twins, named Josie and Lizzie (after Jo and Liz Forbes). Outside, Lexi is waiting on Bonnie, who immediately starts telling her to come through. "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of The Vampire Diaries and Legacies. Sometime later, during the night, Jeremy is abducted by a strange man, leading Bonnie to do a locator spell to find him. We next see Bonnie as she drinks from a glass of water in the kitchen and finds the atlas that Jeremy has opened to Nova Scotia. In the three year flash-forward, Bonnie is seen participating in a group therapy session at the mental health center where she's been staying for some time. He consoles her by telling her that there is nothing that he could do as a vampire that wouldn't be better than being human with her. Enzo admits that he heard her and Damon's conversation. Consent can also be given if the subject is dead, as according to Sybil who died prior to the deal, Arcadius could see into her soul and see her desire to live. Bonnie continues to pressure Oscar about the Phoenix stone, though Oscar replies that the stone is where she got him out of. In season three, after learning that killing an Original kills their entire sireline, Damon and Elena seek out Rose's help in an effort to learn which Original they are descended from. He was so happy until he realized he couldn't feel her hands on his face. When Bonnie woke up she tried to kill Damon, Enzo, and Caroline because Rayna marked them. When Kai is about to grab her, Damon attacks him. Damon thanks her by telling her she is officially the most terrifying person he knows. Caroline, with her back to the door, hopes that once the dance gets underway, that she and Bonnie can sneak off and locate the striker. Stefan intervenes by saying Bonnie cares only about Caroline and Elena and the rest of them she says can go to hell. Bonnie would experience the pain of all dead supernatural beings passing through her. He was later turned into an Enhanced Original vampire by Esther in order to kill Klaus with an indestructible White Oak stake. She is later saved by Carol Lockwood, but they are unable to save Mayor Lockwood, who is burned with the vampires. Alaric's eye become dark and veiny, revealing his vampiric nature. Qetsiyah (Ancestor)Qetsiyah's Unnamed Child/ren (Ancestor)Ayana (Ancestor)Ayana's Child/ren (Ancestor)The Witch of The Five (Ancestor)The Witch of The Five's Unnamed Child/ren (Ancestor)Beatrice's Mother (Ancestor)Beatrice Bennett (Ancestor)Emily Bennett (Ancestor)Emily's Unnamed Brother (Ancestor)Emily's Unnamed Children (Ancestor)Marie Bennett (Ancestor)Rose Bennett (Ancestor)Ernestine Bennett (Ancestor)Amelia Bennett (Great-Grandmother)Sheila Bennett (Grandmother)Abby Bennett Wilson (Mother)Rudy Hopkins (Father)Jamie (Adoptive Brother)Sheila's Unnamed Sibling (Great Aunt Or Uncle)Pauline Bennett (Aunt)Pauline's Unnamed Sibling (Aunt Or Uncle)Joanna's Mother (Cousin)Joanna Bennett (First Cousin, Once Removed)Lucy Bennett (First Cousin, Twice Removed) She appears in Enzo's subconscious again as this happens and tells him he's dying. Bonnie realizes that Amara can see ghosts and she also discovers that she can feel physical contact as a result of being the Anchor to the Other Side. She told Caroline that Elena was there with Damon, leaving her shocked and she hung up on Bonnie. The Vampire Diaries is an American fantasy-drama television series which was first broadcast on The CW from 2009[1] to 2017, airing 171 episodes over 8 seasons. having trouble adjusting to life as a vampire. After Grams and Bonnie opened the tomb, Grams lied down in exhaustion. After she's done, she asks him if the syringe is enough though he doesn't respond. He was hiding in the dark because Qetsiyah had made sure no woman would love him if he wouldn't love her. He said that he knew Elizabeth Forbessince he was six, which likely means that they were close throughout their high school years. Alive (Resurrected/Granted Rayna's Remaining Lifespan) This angers Bonnie and she yells at him, "You taught me the same magic that killed your wife!" With Elena's coffin on fire and Stefan on the ground bleeding and in great pain, Damon chooses himself to save both Stefan and Elena. Deceased This makes Bonnie cast a protection spell on Shane, knowing that he could now be compelled. When Caroline is turned into a vampire in season two, she tricks Matt into breaking up with her, for she can't control her bloodlust around him. It is assumed they have remained good friends even though Bonnie distances herself from Matt and the rest of their mutual friends when she decides to leave Mystic Falls to travel the world. She proceeds with the spell, though it required the use of dark magic. Pulling off the road suddenly, Bonnie gets out and throws the necklace far into a deserted field. After killing Kol, resulting in the death of his entire bloodline, Jeremy's mark completes, revealing a map to the cure. She did her best to keep her spirits up but she ended up setting the Christmas tree she put up alight, showing that she is losing hope that she'll ever get out. After a couple of typical threats and sarcasm, Damon takes a drink out of a bottle of bourbon from one of the shelves and finds himself swallowing vervain. With Rose's condition deteriorating and no cure to be found, she goes on a killing spree as her body attempts in vain to heal itself before being stopped. In The Murder of One, Klaus threatens Jeremy. Currently, Bonnie is devastated that Damon and Enzo are missing and she is desperately trying to find Enzo along with Damon. Seeing how upset she is, Bonnie embraces Elena. Later Bonnie finds out that Enzo injected her with something that would prevent her from using magic. In You Decided That I Was Worth Saving, Bonnie surprises Caroline at the Salvatore Boarding House. As Stefan speeds down highway 60, Bonnie quickly catches up to them using the police siren. She takes Tyler down. On the night of Christmas Eve 1917, the ripper Stefan drinks blood from a camp full of people. Bonnie, and Katherine talking at the diner. She finds Elena's spirit but before she could rescue her, Grams interfered and does not allow Bonnie to help Elena. Walking around the party with Jeremy, Bonnie begins to have a strange feeling. Logan attacked him and threw him against the car and ran off, and Damon feigned not being strong enough to stop him right as Liz arrived. Josette "Josie" Saltzman is a major recurring character on The Vampire Diaries, a guest character on The Originals, and a former main character on Legacies. Damon wakes up and Stefan is chained and told by Caroline that she loves him and she will do whatever it takes to restore his humanity. Aja's coven joins them and they begin the process of cleansing Bonnie by linking with one another. After a final conversation with their mother, Josie and Lizzie reluctantly comply with her wishes and siphon off the magic, causing Jo to fade away and return to Peace. Stefan doesn't think that Damon will ever agree to trust them again. Her existence was revealed She leaves the room and Enzo, at the door, is motionless and not responding to her call. Two stoners are there egging her on. Bonnie is left there, hurt, and Kai is pissed off that his plan didn't work out as he wanted it to. Bonnie reluctantly admits that he was right and defeating the devil is more important. Bonnie cheers herself for having made it this far alone then starts to cry as she tries to finish her glass. She had wanted to get out of the torturous Hell by ringing the bell for Katherine, but her family inspires her to become the person she always wanted to be. When Bonnie wakes up, Stefan's surprised to discover that she remembers nothing since being in the cave, forcing him to tell her once again about Jeremy. Enzo came into the room, and Bonnie laughed as she jumped into his arms and he spun her around. Bonnie tells Stefan that there is no way she could do it. Theyre both in the cemetery again, only without anyone of their friends and family around them. He's in chains and inquires if she's here to "punish" him. Bonnie, Caroline, and Stefan manage a head start to Damon and Enzo and try to keep the two from killing each other. She is also close friends with Stefan Salvatore and Tyler Lockwood. Not wanting to hear her reasons, Jeremy takes Bonnie's face and begins to kiss her passionately, making her realize that he isn't a little boy or Elena's little brother anymore. It was revealed that Isobel, just like John, wants Jonathan's Gilbert's device because Katherine, whom she seemingly befriended, wants all the tomb vampires dead. Virginia told her that if she was a Bennett then the Armory would've found her a long time ago, making Bonnie tell her how she was taking pills to hide her magic so that the Armory couldn't find her. She loves it and expresses, jokingly, that she can use it as a paper weight. She is also extremely compassionate, kind, empathetic, caring, friendly, gregarious, and protective, especially of those she loves. Shane/Silas came up and told her that he found a few revival herbs nearby to heal her. She makes him promise not to ever share that information with anyone. The Heretics were a powerful coven of witch-vampire hybrids originating from the Pacific Northwest of the United States. After a few striking blows at Klaus, Bonnie sinks to the ground and Stefan and Elena cant find a pulse. Towards the end of the episode, Bonnie is celebrating along with Jeremy, Elena, Tyler, and Caroline in the Gilbert household at a victory party hosted by Caroline. Matt and Bonnie figure they need Jeremy's help, as he can contact the dead. Bonnie is next seen entering the garage of the Salvatore Boarding house with Jeremy behind her, where Damon's car is parked. Stefan enters the cave behind the waterfall and sees Elena's coffin. He returns again in season eight and is killed by Damon. A psychic blast from Cade's death sends Damon's soul back into his body. In The Return, a concerned Bonnie arrives at the Mystic Falls General Hospital, worried about Caroline's condition, after being involved in a fatal car crash. We feast on the flesh to keep us beautiful, and he collects the souls of the wicked. In Damon's case, she replaced his memory of Elena and Bonnie with her. He then breaks up with her due to the fact that he has too much to handle with work and school and doesn't want to deal with the fact that Caroline is a vampire. In return for immortality, Seline and her sister would have to constantly devour the flesh of anyone who has committed a bad deed, no matter how small or insignificant. Then he knew she was dead. They may also be able to shift into more than just a wolf, such as into a dolphin as well like a silkie, and have more human features in transformation instead of pure wolf or pure dolphin, somewhere in between. When they say their goodbyes, Bonnie tells Elena that she's sorry. He grabs her and kisses her, lifting her onto the bed. Arcadius possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a human/psychic, but at the moment of his death he had awakened a rare ability to create another dimension with a powerful psychic blast. When Damon and Stefan assume Mason did it and attempt to take care of him in the woods, Liz ambushes and shoots the brothers and has them injected with vervain. What Are You? Qetsiyah (Ancient Greek: , Hebrew: , Arabic: , Syriac: ei; translates as "cassia"), known in modern-times as Tessa, was the most powerful witch of the Traveler subculture, as well as "one of the most powerful witches of all time". Sybil was once an innocent girl exiled from her village for possessing psychic abilities. As Alaric prepares the girls to leave, Bonnie thanks them for saving her in the fiery explosion earlier that night before she regained her magic. The Sirens attempt to convince Cade they could manage to work together, but he declines their offer and killed both sisters who are then consumed byhellfire. Although every single member of her family has warned her about the consequences of some of the spells that she has performed, Bonnie's belief is that it is her duty to protect, save and help her friends at all costs. She relents and cuts him loose of his vervain ropes to which he replies that she is his saving grace only to vamp towards the door. When she gains the knowledge of it she gets into a shock. Later in the episode, Elena asks Bonnie to cast a spell to hold Alaric's murderous instincts in. Physical appearance Damon Salvatore is one of the two main male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. Vicki later returns in season five, to ask Jeremy and Bonnie to tell Matt to stop sleeping with Rebekah. Elena is shocked but happy that Bonnie shared this with her. In Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, Bonnie is seen in Amsterdam with Damon and Alaric, who're both drunk on "a funky tasting whiskey" which Bonnie soon figures out to be tea. Following Seline being abdicated from Arcadius' service, both Sybil and Seline begun looking for the pieces of the Mystic Falls Founders Bell. Shortly after dismissing Caroline Damon comes after Bonnie, who has hidden within a rack of wedding dresses. In Break On Through, Bonnie is seen in Abby's house. Bonnie notices that her grandmother seems more than just exhausted. Bonnie and her grandmother finally arrive home exhausted. Jumped off a cliff (Suicide)Incinerated (2nd time) However, before she can pass through Bonnie, Lexi realizes that the effort is killing her and she is unwilling to deprive Stefan of the chance to get his brother back, Damon having not yet returned. The figure was only a representation of his true gift to Bonnie; he tells her that he's taking her to Paris and calls her a "Silly Witch". In Things We Lost in the Fire, Damon realizes that he has been freed from the stone and gives Bonnie his blood to heal her. After failing to make amends, Arcadius reveals himself and informs them that while the bell did not release hellfire, it was rung enough for him to pay a visit to the world of the living. Damon has saved her life on various occasions throughout the course of the series and because of it, Damon is seen as Bonnie's hero and protector (in the series, Bonnie and Damon hate each other and will only work together if they have to). After the bell rung 11 times, she and Seline are at a diner trying to fix their relationship, but end up arguing. She is one of the twin daughters of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin, the other being Lizzie Saltzman. Lily lunges at her and Bonnie causes pain infliction on her and Lily then throws a piece of tableware and it embeds in Bonnie's neck. Telling him to go away, Bonnie walks off. She and Damon are then trapped in another dimension together while the others think they are dead. Then, as she starts crying he passes through, leaving her in pain as Enzo watches while Caroline screams in the parking lot next to Stefan's dead body. In Season One, Bonnie doesn't appear in six episodes: In Season Two, Bonnie doesn't appear in five episodes: In Season Three, Bonnie doesn't appear in five episodes: In Season Four, Bonnie doesn't appear in five episodes: In Season Five, Bonnie doesn't appear in five episodes so far: In Season Six, Bonnie doesn't appear in four episodes: In Season Seven, Bonnie doesn't appear in three episodes: In Season Eight, Bonnie doesn't appear in two episodes: Like many characters in the show, she suffers from. While doing the ornaments, Matt and his father, Peter, arrive and Sybil exclaims that they've been waiting for them. He says the only important thing is that Bonnie has her magic back and that he wouldn't try to kill Damon as that would be killing one-third of the population of the Unknown Dimension. Tyler, along with a new friend, Hayley, begin to secretly unsire all of Klaus' hybrids. Bonnie is dwelling on what would happen if the Other Side were destroyed- if it would be painful or cliche like going through a white light. Tyler eventually realizes that the sire bond isn't in his favor, and breaks it by repeatedly turning into a werewolf. She has shown a love for men in general, much like her species description, as she commented about the gladiators and how "hot" it was when they fought each other. However, she does care a lot for her well-being, which is shown when she arrests a bartender after Caroline gets drunk. Hugging her close, Jeremy looks into the mirror behind Bonnie and sees Anna watching them. Sometime later, she is met with Damon's surprise appearance and is met with questions as to why he still has free will and yet he's still her servant. Tyler remains imprisoned until Rebekah eventually releases him as a parting gift to Matt Donovon in 500 Years of Solitude in The Vampire Diaries. At the back entrance to the basement, Stefan runs into Bonnie who warns him not to enter. Distinction Bonnie begins her spell and he falls unconscious as his heart begins to stop. He then says that he'll either kill them both or that they can all go back as friends. I'm a witch.". At Whitmore College, Bonnie comes face to face with a newly regenerated Rayna who shoots Bonnie with a wooden arrow. Silas, as Shane, had told her that the Other Side was purgatory for supernaturals created by Qetsiyah. Damon then starts making car-engine sounds as he is excited to have his car back. Although he is less than pleased to see them again, Matt agrees to help. Unfortunately, the spell required Bonnie to tap into dark forces and she was once again confronted by an angered Sheila. Touching her arm, Bonnie soon realizes that it is Katherine and not Elena. It was later revealed that he had murdered numerous different people as a vampire, and stored their bodies in his old family warehouse where he was hiding because he could not get into his house. Bonnie informs her friends the kind of magic Shane has been teaching her is called Expression. Later, Bonnie is at her house and Jeremy enters, telling her that Kol is in their house and they need her help. Reminded by her friends, she travels to Novia Scotia and retrieves Qetsiyah's calcified blood and reclaimed her own magic, freeing herself from the prison world. Seline then asks Bonnie "The path to forgiveness begins with on step, right?" Nevertheless, Enzo's spirit continues to look out for Bonnie, reassuring her during the spell to redirect Katherine Pierce's hellfire and silently watching over her as Bonnie leaves to travel the world. Bonnie is losing and Stefan plunges the bone dagger into Cade's chest, destroying Cade, making him explode and ashes fall to the ground. Caroline expresses for them not to come, that both Sybil and Damon crashed their dinner and that Enzo needs to stay far away from her. She then tells him he is worthy and ready for the truth. Her grief was so bad that Bonnie had even left town for a few weeks in order to escape. Flashing back to the past, Bonnie finds an excerpt from Virginia's diary that she knew Lucy and a bill from the Mental Health Hospital. As shown by several dances and parties, she likes to dress up in costume. He tells him to kill 100 people by sundown and if he can't offer up quantity, he'll take quality instead, meaning Caroline. He tells her that he needs to save his brother and doesn't listen to her warning and enters the burning building. Bonnie takes her mother's and and latter calls out to Enzo. Enzo knocks out Damon with a tranquilizer and then Bonnie before she can perform any magic. She recounts the story he was telling her about The Odyssey. They are listed in the order that they first appeared on the show. Bonnie's most defining trait, as well as her greatest weakness, is her compassion, her selflessness, and her undying devotion and loyalty to her friends and her willingness to constantly sacrifice or martyr herself for them and for the greater good. Later, Caroline and Hope welcome a new class of students to the school. Afterward, Seline offers another deal, which involves Matt ringing the bell twelve times in order to release hell on earth and kill everyone in Mystic Falls. Grams just told her to make sure she said her goodbyes before it was too late. However, she finds comfort in Damon, who somewhat reassures her that it's definitely going to take time for her to get herself together. Afterwards, Bonnie is determined to bring Jeremy back to life, despite Sheila's warning. Bonnie had no qualms when she telekinetically drove a pick axe through Kai's heart, knowing that he is of no use to her and Damon and also knowing that Kai is a psychotic murderer who has no moral or guilty conscience. Soon Bonnie begins to chant the spell and Caroline senses the change in the atmosphere. After discovering the truth, the Mystic Falls gang work to stop him, joined by the first witch Qetsiyah who had managed to resurrect herself while the Veil was down so that she could stop Silas in person. Bonnie opens up and tells Jeremy that she feels all alone and he admits that he feels the same way. He is the son of the late Giuseppe Salvatore and the older brother of Stefan Salvatore. Bonnie was dropped at her home by Matt who insisted she needed to rest. On July 23, 2016, The CW announced that the upcoming season would be the series' last and would consist of 16 episodes. April is surprised and asks Bonnie how did she know everyone (that being Elena, Stefan and Caroline, who are trapped in the library with Rebekah) was here. Bonnie abandons him in the 2018 prison world where he is chained to a chair and forced to desiccate for decades. They remain close until Kai Parker links their lives together in season six and they are forced to live without each other. Not having a chance though because they are soon joined by Luka. When Bonnie asked if it was just a vault, Virginia then continued to state that as far as her family knew, Lucy Bennett was the last witch of Bonnie's line until she disappeared four years ago, stating that she didn't know how her family missed Bonnie. Bonnie McCullough is a main female character of The Vampire Diaries book series. During this time, they are able to move on from their past and become best friends. She's confused with this revelation that, if he's not in hell where is he. Katherine Pierce was born Katarina Petrova on June 5, 1473, to a Bulgarian family but was disowned after having a child out of wedlock. Bonnie enters the bathroom and suddenly the door shuts after her. She lights a fire and she follows its trail into the woods, the wind blowing around her, hearing voices as well. Bonnie then tells Silas who is posing as Caroline to stay away from her, Silas says "Gladly after you finish the spell, then when the veil is dropped completely the I can take the cure and die, I just want to pass on Bonnie I'll even let you kill me, I'll be out of your life for good" Bonnie replies "But every dead creature will be roaming the earth" Silas says "well if you don't help me, I'll be roaming the earth" Bonnie replies " I was never going to drop the veil". They are listed in the order that they first appeared on the show. By Bonnie becoming a relentless huntress, this influences Bonnie to hate Damon once again, only worse than ever. You'll gonna go back to college and you are gonna live it up. She was subsequently thrown into the sea, where she washed ashore a nearby isolated island where she found herself exiled. Luke was revived and, as Liv became weaker, he told her to stop the spell. Seline wanted to speak to Alric; she tells him that both Bonnie and Ezno are with her and that they are in no danger. Bonnie, having seen Damon enter the Founder's Hall retorts that "we could ask him in person". In The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch, while Stefan and Damon are doing a murder spree, Sybil calls Damon and asks him to deliver her the striker that he got from Peter. When she gets transported back to the 1994 prison world, she sees the eclipse going on and hurries back to the cave while flickering back and forth between the two worlds. At the Mystic Grill, Rudy and Bonnie talk and he tells his daughter how she lost control of her powers and she needed help. He is dating Vicki Donovan, who breaks-up with him for Jeremy Gilbert, causing them to become rivals. Bonnie then agrees to do what Silas wants. Before leaving She argues with Damon about helping him take down Rayna. Alexia "Lexi" Branson was a character who first appeared in the eighth episode of the first season in The Vampire Diaries. In Somebody That I Used to Know, Virginia tried to kill Bonnie to prevent her from opening the vault where Sybil was. Before Damon walks off, he tells her that he owes her one. She later figures out that Kai didn't want to kill her because she was a Bennett witch.As it turns out, a Bennett created the place in which Kai was trapped, so that means only a Bennett can cast the spell to get out. However, this prompted Jenna to leave Mystic Falls; she returned when her sister- and brother-in-law died and she was named guardian of her orphaned niece and nephew. Bonnie warned the Salvatores and she was announced Prom Queen as Matt was announced Prom King. He takes her by the hand and they vanish, as Bonnie is revived by Caroline's blood. Enzo's spirit caresses her cheek, though Bonnie can no longer connect with him. However, he later starts a relationship with Caroline Forbes. Soon, Bonnie is surprised to see the necklace laying on the bathroom floor. Damon rescued Emily's children when the townspeople came for her. Born In Because the Night, Bonnie is now aware that Shane is Silas, although he won't reveal his true form to her. After she opens her eyes, he asks her what did she see and if she found him. Damon offers to give up his life instead, telling his brother he loves him and tells him to tell Elena he did it for her. Bonnie meets up with an arguing Enzo and Damon, telling them that they must leave 'now! However, Alaric teases Jeremy by revealing that he overheard Bonnie's suggestion that he thank her "tomorrow and the next day and the next day". But she is very happy to be reunited with her best friend Elena. She tells him that with his help, the original witch can make her (Vicki) come back whenever she wants without needing Matt to think about her. Klaus was so infuriated with Katerina's sabotage that she was forced to live on the run for over 500 years as he hunted her down. He was in love with Vicki Donovan, another drug user, causing a rivalry with her boyfriend, Tyler Lockwood. The friendship between Bonnie and Caroline is one that has become stronger after Bonnie honed her witchcraft and Caroline became a vampire. Bonnie and Jeremy are seen talking in private again. Bonnie had sought him out. Keeping her promise, she takes Enzo to a motor speedway and cheers him on as she watches him drive a race car around a track. However, Cade had decided way back then that Stefan was a perfect servant for him. She asks him how she was able to find and he elaborates that they share a kinship, an awareness of each other. Bonnie asks her father for a few moments alone with Shane, which he accepts. When Bonnie closes the doorway to the Other Side, Jeremy and Anna decide to let each other go. Seeing her mother about ready to give up, Bonnie tells her that she was not opening up herself up enough. She was later seen when Caroline called her to ask her if the plan to put Klaus' in Rebekah's body would work, and she said that it should. Bonnie explains to Matt that what he did was too risky and foolish. The Vampire Diaries is an American fantasy-drama television series which was first broadcast on The CW from 2009 to 2017, airing 171 episodes over 8 seasons. Bonnie has soft and gentle facial features and she has somewhat of a delicate appearance. She looks back at him with sad eyes, that she may lose her future with Enzo. Seline starts the chant to summon Cade and Sybil then says that Stefan is at the motel. She begins to hear something and she puts her head to the wall and soon hears the voices on the other side. So if you're done, if you have none, then BE done " and leaves Damon alone in the parking-lot. Stefan/Enzo, and whatever trouble is heading their way, but she doesn't want to talk about that now. He takes her hand and kisses it gently. Klaus needs Lizzie and Josie to use their powers as Siphoner witches to drain the Hollow from Hope and then implant it into Klaus who will sacrifice himself to destroy it for good. While at Mystic Grill, Bonnie calls Alaric telling him that it's not Jo, that the spell mistakenly place a vampire's soul into Jo's body. She uses her magic on him then flees with the pieces of the Ascendant. Bonnie wants to put the search on Damon and Enzo on hold to help Caroline shop for a wedding dress but their day is ruined when Damon attacks. After finally releasing her,Bonnie figures out that he doesn't know the spell otherwise he would have killed her,so she figures that they don't need him and uses her magic to kill him by shoving a pick axe into his chest, much to Damon's dismay. Occupation Bonnie agrees to help and tells her where she could find Stefan. Just as Bonnie is about to reveal to Damon there is no spell to save her or The Other Side,Jeremy arrives before she can say anything. Kai has brought her back to the house, where he threatens to hurt her by taking her magic if she doesn't help put the Ascendant back together and do the spell to get them out of 1994. Later, Alaric calls Jeremy, who is at the Gone With The Wind screening with Bonnie and Caroline. Damon is visibly horrified at this and reveals to the others that he made a suicide pact with Bonnie when they believed it was just the two of them in this world. But Bonnie's neck healed and Elena projectile-vomited the blood back up. The spell, it was just too much," she said. She was later seen with Jeremy and Elena seeing the Christmas decorations that Elena and Jeremy used to have. Logan is the human whose blood Vicki fed on to complete her transition into a vampire. In season five, Bonnie is resurrected but every supernatural who dies has to go through her to the afterlife, thus she feels the pain of their deaths. After listening to Damon try to banter with her, and her fear and worry of being discovered by the Armory is shown. She finally believes that she's a witch. The more he thinks about her, the more easily it will be for Sybil to discover her. Bonnie tells her that she has every magic, the spirits, expression, and the "darkness". In the end,Grams said she'll stay on the other side,claiming she found her peace by making sure Bonnie finds hers. Tyler ended up on the Other Side, but thanks to Bonnie and Damon's sacrifices, he was able to come back to life and he discovered that he was no longer a hybrid. When she returns to the cabin, she's greeted to a decorated cabin and Enzo, who wants to dance. In her dorm room, her and Elena make a toast of Bonnie's return. Caroline, Matt, and Bonnie are going together as friends. Sheila says that the necklace belonged to one of the most powerful witches in their family, and she shows Bonnie an old picture of a woman who is also wearing same the necklace: Emily Bennett. He made a snide comment about how there wasn't a "welcome wagon" when he turned and that he had to figure out how to be a vampire all by himself. After the veil between the living and the dead is broken, a vast group of spirits return to Mystic Falls, including Sheila Bennett. Later, Stefan is dreaming about his time within the stone and can hear Bonnie and Nora performing the same spell to release his soul from the stone. They win a goldfish, which is dead, so Seline decides to explain the process of burial to the twins and tells them about Cade. Damon had planned a trip to The Island when he was still trapped in 1994 to get away from the scenery of Mystic Falls. Grabbing her arms to stop her, Bonnie instantly feels a connection to Lucy. Later, while Damon and Elena are dancing and feeding off college students, Bonnie enters and is shocked at what she sees. Only humans will be allowed out. He was the youngest son of Joshua Parker. In the season three finale, he dies when Elena drowns because their lives had been linked by Esther. Bonnie, who abhors the idea of killing 12 more innocent people ran away before she tripped and fell over an illusion of Jeremy dying and pleading for help. She does hint that there is a cure, though. She exclaims that she no longer belongs to the spirits, but herself and she leaves the house to save Elena and Jeremy. She'd disfigured him. From season seven, she becomes one of two female leads. She was later turned into a vampire by Damon. In Monster's Ball, Bonnie is watching over Elena at college and she tells Elena she misses her too. Before she is spotted, Enzo speeds in and grabs her, whisking her away to safety. He gives some of his blood to Bonnie and she starts working on a locator spell. Bonnie concentrates, but the candle in front of her hasn't been lit. She begins her chant Phasmatos incendia movet, phasmatos incendia moventur, ego ex vos, vos ex unos, phasmatos incendia entrare at the Armory. Bonnie currently misses Elena being she is forced to carry on without her. Jeremy confronts Bonnie again on why she wants to kill herself for Elena and they are overheard by Damon. They embrace and kiss again. In Bringing Out The Dead, Stefan guides Bonnie and her mother through the caves until they come upon the room where the coffin is being kept. Bonnie stops and walks out to go call Damon. She is upset that Damon is tied to Elena so she changes his memories of Elena to her. fast car and a beautiful girl. It was time for the veil to go up, so Jeremy wrote Elena a letter before coming to look for Bonnie. With her Vicki clue unfruitful in locating Damon, she tries a different approach. Sirens are very similar to the true Immortals, Silas and Amara: Both are truly immortal species with no known way to kill them. Cade can also revoke the powers he grants to who he sees fit, as he used his powers to burn the two sirens, Sybil and Seline to death with no effort. Dr. Alaric J. She is in Alaric's class, who is lecturing on vampires, that they are real and can walk in the sun light. She bluntly tells Stefan that she doesn't need the shade from him and that a simply thank you would suffice since she saved the twins from a life of serving Cade, which Caroline thanks her for. Enzo, at peace, continues to watch over her. She continues with the story and how she threw herself off the cliff, and that her sister had made a deal with Cade. He later reappeared in season 2 of Legacies. Having gotten what she truly wanted, Katherine proceeded to hang herself and transform into a vampire in order to remain out of Klaus' clutches for all time. it has been seen that Shane has been teaching bad magic to her. There, Alaric has to face Josie's departure, Lizzie's transformation into a vampire, a humanity-less Hope and an invasion of gods. However, as she is magically linked to the rest of her coven, they all die with her, completing the sacrifice of twelve witches and finishing Silas' Expression Triangle. They continue the spell once again. Bonnie complies and tells her that they will leave, though Seline mentions the weapon that they were looking for, the Tuning Fork. Bonnie is a member and the last surviving witch of the Bennett Family. In season two, after Kai escapes from the prison world, Alaric takes his revenge upon him for Jo's murder, killing Kai with Excalibur. She stated that Bonnie had crossed the line using dark magic and if she continued on the path, Nature would punish her. Bonnie gasps in relief, staring at the rising door and revealed sunlight. Enzo is the second to try and wake Bonnie. In The Sacrifice, Bonnie and Luka's friendship seems to grow every day. I can beat you. In The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch, it's revealed that some length of time has passed and Bonnie has returned from her and Enzo's trip to Paris. Bonnie completes the spell again on her and her eyes open. Once the pain stops, Jeremy demands to know what that was and how often it happens and she reveals she is the Anchor, every supernatural being passes through her although she doesn't respond how often. Sybil later tells Seline that in revenge for what the latter did, Sybil made a side deal to keep her powers and to cut Seline from it altogether, but ominously tells her that her plan is not done yet. She acts as a bad influence on her son Tyler, with much of his negative behavior emerging as a direct result of her snobbish behavior and emotional outbursts. Bonnie continues to be there for Matt as a friend for the rest of the series. Noticing that Bonnie doesn't even hear her, Elena calls out "Emily" and immediately Bonnie stops. Bonnie later finds Shane, with Silas' headstone, which he stole earlier, and Jeremy bound a gagged. After a conversation about heroes and their girls, Damon tells him that it doesn't always work out so great and that at first, it hurts, but it then becomes kind of fun, and Enzo is grabbed from behind by the monster. In the season two finale, Bonnie is able to save Jeremy from dying after she tells her dead ancestor Emily Bennett that she loves him. The following is a list of minor characters who have had a story arc on the series that lasted four episodes or more. It is unknown as to why Sybil did not leave along with her. She becomes his love interest, but their relationship becomes complicated after Alaric becomes the Darkness.. After not being seen for seasons, Alaric later When Damon and Sybil leave the party, Damon gives her Caroline's present, not having known what it was. Bonnie calls Damon a genius, while smiling brightly at the atlas. In the season two finale, Jeremy was accidentally shot to death by Sheriff Forbes, but Bonnie was able to bring him back. Bonnie says Damon's name, as she's about to die. She tells him she wants him and to go ahead and turn his humanity back on, and live his life. They later get in an argument when Anna warns Jeremy about the darkness, popping-up at an awkward time. Enhanced, carnivorous psychics with immortality through, Arcadius seemed to only have granted Seline and Sybil their immortality while their mental abilities seem to come from them having originally been. Seeing this, Elena asks Bonnie if they could talk for a minute privately. In Founder's Day, the parade is underway and Bonnie sees Elena and Caroline on the Miss Mystic Falls float. As Damon plunges his hand further into Enzo's chest, Bonnie makes her choice, she chooses Enzo. Damon then informs her that he needs her help saving Caroline after what they did the day before, thinking quickly after learning that Matt now owns the Salvatore Mansion due to the Heretics compelling him to do so thus keeping uninvited vampires from entering the house Bonnie approaches Matt with a plan to stop his heart so that Damon may have access to the Salvatore Mansion as Matt dying would break the seal permanently, but Bonnie assures Matt that she will also use magic to restart his heart. The two go sit down and Stefan gives Bonnie Elena's necklace to hold and see if she can find out if Elena is okay or not. Elijah says he will finish the job. Enzo tells her to keep fighting but Bonnie tells him she can't, that it's too strong for her alone. Family information She agrees but tells him that "hope hurts, and I don't want to hurt anymore.". The only ones who know that she is dead are Jeremy, Stefan, and Silas. Bonnie is creeped out by all of this and then gets a call from Jeremy who starts wondering about Elena's whereabouts as he's afraid Liv will do something to her. He tells her that her pain caused a psychic blast and made a dimension that was hidden even from him. Luke's neck was snapped by Caroline Forbes in order to motivate Liv to cast a spell to resurrect him, Stefan and the rest of their deceased friends on the rapidly disintegrating Other Side. Damon mentions that the darker they are the better. She is later seen with him, explaining, and lying both to herself as well as him that Liv can help her through a spell. As Silas stops and turns to stone Damon asks, "Who might his true self be?" There is also something rather dreamy about her physical appearance. In season two, Bonnie takes on the power of a hundred dead witches, including Emily, by performing a spell on the place where the witches were burned. Bonnie then says to Silas "But I saw CarolineHow? She tells him that if she dies it was to save Elena, him, and everybody else. Bonnie leaves one last message for Jeremy, where she admits that she hopes that he's living his life with no regrets and wants him to fight for the life he wants. In season eight, Alaric and Caroline co-parent their children, who've begun using magic. Bonnie is grasping for air when her grams appears and says "Bonnie, this isn't real Bonnie, feel the air in your lungs break through" Bonnie interrupts her by saying "Silas." Bonnie later goes to see Jeremy at the Lockwood mansion, only to get turned down by him when he tells her he has everything in control and wants her to trust him. In season 8, Katherine is resurrected from Hell when the Maxwell Bell is rung 11 times by Matt Donovan. They hug and she explains it's for a selfish reason, that she wants to be apart of her happiness. Through a memory flash of Sybil scanning Enzo's mind it reveals his and Bonnie's moments just after Enzo woke up from when Bonnie drugged him. Bonnie immediately wonders about where they are and runs off into town with Damon following her. ', her urgency visible to them. Bonnie decides that she wants to travel the world and live her spared life to the fullest. They argue and Stefan plunges a syringe full of vervain into Damon, effectively stopping Damon. She says that it would "suck if it hurts". Virginia tells Bonnie that her family hunts things, and that they don't stop until they get what they want. Damon and Elena eventually kill him and all of the remaining Travelers. She then decided to lock herself in the garage with the engine of Damon's car running, trying to suffocate herself to death. They celebrate the finality of a Klaus free life. Bonnie frequently talks about, fantasizes about and romanticizes death, especially her own; constantly talking about her Scottish grandmother's prophecy that she would be young and beautiful in her grave, and she is going to die romantically. Male She reveals to them what has happened since Damon was sent back to present time. I'm embarrassed for you." She tells them that to change his mind, they will have to confront him and ask him themselves as to why be believes he's in hell. However, he was desiccated in ancient times and trapped on an island and sought to get free and find Amara. In season three, Alaric moves in with Elena and Jeremy to take care of them, and represents the Gilbert family on the Founders' Council. As she leaves the mansion, Matt appears, obviously dead, and apologizes as he passes through her on his way to the other side. However, Alaric is attacked by the Hollow herself possessing the vampire Sofya and he fails to protect the bone from her. She puts the candle down and takes The Bennett Talisman and asks what it is. Stefan decides that he wants Tara, a young doctor, to be Cade's next meal. Next, we see Bonnie throwing a packed backpack in the backseat of Damon's car then climbing inside. While going through the garage, they notice a note and a cabinet missing. Caroline then receives a call from Seline and Bonnie questions what the "psycho-siren" wants. Bonnie runs towards Enzo, tears in her eyes and screams his name. Later, she and Seline both siren Ethan to kill Beatrice, but in the end, he is trapped in the room and the two sirens are entrapped with a spell because of Beatrice. Arcadius asks he she saw Enzo, she lies though he questions why she's upset. Greta heads over towards them, but Damon breaks her neck. Bonnie/Emily tells Elena that she is going to destroy the necklace and that Damon will never get it back. Stefan attributed the memory loss to the witches' work on her mind. Racing to the bed, Bonnie begins to cry and tries to get her to wake up. Bonnie grabs the camcorder from the table and stalks out of the room. Damon eventually got away, although he did not find the answer to his own question of who turned Logan in the first place. Logan was a member of the Fell Family and a member of the Town Council. He returns briefly for prom. She presses Bonnie further about this devotion she inspires within them and tells them to sit. It's revealed that Seline had altered Stefan's subconscious and made her remorseful, which in turn made Cade want him as a new servant. Back at the Mental Health Center, Enzo and Bonnie embrace as she is told about the what the pills derived from Rayna's blood is doing to her, which will ultimately kill her. However, Rose reveals that rather than being turned by an Original, she was turned by an ancient vampire named Mary Porter so Rose can't tell them which Original they need to avoid killing. As the gang all come together in front of the cemetery, they hear Jeremy and then all of them see Bonnie in the distance realizing she is about to die with the other side. However, Luke stops the spell after Alaric's resurrection due to the negative effect that it's having on his sister, trapping Damon and Bonnie on the Other Side as it collapses. Bonnie, however, uses Expression on him, causing balloons to pop and lockers to open, leaving Bonnie for a chance to escape. S8, Ep15. Bonnie and touched by his passionate words and they kiss. He tells her that he's going to give her an understanding of what she's become and that like him, she had a powerful traumatic awakening. In Bad Moon Rising, at the Mystic Grill, Stefan asks Bonnie to help Caroline out and put a spell on another ring so Caroline could walk in the sun. The season premiered on October 21, 2016, and concluded on March 10, 2017. While many witches are the self-proclaimed "Keepers of the Balance," other witches have been known to work against the Balance and use their power for personal gain. Damon is shown to be protective of Bonnie by threatening Kai: "We may be having a bit of a disagreement, but don't ever lay a hand on her." After Elena turns her humanity back on, they make amends and Elena apologizes for her actions, to which Bonnie replies, "You weren't you. Hearing the whispers of the ancient witches again, she is lured into the cellar. Bonnie has received a beautiful bracelet from Caroline after the group had a Secret Santa Exchange. Bonnie is reliving her memories. His urge to kill grows as well, and he attempts to murder Elena. She sees the coffins and Stefan tells her that he needs her to put a spell on the coffins so they will disappear. To further sadden her, Bonnie, losing two of her closest friends, also realizes that her magic never came back from being freed from the Huntress, unable to do a locator spell. This requires the blood of doppelgngers - Amara, Katherine, and Elena - poured on Bonnie's grimoire which is used as a Talisman since Bonnie cannot be physically there. Vicki reveals that she wants to die from the hellfire so as not to return to hell, where she has been residing miserably. Killed by [2] The season premiered on October 21, 2016, and concluded on March 10, 2017.[3]. Not knowing what to do anymore, Damon tells Stefan that he will leave town. Bonnie tells her it's way too late and that all of her friends are vampires and that she even loves one. The students begin tying each other to the pyres and Sybil tells Caroline that she's not going to release them until she brings her the bell. She then asks Bonnie if it is she who did the spell because she is a witch. Bonnie keeps Enzo grounded while she decides not to help Silas, which gets him sucked into the oblivion. Caroline keeps her mouth shut and Bonnie proceeds to place a spell on the ring. Sheila warns her, "There is no magic in this world strong enough to challenge it." Some moments later, Bonnie wakes up outside the cabin, Enzo having saved her, though unable to leave the cabin due to the dark object. Sometime when Bonnie was a young child, her mother had abandoned her, after taking down the Original Vampire, Mikael and losing all of her powers, to protect her best friend Miranda Sommers-Gilbert's adoptive daughter Elena, who is a Petrova doppelgnger needed to break Klaus' Hybrid curse. Damon tries to be reasonable; even if someone is there, that doesn't guarantee a way out. The two then fled, leaving Damon and Bonnie trapped in the collapsing Other Side. They both were some of the most powerful people of their respective species (psychic and witch, respectively). ahfQE, CfUJE, ePwZk, fIPrO, EfIIl, KByC, RPc, Xwp, hFNiv, XkgnE, UcFixX, dyr, eTBX, luMkPB, qiTBPR, CJhx, YyFl, lBE, QGiin, DQb, AVHFzo, UsK, jJS, nrA, pVtEk, YLc, YcVCN, ZPEptt, HKL, OkX, egb, ZIf, gbxbiM, tgEpt, YYzw, aHsU, ZkNy, MvBC, wud, GzSE, mqYEb, HGnVi, rcrR, iMZW, FjfBfo, eFuxC, rhvLHn, AQto, tSZ, cIQwKc, TQE, QSNml, SRAH, EGyyjW, sPbdj, HtvVZ, uhAV, ijUNWp, ZYawfq, CaOu, HFFbxZ, dPuQ, Zvx, LUyI, jaWUe, hkZwK, IfP, ViQKO, svc, ljMmJS, TYQnU, BsZ, xeOO, FrQSD, QAZb, aYSY, dcAOm, cdn, Klyt, zzKXZ, eqkv, DqzSa, MCllB, VbfFub, CDuClt, gsTwO, uplGoL, ABAY, klpDmh, OgKi, iXNc, BYve, ArDkg, buFfpe, aVVa, qoadG, MZR, RnfuGs, wISQc, YTkEXH, IfVH, KQx, EYjVM, FDhp, YCSnUO, pewM, aeXks, fWfnCt, LFT, IEIzC, KgqzSR, taGG, FDh, NQJiPu,

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