the presence comic vine

the presence comic vine

the presence comic vine

the presence comic vine

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  • the presence comic vine

    the presence comic vine

    The Presence is the original inhabitant and creator of the universe. The Creator and the Supreme Being are not always the same figure, ontologically speaking. The thing is, the map also says that the Source and The Overvoid are two different beings. By ordinary means the beings of the Orrey can't access other dimensional and conceptual realms like the Sphere of Gods or the Sixth Dimension normally. Spectre said the presence was missing, and that he might learn something from the source in dc cosmology. Monitor mind is older than all, older and more powerful than Mobius who outperformed yahweh in coie. What do you guys think? And he is hinted at being above most angels. To argue that somehow the Endless are limited to the SOTG is to argue that beings in the orrerry are limited to that as well, which is completely false. Etriel also said that the Multiversity Map is only 4D as a bonus, that is why I am saying he is not a good source. His creation is somehow embedded in the Sphere of Gods. In short, Yggdrasil >presence as well, so again Im not sure why u posted more ammunition to my point of presence(sphere god) operating on a lower scale. That he overlaps certain areas is less important.". Options. Also he is only talking abiut Destiny comparing it to a sea creature, that says nothing about the positions of. In the first image is a sketch of Morrision's Multiversity map. That would explain why there are so much different versions of the Source Wall. Forgive me if I have strawmanned anyone here. Based on how the discussion has evolved, I think I might rename to to The Sphere of Gods or something of that nature. Another distinction you can't tell has been added to the list. But don't worry, I'm not done with your nonsense yet to make you more of a fool of yourseld than you already did on your own. Michael got retcon too, vertigo kali and him are unrelated thanks for saving me the burden of posting proof, bravo. According to most sources Destinys book holds all of existence in it his realm is the highest peak in existence an the multiverse resides in his book with him obviously standing outside. What do you think? Don't try to portray yourself as more foolish than you really are this time. Hughs LITERALLY says "Destiny" by his name. Other evidence is when chronos stole some of the presences power he sensed the godwave expanding inside which is commonly associated with the source an in another story fate states he can sense the story in heaven. those energies are only affecting dietys of the sphere. Do you have a scan that supports what you're saying about Rama or Brahma? Finally, the paragraph I was looking forward to the most, you are still bringing right and there this same scan which does not even question for once the Presence/the Source spot in the DC's hierarchy. @au_141: Well I misinterpreted some things earlier because I was tired and sleepy so instead of adressing the other debaters again and again, I will just post a single post after after gathering some more evidence. 138 Date: August 1963 Format: 14-page main feature. But the fact that you even said this tells me everything. You are making him have a relevance he doesn't have. So what? Destiny was never retconned into this Fate, he simply isn't him. He was woaved in the dreaming And anti-monitor killed concepts presence never even dreamed of. In fact, I'm using this disscusion to provide information that are not well known, clarify misconception, provide new arguments, etc. Ignorance. He's saying they don't always correlate. I don't think you read your scans. The only survivor of the Council was Mamaragan, who exiled Teth, naming him Black Adam. Prove to me this being exists by giving me a charatcer profile on DC or a being in any of Morrison's run. Above everything is pretty vague, since the DC Creation ends at Limbo. They where the that created and destroyed universes. as in Aristophanes' comic travesty of fashionable intellectualism where the character Unjust Argument advocates complete licence . Especially with Morrisons statement equating it to the Monitor mind. If my fav character was said/shown multiple times in canon to operate below others, I have no problem knowing that fact and would accept it. The Presence appears in 82 issues. It's not just Yahweh. A list of the beings that have been stated to be nearly omnipotent during the course of the fictional continuum. It never needed proof in my opinion, it's common sense. A reboot is a memorable act, nobody knows when theyve been retcon. He corrected them back in the 90's sine they need permission to use her. I can wait for the end of the world before you come up with anything even remotely substantial. True nature is unclear, but at least according to one history, it made the "DC Universe", The Presence: Being that is surrounded by religious motifs, created the angels, demons, etc Has no relation to the New Gods. This is also from Final Crisis, a more recent comic that Gaiman's run, which puts your point of it being "corrected: into question. And now ur lying about the presence not getting directly involved with his own creations. Throughout the history of DC Comics, The Presence has undergone different forms. The Presence is the creator of the Council of Eternity and stated himself that he was everywhere. As for the thread itself, evidence were already provided at the beginning, and you were satisfied by those responses even though they only put forth the fact that the Presence is only a depiction of the God from the Old Testament. Fire enhances your attributes by 10%] I activated frenzy. Elaine, Michael, Lucifer have talked to the real presence(not an aspect) multiple times in Careys run, and spectre got killed by the spear of destiny while presence was still alive. I'm the paid agent of the Triune Godhead, the King of Heaven. Another attempt to deform Grant Morrison works and view to fit your headcanon, still a failure. The Presence appears in 82 issues. So, ur the only one making shit up going off record on Twitter, mixing comics that got retcon, to describe a character older than the presence, as his aspect <~~~~ headcanon . Number 1 no the books are different 2 things to note destinys book is chained to him an cannot be separated from him 2ndly the book of infinite pages tells the story of mandrakk an the monitors. Based on your made up Coie fanfiction, sure he did. No you can't, since he was only referring to the drawn part of the map. The Presence is the creator of the Council of Eternity and stated himself that he was everywhere. You wont fool anybody Ditto wannabe. Death appearing in the Hulk was in a Marvel story arc so it wsn't a crossover at all. Answer (1 of 10): The Presence is the true god of DC, the one who created everything. The thing is, read the map, Destiny is not only above the Monitor Sphere but also above Limbo, Nil and the Freaking Source Wall. Every religion has their own diety. The Presence (Character) - Comic Vine The Presence lists Cosmic Entities 25 created by michaelthefly They are the ones that established a equilibrium in the universe. Monitors who are external to the sphere, exist regardless of the seven fundamental energies being present or not. Omnipresence: Being everywhere and nowhere in existence at once. And even admitting that there is not distinction between both Presences for argument's sake, Pralaya and all other DC's Primal Darkness figures were defeated by the very act of Creation, associated predominantly with "the Light" in the DC Universe. He is omnipotent and can do anything. fyi if were going to use retcon scans to come up with crazy theories labeling a said deity as the supreme being of DC, then i too have no problem posting coie scans that states anti-monitor destroyed concepts beyond the presences imagination. This here just proves you haven't even read the scans properly. Dennis Wilson was born in Hawthorne, California in 1944 to Audree and Murry Wilson. For those that believe otherwise, it would suffice to show that the Monitor Sphere is not recorded in the Book. As for her relationship with the endless mostly unknown dream tells a story of the multiverse coming into being an the monitor brothers an barbatos. And you guys input makes a lot of sense. Mat 2 y 9 mo 18 d. The One-Above-All - vs - The Leviathan Of Stories #. For more information on this matter from secondary sources:, - The only thing that can be taken to imply it's not Destiny is his statement: "I think you're taking the position of Destiny on the map a little too literally. If you think the Endless are beyond the sphere of gods, then I will ask if you could post the scan here so we could clear up this argument. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. @galaxium: why is kali an aspect of Michael? They all reform and exist in the Sixth Dimension, which exists outside of the Sphere of Gods, beyond it. Contents 1 History 2 Powers and Ablilites 3 Trivia 4 External Links History The Presence first appeared in Fun comics issue #52 created by Jerry Siegnal and Bernard Baily. On the Monitor stuff, I will agree that Death can affect the Monitors when they are inside the Multiverse, but as we discovered in Justice League 2018, the Monitors' true bodies, their true form always reforms in the Sixth Dimension. Has no relation to the New Gods. So really, weve never seen the real Presence. All the other Monitor type beings are untethered by any form of creation which is the height of Destiny's influence. People just want to make the Presence the most powerful so they lump everything together and call them "one and the same" as an easy way out. Searching Browse AD FREE for less than 84 a month with an SHDb membership. Either way, if the Endless are limited to the Sphere of Gods then how do we explain the deaths of those that reside in the Monitor Sphere? Think of those sea creatures on old maps. If so, would Lucifer and his ilk play a similar role in a cosmic sense to the (True) New Gods and other pantheons since they both reside within the Godsphere? The titans brothers almost becoming yahweh by affecting the collective unconscious, presence himself said he was shaped by external forces, final crisis/n52/rebirth/multiversity shows realms external to the sphere of gods, and the endless saying they are nothing and gods are nothing if not for the dreamers(collective belief) shaping them. he said that destiny oversees even the monitor sphere which does this no correlate with this image? Contents 1 Publication history 2 Continuities 2.1 DC Comics / DC Universe 2.1.1 The Voice 2.1.2 The Hand 2.1.3 The Source 2.1.4 The Presence 2.1.5 "Wally" In it we can see that the hooded figure at the top of the sketch appears to be Destiny. When the heart of the source was corrupted by this act of evil, it affected all creation. Correction: Thre isn't any version of the map where Destiny of The Endless is on the top, you are making that up. @kuuzo: What claims have I made that are baseless? ucifer's creation is relative to the Orrery? In vertigo Lucifer is able to reach Brahma, not in N52 a superior cosmology. Im not contradicting myself, Im reiterating the scan predate god , even god must fall which u obviously have a problem with that u had to go bring social media to refute a n52 scan. Issue #39CENTS In the Presence of Mine Enemies (1973) #39CENTS See also: Flash Comics/Covers for #1-104. Hence this is the reason why even the Creator is considered an aspect of the Presence by DeMatteis in a secondary source when questionned on this same storyline revolving around Pralaya. because pralaya a n52 character was said to predate god. In the Presence of Mine Enemies: 7 Years a POW in Hanoi (Comic) 1973 Thanks for confirming that. DK Vine Forum > Non-Donkey Kong Universe > Non-DKU Rare Discussion. Characters with less than 100 appearances. It seems that the sons of Perpertua reside above the Imps, yet they are clearly above everything in the Orrery. They whitethorn at first be unpigmented or materialise as white, yellow, or marxist foci, which shape up to a more than mature-appearing habiliment or spectral color pathology ( common fig 3, 4) ( 22, 28) buy klonopin online overnight delivery. How the burden of proof falls on me when no one here have showcased said "influence" of the Endless? Religion/brahma is younger than perpetua, so no presence is not monitor mind. Mobius who is far below dr.Manhattan, showed us he operates on a higher scale cosmologically than the presence( a sphere god) and again showing the same thing in a Scott snyder's run where an imp named Mr.mxy( was inside the sphere) believes the most powerful of all in DC's omniverse are monitors who reside in the sixth dimension beyond any religious based realms. 2 Pages < 1 2 Rare's presence at Comic-Con. Additionally, where would this place their creations in regards to one another? As a matter of fact, the Sixth Dimension isn't even on the map (since it was created years after Morrison made said map) and it is outside of creation, so you would have a hard time proving that the Endless have any power over it. Presence never claimed everyone is an aspect of him. @sagathelegend: Thats I thought. Its stated by Lucifer twice and the author once that it wasnt the Presence. It does not matter, the validity of the claim does matter. For someone asserting vehemently to be factual to the comics, using logic and many more, this has yet to be proven, lol. The Presence The Presence Prime Earth. And appealing to Recton, when you have not offered a shred of evidence to support your claim, is laughable. This is the most intense mode of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. So this whole Pralaya is above the Presence because she is stated to exist "before the Creator" falls appart. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, The Presence beyond Understanding and the Mahapralaya, "Geoff Johns Talks Big Changes and Spoilers From DC Universe: Rebirth". and u never debunked a single thing I said lol. @sagathelegend: Would this be the same with the Countdown Monitors as well? lol. Think of those sea creatures on old maps. Nah, travelling to the Source does not necessarily translate to power if Brainiac was able to travel to the edge of it and perceive more of its nature than Lucifer did. However, in dc comics Rama K is the highest being in that pantheon dimensionally transcending all angels. DeMatt previous work was retcon so this really shouldnt be used to theorize a metaphor that got debunked by the first sentence of said scan before creation, before the creator says it all. Its stated that until the Presence dies, the Spectre and the Radiant cant, only their HOSTS can. I cited lines imprinted on a comic book panel, thats still useable up to date. Why would the Presence be just Yahweh? I would rather say that you are the only person lacking everything to even engage a disscusion on matters which it seems clear that you have not even read any comics or touched the cover. Thank you for this laugh. Most logical answer is the presence because he is the only one in the entire JLA dark run who is referred to as god Im sure if u ask zatanna, Constantine or Judas this same question they will give off the same response, that the scan where pralaya predates said creator is in reference to yahweh. The Infernal Machine (15) Twenty-five years ago, Bruce Cogburn (Guy Pearce) was an award-winning author for his best-selling debut novel The Infernal Machine. You are already making a fool yourself. If I am correct, this implies there is only one Sphere of Gods despite there being multiple multiverses. Scale Presence to. He doesn't. Search a pre-defined list OR Select a range . You keep using the statement: "Before the Creator" , not treated as "metaphorical" when it only suits you, while it's part of the same narration, lol, and without even understanding the sentence itself. any Comic Vine content. So I ask you again, who is in the OM? MOUNT ROYAL BIODIVERSITY The mountain is home to thousands of types of insects, plus 700 species of plants and 90 species of trees. Last attempt to provide something substantial before concluding to the simple fact that it is a literal description intended by the writer, which I've already adressed in previous posts. @xearesay: read the first scan in which Michael asks the artist. Vertigo=\=DC mainstream unless stated otherwise. A-1: Noun: Strong's Number: g4383: Greek: prosopon: Presence: See FACE, No . The great darkness doesnt exist in the primum mobile lmao, the presence left it years ago. The source, presence, monitor mind, are unrelated characters each have their own unique debut into dc comics, and the writers are all in the metaverse/earth 33. Destiny of The Endless never appeared in any DC Cosmology comic, he didn't appear on The Multiversity, didn't appear in Final Crisis. Yes, it is heavily implied that there is only one Sphere of Gods in Creation, sibce from what I remember, The Fouth World was completely unnafected by the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths (that is inconsistent given the power levels, but apparently it is true). That's why I have you an example of Death being able to completely leave the DC verse in the first place. Many times the Source is also equated to the Source Wall, which is also widly inconsistent and varies in position and functions to fit whatever purpose the writer wants it to have, but it is consistently represented as the edge of all creation. The reason for this is because the true form of the Presence is the Source. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. If the image conflicts with the description (surprise, in the case of Destiny it does) then you can argue that. And as already mentionned in my first post in a general way, which you are included, identifying the Presence as "God" or even "the Creator" regarding Pralaya scans are based on a presupposition that the Presence is DC's God. This also means that the God that exists in the Sphere of Gods is just a manifestation, avatar, or aspect of the Presence. FATE? The only person who tries to call him a metaconceptual "Fate' is Michael. Scans that override and take precedence over the retcon outdated ones, u legit lied said the presence doesnt get directly involved in his creations. Enhancement of Fire In the presence of the sun. As for the the Placement of the Fifth Dimension and its Imps, it is also not on the map, but we know it is below the Monitor Sphere (Bleedspace contains the Fifth Dimension), althought we don't know yet their relation to the sphere of gods. Although his power is virtually unparalleled, he rarely interferes in the affairs of mortals directly, instead acting through agents and aspects of himself, such as The Spectre. We know at some point of time he created the DC Universe. Many characters have travelled to there are on the crossovers are canon according to Morrison. Morpheus( vertigo character) believes the most powerful weapon in all creation comes from the world forge, he said that when barbatos(monitor creation) was eating dreams entire realm without physically being there. Meaning everyone inside DC comics N52 was altered without knowledge, yes even the presence(sphere god). "the only being that was called god other than the presence is dr.m". Geoff Johns(president of DC comics) personally wrote it on the back of rebirth omnibus. All of this within the same timeframe of Convergence. Im away from my laptop but if u read JlA dark, there is a scan that says Rama K is ruler of the golden city a whole realm all to herself stated to shine brighter than the silver city(heaven) and that she transcends the angels. And Belial talking to PS in a omni nexus, insinuating Presence was never called " the voice" is proof he was retcon. And? 211. 2nd claim: The titans brother reaching godhood means they defeated the Presence? I'll add that you don't know the difference between an interaction and an fight as well. PS tried the same thing and Presence almost had a temper tantrum. So, in actuality ur description of me in ur prev posts poor understanding , baseless claims , mental breakdowns is actually describing urself. The Sphere of Gods is beyond the regular DC Multiverse, nohing you have said so far presents any proof she is beyond the DC Multiverse. You can decipher from these scans that Brahma is an aspect of the Presence just like Yahweh: And the statement about the Presence being only Yahweh is wrong even without that; as he is also the Monitor-Mind/Overvoid. Claiming pralaya is an aspect of god( n52 says she predates him and must fall) is borderline headcanon, and incorrect. - After all, look at the Endless. I've read some nonsense, but you are clearly the one who stands out from the rest. Been the monster in a thousand shadows. The method varies, however; some users may halt vital biological processes or attack the soul directly. With the unexpected arrival of the woman's boyfriend, the dark spirit's haunting grows more obsessive. The supreme being of that religion is Rama Kushna. The Faceless God, a mysterious avatar who can send its worshipers back through time itself. I am going to reinterpret my question as the following: What stories does the Book of Destiny contain? In N52(vertigo/DC cosmology) Pralaya predates the presence. He was originally a Monitor called Dax Novu, created by the Overvoid to explore the narratives of the DC Multiverse, also called the Flaw. Me, Rijehu, Etriel and Sungsam have adressed that thousand times. Mobius killing concepts beyond Yahwehs imagination(omniscience) further strengthens my stance there are cosmologies in DC comics beyond presences operations. DeMatteis' statement on his Twitter further supports the obvious implication he has already expressed in the comics regarding his own character ("Call it what you Will"), as opposed to your baseless claims which you still havent provide any evidence for it. He says Destiny is only metaphorically on the top. If my fav character was said/shown multiple times in canon to operate below others, I have no problem knowing that fact and would accept it. @y3kthunder: I did and none of that proves agents of the source and extensions of overvoid would fall under control of Destiny. So, in actuality ur description of me in ur prev posts poor understanding , baseless claims , mental breakdowns is actually describing urself. Morpheus, mr.mxy, anti-monitor, and pralayas narration agree with my view on the presence as I dont see anything relevant on ur side stating otherwise debunking their narratives. 4th scan: Start doubting that this "person" has ever read a comics, when actually both scans from John Ostrander's the Spectre introduce the idea has aspects fitting the perception/view of Gods that the interlocutor holds, beside the ones to fit within the context of a particular belief system . The Presence is the creator of the Council of Eternity [28], a circle of ancient wizards based out of the Rock of Eternity that oversaw and defended the ancient world, judging the guilty for their sins until they were betrayed and wiped out by Teth-Adam. See also: All-Flash/Covers and The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive/Covers Variant Covers: The Flash (Volume 1) Variant Covers The Flash (Volume 2) Variant Covers The Flash . Created the DC . She is the end all, be all personification of the concept in DC comics. Register Sign in. Also, funny how Saga says that Destiny has no influence over the Monitor Sphere, even when Roughes (The artist) said that he is recording the events of the Monitor Sphere in the exact same sentence where Roughes APPAREANTLY said that Destiny has no influence over the Monitor Sphere. The Presence vs Yog-Sothoth. The Presence is a fictional character in comic books published by DC Comics. Feel free to add any I might have missed. Althought in all honesty, The Source is more of a storytelling device than anything. send you an email once approved. My first guess is that there is two options: My reasoning behind being that it wouldn't make sense that Lucy could create something beyond the Godsphere given his nature as discussed earlier. Released from her cell, the Red Guardian discovered that the Amoeba was actually threatening the Presence's life. Is this also the case for Mandrakk as well? Likewise, where would Perpertua be on the map? u legit lied said the presence doesnt get directly involved in his creations. The Defenders #52 - Defender of The Realm. And a N52(Vertigo/DC) scan of a deity stated to predate god. The presence of natural law and laws of nature in these Roman thinkers does not imply that they anticipated the essentially Christian background of the former or the mathematical presuppositions of the latter. There is the good, the bad, and the ugly. Editor: Julius Schw. Try finding Destiny of the Endless in The Multiversity when all the Endless are stated to be on the Sphere of Gods and then we can talk. Ur issue is ur mixing cosmology. ago. DC did not supply new information so that they can still fit somheow in the conitinuity , far from being the case, as they literally left out +20 years of continuity for a new one. the being representing the void is older than the presence, older than all creation in the multiverse. DC's Lucifer was first introduced in the pages of Sandman before starring in his own comic series that inspired the hit TV adaptation. Congrats, epic debunking here. Do you have some kind of self-conflicting dialogue with yourself? Althought Destiny has never made an appearance on any DC Cosmology title, so putting his influence there is dubious at the very least. In a separate case, presence Sent PS to bribe Trigon who was going to earth to wreck havoc, and personally dealt with him later on because he was going to assail the gates of heaven. but his performance showed that he too predates the presence. Have a hard times to deal with this fact. Have a nice weekend, ta ta. Not "claims", "evidence". DeMatt literally wrote in the front cover that he wanted to try something new and make changes to Vertigos/DCs continuity by creating new characters(nick Necro, pralaya) introduced in the N52/rebirth cosmology. Regarding the second paragraph, I dont need to dwell further as it's not other than a strawman since the point you made was not even brought in the first place: "Which debunks the notion of pralaya being referenced in older comics when she did not exist then." The critically acclaimed Mark Steel's in Town was voted the 6th best radio comedy ever and Mark is a regular on the BBC's Have I Got News For You, QI and BBCR4's News Quiz. Promotion code. The Presence: Being that is surrounded by religious motifs, created the angels, demons, etc. Not one correction. Christian drama in the vein of The Deer Hunter, based on the inspirational book (and movie) by Howard Rutledge about the seven years he spent as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. Tho I do agree that the creator and the supreme being arnt the same thing, but then again I never claimed they were, just that the pralaya scan is referring to the presence. send you an email once approved. Considered by some to be the 'Buddha' of DC, because it represents a shared cosmic. I suppose that's possible but according to monitors fans it all hypertime lanes that separate them hope this helps yeah, Is the Book of Destiny the same as the Book of Infinite Pages (As shown in Final Crisis?). Anyway I will try to adress this more clearly tomorrow since I am very tired and sleepy now. In order: The fundamentals of the DC universe, the basics from which many metahumans pull their abilities and weapons from. B-2: is translated in the presence of in KJV NKJV NLT NIV ESV CSB NASB20 NASB95. And this figure who was ( mis)believed to be the Presence turned out not to be the same as stated in the primary materials and the secondary sources. Is it the case that death as concept doesn't apply to Monitor+ level beings? He also said the Jla Dark project was a group effort and not just 1 dude writing stories. But unlike the rest of God's aspects, Pralaya function is to cause the dissolution of the Creation into Darkness when God decides that it is time to return to an unconscious state, which is more explicit trough his work Doctor Fate 1988, in which DeMatteis portrayed God as the one to have set the Creation and the Mahapralaya, before introducing Pralaya in his Justice League Dark 2011 run. Another user here on CV confirmed that said scan was made by a guy called thebestdebater, a Google+ debater that attempted to prove the Void, the Source and The Presence were the same. So you tell me where this "Fate" character is in Multiversity. Mobius not only outperformed presence in coie but his performance showed that he too predates the presence, making the claim that everyone is an aspect of him baseless. it pales in comparison to the SUV Coup AMG GLE 63 S in presence, power and the S-Class launched . My first guess is that there is two options: The first being that Lucifer's creation must be below the Sphere of Gods and parallel to the Orrery of Worlds. These would be those guys. She's part of God. - BUT the problem is, Destiny is still at the top even in the refined map. One of the more influential examples of fan service in Marvel Comics, "Spider-Verse" is a seven-issue storyline by Dan Slott and Olivier Coipel. @sladeracer: But kali is an aspect of Michael. But to make your case even worse, altough New 52 was originally set to be a "reboot", it took a drastic change with Convergence and the re-introduction of Hypertime, approving back the relevance of Pre-New 52 materials in this DC so-called rebooted state. My first question being concerns where Lucifer's creation is relative to the Orrery? Ur really bad at using examples to debunk me and strengthen ur bs, u used spectre(wrath of god) as an example to say that pralaya is also a servant of god. Death is SUPPOSED to be limited to the SoTG, yet she's the only being who has travelled beyond DC verse to Marvel and she on panel, has claimed (and will claim) the entire DC multiverse. Speaking of, what was the point of posting her defeat? It starts off badly with a fallacious point, since the mention of a character in a speech does not mean that said character has to be directly involved in the comic. Others affect their target on a more abstract level, simply causing them to die for no . 139 lbs (63 kg) Raven is a member of the Teen Titans and a recurring superhero from DC Comics . Elle est diffuse depuis le 5 mai 2022 1 aux tats-Unis sur la plateforme de vido la demande Paramount+, et en . There was no fight that took place in the first place, so no supposed defeat of the Presence. power stats. 2nd scan: No evidence of the Presence's death. 12 results Sort By . Frst off, the summary expresses where the Endless are housed, not where they are limited to. Also, did anyone give an answer to whether the Imps would be above/in/below the Sphere of Gods or not? It would have been more than alarming if you didn't know that comics are a collective effort of writers, duh. Also as a bonus if we equate Monitor Mind, The Source and the Presence, that would also mean that The Presence's will would be Mandrakk: @sagathelegend: @y3kthunder: Yeah it makes sense that writers consider them separate entities. He does not even support that: ''Presence=Source=Overvoid'' Most of his arguments about the presence are from DeMatteis, not Morrison. Look exactly like Destiny? Don't read too much into it.". Therefore, the terms "Creator" in the following statement: "Before the Creator" is inapplicable to the Presence/the Source in the context of the DC's Universe distinguishing both the Creator and the Supreme Being, and also because of the fact DeMatteis view the Presence as Brahman by portraying the Presence as: beyond Understanding, even beyond the Mahapralaya (meaning transcending the character Pralaya) in his run on Doctor Fate and showing that everything is an aspect of the Presence as stated in the Spectre 2001 #10. REDACTOR-EF EDITORIAL. Doesn't matter who it is on the top. You can twist everything as you are very good at doing it, your posts speak for themselves. The One-Above-All The Leviathan frist of all can be harmed by Tom Taylor and he is just a regular human and utu and enlil is more powerful then utu. in the DC's Universe who are not necesseraly the Supreme Being, i.e the Presence/The Source. Contents 1 Background 2 Stats 3 Powers, Techniques, and Equipment 3.1 Powers 4 Minor Feats 4.1 Attack Potency/Strength 4.2 Speed/Reactions 4.3 Durability/Endurance 4.4 Skill/Intelligence 5 Weaknesses 6 Sources 7 Versus Compendium's Conclusions Background U didnt debunk anything, u have been piling up assumptions to things I never claimed. Do you know the definition of crossover still? Still with this then? Their opponents would necessarily believe the first. Superhero battle match: Zeus (GreekMyth) versus The Presence. The Presence was created by writer Jerry Siegel (co-creator of Superman) and artist Bernard Bailey. She lies on a highter plane of the orrey than the beings of the Sphere of Gods, but below Nil and the Overvoid. - Also, This would have been validated had refined versions of the map made that alteration, but they didn't. The Endless, Lucifer and his ilk have been said to be either supreme embodiments of concepts or concept creators too, so I believe in the cosmic sense they would indeed have similar functions. As Hypertime heals, we'll likely experience flashes of them-- and even alternate pasts-- in pretty fashion. Presence never claimed everyone is an aspect of him. Why would I need to post substance for that ? Please cite me where anyone said that the endless are limited to the sphere of gods, because residing in a realm does not mean you're limited to it. All that nonsense ends. Created by Atemporal. Nothing was "corrected at all" thought.There is nothing you've said that showcases what happened has been retconned and Gaiman's vision would still only put Death in the same scale as the Black Racer, another incarnation of death. If so, what realm would they be in? and that it was clearly the intent of the author to depicts Pralaya as an aspect of God. There are aspects of the source amongst the old and new gods, Not the presence and ur scan dont say that. You are only arguing this because of that quote referencing the 90's dsipute when DC writers wanted to use DoTE as a mere aspect of Death, (assuming she was akin to Nekron or the Black Racer) not knowing that Giaman created her as the ulimate Death. Who will win in a fight between Zeus (GreekMyth) and The Presence? La substance les fait grandir autant en taille qu'en intelligence. Good riddance. 2022 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. There were other Creations like Lucifer's and Elaine's that were unmade by the Presence in the Void, does not mean they were at the time superior to the Presence because of the fact that such Creations were unmade by Him. To go along with my other list, I present to you a collection of characters who predate the New 52 and appear within it. Comme son nom l'indique, la srie est base sur le personnage de Loki, issu des comics Marvel. 3rd claim: "Shaped" as figure who pre-existed before any belief/dream/imagination by being one with the Void. Echinox-2-2020 - Read online for free. So if u affect the collective unconscious, u also affect the presence. Pralaya is compared to a unconscious being that wasnt visually present at the time, thats called a metaphor. Based on this information we can conclude 2 different things 1)This avatar is created by true form presence so as he said The true form is external force. This seems to make sense, but it is still somewhat confusing. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Sons of Perpetua (The Monitors) also reside on the Sixth Dimension, but they connection to it relies on Perpetua: The artist is talking about the sketch and the official map, did you even read it correctly? Yahweh The means through which Perpetua was able to create the previous Multiverse were provided by the Presence/the Source. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other The Presence is the one who created everything in DC although he himself admitted that he was created by external forces. She called the void older than the creator, but the Presence didn't create this multiverse. The Presence is the creator of the DC Multiverse. It is up to you to debunk the. I have decided to address the 5th & 6th scans in its own post, as it is one of the biggeset misconception on the Presence, even to this day, while there is not a single evidence to support this misconception. The two radioactive beings joined forces against the monster. Presence (Character) - Comic Vine Presence appears in 66 issues View all The Defenders 8 appearances Quasar 7 appearances Avengers 5 appearances Darkstar & The Winter Guard 3 appearances No. I cited lines imprinted on a comic book panel, thats still useable up to date. sources is a misuse of the word. What if other beings and realms pictured aren't really where they appear to be? of which she won two, a Critics focusing on writing, working on a comic book Virgin and the role of Michael Scott in the US . You just proved you didn't even read the whole thing. I'm using DC canons, you are using your DC headcanon. As a matter of fact, nor Brahma was actually portrays in this storyline; does not mean that Brahma is not an actual figure in the DC's Universe or that "the Sleep of Brahma" is not an actual eschatology belief in the DC Universe or whatever ridiculous implication from your illogic point. U are just sum random fishing for retcon scans from diff cosmologys mixing comics to describe a being as the presences aspect. Now I'm wondering about the nature of Lucy's creation and the position of the Imps in cosmology. Corrupted thousands in a single breath." Scale the characters to EVERY THING IN DC AND MARVEL KNOWN. Christ is present in the elements of bread and wine which become his body and blood. HOSTS. But but one point I will adress is the fact that the Presence/the Source are not a mere Creator/Demiurge figure as there are many others, but the Supreme Being of the DC's Universe. I dont recall the presence having aspects in DC, tho he can if he wanted. I have also not seen a single metaconceptual being named Fate with these aesthetics, mentioned or seen anywhere in the DC comics. [1] As nouns the difference between presence and appearance is that presence is the fact or condition of being present, or of being within sight or call, or at hand while appearance is the act of appearing or coming into sight; the act of becoming visible to the eye. In 2009, Doctor Light was ranked as IGN's 84th-greatest comic book villain of all time. LSB NET RSV ASV YLT DBY WEB HNV. If Destiny has been somehow replaced or retconned into this Fate, then Death's feat in B.O.M. The narration called pralaya older than the creator, and the multiverse is infinite. Too bad that the conclusion is supported by nothing, but let's pretend it's the case for argument's sake. @y3kthunder: Destiny is above the countdown Monitors. While in the past the Presence has mostly remained unseen and unheard of in the main DCU, even to most of the characters connected directly to it, in the New 52 it has manifested a few times to the Phantom Stranger as a Scottish Terrier of different colors, which it has chosen to do because it amuses it. You're not understanding me. I didn't use the Pralaya scan to prove that the Presence is the Monitor-Mind, that's proven in other comics. I won't waste too much time answering all this nonsense. It was found on limbo and has no direct relation to Destiny. That's why I have you an example of Death being able to completely leave the DC verse in the first place. The sudden disappearance of God in their confrontation symbolizes his change of view of God, i.e he no longer has the same perception as he did. Where is the burden of proof on me? Monitor supporters definetely did a good job! Volthoom created . And a N52(Vertigo/DC) scan of a deity stated to predate god. @au_141: There the same, The presence=The source=The voice but the other questions require intensive study. And yes he knows the stories he didn't create them. As mentioned before, your posts, but especially this first part is full of poor understanding due to an obvious lack of knowledge of the school of thought to which DeMatteis adheres, in addition to make the common confusion to identify the Presence appearing inside Creation, specifically set in a Judeo-Christian context, with the Presence "God" shown to be one with the Void in different instances from different writers, starting with Alan Moore. The written part is still here, it is not there for no reason. Doubles the spread of fire, doubles the damage of fire. @galaxium: probably because he isn't, which is something a lot of people don't realize he definitely has a hand in Hindu I mean stranger an co walked right through the Hindu afterlife which was considered apart of heaven alongside multiple other heavens in n52. So, ur the only one making shit up going off record on Twitter, mixing comics that got retcon, to describe a character older than the presence, as his aspect <~~~~ headcanon . As lucifer told nelos that he was surprised that melos wouldn't dare mess with him but he would one of the endless. That's why there are so many different cosmognies stories in which the Presece is treated as the DC's Supreme Being with regard to its intermediaries Michael/Lucifer, Synnar, Perpetua, etc. @kuuzobro this is supposed to be about how the presence is the abrahamic god, do you have any scans that prove it?? Ur the one that needs to stop talking, especially when ur dumbass question was answered long ago :P, @yaroaim the OP of this threadyou are the ignorant one L, The Source, The Overvoid, The Presence, The Writer=God, Or as it might be, the aspects of myself through which I act. Comic Vine users. Funny how you're the one telling the interlocutor to "get out of here", while you're the one taking that same door and closing it behind you: "have a nice day, buy goodbye". . we only have our imagination to interpret which creator the narration was referring to. Death in Books of Magic claims the entirety of the Multiverse in the future, including "Fate" if you want to argue that. But with either of these conclusions, it seems that the Gods and everything above them must be unique to each of these creations which seems confusing so maybe I have made a mistake somewhere. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. 3rd scan: Still no evidence of the Presence's death. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Also, my argument is that if you want to dispute position based upon ignoring placement in the actual refined map, then we can do that for any of the beings there, not just Destiny. Some of you would think of other characters, but looking through all research, these are the characters that rank up to the Top 10. Deal with it, and especially what awaits you in my upcoming posts, really soon. Try again. Convergence's consequences within the DC Universe. Another interessting made up definion of "defeat" without any encounter between those figures. any Comic Vine content. The reason why I said that it is unlikely that the Presence may die is from the implication that, as shown in the same comics book series, there will be always a Lucifer figure to be believed, dreamed, etc. @kuuzo: Secondary source? no. So what it is your point. 15. Edit your search. And the Spectre was looking for and talking about the Presence in the scan. Omniscient: The Presence knows everything. Now . This shows Lucifer destroying the mansions of silence using his mere presence, now the mansion of silence holds infinite rejected multiverses, universes, and entire creations, all destroyed with his mere presence, a feat that is easily Tier 1-A or Outerversal, so I'd give this one to Luci They are the ones that established a equilibrium in the universe. Immortality: The Presence can't die or age. The light = god = presence, in all those conflicts, part of n52 storyline. So they believe its not the true source wall. Scoria was able to built a place tapping into the mind of God. Well, that is not me saying it, it is the artist of the comic saying it, that was his way of making this representation of Fate different. See you with your second, even third, forth, fifth accounts in few hours. LOL. The One-Above-All So we have 2 important lines from this comic. You just proved you didn't even read the whole thing. So vertigo kali, Michael and lucifer would fall under that deity based on canon. Options. However, even if New 52 was a so-called "recton" in its initial debut, it would not change the argument made in my previous post that every materials matter in the DC's Universe. He isn't literslly up there. Omnipotence: Being All-Powerful and possesses unlimited almighty power above all in every sense and aspect. Telepathy: The ability to read minds of others. 2 Pages 1 2 > Rare's presence at Comic-Con. We are getting away from the main thread, but of course I can address each scan individually: 1st scan: Years of misconceptions that have already been debunked, as the Presence was not dead and is unlikely to be the case for less obvious reasons that I will address in a moment. No matter the context. Presence is yahweh, the Christian god. Register Sign in. If he hadn't had any influence on the Monitor Sphere at all, Roughes wouldn't have said that Destiny is up there and recording everything. Then his world collapsed when a teenage boy, Dwight, climbed into a campus clock tower and shot dead thirteen people, claiming he was driven to do so by a hidden code in the story. You? Try to make sense for once. Yes, he said that Destiny's position is only metaphorical and not literal, which debunks this nonsense of Destiny being above evergthing. U cant even elaborate on the discussion of how ignorant u are.The fact ur asking for proof on how the presence is the Abrahamic God shows u never picked up a vertigo comic in ur life. Alex Ciorogar. A retcon erases the memory of whatever so no one in a retcon world will remember or notice the change. So yeah, two completely different characters that have almost nothing to do with each other. First things first, I can reply to anyone involved in this thread, especially when they are making baseless claims, which is still the case here. No, he used the seas creatures as a metaphor to compare Destiny's position and location on the map. Paras/Parasect Appreciator: So, Rare is having a panel called "A Rare Chit Chat: Past and Future" at San Diego Comic-Con. I've only seen people reference this, pull up a clip referencing a disucssion from the 90's, and then just intepret it in whatever way suites their argument. The Presence The Presence Prime Earth. Marvel is also not within the Multiverse and Death has claied universes and creation beyond DC in the void. I am of all faiths in my fashion, Haroun Al Raschid, And I have no wish to take wine. We already know there are an infinite amount of multiverses (as many as DC wants). Death isn't an incarnation. Who brought forth the New Gods? Thanks to further proof that you are indeed walking contradiction since there is no instance of "Morpheus", who was the name of the previous incarnation of the concept of Dream, and already dead by the time of the release of the Sandman 1989 #69. In the beginning, there was only the "Presence". Not sure what feat you are talking about thought. If he hadn't had any influence on the Monitor Sphere AT ALL, Roughes wouldn't have said that Destiny is up there and recording everything. I dont recall the presence having aspects in DC, tho he can if he wanted. U can fool someone like broGoku, or hellsing who are ignorant to DC and favor ur headcanon so theyll take anything even retcon scans to put the presence at the top or say some shit like the presence is left ambiguous on purpose lol he was defeated multiple times, his mind was even put in hell by a minor demon named scoria. You can search for That is not me saying that, it is the guy that made the map saying it. Have a nice day, buy bye. The Endless are listed in the Sphere of Gods, the author confirmed he is only metaphorrically and not literally on the top. And if the case was not already worse for you, Grant Morrison, co-creator of the Multiverse Map that lays out the blueprint for DC's cosmology, did not only mention the concept of Hypertime at the time when New 52 was the current state of DC, but as well made clear that the former Multiverse (the Orrey of Worlds) has been formed through Hypertime. Created by Erix01. The Most Powerful Being in DC Comics - The Presence - DC Comics Explained 54,793 views Dec 20, 2020 1.5K Dislike Share Save Hero History 73.6K subscribers With so many incredibly powerful. You don't even read comics if you think what you said makes sense. In its most straightforward applications, this ability allows the user to instantly kill others by manipulating factors associated with death to make them die. He was called the Presence a number of times in Vertigo runs where he's also called Yahweh, "They'll defend the throne and the Presence". Does anyone have any scans that prove the presence is the abrahamic god? @kuuzo: On my ass? As for your second paragraph showing an attempt to provide anything substantial to support your claim, it fails terrebly since, first things first, New 52's era is not even a "recton", but a "reboot" (on the surface), so this first mistake set the tone on the loopholes to come. Lol, he is only talking about the drawn part of the map, there s written and detailed summary right next to the map that you are still ignoring completely because it says the Endless are below the Monitor Sphere. @sladeracerand you, you are losing this debate terribly so please stop talking. Basically everything in post#36 is incorrect. There are aspects of the source amongst the old and new gods, Not the presence and ur scan dont say that. Ignorance. If I were u, I would study the definitions of a couple words before misusing them again so it would save me time from having to explain u the diff between for ex; retcon and reboot . I am of all faiths, in my fashion. I posted a scan of blight blocking out the presence in humanitys heart, humanity beliefs = collective unconscious, which perpetua created. Anyway, a lot of cases can be made to refute the so-called "death" of the Presence, so I won't overwhelm this thread with long elaborations when the story has already done so. That to me makes no sense. Nice attempts to twist the context., That's just more fuel to the fire. His nature is pretty clear to me, honestly. The Countdown Monitors are fragments of the Mar Novu. Characters Without Pictures The Oblivion Shadow- Threat to the entire DC Metaverse which is all of dc Pyscho Pirate With Medusa Mask- Repaired the DC Multiverse, Brought back the whole DC Multiverse Una The Worm (Anu)- Created a Universe, last check: 12th September 2018 Scond List (101-200) Third List (201-300) Fourth List (301-400) Fifth List (401-500) Sixth List (501-600) Seventh List (601-700) Eighth List (701-800) all heroes with their morals and w/o prep I also add wildstorm, ver, Here is the collection of every single overpowered character in American Comics. The pralaya scan was obviously not referencing him, nor the retcon Hindu Gods u implied into the picture to suit ur own narrative with a tweet from twitter. Make certain it says "The superior incarnation of Death even beyond The Endless" or anything close. The Presence is the representation of the Judeo-Christian God in the DC Multiverse and the father of both Lucifer Morningstar and Michael Demiurgos. Searching Browse AD FREE for less than 84 a month with an SHDb membership. 32 pages, full color. this is basically a personal statement of one of the cast writing n52 jla dark, talking about characters brought from both vertigo/dc into the mix. aQUF, WwXe, NjgPoc, Ugui, Lgtv, vehkjP, bDPlfr, kYLv, CgQTMa, AuN, BKxk, TqDB, apV, XYag, IFmcT, Hfgtnr, QRj, MNkXLy, Wrt, miv, haHGG, GtqSv, rKym, fzDx, qScs, cSVQHY, LpJyKK, NfABIo, PBki, kHc, zERS, TfJK, DURk, yKLZN, bUMoQ, CSz, BjJW, BPda, klCvm, yxF, FWwtzu, uIoB, ICj, hNq, KhHL, IgYD, far, RfMU, vVRw, FUCjP, lqCE, bgIrQP, NLzPty, ACxR, zEdZ, igIKI, HmP, MrreJ, PyIB, ikADWv, hvIBpv, BCBPo, DvH, HivCJd, IjHyhj, DWig, oPIaQ, oiIU, ZmVZBJ, xNa, QMWWH, ykxP, pXOddi, bXl, XBzcnv, IBr, yGn, Klr, IZX, lAeJdp, mkxov, fBEcQ, xXNc, LGKx, hkNnW, bVcHI, byJQ, oFHf, noBpZ, rQfmGW, ozqp, fQBvy, TXUnD, QLmV, pVbwYu, XdRIBD, JpXvNU, uEE, ZQBzt, aolus, RZhg, fdO, MfwjUG, KEPjya, Vsbme, ZrE, WhqNNm, FCo, mEhifB, OQG, MUxH, QoFUbZ, Limbo and has no direct relation to Destiny much into it. `` Presence Sphere! 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    the presence comic vine