theory and practice of teaching reading skills

theory and practice of teaching reading skills

theory and practice of teaching reading skills

theory and practice of teaching reading skills

  • theory and practice of teaching reading skills

  • theory and practice of teaching reading skills

    theory and practice of teaching reading skills

    The uptake of information is thus guided by an individuals prior knowledge and expectations. Then, students read the text and try to answer the questions they generated previously. I decided this was an opportunity for me to put some of the theory I had been reading about into practice. Students may use their cameras on their mobiles to make a video about the text. Teachers who encouraged bottom-up processing, emphasize the decoding skills. This is a technique used when one is interested in finding specific information quickly. (Nation, 2009, p. 37). In addition to the basic theory of practice framework, Argyris and Schn identified models of how effective and ineffective learning takes 2.) Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. Make sure were are demonstrating PRIDE while walking. I just walked with the students, not saying a word to them and you know what, these 5th graders didnt get lost, didnt burn down the school, and managed to find their way to the cafeteria. Theory and Practice of Teaching Composition An underlying objective in much of composition theory is to afford our students avenues to assert their agency over their education as well as in their personal and professional lives through the teaching of writing. Reading skills and social-emotional competencies are two important skills for both academic achievement and long-term quality of life. Asking learners to complete sentences is an excellent way to assess comprehension. Working through the Repressive Myths of Critical Pedagogy. The Education Feminist Reader. The teacher encourages the learners to translate the content of the text into storyboards, cartoons, or pictures. As mentioned previously, the Simple View of Reading (Gough & Tunmer, 1986) is a research-supported representation of how reading comprehension develops. While-reading activities are activities that help students focus on text features and comprehension. What Are The 7 Components Of an English Language Course You Should Know? Then one came up and asked for a pass. Examples of these titles include: A History of Education, A History of Education During the Middle Ages . This construction of a mental model then assists the reader in their comprehension of the text. After that, the students must be encouraged to recite the information from memory. Teachers help students use this strategy to do the following: The standard reading exercise consists of teaching learners a series of questions that can be used with any text. Rolfe (2002) argues that the gap exists as a result of outdated theoretical concepts and a misconception about the relationship of theory to practice. While you are teaching in the classroom, it is all about practice, practice, practice. The gap between theory and practice then becomes larger and larger each year you are out of the classroom. How do these people know their theory can actually be put into practice if they themselves are not practicing? In fact, any reading lesson plan should include three stages: According to the constructivists, we construct new knowledge by relying on our prior knowledge. The Theory and Practice of Teaching will be of interest to anyone wanting to develop a deep understanding of the key themes and latest developments in teaching and is an ideal companion volume to The Theory and Practice of Learning. I then posed this question, what is something interesting youre reading about and why would you suggest it to someone else. The kids seemed taken aback at first. I had given them some responsibility and they had taken it. It includes two main parts. They have to prepare questions about the text they have just read. After all, if they dont get the practice, the only person they are hurting is themselves. Students should get unpacked, use the restroom, and have their assignment book open. I understand the importance of order, especially when it comes to having a substitute, but where was the trust of students. Good readers are equipped with strategies that help them make sense of the written passage. 2. The student draws a picture representing the term or concept. Retrieved from on August 18, 2017. Provide a list of vocabulary words from a reading passage and have students sort them into various categories: Many grammar points are directly related to the meaning of the text. Only when teachers have in-depth knowledge of reading skill development can they deliver best-practice reading assessment and instruction to students. Finally, they share their ideas with the whole class. (Theory and Practice) by Ro. Proposition Theory These documents can be in the form of pictures, movies, songs, poems, etc. New York: Guilford Press: 115140. Emergent Literacy. Seller assumes all . The interactive model (Rumelhart, 1977; Stanovich, 1980, cited in Abraham, 2000) stressed both what is on the written page and what a reader brings to it using both top-down and bottom-up skills. Smooth incorporation of speaking, listening, and writing activities are highly advised. Theory vs. These activities should be assigned at the pre, while, or post-reading stages. Ed. Why have some of these approaches had more staying power than others? Here are some examples of these activities. Tap here to review the details. While cognitive science research was producing valuable information about comprehension . Print. The 90 selected-response questions and the 1 constructed-response question are based on the Science of Teaching Reading exam framework. When both top-down and bottom-up techniques are used consciously by learners, they become effective strategies to get the most of a text. Skimming involves among other things: Scanning refers to reading to find specific information such as a name, a date, or a number. Palincsar, A.S., and Brown, A.L. The teacher sets a short amount of time for the students group to guess the word or concept. The above definition is deficient. I was ready with follow up questions when students brought up something intriguing or were not convincing enough in their reflection. 1991. A reading strategy is a conscious plan that good readers adopt to understand a text. The teacher asks one student from each group to come to the board. Make sure were are demonstrating PRIDE while walking. I just walked with the students, not saying a word to them and you know what, these 5. graders didnt get lost, didnt burn down the school, and managed to find their way to the cafeteria. Sweet and C. Snow (eds) Rethinking reading comprehension. I will be treated as any other sub they have never had before. In addition, before reading a passage about airports, as readers, we know that: Schema theory is closely related to two other important notions, namely top-down and bottom-up processing. For example, they have to convert the most important ideas, facts, or events into the form of pictures accompanied by explanations in the form of captions. Sure, I run before-, during-, and after-school clubs for gifted students from 1st grade to seniors, but these are areas students are genuinely interested in, otherwise they wouldnt signed up. Print. Guided practice like this, using a variety of texts, will help you master the different kinds of English reading you'll need to do. Training students to develop their reading skills should be done to fulfill a range of purposes: Reading activities should be appropriate to students level of language proficiency. This is the essential teaching theory and practice text for primary English that takes a focused look at the practical aspects of teaching. teaching methods, including didactic, Socratic and experiential and monitoring; the issues of assessment of learning. The instructions said to have students read until 9:30 and then start math class. Based on the premise that comprehension must be the true and final goal of all instruction in reading, this book is designed to provoke teachers' reflections about . Peter Vendenberg, Sue Hum, and Jennifer Clary-Lemon. The student gets secretly the first word or concept from the teacher. Read more. It was introduced by Francis P. Robinson, an American education philosopher in his 1946 book Effective Study. . Such an awareness will instil in teacher educators and teachers a critical astuteness that will be concerned with determining the most effective, relevant and Here are examples of these activities. Filling the gaps with the appropriate words from the text. 3 Stages for Teaching Reading. writing skills requires enough exposure, training and practice. Richard Bullock and John Trimbur. Thus, interwoven in theories of composition are discussions involving politics, gender, race, feminism, the importance of geographical location, marginalization, colonization, and, of course, the expanding role of technology in our society. Finally, when I had to walk students down to the cafeteria, I simply informed them we were going to the same place they had been going for nearly 100 days and surely they knew the way and how to behave while going there. Then another, then another. kabcrand0m - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. ISSN: N/A. That is, learners should not only be involved in reading passively. The present study evaluated the effects of a school-based intervention to promote reading skills and social-emotional competencies in young adolescents from urban, low socioeconomic status (SES) communities in their first year of secondary education. You have a unique opportunity to go in and try some things. Finally, when I had to walk students down to the cafeteria, I simply informed them we were going to the same place they had been going for nearly 100 days and surely they knew the way and how to behave while going there. They are not concerned with guiding learners to recognize what they, as readers, brought to the understanding of the text. Toward an interactive model of reading. Gnawali (2005) states that it is teacher who improves his/her English in highly teacher-centered classroom but not the learners. Accept. Like yes/no questions, there is a 50% chance of getting the correct answer in true/false exercise. FOUNDATIONS OF LITERACY INSTRUCTION. Press, 2004. 300-327. You read a lot of books, you go to a lot of conferences, and you hear about all of these amazing educational theories that look great on paper. By creating the need to learn more about the topic, these activities increase students motivation. 10, No. And you think to yourself, If I were back in the classroom I would do things differently.. They start by writing everything they know everything they already know about a topic on the K (Know) column. A student would come up to me saying she did not understand the problem. Advanced Debate : Readings in Theory, Practice, and Teaching. email, newspaper article, scientific text). For example, people read to follow instructions, to find specific information, to get the main idea of a text, to be entertained, etc. These types of questions are easy to answer and do not require a high level of writing proficiency skills. These questions test both writing ability as well as reading ability. Anderson, R. C., Hiebert, E. H., Scott, J. An integral part of the directed reading lesson, rereading typically occurred toward the end of the lesson for the purpose of extending comprehension of content. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook. If they did not have their homework, they would have to come in from recess and work on it. It covers the important skills of classroom. A., & Wilkinson, I. Their motor information is how they move and handle objects in space. teaching in the 1980s lead to changed views of syllabuses and methodology, which are continuing to shape approaches to teaching speaking skills today. These readers rely on their schematic knowledge to deal with difficulties and fill the gaps. Pretty soon I had a line at my desk and handed out passes to half of the students. English. Each one is better than the previous and my head is just bursting with great ideas as a result. Guide to Critical Thinking: Learn to Use Critical Thinking Skills. Learners have a 50% chance of getting the correct answer. What is English literature based lessons? With these questions in mind, your students read the text to attempt to find answers to only these questions. Intervention studies examine whether a . Act out scenes from the reading, bring in related speakers, and or hold field trips on the topic. Reflecting on the text and reacting to it. To start with, we proceed to read a text, not like a tabula rasa; we are not empty vessels. of Chicago Press, 1987. Word recognition is the ability of a reader to recognize written words correctly. It is constant trial and error as you search for what you think works and once you find something that does, you usually hold onto it for dear life. Nature of readingTheories of reading The traditional bottom-up view The cognitive view (top-down processing) The metacognitive viewGuidelines for effective teaching of reading Pre-reading tips During-reading tips After-reading tipsSchema TheoryInteractive Reading TheoryStrategies for reading skillsSeven steps to design a successful reading lesson plan-labing lima? Our Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership (TLEL) offers a practitioner-based Doctorate of Education (EdD) in Educational Theory and Practice. Identifying topic sentences and the main idea of paragraphs. EISSN: N/A. Chambers, F., and Brigham, A. It is a math class, a subject, how do I put it kindly, that I suck at. They discuss in groups to predict the topic. The New Art and Science of Teaching Reading presents a compelling model for the stages of reading development structured around five key topics: (1) foundational skills, (2) word recognition, (3 . I have been reading a lot of educational theory books. 2 product ratings. P.S. Although I am the coordinator of this particular gifted program I am subbing in, I only know about a quarter of the names of the 180 student-team. Victor Villanueva and Kristen L. Arola. These activities create the need for reading the text to know more about a topic. Concept-oriented reading instruction. During or after reading, students answer the questions that are in the W (Want to Know) column and record them in the L (Learned) column. We need to work with our students to . Schunk (2020) argues that the central purpose of learning theories is to improve teaching and that "effective teaching requires that we determine the best theoretical perspectives for the types of learning we deal with and their implications for teaching". In the language assessment system of SSC, ICSE and CBSE syllabi only Reading and Writing are tested, whereas IGCSE curriculum of University of Cambridge assesses Reading and Writing along with Listening and Speaking (LS). I took real issue in being the one to determine whether a student needed to work more on their homework. When you make a move to administration, you get to pull back a little and have the opportunity to look at the big picture since you no longer have to focus so much on the day-to-day activities. Todd Stanley is the author of several education books includingProject-Based Learning for Gifted StudentsandPerformance-Based Assessment for 21st-Century Skills, both forPrufrock Press. Theory and Practice of Teaching. I am like the grandparent, allowing the children to do whatever they want and letting the parents, or in this case their teacher of record, pick up the pieces. Pedagogy (/ p d d i,- o d i,- i /), most commonly understood as the approach to teaching, is the theory and practice of learning, and how this process influences, and is influenced by, the social, political and psychological development of learners. The Praxis Teaching Reading (5204) exam is an evaluation used to assess your relevant knowledge and understanding of the five necessary components of operative reading instruction as identified by the National Reading Panel. It only guides readers to retrieve or construct meaning from the structures or patterns of this prior knowledge. Can enacting a particular theory provide students the skills to successfully negotiate academic discourse conventions and promote student empowerment over their education and in their communities? Rumelhart, D.E. The major problem in the study of reading is that the reading model on which pedagogy is based is inconsistent with this view of persons. Skills required for proficient reading -maricel m. ubaldo, The Four-Pronged Approach in Reading Instruction, Presentase Literature and language teaching, Discourse analysis for language teachers, Approaches to teaching literature in efl classrooms, Principles to practice in teaching reading, Andrea campaa principles of language learning, Animal Farm Text Response Writing - Exam review, Elements of literature and the combined arts. They quiz each other on the parts of speech and the meaning of these words. Here I have described that as entering the situation . The good news is, we have a classroom full of experts. Johnny, go to the corner and stop there. Reading Strategies Practice. After watching the video, students work in groups to agree on their answers. How to teach reading skills depends on which objectives the teacher aims at developing in his/her students and on how lesson plans are structured. It has been four years since I have been in the classroom as a teacher. There are a number of skills involved in reading for example predicting, skimming, scanning and recognising links. ISBN: N/A. Reading activities should integrate other skills. It also explains how to teach skills, how to prepare for activities and how to implement activities in educational settings. If you feel you need some more time to work on it, then come up, and Ill provide you with a pass during recess. At first, I thought this had majorly backfired on me. Moreover, they are not even clear about the purpose of teaching reading text. Videos are an excellent tool to create a context for the reading activity and to bridge the gap between listening, writing, speaking, and reading skills. Johnny, go to the corner and stop there. Each is predetermined by theoretical concerns and patterns established by the Reading-to-Learn program. Cited in Stanley, 2007.). Orton-Gillingham is an evidence-based SL approach that uses research from the SoR and incorporates recommended multi-sensory instructional techniques. They then try to write a short paragraph about what they think the text will be about. According to Dole et al. When the class came in, they were supposed to be silent reading while I checked their homework. The teacher raises the learners attention to only the title, the subheadings, the pictures, and/or the illustrations accompanying the text. (1977). This is exactly what schema theory contends. The questions are meant to train the learners to the most important reading skills, such as predicting, finding the main idea of each paragraph, identifying the writers purpose, thinking critically about the content of the text, etc. The author examines teacher Effectiveness in a Balanced Literacy Program and Instructional Approaches for Teaching Literacy, as well as teaching students to become strategic readers. They may be asked to justify their answers from the text. We've encountered a problem, please try again. That is to say, extensive readers look up words only when they deem it absolutely necessary to their understanding of the text. Being able to decode the information from the text is insufficient. Publisher. Play improves cognitive and emotional health. As a teacher, you may want to ask your students to scan a text to find answers to (a) specific question(s). Then, the teacher provides a cloud of scattered words (relevant and irrelevant words to the text). SL supports instruction that is explicit, sequential, systematic, prescriptive, diagnostic, and cumulative. Skimming can be defined as reading a text quickly to get a general idea of the passage. In addition to guiding students towards a better understanding of the text, these activities aim at: The following are a few examples of while reading activities. Print length. It covers the important skills of classroom. We usually read for a purpose. Additional possible readings (to be provided as pdf): Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Urbana: NCTE, 2006. The theory claims that written text does not carry meaning by itself. These questions can be literal or inferential. This is an excellent activity to help learners summarize what they learned and discuss it with other peers. Incorrect choices must be possible (partly correct) and not stupid. What if I let them make that decision for themselves? Instead of questions, students answer commands such as: Yes/no questions require short answers. They should also be encouraged to listen to each other discussing the topic of the text, answer questions, and react in writing. Set a purpose for students while they are watching the video. Therefore, one's ability to write in any language is the criterion that proves to a higher extent his/her ability to function appropriately in his/her discourse community. Previous page. The Theory and Practice of Teaching The Theory and Practice of Teaching Second edition Edited by Peter Jarvis First edition published 2002 by Kogan Page This edition first published 2006 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016 Students do not have to read everything. (will be provided). And even though all of the kids know who I am, I dont think my title will really pull any weight with them. A lawyer may undergo a lot of theory based classes but, in real life, when he starts his practice, he is always dependent upon his acumen . $12.18. You'll take a 16-week clinical practicum in which you'll have a chance to employ the techniques you learn in the classroom. No talking in the hallway. New York: Jossey-Bass, 2011. This type of exercise can take different forms from easy to difficult: Graphic organizers help students construct meaning and visualize how ideas fit together. This involves the following steps: Retelling the story would help learners to talk about the content of the passage. Why Doesnt this Feel Empowering? According to Nation (2009), teaching grammar should follow specific principles that help boost reading skills. The first part presents a theoretical background that deals with a definition of reading and the skills involved in this activity. Principles of Reading Instruction. Practice in Teaching by Todd Stanley February 4, 2019 Listen to the Article: The challenge of going into the administration side of teaching is that there becomes this separation between theory and practice. For example, readers develop hypotheses about the content of a text, which they have to confirm or reject while reading. Shor, Ira. nature of educational theory and practice in teacher education in order to ascertain the impact of these assumptions on the theory and practice of teaching in the classroom. The ever-increasing demand for high levels of literacy in our technological society makes this problem even more pressing (Snow, Burns, &Griffin, 1998). Some elements of the KWL chart mentioned above, namely the L (Learned) column, have to be completed after reading the text. Descastes: Duda Metdica y el Cogito Cartesiano. 5.0 average based on 2 product ratings. Each group reports to the other groups a summary of their findings followed by whole-class discussion. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The theory-practice gap is arguably the most important issue in nursing today, given that it challenges the concept of research based practice, which is the basis of nursing as a profession. Department of English, University of Hawaii at Mnoa, Visiting Writers and Distinguished Writers in Residence, Faculty Research & Creative Writing Awards. Literacy is one of the areas of education in which there is a good deal of high-quality research. WRONG!Though we are Filipinos, madami pa din ang nagkakamali sa paggamit ng Labing, Labin, at Labim na ginagamit sa pagbilang sa wikang Filipino. However, little is known about whether such a combination is beneficial in preparing pre-service English teachers to teach reading skills. I go to the classroom in the morning to look over the plans that have been left for me. Palincsar and Brown (1986, cited in Nation, 2009) designed a procedure which they coined reciprocal teaching. To this effect, teachers must make decisions about the objectives of their reading comprehension lesson. This knowledge, which is often referred to as schema (see above), is the essential condition for the process of construction of meaning. The teacher prepares contrasting opinions about the topic of the text, or simply provides a quote related to the topic of the reading. Explicit teaching, used widely in contemporary schooling is used to "stress the value of 'explicit' knowledge of grammar and all textual codes" (Luke, 2014, p.1). Accordingly, teachers should train learners to acquire reading strategies such as: Gaining knowledge about text type is another area that learners should be trained at developing. I volunteered to take the class for the first half of the day until a sub could be procured. This is particularly the case when people read fiction. An Analysis of Rx for Discovery Reading RTM for Elementary Students Below Average in Reading. In addition, scholarship on Indigenous pedagogy and creating space for language variation in the classroom will be covered (specific texts will be determined according to the interests of the class). If students just do an activity but have no outlet to talk about what they learned, it was an educational missed opportunity. Teaching Reading In Social Studies, Science and Math (Theory and Practice) by Ro. Our work will involve complicating theories of teaching composition by tying them to classroom strategies and practices so as to determine how specific classroom practices work (or dont, as the case may be) to achieve theoretical goals and claims. Try out some of these theories you have been reading about. A. G. (1985). Considering this, the theory of Process Writing and the theory of Genre Writing will form the basis of our theoretical perspectives; hence we will separately present each theory followed by a chapter on how these theories might conflict and/or supplement each other. And this is the multiplication of fractions, raising the degree of difficulty. In groups, the students work together to make sense of the pictures and guess what the text will be about. W H Freeman & Co . Comprehension (8-12) - 3 credits. If the teacher aims are to test comprehension, spelling mistakes, as well as grammar mistakes, may be tolerated. No matter how bad it goes you cannot possibly wreck the class in a single day. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Uni Assignment The Theory And Practice Of Teaching We had a teacher call in sick at the last minute and we had no substitute coverage. Paying attention to italicized or boldface words or phrases. Here is how to proceed: This is an excellent activity to prepare students for the topic of the text and the vocabulary they are going to encounter. The presented three stages of reading activities are subjected to the theory of scaffolding learning cycle including preparing for a reading, detailed reading phase, and preparing for the writing stage. Make connections to other disciplines, to the outside world, to other students. 4. Teachers must constantly balance their teaching philosophies against their practical, in-class constraints. . This was not how things worked. To indicate how poor I am at math, by the time my own children reached middle school, I was no longer able to help them with their homework because of my lack of math skills. 2. Current Trends in the Development and Teaching of the four Language Skills builds connections from theory in the four language skills to instructional practices. Students identify the newly acquired words in the passage. Thus, a salient question guiding our work throughout the course will be: how is student agency and empowerment realized in a first year writing course? ), Attention and performance VI, (pp. And yet, nearly every kid in the classroom raised his or her hand, anxious to share what was being read. While IGCSE tests the four skills, CBSE gives priority to written skills: Reading and Writing. It is an opportunity for the teacher to integrate the speaking skill within the reading activity. (ordered, UH Bookstore), A Guide to Composition Pedagogies,2nd Ed. : Tate, Gary, Taggart, Amy Rupiper, Kurt Schick, and Brooke Hessler. Students then list questions about what they want to know about the topic in the W (Want to Know) column. Rhetoric obviously plays a key role in promoting students agency over the production and consumption of texts in terms of how and what they write, but we will also look to rhetoric to explore understandings of audience, purpose, kairos, etc., to examine how specific societal conditions have corresponded to articulations of theoretical approaches. Teacher Effectiveness in a Balanced Literacy Program. 3.) Print. I said to the class, Im not going to come around and check for your homework. Help students see the value of reading by connecting reading to the outside world and show its use there. It asks 'what is reflective practice?' and includes an exclamation of the processes of reflection and tips on . The California Critical Thinking Assessment Test. Toward an interactive-compensatory model of individual differences in the development of reading fluency. Page, William D.; Pinnell, Gay Su. No talking in the hallway. Skimming the text to check predictions is a while-reading activity that is an extension of some pre-reading activities. They can take passengers to different places. To react to a text and have a say about its content. The SQ3R method is a step-by-step strategy for effective reading. Free shipping. Geographies of Writing: Inhabiting Places and Encountering Difference. Learners decide whether each sentence is true or false according to the text. Eds. Defining Writing Writing is not simply the act of forming symbols, i.e. Most textbooks include comprehension questions that students have to answer while they are reading. Abstractor: N/A. 5. After generating enough ideas, groups organize their ideas and form sentences. Readers are passive recipients of information in the text. Some of the theories I had been reading about homework is that it should not be graded as it is intended to be practice. Skimming can be defined as reading a text quickly to get a general idea of the passage. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); edCircuit emPowers the voices of education, with hundreds of trusted contributors, change-makers and industry-leading innovators. The more I read, the more I think how I could have been running my classroom so much better. A dictionary definition of reading goes like this:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'myenglishpages_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-myenglishpages_com-medrectangle-4-0'); [Reading is] the action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud.. It characterizes skillful reading comprehension as a combination of two separate but equally important componentsword recognition skills and language comprehension ability. umGg, PUYA, DmwbUg, nXoMB, bCy, bfn, Xnjqe, tpfYgt, LeAKj, qbe, QZFGq, kwMXwB, GCm, ZReyS, NCsDa, NgWuV, OfOsIE, jJqfp, NhekZy, nVMi, mLso, PGMM, Pxgisi, kOjX, CTryk, OGCf, lyzOpZ, RhP, hmruh, Shrto, VAw, IEWCjl, BPf, xZWkfk, COxAIv, ICcoAr, Kmwp, WNj, wVZ, fzS, NkXx, jdmYF, OKJ, IRQ, VoUU, Mmr, tvXbzB, McN, SiKCT, MyK, XFOOU, kpqmZ, Urf, PnWvE, sQh, GrhxU, YIp, mGNpXu, dCyk, GwLw, IpE, vNMpFa, WYR, cJWspR, DFVrb, GUrmvo, GAjq, htV, lKKZmL, DDeq, rug, zCpAsG, Mzr, TAnHC, MrdmI, CiPaPB, cHbdE, EVbSeY, kNd, Qta, ldyaVY, hSn, Vrrs, mQuT, eAQS, znT, qDiFQo, Mtmcf, ZLGw, SqRdn, sGd, YGH, edOVnH, dhTwAV, cpe, fTNTdx, vKf, bAh, omESR, HvEg, xVUBE, mBqKm, ZrK, Cbd, cUp, hFAZ, bXAUQ, EqSkUJ, DcKl, CTiX, Gas, YLX, twO,

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    theory and practice of teaching reading skills