mediawiki page forms input types

mediawiki page forms input types

mediawiki page forms input types

mediawiki page forms input types

  • mediawiki page forms input types

  • mediawiki page forms input types

    mediawiki page forms input types

    If a field in the form is meant to hold the name of an uploaded file (say, an image), you can allow users to upload this file directly through the form. [MediaWiki-commits] [Gerrit] (bug 44636/bug 44689) Deleted properties handling by the Jav. Depending on the source of the values, you need to specify one of these two additional parameters: If you use the "structure" parameter, it should look something like this: You can also optionally set these parameters: You can see a sample form that uses this input type here. For pages that have an edit with form tab, you may want the regular edit tab to be renamed or even removed altogether. The parameter "delimiter=" can also be helpful, if the delimiter between values is meant to be something other than the default (a comma). It shows a dropdown list of values, from which the user can only choose one. To get values from the main namespace, use "Main", or just leave it blank. This will add a link reading "Upload file" next to this field in the form; if the user clicks on this link, it will pop up a "lightbox"-style window (using the. For multiple-instance templates, sspecifies the field that hold the end date of the event for two-date events. sets the last date the user is allowed to select. Thread View. To prevent "None" from showing up, you must make the field "mandatory", as well as making one of the allowed values the field's "default=" value. You can also set the height of the display using the height= parameter; the default is 200px. ; Upload protection prevents new versions of a file . (Example value for this parameter: "-20,-15;50,55".). DHTML (Dynamic HTML) is a combination of JavaScript, CSS and HTML. Well, this example may help: if a template is called "Restaurant" and it has template fields (not properties) named "Country" and "City", and you want the set of cities that are used for autocompletion to be only those cities in the country that the user selected, then the field tag for the City field should look something like: For example, if you had a list of three countries -- Uruguay, Germany, and Japan -- and were asked for a list of possible completions for "an", you would return: This also makes it easy to autocomplete on the values from another wiki. Clique aqui para comear um novo tpico. Collectively used to specify that this form field corresponds to a certain Cargo field, and should thus get the corresponding input type, autocompletion, etc. It is not possible to set the defaults to dynamic data, e.g. For example, the page for "MySillyFace.jpg" would be called File:MySillyFace.jpg, assuming the user does not change the filename in MediaWiki's upload dialog to something like File:MySexyFace.jpg. M t. Values can either come from a category tree within the wiki, or be set manually within the form definition. Pages that contain such syntax should always go in the "Form:" namespace (or, for non-English-language wikis, its equivalent in another language). With accent-folding, it doesnt matter whether users search for cafe, caf or even F; the results will be the same. Note that if you simply want to specify a default file to use such as "Imageneeded.png" the regular "default=Imageneeded.png" parameter will do. It is optional, and is usually not set, because its default value a comma plus a space is generally what's needed. How do you get users to forms to create the pages in the first place? #MEDIAWIKI edit Starting with Semantic MediaWiki 1.7.0 you can also use " MEDIAWIKI " behind the printout request to use the MediaWiki's i18n methods for time and date formatting. "year" is a simple text input that is used to get a year-only value for a date field. Specifies the maximum number of allowed values. specifies a "label" for this checkbox, which would go into a