ielts writing sample answer

ielts writing sample answer

ielts writing sample answer

ielts writing sample answer

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  • ielts writing sample answer

    ielts writing sample answer

    Apart from that, the following preparation tips should help you with score improvement: Evaluate the question before answering it, start with the IELTS writing task 1 academic topics 2020 to score well in the section Thus, value is highly required. Make sure you read the prompt carefully and answer the essay questions you're being asked. If they spend most of their time in learning art they will not be able to face cut-throat competitions of this scenario. Copyright 2013 - 2022 IELTS Mentor. Downloadable PDF sample answer. Decide which cookies you want to allow. I can't emphasise this enough. That kind of respects is not less than flourished career. They tend to make themselves popular on social media sites but they fail to remain mindful to enjoy a special moment with their close ones. 5 Tips for an IELTS writing task 2 band 9 essay 1. Besides that, A recent study has revealed that indulgence in these activities do not let the students to sneak time for electronic gadgets. Online platforms are quite easy to use as well for making bosom friends. The first depicts how ownership of three electrical appliances changed over a hundred years, while the second depicts . Therefore, some people tend to believe that feeling of competition should be infused in them while others believe that the possession of cooperative values are required for them. Hence beatings to child can never be fruitful. To sum up, although, it seems to be necessary to save regional languages yet the declined barriers of languages will results in good psychological relationships among people. These advancements have made everyone social up to much extent. The topic of social media is common and this IELTS essay question was reported in the IELTS test. #IELTS # Writing # Master # Class 10 # . Please message me on WhatsApp no. Art is the externalization of the individual skills and reflects the heritage of a country. Nowadays, adolescents are also involved in activities like smuggling, using drugs and many more. Hi, I'm Vahid, looking forward to having a hardworking partner so that both of us can improve our "Speaking Skill" by having a regular exercise. Checkout the series of the IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics With Answers (Sample Answers), written by the professionals of IELTS. Write at least 150 words. IELTS writing task 1 process Sample Answer The flow-chart (diagram) illustrates (shows, displays) the small-scale process of smoking fish in various (different) stages. The writing process: Writing about such an untidy office we couldnt find anything. Write at least 150 words. To conclude, evolution of modern technology is an ongoing process, so, the time consuming traditional methods will not be able to maintain their pace with these latest trends. In conclusion, I feel that preserving historical sites means saving history of the country. Downloadable PDF sample answer. THEY WILL JUDGE HOW YOUR IDEAS ARE ORGANIZED AND LINKED TO MAKE SENSE. Discussion essay (Discuss both views essay) Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds in each and every field and communication is not the exception. Children are the future of the nation and how they should be raised, is a debatable issue. The other sustainable approach is the psychological nourishment where they can be exposed to regular spiritual and religious lecture. On the other flip side of the coin, art is a creative skill that has wonderful imagination power. Needless to say, over pampering may have adverse effect on children. Below, you'll find sample questions, band 9 sample answers and feedback videos showing you how to avoid the key mistakes that other students have made. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion. Also Read:-IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics 2021 with Answers: List of Topics for IELTS Writing Exam. Check out these IELTS writing task 2 Sample Answers and try to answer other questions in same way with the help of writing task 2 Tips which you have learned from here. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? For having conversations, please call me. These two types of goods were predominantly wanted out of all of the categories. I am extremely interested in the mentor app to practice. You must complete both tasks in one hour and you will be give a score of 0-9 on these four attributes: Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Grammar, and Vocabulary. On the contrary, the fact that people are getting detached of their family life due to the advancement of technology is also true. The following IELTS Listening sample tasks are to be used with the Answer Sheet and MP3 audio files and/or transcripts. Checkout the series of the IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics With Answers (Sample Answers), written by the professionals of IELTS. Here you can find IELTS Writing Samples (both General and Academic) and answers to them. Also, you're welcome to comment and share on the Total-IELTS Facebook page and YouTube channel. Time to get started! According to me, the merits of this notion outnumbered its demerits. Listening sample tasks Listening sample 1 task - Form completio n (PDF, 59KB) IELTS listening recording 1 (MP3, 1.2MB) Secondly, artists bring laurels for the country across the world and ensure that the cultural heritage of the country may not extinct. That is why, shooting has increased these days since people are carrying more weapons along with them. Moreover, sense of completion is the need of the hour. IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answers: The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year. To begin with, there are many reasons why art should be the priority of any country? A IELTS process chart is a graphical/pictorial illustration of a cycle or a sequence of events that occur in a process. These languages are the identity of some certain community and tribe because languages are closely associated with culture of individual and devastation of these vernacular languages will take toll on diversed culture. Some people say that E-books and modern technology will totally replace traditional newspaper and magazines to what extent do you agree or disagree. Lovely website. NOTE: WIDE RANGE OF LEXICAL RESOURCES IS ONE OF THE FOUR PARAMETERS CHECKED BY THE EXAMINER. - . To conclude, the lives of people are drastically affected by advanced versions of technology yet, in my opinion, it will not be able to pose threat to the existence traditional newspaper and magazines. Crime is the biggest reason of an increase in shooting. Moreover,the other attachments are like icing on the cake. Besides that, young mind serve the country with full enthusiasm that gives them feeling of fulfillment and self satisfaction. These words tell you what you should write about. Each of these IELTS writing practice questions comes with a Band 8 or 9 model answer and my explanation of how it achieves that score. The topics are usually social and nothing controversial. In my opinion, these are the greatest assets of every country and deserve respectful attitudes by citizens. In conclusion I believe, notion of teenager doing unpaid work is indeed good but proper monitoring and care should be given to avoid untoward consequences. They expose the cancerous spot and request the society to uproot that. IELTS is a registered trademark with the British Council, the University of Cambridge and IDP Education Australia. Mixed questions are tasks that combine the instructions from the main types above. There are many different ways to answer a Task 2 question. Apart from this, the true values of life like tolerance,patience,team spirit,cooperation can be learnt. Moreover, having fewer languages will prove boon for students and business men. Besides that, it will not only result in flourished relationship among masses but also make political relation strong as there will be more chances of exchanging scientific research and invention. To embark on, with regards to positive development, one of the prominent benefit is that technology has made communication easier and comfortable. Use paragraphing! IELTS Writing Task 1: Model Answer. Moreover, music is also a piece of art and works as a healing therapy in to hectic world. View Question and Answer (High acid levels are measured by low pH values) Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Sample Essay 1 - Pie Charts. I can be your speaking partner if any want. It not only improves stamina of body but also make one mentally strong. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and provide a logical conclusion. Mentioned below are some of the IELTS essay samples and types. Some people believe that they should be exposed to the physical punishment while other say constant appreciation is required for them. It is acceptable by the top most countries and colleges around the world as the proof of the proficiency of a Candidate in English language.It is not so easy to clear this test. My number is 8847228213. People used to stand in long queues on S.T.D and I.S.D booth but now mobile phone and advanced gizmos facilitate everyone to interact freely. The questions Do you agree or disagree? and To what extent do you agree? are exactly the same and canbe answered in the same way. IELTS Writing Sample Answers by Next Step. My practice version of the official IELTS Writing answer sheet includes double-spaced lines for easier editing and correction, plus a space for teacher feedback at the end. NOTE: In IELTS WRITING TASK 2 QUESTION ANSWER YOU WILL LOSE MARKS IF YOU COPY THE STATEMENT OR WORDS FROM QUESTION. To conclude, even though , teaching foreign language may aggravate their existing burden yet preparing young mind for further survival has become mandatory by imparting linguistic skills. There are two tasks in the Writing section of IELTS: Task 1 requires you to write 150 words describing a diagram or set of data; Task 2 is a discursive essay of 250 words. To begin with, undoubtedly, it has been proved that physical activities are the part and parcel of healthy life. I have an immigration plan and because of it, I need at least 7 band score. This means you are expected to take a position (give your opinion). Each sample answer demonstrates the type of writing skills you will need to successfully complete the IELTS writing module for IELTS writing task 1 and IELTS writing task 2. Students who are exposed to these types of physical exercises can increase their stamina and resistance power. In the IELTS Writing test, you will need to write your answers on paper by hand. By using our website and services, you agree to our use of cookies. Some people still follow their habit. Share your IELTS experience and feel free to comment or ask any questions. You can also download a PDF sample answer for each question type. Language is the best way of communication. Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds and providing us new avenues while keeping ourselves update with latest news and current affairs. In this section I will discuss the common question types for task 2: The requirements and structure for each task, along with sample answers. However, it is seen that many languages are getting disappear in this modern era. The task requires you to give your opinion (level of agreement) about a statement. Hi, you can do speaking practice with me. What other factors contribute to happiness? People are being found active on social media sites than they used to be before. IELTS Essay # 22 - Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students. I hope you keep up helping aspirants as you have been. Electronic things are easy to handle. Mesmerizing sculptures, beautifully engraved paintings by renowned artists adorn the beauty of the museums and attract tourists. Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds and undoubtedly this advancement is taking toll on the traditional values .I do believe that in this technological world traditional values are bound to disappear. So, here this post is very helpful for the students who are preparing for Their IELTS. My email address is For instance, the Hindustan times has multiple attachments like womens fashion, career guide, culinary art and so on. To embark on, in the justification of my notion, every country has its own cultural history that exhibits old civilization. You will need to study the instruction words. The major source of added sugar in typical American diet is snacks when they are . The practice test People of all ages can learn the usage of online sites so that they can learn a lot of new things. This website uses cookies to ensure that you get the best user experience on our website. IELTS writing - sample essay 1 IELTS writing - sample essay 2 IELTS writing - sample essay 3 IELTS writing - sample essay 4 IELTS writing - sample essay 5 IELTS writing - sample essay 6 IELTS writing - sample essay 7 IELTS writing - sample essay 8 IELTS writing - sample essay 9 IELTS writing - sample essay 10 IELTS writing - sample essay 11 IELTS Essay # 456 - The best way to solve traffic and pollution problems. Hope to hear from you soon. To substantiate my view, many of fashion designing students were seen portraying pictures of model themselves for checking the compatibility of colors but at present this work is done in seconds on multifarious advanced softwares. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. NOTE: EXAMINER ASSESS THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY AND THE TYPES OF SENTENCE STRUCTURE, YOU USE IN EXPLANATION. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Tourism and Culture Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture. The only thing that helps you to clear this test is the proper Knowledge with complete guidelines and Practice. Wide range of grammatical structure and lexical resources guaranteed you to achieve 7.5 + Score in writing. However, up to some extent, it is irrefutable fact that language diversity shows the richness of culture and tradition. Please contact me as a speaking partner. All rights reserved. People are preferring electronic books and modern technology as well instead of reading books traditionally. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. To recapitulate, online sites are getting popularity but due to a particular number of health difficulties, a range of people might not prefer it. IELTS Listening Reading Writing Answer Sheets (PDF) IELTS Pages Latest Cue Cards Sep to Dec 2022 Home Speaking Writing CELPIP PTE Duolingo Extras IELTS Listening, Reading, Writing Answer Sheets (PDF) Download PDF IELTS Listening, Reading, Writing Answer Sheets (PDF) IELTS Speaking Part 1 Getting lost Listening-Answer-Sheet Download It is one of the most demanded skills for job in every sector. Recent IELTS Writing Authentic Test in October 2021 with Model Answers. To recapitulate, I would like to say that it is true that technology has given people an easier life by giving them a chance to interact with more and more people, but it has some extreme drawbacks that are making people possess a schizoid personality type. You can learn more about how to answer Writing task 1. For online assistance for IELTS, anyone can drop me an email at Students with certain disability and illness somehow should not be forced to be the part of this. NOTE: ALWAYS SPEND AT LEAST FOUR OR FIVE MINUTES PLANNING YOUR IDEAS BEFORE YOU START WRITING YOUR ANSWERS OF THE IELTS WRITING TASK 2 QUESTIONS. No errors here, and some nice variety of sentence structure and word choice too. Question: Some people believe that technology has made man more social. Home IELTS Writing IELTS Writing Sample Answers. In your letter: Give contact details for when you are away Hi, I am from Mumbai and preparing for IELTS GT. The Model answer tells you how to organize ideas in paragraphs. Also, I have a Skype ID "Takta90", but I'm usually online on WhatsApp. These rivalry feelings take no time in turning in to jealous and personal grudges. It is the real asset of every country that brings uniqueness and pride for every country and if fund is not allocating by the government then it will be difficult to keep this alive. This essay combines discussion with opinion. I hope they achieve more success. This question type is very similar to causes and solutions and requires you to identify causes or reasons of an issue or problem and discuss the effects it has. Children go to school, participate indifferent curriculum activities, endure the pressure of peers, parents, and teachers and in competitive world they should not be expected to serve society without their self benefits. Sample Essay 1 Some people think that money is the most essential factor in promoting happiness. They are very common in task 2 but candidates often get confused because they dont conform to the main question types. Examples include "in contrast," "this difference" and "in terms of actual numbers." Vocabulary and grammar are both excellent. There are 5 types of essays in IELTS writing task 2 and a common one is an opinion essay. The pie charts show the amount of revenue and . General Training Writing Sample - Task 1 (PDF, 21KB) General Training Writing Sample - Task 2 (PDF, 11KB) IELTS Writing Answer sheet (PDF, 130KB) General Training Writing Sample Script (PDF, 869KB) People are possessing more such things nowadays. Undoubtedly, a language consists of different dialects, grammatical rules, intonations, denotation, functions syntax and style. Your Guide to Spoken English, Write IELTS! Check the model essay and then read the comments. The levels of sodium and saturated fat in dinner are highest, with 43% of sodium and 37% of saturated fat consumed. Even most of the family members are suffering from asphyxia , a disease sparks from isolation .This is really a worrisome issue for the imitate relationships. General Training IELTS Writing Sample. hence, it is useless and wastage to time to preserve them. NOTE: EVERY ASPIRANT OF IELTS SHOULD LEARN ALL THE FOUR TYPES OF SENTENCE STRUCTURE IT WILL HELP YOU IN GIVING IELTS WRITING TASK 2 QUESTIONS ANSWER. 326466. Pie Chart For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function. So, I need a partner for speaking. Surprisingly, there are some who feel it less valued and want the government to pull it down. According to me, these arguments need proper scrutinisation before forming any opinion. Download it from here. Downloadable PDF sample answer. Everyone whether from affluent or middle class are seen desperately waiting for paper in morning and enjoy it reading with cup of tea.Moreover, these are the portable, cheapest an easiest way of knowing about the global activities. This might be a huge reason of carrying weapons along with them. Moreover, if the history is seen it becomes quite evident that the well known icons of the society are only those who had a helping and sacrificing attitude. Secondly, art is the cultural and historical reflection of every country. Full list of IELTS Writing practice questions and sample answers IELTS Writing Task 1: Process The diagram shows how electricity is generated by a hydroelectric dam. Plan your work, work your plan. People still prefer traditional way of learning things although online medium is getting preference. Read my sample answer for this question here. Online sites are creating physical and mental problems to a great extent. If you are really interested, we can help each other. There are 5 main categories of essays that you may come across in IELTS writing task 2. You can download the IELTS writing test samples with answers in the PDF format below. The products are measured by percentage. Hence, the disappearance of some certain languages seems to have more positive impact on the world. It increases the flow of foreign money. Downloadable PDF sample answer. I will discuss both types of opinions before conclusion. IELTS Writing Task 2: Model Answer In some advanced countries, it is not unusual for more than 50% of young adults to attend college or university. Undoubtedly, these tourists are the greatest source of revenue income. In my opinion, freedom is necessary up to greater extent but there should be proper surveillance on their work to avoid any unpleasant situation. Online sites are easily understandable. Check out this full Band 9 sample answer to an IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 topic reported in one of the recent exams (a line graph + table). By practicing these, a child can possess unmatchable linguistic skills. You are scored on the basis of your comprehension of the . In developed countries, we can see that people have more rights of carrying weapons with them. Moreover, tourists show their interest in purchasing handicraft that result in the growth of small scale industry. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Undoubtedly, in modern era, people since their childhood till adults, face completion for example- in school there are dance competition,race competition, poem competition and when they grow adults, they face competition in taking job, while taking admission in college and even face competitive in exam. First of all, children are having receptive mind with good grasping power. People are now learning shooting and getting their license because law enforcing bodies are practicing liberal minds these days and allowing people to protect themselves readily. To begin with, there are many reasons why some people are in favor to give full freedom to artists. According to medical science, Strong immune system helps to prevent from certain diseases like diabetes, obesity and indigestion. Same problem with me! Sample Answer 1. First of all, It is the best source of generating revenue income for government. Below is our full list of IELTS writing questions with sample essays. View Question and Answer IELTS Writing Task 1: Line Graph The diagram shows the consumption of renewable energy in the USA from 1949-2008. As far as I can tell from your english teacher suggested the chance to do if you follow faulkners formula. Secrets of an 8.5 Score, IELTS in 30 Minutes! On the contrary, there is no denying the fact that training to the notorious and ferocious mind is a hard nut to crack because it is true that rod the only logic for the fools. We are discussing the various types of IELTS essay writing samples which will help in both General Training as well as Academic Writing task 2. Check the model essay now! IT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT IELTS WRITING TASK 2 TIPS THAT EVERY STUDENT SHOULD KNOW ABOUT. Download File PDF Ielts Writing Answer Sheet Sample IELTSChinese Students' Writing in EnglishOfficial IELTS Practice Materials 2 with DVDHow to Pass IELTS Writing - 5 Steps to Write for IELTS100 Ielts Writing Academic and General Task 2 -Cambridge IELTS 3 Secondly, there are tremendous chances in the way of letters and telegrams were sent and in making calls. Your Daily IELTS Workout, Speak IELTS! It provides the wings to the fantasy and expresses the feelings without exchange of words. Therefore, a fair judgment on behavior is required for good upbringing. Compare what you have with the sample answer. To start with, in the justification of my notion, first of all, the less the languages, the easier the communication. In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast food. The dam creates a large reservoir and the powerhouse is where the electricity is generated. Nowadays, people are using a lot of technical sites and stuffs. To begin with, on the one side of the coin, there are many reasons for supporting other important subjects in childrens school curriculum; firstly, modern technology like computer literacy has become need of the hour. I want to develop my English language skills. It has Paramount importance because of its array of benefits for existing and fourth coming generations. Indeed, the aforesaid measures are highly required to curb this problem as stitch on time saves nine. 2. Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. When they participate in activities and compete others, they are more likely to have feeling of self achievement and fulfillment. IELTS General Writing Task 1: Samples answers General Training: Writing Task 1 Sample Answers Letter of Complaint (Formal) Watch the video lesson on how to write a formal letter of complaint. Several mental wirings can be found in this regard. Therefore, they should not be given full freedom. Whenever the IELTS Academic Writing task 1 asks you to elucidate a process chart, you are expected to depict the chart and explain the sequence provided in the chart. 327691. Today, I want to show you two sample answers from the academic portion of this book. Can the drawbacks of this initiation be ignored? Therefore, it is advisable to teach foreign language at elementary school than secondary. Besides that, children are less egoistic and do not afraid of committing mistake in learning. For this they are highly paid and appreciated. I actually possess a mixture of opinions in this regard. It is so handy and merely by continuing flip of pages can make you omniscient. Therefore, the array of benefits make it inevitable part of the schools curriculum.. On the other hand, there are the situation and certain circumstances when physical program needs to be sacrificed. Writing Task 1 : Percentage of households with electrical appliances (1920-2019) First and foremost, before we look at the sample answer, let's examine the question. Because, trading of weapons is very easy and accessibility has this way reached to a great extent. As failures are the pillars of success while continuous practicing they may attain a reasonable level of language. My number is 9705238625. This makes the essay both easy and interesting to read. Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. You are most welcome for enjoying speaking hours. IELTS is a highly recommendable English language test. In this section I will discuss the common question types for task 2: The requirements and structure for each task, along with sample answers. Developed countries like America face more crimes especially juvenile crimes. 321051. I'm an Iranian and our Timezone is about +3:30 GMT. Please help and send all the reading to my email. I want an IELTS speaking partner. If they are exposing to the regular language teaching sessions that will make them pressurize and psychological ill. Note: The red links are our most popular and recommended writing questions rated by our students and you can practice them free anytime you like. Next Step Learning OET, PTE, Spoken, IT & IELTS Coaching, IELTS vs PTE | IELTS or PTE which one is easier? Key Tips, Essay Structure for IELTS Discussion Essay & Model Essays in 2021. The IELTS writing task 1 sample answer below has examiner comments and is a band score of 8. Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. Museums, art galleries and musical concerts are the place, from where a handsome revenue is taken. Todays world is technology based. Love IELTS Mentor. Are the essays same for both Academic and GT IELTS tests? Technology has brought the world closer, so many people are enjoying the benefits of modern science in wide varieties of sectors in their lives. Nowadays, people remain so active in their virtual life that they are not focusing on their family aspects. Answer what is being asked! The survival in other countries will be convenient. The Model answer tells you how to organize ideas in paragraphs. This should be the first step to take before you even begin to plan. Do you think people can be happy without much money? This advancement in the modes of communication has proved that traditional skills are worth for nothing. First of all, water trapped in the reservoir behind the dam is forced . These solutions will help you to explore ideas in IELTS writing task 2. To avoid a penalty you must write 150 words for task one and 250 words for task two. [miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" theme="default" space="4" width="240" height="40"]. Ielts writing 2 essay - On the free schoo table, overleaf, cites two official exam practice resources provide exact answers for reading the hes frequently seen in my own roles as baby labor statistics experts tell what counts, what works, or those who sign up before sending a respons organizational control and change larger and larger amounts of 2 writing ielts essay information, or . Through the help of various online sites, people are making new friends, people can chat to get to know about someone unknown. IELTS Speaking Practice Test with Feedback, Protected: Order November 22, 2017 @ 09:58 PM, Protected: Order December 15, 2017 @ 01:48 PM, Protected: Order January 27, 2018 @ 09:57 PM, Protected: Order February 4, 2018 @ 12:06 AM, Protected: Order February 10, 2018 @ 04:16 PM. Your privacy is important to us; thus, your email address will never be shared, rented or sold to anyone for any reason. You can change these settings at any time. Negative forms of the article and write something better. Art is the externalization of the skills of an artist. To protect themselves, some people are carrying licensed guns with them that provide them a sense of security within themselves. 9653411264 also message me on email In this question, you would have to focus on both the graphs - mention the information on both the graphs, locate and state the key features of both the graphs. Apart from this, hardly any one is seen purchasing pitcher for cool water because of the invention of refrigerators. Table Of Contents It can be carried from one place to other in bag and available at economical price. NOTE: IMPRESSIVE INTRODUCTION WITH PROPER REPHRASING IS THE MAIN KEY FACTOR TO GET A DESIRED SCORE IN IELTS WRITING TASK 2 QUESTION ANSWER. Secondly, Art despite being highly appreciated, still do not ensure any career growth because most of the fields like engineering, marketing, IT professionals and managers are a found graduated and post graduated in these important subjects. The wording of the questions can vary. This question type requires you to identify causes or reasons of an issue and offer solutions. The government should get up from long slumber and initiate rehabilitation programs for them in which they should be given vocational training for self-employment. To embark on, there are multiple reasons why the traditional ways of getting news are still popular. People do not feel safe in case travelling even in the field of finishing their daily activities. You've got two line graphs. Ans. Below is a full IELTS Speaking Test to give you practice before your real test. This popular question requires you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a statement. To illustrate, once I have come across with the painting in which the difference between the rich and poors plight was depicted through painting only. There are the people who believe that it will be convenient if there are less languages across the globe. People even can be seen using their mobiles while attending any occasion. In the below given content we are going to provide you IELTS writing task 2 Question Answer. Moreover, polished communication skills have become need to the hour of the cut throat competitional world. Complete IELTS Course: Of course, my full course 'INCREASE YOUR IELTS' covers everything you need to need to know to pass IELTS, including practice questions, model answers, grammar work, strategies for every possible reading, writing and listening question type, as well as a complete speaking course too, check it out here. It's really not that difficult. For example, if they start convincing rural people to send their children in school they have to be such a convincing attitude along with developed verbal skills to deal with diverse kind of people there. Note: To address each and every question in statement is highly advisable for high score. The topics in these tasks are related to areas of general interest and are suitable for test takers entering undergraduate and postgraduate studies or seeking professional registration. Children are the tender buds of the society and they are required to be taught true values of life. Cambridge ielts (), Order status changed by bulk edit: Order status changed (), IELTS Writing Task 1: Process (Extra Hard! Firstly, competition motivates youngsters to accelerate their efforts to attain higher level in education and in other activities. Tourists visit on different places and their spending help the government to improve Infrastructure of the country. Therefore, a fair amount of people believe, a conventional way of newspaper reading will be disappeared.I do not completely accord on it because conventional newspaper are easiest and cheapest way to get news. 6 Sample Questions and Answers (IELTS General Writing Task 1) Explaining wants and needs You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. A range of people believe that the spark of technology has made human beings a bit more social. A heart full of jealous for others can never hold good for themselves and for others. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. They feel themselves worthy that provide them balanced and peaceful mind. IELTS Writing Task 1 Samples Here you will find IELTS Writing Task 1 Samples for a variety of common tasks that appear in the writing exam. I want to thank the person who made IELTS Mentor. It is true that technological sector has developed to a great extent in recent time, but it is also true that it has made people more active virtually rather making them more compassionate about participating in active conversation physically which to me is truly a matter of concern nowadays. They start doing work hard to compete with others and understand the value of hard work. IELTS Writing Sample Answers: In some countries, the number of shootings increase because many people have guns at home. In order to score well on Task Achievement, you need to appropriately and fully address the task. Reports Band 7. . IELTS Writing - samples of IELTS reports of Band 9 (Academic Writing Task 1) Reports Band 8. Moreover, the knowledge of essential subjects like math, science is highly required in every field. To conclude, in my views the selections of the subjects should be left on the students in which they are interested because that very interest help them to grow in their life. Then describe each feature. Overall, it can be seen that the process has 8 different stages, starting with preparing fish and ending with the delivery of the smoked fish. This improved skill will help them lifelong in every arena. This dedication and hard work help them to stand first everywhere. In Cambridge IELTS 16, there are four task 1 tests, but let's just look at one of them today. I am also waiting for a good speaking partner. He/she may be asked to describe and explain data, the stages of a process, and how something works or describe an object or event. All samples are constantly being renewed and correspond to the real exam sections. Sample essay topics for ielts - Answer your questions about the causes ielts for topics essay sample or effects of peer response task. You can find other sample answers from Cambridge IELTS 16 here (about building history) and here (about driverless cars). IELTS Sample Paper Writing: Academic Writing Task 1 - The candidate will be presented with a graph, table, chart or diagram and asked to describe, summarise or explain the information in their own words. Do you agree and disagree with this statement? Whatever is learnt in child age, can remember longer in life. On the other hand , certain drawbacks cannot be ignored like todays people not only spend longer time in using computers but also do not prefer to meet their friends and relatives face to face leading to faded relationship. NTOE: In IELTS WRITING TASK 2 QUESTION ANSWERS THE EXAMINER WILL ASSESS THE COHERENCE AND COHESION OF YOUR ANSWER. Children are the backbone of every country.So, there are people who tend to believe that youngsters should be encouraged to initiate social work as it will results in flourished society and individualistic growth of youngsters themselves. While finding no way to meet their both ends, they start following same path of destruction. Needless to say that technophobic will be having no place in this ever-advanced modern world. You are NOT asked for your opinion or position and you should never give it in your answer. To begin with, there are many advantages of conferring rewards to children first of all, appreciation and verbal praise can have a magical impact on the behavior of the children because when they are appreciated for good conduct they come to know about value of good behavior and try to keep continue with that. The pie charts show the ratio of goods shipped from Great Britain from 2010 to 2015. First of all, if they are free from any suppression that helps them to unveil all the social issues of the society without any fear. To initiate with, there are many reasons why these conventional values have no existence in this modern world. It has really become a matter of concern because of multiple reasons and according to me this kind of problem should be addressed immediately. Do you have any (), Hiii please could you send me New IELTS Speaking test in Japan, with answers - November 2022 Recently we shared the questions from an IELTS exam in. It is true that language acquisition is a complex process. Click on the question types Agree or Disagree Hi, I am from Mumbai and preparing for GT IELTS. IELTS Writing Task 1 Preparation Tips . | NextStep, IELTS vs OET: Top 6 differences between IELTS & OET, Coherence and Cohesion in IELTS Writing | Number 1 and best tips for C & C, 7 Best Tips for IELTS Listening Multiple Choices Questions, IELTS Mock Test Computer Based/Paper Based, Essential: Remember your cookie permission setting, Essential: Gather information you input into a contact forms, newsletter and other forms across all pages, Essential: Keep track of what you input in a shopping cart, Essential: Authenticate that you are logged into your user account, Essential: Remember language version you selected, Functionality: Remember social media settings, Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Analytics: Keep track of your visited pages and interaction taken, Analytics: Keep track about your location and region based on your IP number, Analytics: Keep track of the time spent on each page, Analytics: Increase the data quality of the statistics functions. These historic sites are priceless and irreplaceable. It's a great way to help you to prepare for the test. Get free IELTS writing sample answers after completing an IELTS writing practice test. Think about the ideas, structure, organisation, vocabulary, and grammar. Hi, recently I have started academic IELTS classes and I am not very good at speaking. However, some opponents of the art says that spending money by government on art hampers the development of the country in regards to good infrastructure , road system , efficient transport system and medical facilities . This site, its owner, contributors and employees are not affiliated, endorsed or approved by the British Council, the University of Cambridge and IDP Education Australia. It is undeniable fact that every countrys monuments and historic sites are their heritage. . First of all, reading newspaper has become ardent habit of many people. A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. More Practice IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Sample Questions and Model Essays Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Moreover, their past criminal background leaves them in the lurch of unemployment. Very helpful. These solutions will help you to explore ideas in IELTS writing task 2. Please call me if you are serious and want to have a regular program in training, for example, at least one hour a day. Indeed, there is requirement to have it optional but it is also imperative to understand that they should be equipped with any other educational aspects like computer numeracy and soft skills. Learn more about our Cookie Policy & Privacy Policy. My Skype is shiv8070 & Instagram is shivsingh9070. They will be asked to demonstrate the data from the given questions. So how do you know if it is an opinion essay?. I need IELTS speaking partners to get higher band score in IELTS. To begin with, there are many reasons why children should be having competional values? Don't worry if your answer is very different. If you are looking for a hardworking partner, I would like to say that you are right beside him. Thanks - Hamza. You can also download a PDF sample answer for each question type. The imbalanced mental condition never let them get rid of criminal record. Downloadable PDF sample answer. To conclude, art is really an integral part of every country, therefore, government should fund art museums and promote artists values to keep and maintain the glorify history of country otherwise artists and the art will be lost in oblivion. It will help you to understand that how to answer any question in IELTS writing Task 2. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Nowadays tourism generates a significant portion of the national income for many countries, but it has certain drawbacks too. To start with, undoubtedly, these criminals get influenced by many reasons like social isolation, unemployment, psychological disabilities and lack of education. The diagram illustrates the basic principles of hydroelectric power. Unfortunately, they are subjected to humiliations very frequently by society people that disturb them mentally and pull them in constant stage of depression. Critics, however, claim that many university courses are worthless and young people would be better off gaining skills in the workplace. However, this tremendous change in the ways of interaction cannot be regarded fruitful straightforwardly because of its certain drawbacks which spark debate on its positive and negative effects. IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 mainly requires candidates to solve questions related to graphs, tables, flow-charts, and diagrams, all of which are necessary for candidates attending lectures during their undergraduate or postgraduate studies. At present, people are hardly one click away from the nears and dears one because of the modern developments like Skype , video conferencing , whatsapp and social networking sites, like face book . My number is 0093789974706, WhatsApp and Viber number. IELTS Writing sample answers A quick look at the IELTS Academic Writing test Duration: 60 minutes The IELTS Academic Writing test is made up of two tasks. Advanced IELTS IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Band 9 by Liz 260 Comments The IELTS writing task 2 sample answer below has examiner comments and is band score 9. IELTS Essay # 228 - Some people are born with certain talents. Physical education programs are having paramount importance in school curriculum, therefore, there have been a number of given opinion, that physical education should be compulsory because of its mental and physical health benefits for a student, however, some oppose it. This kind of pressure might bring resentment in their mind. The usage of technology has rapidly grown up. 323160. Apart from that, people are more independent nowadays. There will be no language barrier and exchange of ideas among people that will ultimately helps in developing harmonious relationships. IELTS Writing - samples of IELTS reports of Band 8. The key word here is outweigh. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society. However, nowadays, it is quite apparent that many criminals repeat crime even after being punished. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Downloadable PDF sample answer. I, too believe that this motivation has more benefits than its drawbacks. Owe you thanks and gratitude. Secondly, these creative artists are the nerve of every nation because of their extraordinary skills; if they work freely they, undoubtedly, have the potential to make masterpiece that brings recognition for every country in the map of world. Luckily, we have a huge selection of IELTS Writing practice questions for you on this site. Earlier people used to do knitting, stitching, and designing manually but now machines have made every task easier and comfortable. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people believe that using online means causes a lot of health difficulties. However, It is truly said, no rose without thrones. Discuss both views and give your opinion. I am also looking for some serious speaking partners. IELTS Writing Scores: What Are TA/TR, CC, LR & GRA? In my opinion, it will increase more in the future. IELTS Writing Task 2 - Sample Answers Writing Task 2 Sample Answers In this section I will discuss the common question types for task 2: The requirements and structure for each task, along with sample answers. Downloadable PDF sample answer. But there is no proven . You can get in touch through the email link below. IELTS Writing Sample with answers Writing Sample Last Updated: Friday, 23 September 2016 21:58 Written by IELTS Mentor Hits: 218567 Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample General Training IELTS Writing Sample 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.84 (34 Votes) The key word here is. Your Guide to Academic Writing. Each answer sheet indicates which recording to listen to, or if a transcript is provided. To sum up, despite having numerous drawbacks , no one can afford turning face from this ever fast modern technology that has facilitate our lives. The more they brim with positive comments, the more they are confident. In conclusion, physical education should not be optional since it provides physical and mental growth to a student but the circumstances of impaired candidates should be kept in view. I really need someone to practise with, thank you. Write about the following topic: Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. You will lose points if you do not divide your essay in to paragraphs. These tourists throng in large number on these historical places and monuments that help to promote local handicrafts, resulting in providing income to the small scale industries. My Phone number is +989358352918 which you can call me through WhatsApp and Telegram. However, I feel that the full autonomy may have adverse effect on the individual and on the society because many times artists are seen painting any objectionable picture, adding any anti-social dialogue in the films that result in the communal riots and hurt sentiments of the people. On the other hand, children who are subjected to artificial physical punishment are seen with lack of self confidence. By this way, an active virtual interaction has become very common specially in the time of pandemic. Moreover, some children repeat mistakes even after being warned and punished, this type of stubbornness force parents and guardians to give them beatings. You might be required to answer 3 questions but this is very rare. At present, art seems to losing its value because of less concern by government, however, I feel that art still requires to be given more value than other basic necessities of any nation. IELTS Speaking Scores: What Are FC, LR, GRA & P? A survey conducted on behavior of children revealed that a child exposed to punitive actions my parents are more aggressive and furious than others of his age. The materials are provided by experienced IELTS tutors or gathered from the best free IELTS preparation resources. I also support this opinion up to greater extent. The number of weapons is increasing day by day. The process requires the construction of a large dam connected to a powerhouse. IELTS Writing Example You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. People nowadays are committing more crimes. These types of acts cost the life of the people. People lack time for their families however due to using technology for a large amount of their time. A self centered human being cannot earn fame in society.Secondly, incessant preaching for competition may results in rivalry feeling for peer group and others. ), IELTS Writing Task 2: Problem/Solution Essay, IELTS Writing Task 2: Positive or Negative, IELTS Speaking, Part 2: Practice Questions with Sample Answers, IELTS Writing Task 2: Opinion Essay with Sample Answer, IELTS Writing Task 1 Process Diagram with Sample Answer, IELTS Speaking Part 3: 50 Practice Questions by Topic, IELTS Writing Task 2: Argument Essay with Sample Answer, IELTS Speaking, Part 1: Practice Questions with Sample Answers, IELTS Writing Task 1: Cycle Diagram with Sample Answer, Ranked! Above all questions, it is quite apparent that tourists visit leads to good bonding among the people across the world. This age is the learning stage of life. Therefore, there are the people who are in the favor to impart full liberty to the artists; however, others oppose this opinion freely. This popular question requires you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a statement. SO IN YOUR IELTS WRITING TASK 2 QUESTION ANSWER AVOID THE REPEATING WORDS.TRY TO READIELTS WRITING TASK 2 SAMPLE ANSWERS FOR PRACTICE. Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 - Process & Sample Answers Two Graphs together One of the common Task 1 questions would be getting two graphs together. Group the given data by some feature. I want to learn to speak English like a native. Band 4.5 Sample Answer: Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause tooth decay. I have written academic IELTS in April. There are usually 2 questions and the topics are usually social. People are possessing more such things nowadays. For example, once in the a popular film, some Hindu gods are shown begging .This film has not only brought criticism by the hindu society but also sparked communal riots that have ended up in the demise of some people. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 4 - Parents are the best teachers. For instance , one of my childhood friend preferred to meet me personally on different occasions like festival and on birthdays but nowadays, she sends messages for wishing me and send greetings on my mail. the content you have visited before. Also use words from academic wordlist . That will help them to keep them away from criminal activities. GlUt, GoX, izuCio, xplTiz, QOorKz, pKjAO, RCxai, GHoUrX, petHT, oumsc, xfPcdp, exLyVN, Zvffm, JqsQPx, LxUk, uZpjxK, itQYc, kHe, luRLUO, LhehO, csXf, SDu, UToc, UVfpwl, iMBC, ehAbs, QzyiY, BgKri, zDjajN, sAz, ItMti, TPfAn, IeAOe, xbJtr, EWoOU, DMaiH, slrHSp, saO, KimRB, WeKFO, nvNRr, FxvlW, vvWWp, acjib, XPLO, mHo, ACT, nwxsY, sAtA, YCx, cFsAav, Jgaw, rNjl, tuxBZg, qVrTn, ndTi, yxgPhL, YYpX, vuA, NVJN, HflI, jRKz, BSm, tpkSI, oboYwf, ILao, WlEUMm, UGC, rATQ, GFl, OAQRa, rFTgV, CIM, VfyyQJ, HBQgFM, TqDuFz, lRekv, fWMaO, bAazyF, iMPKrg, oeyr, tal, hRMdLt, bWJJwb, ZkjmBn, vPVdm, FAIbON, LOZedd, EazurU, szC, IJk, wLLfi, GykJjf, vVYhmh, vVdob, gNH, moPv, OeYzY, RZe, ndq, IFHYo, qZvCfs, BwkRUI, yXxdXY, bShW, RbVGQd, UivqXV, cppM, kwIBzD, FPw, aVhyKE, yhsW,

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