royal funeral procession music

royal funeral procession music

royal funeral procession music

royal funeral procession music

  • royal funeral procession music

  • royal funeral procession music

    royal funeral procession music

    By now, it had been decided that the two bands would alternate locations every five years. At 3:40 p.m. (10:40 a.m. Eastern): In the castle grounds, King Charles III and other members of the royal family will join the funeral procession. It is thought the Queens coffin was constructed around 30 years ago alongside the Duke of Edinburghs. [8], By decree of Queen Elizabeth II, his body lay in state at Westminster Hall for three days from 26 January. Published 2 December 2022. It was led by Cameron Cobbold, 1st Baron Cobbold, the Lord Chamberlain, in the company of family members. Former presidents may lie in repose in their home or adopted state, usually at their presidential library, before traveling to Washington, D.C. when thereafter, lying in state in the United States Capitol Rotunda will occur. In 1919 it was decided by the Royal Military School of Music and the War Office, that 'Directors of Music' would head the three bands of the Household Cavalry, all bands of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, the Bands of the Royal Engineers, and the regimental bands of the five regiments of footguards of the Brigade of Guards. The plan was kept a closely guarded secret and during those ten years, Pershing's funeral was revised. Bush's was slightly over two hours. The flag draped over the casket is meticulously folded twelve times by a total of eight honor guards, four on each side of the casket. [citation needed]. [37][40], The service began as the coffin was laid in St Paul's Cathedral. [72] The inclusion of a riderless horse in a funeral procession dates back to the death of George Washington in 1799 when a caparisoned, riderless horse carried Washington's saddle, holsters, and pistol during the president's funeral. Oak and elm seem to have been the chosen woods when it came to making coffins, but in terms of royal coffins, they are often made from oak on the Sandringham Estate. At the funeral of Queen Victoria As the archbishop of Canterbury delivered his sermon, which referenced the grief of this day felt not only by the late Queens family but all around the nation, Commonwealth and world, Princess Charlotte whispered to her mother. Kenny was succeeded by [Captain] Brian Hicks as director of music in October 1977. The riding boots were of black leather and spurs were held on by straps. [9] Following the rider-training of the best members of the RA Brass Band, and together with the best members of the RHA Band, the new Royal Artillery Mounted Band came into being. It was a triumph. "[26], The Scots Guards Battalion Digest reported, stating, "without a doubt the State Funeral of 30 January was the most moving parade that the majority of the battalion had ever taken part in or observed. [13] Millions of people witnessed Lincoln's funeral procession from Washington, D.C. on April 19, 1865,[14] as his casket was transported 1,700 miles (2,700km) through New York City to Springfield, Illinois. It was the last state funeral until Queen Elizabeth II's on 19 September 2022. Funeral services for Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, and George H.W. A ninety-gun salute was fired at Hyde Park to mark the ninety years of Churchill's life. During the band's extensive tour throughout Germany and in other European countries the band fulfilled many important engagements, including the British Week in Vienna ambassadorial event in October 1969. [88], US President Lyndon Johnson did not attend upon the advice of his doctors after hospitalisation for influenza,[84][89] and sent Secretary of State Rusk in his place as head of the American delegation. even the horse could stay in their position for 20+ minutes walk. In 1939 on the outbreak of war, the horses were returned to the Remount Depot. George held his arms by his sides and Charlotte clasped her hands in front of her. At the end of the state funeral, the children stood immaculately as the congregation sang God Save the King. In 1706, the march became the regimental quick march of the Royal Artillery, and was known as the 'Royal Artillery Grenadiers March', but was not declared 'official' until 1882. Your Ad Choices [49] Secondly, she not only attended the service but was among the first officials to arrive at St Paul's, making her presence even before the coffin and Churchill family arrived. [36], Ulysses S. Grant died on July 23, 1885, after a battle with throat cancer that had been extensively covered by the press. These honor guards will periodically rotate in order to relieve previous honor guards during their constant vigil over the casket. All three RA bands were reunited, with support from the various affiliated Territorial Army bands, at the Beating of the Retreat in June, 1980 on Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall Whitehall, in London, in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen, the Captain General of the Royal Regiment. The commanding general of the Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region will act as a military escort for the president's family from the time of the official announcement of death until interment occurs. In its last few months in existence, the band was conducted and managed by Drum Major Shaun Day. 's were dying overseas. On 1 August 1947 the Royal Artillery Mounted Band, and the Portsmouth and Salisbury Plain bands were granted staff band status, along with three other corps bands. His remains lay in repose in the chapel at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Harry had initially been told he could not wear uniform for the vigil, but Buckingham Palace reversed its decision. [84][85] However, while in London, Rusk became ill and so did not attend, making Harriman, Warren, and Bruce the official representatives of the United States. A new stone was dedicated in 1998 in a ceremony attended by members of the Spencer-Churchill family. [87] However, Ireland failed to broadcast the funeral live. West Point Superintendent Major General James Lampert laid a wreath from President Johnson to pay tribute to both FDR and Churchill. However, the Royal Artillery Band does maintain the distinction of being the only band, in which all of its members wear, as part of their ceremonial uniform, a band sword, at the waist. The pouch belt (worn over the left shoulder) was white leather with a large black patent leather pouch (for carrying music cards, on the flap of which was fastened the RA gun badge. "[10] At 9:15p.m. Churchill's body was transported from his London home to Westminster Hall for the lying in state. [75] As a break with tradition, Reagan, as former Governor of California, requested that his casket be carried up the steps of the Capitol's West Front facing California. In the case of the Artillery, their musicians were also required to play stringed instruments. FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. After the war, the band adopted, as its 'ceremonial' uniform, the No. Those attending the service heard speakers talk about the coincidence of the date in the records of two leaders who shared history. The entire funeral procession is composed of three march units consisting of National Guard, reserve, active-duty, and academy personnel that represent the six branches of the United States Armed Forces. [8], Two former presidents, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, died within hours of each other on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Thats the distinction here, and oak in general is often chosen because of its distinctive grain pattern, but oak isnt exclusive to royal coffins.. [65], During the funeral procession midway between the White House and the Capitol as the caisson passes through the intersection of Constitution Avenue and 4th Street, N.W., a flyover consisting of 21 tactical fighter aircraft from the United States Air Force, will fly in formation as a single lead aircraft followed by 5 flights of four aircraft each. Silver dress spurs were screwed to the heel of the boot. Before the end of 1940, the main four artillery bands were allotted their separate War stations. Mourners will be able to view the coffin at the cathedral and pay their respects from 5pm for a period of 24 hours. Britain's longest-reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest at the King George VI Memorial Chapel in Windsor on Monday evening, following her final procession through London. [95], In Britain, the funeral was broadcast live on BBC, presented by Richard Dimbleby,[96] and on ITV with Brian Connell doing the commentary. Each of the three march units are led by a military band. Only friends and family members gathered at his gravesite on the grounds of Monticello. Exceptions were made for Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford. The popularity of the tune 'The British Grenadiers' rivalled that of its contemporary 'Lilliburlero', and subsequently led to its adoption by all regiments who wear as their cap or collar badges, the symbol of the grenade. Prior to the band's return to the United Kingdom in 1982, it could still muster 38 musicians, however, following voluntary redundancies and postings to other bands, the number of musicians declined to 24 by the time its ultimate album was recorded, towards the end of 1983, at Wembley Studios, under the baton of [Captain] Frank Anthony Renton. In 1897 the 'mounted portion' of the Royal Artillery Band was disbanded, leaving the Aldershot band to fulfil all remaining mounted ceremonial duties. During the selection ceremony at Chlons-sur-Marne, it was Edward F. Younger of Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 50th Infantry, American Forces in Germany who selected the third casket from left that contained an unknown soldier to be honored with a state funeral in Washington D C. and for burial at Arlington. In 1969, Dwight D. Eisenhower's state funeral included a religious service at the Cathedral that incorporated music such as Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele by Johann Sebastian Bach and O Welt, ich muss dich lassen by Johannes Brahms. "[18][19], Leading the world in tributes were Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister Harold Wilson, and Lyndon B. Johnson, the president of the United States.[20][21]. "Frank Lautenberg Receives Final Capitol Tribute, Lies In Repose In Senate". [100] Other venues, such as National City Christian Church invited American soprano Leontyne Price to sing Take My Hand, Precious Lord during Lyndon B. Johnson's state funeral in 1973. The band was disbanded in 1984 as a result of Ministry of Defence cost-cutting measures. The composer Frederic Curzon (1899, London 1973, Bournemouth) was, at one time, a gunner officer. Inconsolable, Mary Todd Lincoln did not attend Lincoln's religious service in the East Room, which was conducted by Reverend Phineas D. In undress, a blue forage (pill-box) cap with a gold lace band was worn. Soon after the melody became popular in these islands, a version of it, titled 'The New Bath' appeared in a '17th Century Dance Book' by Playford. The silver casket was covered with a flag, a spread eagle, and topped off with red, white, and blue flowers personally designed by Harding's widow Florence. However, most royal funeral plans have been so longstanding that the codenames have become common knowledge. [94] The United States Navy Band selected Symphony No. [32], Following the gun carriage were Randolph Churchill and his son Winston side by side, followed by male members of the Churchill family and Churchill's private secretary, Anthony Montague Browne,[26] all on foot. Like all bands of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, the band maintained a full orchestra capability for which it was in great demand, particularly throughout Europe during the Cold War years. [64][65] The hearse van, No. The Royal Artillery Slow March was written by Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Kent, and mother of Queen Victoria (herself "a most competent musician"), circa 1836. That was exemplified when the Queen, Charles, William and George were among a slimmed-down cast that took to the Buckingham Palace balcony for the platinum jubilee in May without the Duke of York, the Duke of Sussex or the Earl of Wessex. The waistbelt was also of white leather, with a brass snake-hook clasp. The articles of the band were written in German, but were also available translated into English, by virtue of the fact that the first eight musicians employed were German military personnel. [14] This march first appeared in print, published by Thompson & Son, London, in 'The Compleat Tutor for the Fife', circa 1760. This march is one example of the regiment's intention to cater for all of its troops, drawn, as they were, from all regions of the United Kingdom. A more recent girdle design, still to be seen worn by some of the musicians in the 1980s, featured brass clasp-fastenings, adorned with the RA musicians' lyre. It is estimated that over 4,800 members of the Armed Forces participated in the state funeral of the unknown soldiers of World War II and the Korean War. For recipients who have been designated to lie in honor, the United States Capitol Police will act as guards of honor. As protocol dictates, any deceased president whose remains are flown on an Air Force jet are not entitled to use the call sign Air Force One since this call sign is exclusively reserved for any aircraft in the Air Force with a sitting and living president aboard. The first general mourning proclaimed in the United States came upon the death of Benjamin Franklin in 1790, and in 1799, following the death of George Washington.Preparations for Franklin's funeral after his death on April 17, 1790, included a funeral procession to the Pennsylvania State House (now known as Independence Hall) in Philadelphia and burial at [7], As the coffin passed up the River Thames, more than 36 dockers lowered their crane jibs in a salute on the south side of the bank. The organist and choirmaster was Eugene Stewart. When Lincoln's funeral train reached Springfield, Illinois, his horse "Old Bob", who was draped in a black mourning blanket, followed the funeral procession and led mourners to the president's burial plot. When marching, the mounted bands wore the standard officer pattern 'George' boot with 'dress' spurs fixed to the heel with screws, rather than the 'box' spurs as worn by officers. Charles served in the Air Force and Navy from 1971 to 1976. In the United Kingdom, state funerals are usually reserved for monarchs.The most recent was for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 19 September 2022.. A state funeral may also be held to honour a highly distinguished figure following the approval of the monarch and Parliament (of the expenditure of public funds). Origins. 17,831, This story has been shared 11,313 times. [68] Although Bushs casket was flown back to Texas from Washington using a Boeing VC-25 on December 5, 2018, his remains were transported on December 6, 2018, for interment at the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station using a funeral train that was powered by a specially painted EMD SD70ACe locomotive known as Union Pacific 4141.[91]. [11] An invitation-only religious service was held in the East Room. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did not break protocol by holding hands at Queen Elizabeth IIs procession on Wednesday because they are not working members of the royal family. Bush To Be Buried at His Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas", "Dwight D. Eisenhower Final Post October 14, 1890 to March 28, 1969", "Reagan ceremonies to shift to nation's capital", "THE 40TH PRESIDENT: THE PLANS; Down to the Last Detail, a Reagan-Style Funeral", "Ford's state funeral a fitting tribute to a man of simple tastes", "The Last Salute: Civil and Military Funeral, 1921-1969", "The Death of a President: Traditions and Rituals of State Funerals", "Bush's Cathedral Funeral Was the Longest Yet", "Reagan Makes First, Last Flight in Jet He Ordered", "George H.W. In 1894 a new style black sable busby was introduced (the earlier busby having once replaced the shako from c. 1850 until the end of the 1860s) with a scarlet bag on the right, and a brass grenade on the left, which held a red cut feather plume. A marching band consisted of three officers and 96 soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards. [67], Most state funerals include a nine-person honor guard acting as pallbearers (also known as body bearers) from all six branches of the Armed Forces, a series of gun salutes using cannons from the Presidential Salute Battery of the 3rd United States Infantry Regiment "The Old Guard", flyovers in missing man formation, various musical selections performed by military bands and choirs, a military chaplain for the immediate family, and a flag-draped casket or pall.[65]. The key exceptions are Prince Andrew and Prince Harry, both of whom engaged in active service, but are no longer working royals. It is estimated that 20,000 mourners gathered for Franklin's funeral. [90] Johnson said during a press conference that not sending Humphrey was a "mistake. The band was supported financially solely by the officers of that regiment. [23] The Requiem Mass was led by Cardinal Richard Cushing. At the funeral of Queen Victoria on 2 February 1901, the Royal Artillery Mounted Band preceded the royal hearse, and the ceremonial troops of both the Royal Horseguards and the Lifeguards, followed by the Royal Artillery (Woolwich) Band. [56][57] In 1933 Calvin Coolidge was interred with minimal ceremony in the village cemetery in Plymouth Notch, Vermont, becoming the last president to be buried in a public cemetery. The Duke of York spent 22 years in the Royal Navy and served as a helicopter pilot in the Falklands War in 1982. Royalty representing heads of state, such as princes and dukes, come next, followed by foreign heads of government, such as prime ministers and premiers. [7][32] The coffin was carried from the hall by a bearer party of eight guards from the 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards, placed on a gun carriage and draped with the Union Flag, on which was placed the insignia of the Order of the Garter on a black cushion. Theyre part of the procession, one critic tweeted. 12pm: the funeral will be brought to an end by Reveille, the national anthem and a lament played by the Queens piper and the King will then lead his family in a procession to Wellington Arch Ford's remains were then flown to Michigan for interment at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. Emily Wilding Davison was born at Roxburgh House, Greenwich, in south-east London on 11 October 1872. King Charles led the Royal Family in a procession as the coffin is moved from the Palace of Holyroodhouse to nearby St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh for a service of thanksgiving. [76] Ford, as a former member of the United States House of Representatives, requested that his casket be carried up the House wing steps. [50][51] Additionally, it is a royal convention that the monarch is also the first to exit or end an ongoing event. Not all who lie in state nor all for whom flags are flown at half-staff, receive a state funeral. Using lead prevents air and moisture from building up, aiding preservation. [7] A single gunshot was fired every minute until they arrived at St Paul's. The silver-plated kettledrums were covered in a dark blue 'bib' (drum banner). Guests included the French President Charles de Gaulle, the Canadian prime minister Lester B. Pearson, the prime minister of Rhodesia Ian Smith, former US president Dwight D. Eisenhower, many other past and present heads of state and government, and members of multiple royal families. The late sovereign's funeral service will have three parts and begins at Westminster Abbey at 11am. 29,078, This story has been shared 17,831 times. A funeral procession of two horse-drawn caissons traveled from the Capitol on Constitution Avenue, 23rd Street, Arlington Memorial Bridge, and Memorial Drive to Arlington National Cemetery. The use of lead makes the coffin very heavy. [33] Departing from Ellington Airport on December 3, Bushs remains were transported on a Boeing VC-25 dubbed Special Air Mission 41 to Washington for a state funeral. Prince Andrew. Curzon wrote this fanfare for the opening of the Royal Artillery Association Rally in 1952. In Washington, D.C., the unknown soldier was escorted to the Capitol in a funeral procession on November 9. Musicians typically applied from all over the United Kingdom to join the band, responding to advertisements in such publications as 'Melody Maker' and 'Gramophone'. All of its members transferred to the Aldershot band. At that time, the band was stationed at Minden Barracks, Deepcut, Surrey. As a military man and as one of the highest ranking commissioned officers in the United States Army, Pershing insisted that his state funeral be a military one. In 1763 other bands were adopted by various regiments and gradually became officially recognized. Thanks for contacting us. At the time of his marriage to Margaret in 1868, Charles was 45 and Margaret was 19. Protocol dictates that flags will be flown at half-staff for a period of thirty days for a former president, beginning at the time a presidential proclamation is made effective. [citation needed]. [15], Churchill died in the morning of Sunday 24 January 1965 in his home at 28 Hyde Park Gate, London, exactly 70 years after the death of his father. The following day, McKinley's casket was transported to the Capitol rotunda to lie in state. Eisenhower's was roughly thirty minutes. Any person who has rendered distinguished service to the nation may lie in state if the family so wishes and the United States Congress approves. "[104], Within a week, more than 100,000 people had visited the grave. The Duke of York spent 22 years in the Royal Navy and served as a helicopter pilot in the Falklands War in 1982. Mr Lymn Rose applauded the way the Queens funeral arrangements had been handled so far. The Military District of Washington (MDW) has primary responsibility in overseeing state funerals and in all cases, must strictly follow the outline of a 138-page planning document. [123], The funeral procession on Pennsylvania Avenue for the unknown soldier of, Two unknown soldiers who gave their lives serving overseas in the Armed Forces during, A horse-drawn caisson transporting the casket of, Members of the public paying their respects in the Capitol rotunda during the lying in state of, Members of the public view the lying in state of, History of presidential state funerals in Washington, Presidential funerals not taking place in Washington, History of non-presidential state funerals, Funeral processions on Pennsylvania Avenue, Capitol rotunda service and lying in state, List of lying in state and honor recipients. In it, Paxman interviewed one of the surviving dockers John Lynch, who claimed that the workers were paid to show up for work and did the gesture only because they were paid to do so as it was a Saturday, their day off. The U.K. and much of the world spent Monday mourning Queen Elizabeth II, who was celebrated at a funeral at Westminster Abbey and brought to her final place of rest, St. George's Chapel. The procession will be led by a massed Pipes and Drums of Scottish and Irish Regiments, the Brigade of Gurkhas, and the Royal Air Force numbering 200 musicians. [47], A state funeral was held for General of the Army Douglas MacArthur in 1964. A funeral service was held at the Memorial Amphitheatre and interment was given with military rites at the gravesite in Arlington National Cemetery. The busby was not reintroduced until the 1960s, the headdress of the time being the No. The two caskets bearing the remains of the two unknown soldiers rested atop two catafalques in the Capitol rotunda. Meanwhile, by the year 1869, so many brass instruments had been added to the band of buglers, that the title was changed to the Royal Artillery Brass Band. LBJ, hospitalised at Bethesda Naval Hospital with influenza,[23] issued an official statement, saying: WHEN THERE was darkness in the world, and hope was low in the hearts of men, a generous Providence gave us Winston Churchill. A state funeral occurred in Washington, D.C., and Simi Valley, California, where Reagan was interred at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. So as to make a distinction between the two bands, no kettle drum bibs or shabraques were used by the 'Mounted Portion' at Woolwich. 2021 Associated Newspapers Limited. A state funeral is a public funeral ceremony, observing the strict rules of protocol, held to honour people of national significance.State funerals usually include much pomp and ceremony as well as religious overtones and distinctive elements of military tradition. The 'Mounted Portion' comprised: 1 'Serjeant in charge', 2 Bombardiers, and 17 'Bandsmen'. [10] Prior to the Royal Artillery adopting 'The British Grenadiers' as its regimental quick march, 'The Train of Artillery' (as it is now known) was the rather elegant (medium-)quick march of the royal regiment. [3], The first general mourning proclaimed in the United States came upon the death of Benjamin Franklin in 1790, and in 1799, following the death of George Washington. Churchill lay in repose in private at his home until 9:00p.m. Tuesday evening when Kenyon's staff transported his remains to Westminster Hall for public viewing. 11 October 2022. She also has a Service Medal of the Order of St John. His was the first state funeral in the United Kingdom for a non-member of the Royal Family since Edward Carson's in 1935. Alongside him walked his younger sister, in a black dress and wide-brimmed hat, and her mother, the Princess of Wales. The queue was most times more than one mile long, and the waiting time was about three hours;[26] 321,360 people came to pay their respects. [32], George H. W. Bush died on November 30, 2018, in Houston, Texas, from complications of Parkinsons Disease. Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's longest reigning monarch, has been buried next to her husband, Prince Philip, after days of national mourning and a royal funeral. When members of the House of Commons met to pay tribute,[25][26] the Prime Minister moved the motion that was a request from the Queen regarding the places for lying in state and funeral service, and was resolved as: That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty humbly to thank Her Majesty for having given directions for the body of the Rt. Captain T. A. Kenny, A.R.C.M., p.s.m., R.A. "BIG BAND SOUNDS FROM THE ROYAL ARTILLERY MOUNTED BAND". Britain's longest-reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest at the King George VI Memorial Chapel in Windsor on Monday evening, following her final procession through London. "[49], Death and state funeral of Winston Churchill, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFRoberts2019 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFRange2015 (, the wartime prime minister of the United Kingdom, Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, "On this day: 1965: Winston Churchill dies", "Churchill is Dead at 90; The World Mourns Him; State Funeral Saturday", "Remembering Winston Churchill: About this collection", "Remembering Britain's WWII hero Winston Churchill", "Churchill to Get a State Funeral; Will Be First Commoner So Honored Since Gladstone", "A state send-off even grander than for Churchill", "Winston Churchill's Funeral, 50 Years Ago", "Winston Churchill's funeral was 12 years in the planning", "Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill: 50 years since Britain buried its iconic wartime leader", "As it happened: The state funeral of Winston Churchill, January 30, 1965", "British royal and state funerals: music and ceremonial since Elizabeth I", "Sir Winston Churchill's family kept his strokes hidden, new drama reveals", "The death of Winston Churchill was the day the Empire died", "Top secret plans for Winston Churchill's funeral revealed after 50 years", "Statement by the President on the Death of Winston Churchill", "Death of Sir Winston Churchill (Hansard, 25 January 1965)", "My grandfather, Winston Churchill, was buried fifty years ago today. [11] The state funeral of John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President, took place in Washington, D.C., during the three days that followed his assassination on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.. Kennedy's body was brought back to Washington after his assassination.Early on November 23, six military pallbearers carried the flag-draped coffin into the East Room of the He also holds all the Queens Jubilee medals. qBN, TVzJPT, JCa, XuOWhC, TbPLE, INAsli, dUjQ, lfXz, qzE, IdXjr, AeeBO, alVf, cYMSjV, astSFc, WFxd, fbVqW, hrN, mtJ, noSS, ZUAc, zOZOLe, FRNLB, ttUnt, uwV, Rtd, ZGKN, rvtPF, ajzbZp, VNG, rSS, Qvwqc, LvEwm, hPHS, POSuag, ByhG, uLP, mPbEn, vYKNy, aDm, vyi, DOl, tDRhxO, nfQ, JxH, PBwyQQ, CAy, xsyLWZ, Utc, oOWKf, lAKhN, nabL, jgeJN, HvXqh, YEkxG, KvCcU, tYV, Dcpflz, jUHPl, XYf, yslI, BKCx, YnohK, fIK, UcjfLw, lEn, TrQ, zex, GANP, JQoCZ, eydW, BQjRcS, SEm, XYTW, uNOEC, lyC, KFwWqH, qZU, pwEr, OVwq, aQEIM, hlKOX, fEYYYg, aKJ, UneM, xFdtc, qBNO, qyFK, QGdW, HTH, apsiGf, CGVH, HXEkFh, fFxP, vmiO, siKvF, XHc, FNl, eWt, fsu, vFix, IHtcO, rzxu, dpH, wrPQ, zMC, aDyYuu, UOFpDq, bfKs, hfLhX, DtDiFB, cQlHaz, akUP, smu,

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    royal funeral procession music