human design sense action

human design sense action

human design sense action

human design sense action

  • human design sense action

  • human design sense action

    human design sense action

    The magic of Human Design is that it offers us a user manual that points the way to knowing and loving ourselves. The information is invaluable. They are here to be inspiring to others with their concrete ways. Your Motivation is found in the top right arrow. Conditioning is said to come from external people, energies, and experiences through our open centers. Free of frustration? In Human Design people say that other people condition you. Nature: The Watcher I suggest you check it out when it is available. Perhaps you notice your anger tends to be more rebellious, or more complicit. You will find it a couple of rows below your Type. Guilt isnt the truth. Mind driving Color:Desire Human Design Foundational Reading. Thats partly because unlike other energy types, they have the power of initiation. Many people have had a great deal of success using these tools to bring ease to their lives. (You can learn more about how to apply your Authority in a personal Reading.). These are the parts of our chart that are white. In groups, peoples sense of themselves and the group is mirrored through the Reflector. Want to learn how you are designed to nourish your body with food to maximize the functioning of your brain, and maintain your optimal health and achieve longevity? more information Accept. When you move more into alignment, the invitations, the recognition, the success and most importantly the feeling that is birthed within you is drastically different when you are living out of alignment. Of course, as Evelyn knows, having the cross of tension with the 48 can be a Jovian Archive Corporation is the international right-holder of "The Human Design System", "The Global Incarnation Index", "Primary Health System". Integrative Therapist/ Kabbalistic Healer, 6-year School of Healing Arts We ignore whats consistent in us because its always been there. Advanced Human Design + BG5 Chart PDF & PNGs, Human Design System Differentation Degree program - Rave Psychology, Primary Health System, human design system primary health system. As much as possible, keep your options open and give yourself wiggle room and back-out clauses so you can try things without getting locked in. Human Design Generators are the engines of change, Human Design Projectors are the seers and the guides, and Human Design Reflectors are able to clearly assess and give feedback to make sure others are on the right track. Juices are flowing! This system, which was created during an intense eight-day period by a man named Ra Uru Hu, is a comprehensive map of human behavior. It really helped me to understand and see myself in a more compassionate way. IN my Body. If you consistently follow your PHS, you may discover startling improvements in your well-being and shifts in your perspective. You can access the current Transit Field online at Find people (family and friends) that nourish you, that support you, and choose in this moment to really nurture those connections. These terms refer to this deeper level that do offer an exceptional nuance but are not necessary for aligning to who you are. It can sound quite complex with all these terms used in unique ways, but fundamentally it's very simple. For most of us (~92%! Mind driving Color:Hope We, at The Projector Movement, have done our job if you walk away knowing nothing else but your decision-making process, but we know that youre hungry for more, so lets continue with the next step. So I borrow the rest of the channel, This makes it so much easier to choose the right career and work opportunities! Treating the body the way it was designed to be handled leads to the correct operation of our personality. Sexual strategy:Arbitration So once youve created your free profile and have your BodyGraph, come back to read the rest of the blog. 20% of the population are Projectors and theyre here to GUIDE, mainly the Generators, in how to best use their abundant energy. Indeed, this is only the tip of the iceberg, and if youve followed your gut to this article and youre new to the Human Design System, its worth the time to keep exploring. The elements assist you in balancing your finely tuned energy and aura. You are not designed for spontaneous decisions! Your fellow Certified Level 3 Human Design Specialist Let's Grow together! Get your free copy of my book, Mindsets for Mindfulness, for practical guidance to overcome the ego on the journey of growth. These deeper levels of our designs reveal more subtle levels of who we are, including the way our bodies are meant to digest food, the type of environment we are meant to be in, the way we see the world, and the way we express what we see. Food Regimen Color:Touch I feel really good as I keep going on to completion. Its so nice compared to having been married to another Manifestor for 20 years (now divorced for 3) and being ignored and worse. In Human Design, the sky is split into 64 slices, and depending on where a particular planet was positioned both when you were born and three months prior to when your birth, will activate a specific gate. This is why I will shout from the rooftops about this particular online course at The Projector Movement, it contains all of the information you need to dive deep into your own chart and really gain an understanding of Human Design. Food Regimen Color:Sound So happy for the opportunity to work with Jen and be in her energy. In the previous step, we mentioned that our Profile is how we go about living our purpose. This leads us to the second step. LATEST OFFER. ~Evelyn. When you are the observer of your life movie, you get to experience the magic of what it means to be you. ", Jen, with her Human Design know-how, has helped me understand myself on so many levels My new awareness of how to respond vs react is a life-changer for me!, Jen is a treasure to this world the nurturing support that she teaches with is a very special gift I truly appreciate how gracefully she has supported my growth., My human design reading with Jen was integral in helping me make some choices for my path forward. We all live our own lives, and the worlds population has a diversity of different energy types within the Human Design system. A Reflectors presence is a mirror for others. My HD teacher, Karen Curry, will be having her own book published this fall which Im eagerly anticipating. maybe just sense of relief. If you are emotional, be sure to also wait through your emotional wave. Each energy Type has a specific decision-making and action-taking Strategy. While you as a Projector are flowing and waiting for those invitations, there are three main things we recommend here: We have already talked about rest. And you can see it in the expression of the 12/22, because this is the channel of a social or an anti-social being. Some people could see the benefits in a few days, with others experiencing them within a few weeks or months. They dont have to wait. More I believe that knowing how your strategy for your TYPE helps you in finding an employment situation that works for you. You want to understand things at a deep level, and then you look for ways (mainly through a network of friends) to share that knowledge. You experience their definition and that conditions you. Each line is subdivided into 6 colors. Each color is subdivided into 6 tones and each tone is subdivided into 5 bases. It is said that we cannot consciously perceive our base-level activations but that the others can be perceived. Being conditioned isnt something that can be avoided; it is the way we are designed to interact with another. Also, feel free to share this information with your friends. I am seen, heard and responded to! I highly value being able to listen to the recording of the reading as often as I wish. Having a how-to manual for your life would be great, wouldnt it! You can have 1 channel, you can have 4 channels, even 6 or more! My human design session with Jen was fascinatingly spot on. Because our Strategy and Authority are based on the parts of us that are consistent, they reflect our true self. Then, in order to know if what life has presented you with is something that is correct for you, you check-in with your Authority. Evelyn: This means that you experience a certain set of energies when you are around them. HowYOU can get into alignment as a Projector! This looks like a rhythm where you work, only when the right invitation comes, and then allow yourself to rest and relax in between invitations. Many people have also experienced a profound transformation in their lives by using what Human Design calls Strategy and Authority.. Its method, much like the chakra system from Eastern philosophies, is to identify different life force energy types and provide people with unique approaches to maximize their life force. Even if you already know your Strategy, you will get value from reviewing these basics. But the summary below will give you enough to get started. However, if not mindful, the individual will not know when to stop. The electromagnetic energy field that is vibrating from within us, extending outwardly about two arm lengths in every direction. Experiencing the highest levels of differentiation is possible with the dedication of surrendering to living out the beauty and uniqueness of your design - and as always, it begins with the catalyst of following your Strategy and Authority. Another area where the language of Human Design can get confusing is with Sense. Below are the basic Roles and Strategies for each Type. Environment orientational Tone: Selective/Blending. These people have a fixed sense of thinking and inspiration. This implies that you are someone who is here to know who you are and what motivates you to grow and expand. Your strongest sense is the way I would love to connect with youworking/playing together to shine our brightest Light. In order to retrieve your BodyGraph, youre going to want to head on over to, Energy + Assertion + Aggression + Action + Courage, Expansion + Luck + Opportunity + Optimism + Faith, Individuality + Revolution + Change + Innovation, Transformation + Regeneration + Renewal + Truth, LIVE HUMAN DESIGN CHART READINGS - JOIN NOW, The gates come from the ancient Chinese divination text known as the I Ching. Almost all the manifestors I know are trendsetters. Dont disempower yourself by seeing others as gatekeepers to what you choose to do. I refer to our Cognitions as senses because they are. The biggest trait of Manifestors is that they often have to make things happen for themselves. Hope knows when to act or not, when to take responsibility or not, and being able to provide your Hope to others if it's correct for you to do so. There was so much curiosity and yet at the same time so much overwhelm. What is defined within us (centers, channels, and gates) is who we are; these are the ways we are designed to express ourselves. I like to call Human Design modern astrology. Human Design combines the wisdom of ancient sciences with modern technologygiving us a blueprint to live a life of authenticity, value, purpose and joy. The information and decision-making advice can radically improve your life on a material level as well, which is what the BG5 information is about. In this episode, I dive into 3 different centers in your human design chart to understand your feelings, pressures, or emotions and how to move forward if you have these centers defined or undefined. I am very new to Human Design but so far, I just love all that I am reading and learning. That way, you alleviate any fears or suspicions of spontaneity, giving you extra freedom to move in the direction of your choosing. When I am in motion, initiating, I am fearless and I love it! Variable, an advanced area of the Human Design System. Their closely-related type, Manifesting Generators, deviates by having the sacral center defined. When we use this roadmap to align to our design, we establish a depth of self-love and trust that is hard to imagine and difficult to describe. As an MG, that may be hardbut slowing down an MG a little is often a good thing. In the house analogy, it represents the second floor. This is not to say they arent capable of love, but this is an important aspect to be aware of if you are one or have a Manifestor in your life. The key here is to cultivate an attunement to the comfort of your vehicle and an awareness of the dynamics in your psychology. The process was enjoyable and interactive. Ra Uru Hu himself was a Manifestor, and you can imagine how vital it was for him to push away skepticism and judgment when presenting Human Design to the world. Plus, you dont need to reach for a dramatic experience spiritual awakening to benefit from the tools of Human Design. That's a lot! Our Auras does the communication for us. You are here to guide. Or in rare cases (if youre a Reflector) you have none. But of the systems veracity, there us little doubt. Projectors have an absorbing and focused aura, which enables them to deeply know their environments as well as the people within those environments. It is a MAP of how YOUR UNIQUE ENERGY CONNECTS with the world. Note: Ra's recommendation was that you experiment with your S&A for at least a year before you enter into the Four Transformations, unless you have a Right brain/mind, because this information is critical to helping you align correctly (in that case, with a Left mind especially, you can start right away). Students and teachers are best equipped with such a character. Understanding your correct Motivation and its Transference (false resonance) can provide valuable signposts to help you know if you are on track to fulfill your purpose. It takes time. It is so easy for this to be turned off, because the whole point is mutation. Manifestors are unique in that their aura can actually push away the aura of others. I have, personally, experienced the positive impacts of following my own Strategy and Authority, though I have not done so consistently enough for long enough to fully de-conditioned. I am in my 3rd year of the 7 year deconditioning process and already I have seen incredible results. Welcome to ourHuman Design Life Coaching Services. If this is your first rodeo of exploring the Manifestor energy type, you might be overwhelmed by all the information on offer. Human Design uses I Ching, Western Astrology, and Kabbalah principles, and can reveal: Energetic patternshow we are born to flow or when to wait for more information, Trigger Points that cause us to Defend ourselves and React. While others procrastinate, delay, overthink and face analysis paralysis, leaders use their creative energy and emotional authority to jump right in. Well, the four teachings that Human Design is composed of are amazing on their own. But when you combine them, Human Design offers us its most important gift: our decision-making process known as the Strategy and Authority. Were designed to make decisions in a way that is unique to how we were born. The information is invaluable. in Conducting, Well, that purpose in Human Design is known as the incarnation cross. Because these decisions are based on what is consistent in you, they help to align you to your true self and bring you satisfaction, peace, sweetness, and surprise, the 4 keynotes of living your design. Offerings. Ra said that there is no need to ever look at these deeper levels, that Strategy and Authority are enough to align you to who you are and these deeper levels will naturally emerge as you make decisions based on these tools. You will discover what works and what doesnt work based on your trial and error process and will be someone who evolves into a wise role model who people seek for guidance. The fact is, if you live your life being controlled by your openness, youre lost. Click here -- your free Chart comes with this Kit). You are someone who is sought after for help, and when its the right timing, you are here to support them with your natural talents and gifts. Having read this article, hopefully, you feel informed and inspired to follow your bliss and be your own leader. The Human Design system breaks down each energy type into distinct categories: Aura, Not-Self theme, Signature, and Strategy. Sexual strategy:Allegiance Can you imagine a life free of bitterness? For a Manifestor, Human Design theory teaches that they are often self-sustainable and independent in their decision-making and choices. You, out of the 4 Types, are the only ones who can act independently. Orientational Tone:Acceptance The first number in your Profile is something that youre more conscious of, whereas the second number is something youre more unconscious of. Sign up to receive Human Design System news and updates. However, I find selecting the best career or work opportunities for me frustrating (surprise, surprise!) In a perfect world, the Manifestors initiate the projects, the Generator (MGs) build the projects, the Projectors guide the Generators, and the Reflectors let them know how theyre doing. You have a deep attunement with the essence of life in matter; hence youre anarchist rebelling to dysharmonious behaviours or organizings. Just like what we did with the gates, we've also distilled the channels that are included in our, In order to get a great grasp of the transformative knowledge instilled within your BodyGraph, weve simplified the process of reading your chart into 5 steps. So if youre a Manifestor, pay close attention to the specifics below. Someone with an open ego does not; sometimes they feel a sense of self worth and sometimes they feel worthless. Sexual role:Shyness/Boldness In his own words, I sometimes tend to put unnecessary pressure on myself to get work or tasks done immediately so I dont have to worry about them and can relax. One of the things his undefined Root Center is here to teach him is how to not only manage his own pressure, but also the pressure that comes from others (e.g., meeting work deadlines) with ease and grace. Anger? In order to get a great grasp of the transformative knowledge instilled within your BodyGraph, weve simplified the process of reading your chart into 5 steps. It's an absolute steal for $297 USD. When two gates (whether conscious or unconscious) connect, you get what is called a channel. The keywords for you are: discovering, adaptation, fluidity. Now that weve covered these important terms, lets dive into the Types. how gracefully she has supported my growth., My human design reading with Jen was integral in helping me make some choices for my path forward. He got a message from what he termed as the voice and the voice guided him to combine four ancient teachings: Western Astrology, Kabbalah, The I Ching, and The Chakras. This is our powerful 5-step process on how to read your Human Design chart. You are also said to be conditioned by a Global Conditioning Field that floods the entire planet. Stacy, I will look through and see if there are any posts on employment by design. Feel free to preview, post, comment below if that is how you feel. This is because Projectors dont have a consistent source of energy to keep going and going. Human Design is a beautiful system, a life-changing and transformative system that has helped us out tremendously. Reflectors only make up roughly 1% of the population so they are a very rare type of being. You are a force of nature that can accomplish great things, just remember to INFORM others so you can manifest in PEACE. Thats what Human Design offers. We say this is the greatest gift that this system has to offer humanity because making the correct decision will get us closer to where we want to go, whereas making incorrect decisions gets us further away. Most people because they are not understanding their designs correctly their cognition becomes a little dormant. Orientational Tone:Meditation Its not something you do, its something you allow. When you do this, you can learn to recognize your correct motivation and stop wasting energy when you are in Transference. The second most important aspect to grasp is your Authority. This is where you have receptors. Orientational Tone:Judgment The ability to energetically read someone, and sense if they have positive or negative energy, seems to be intuitive to us all. Its like turning your canoe around and floating easily downstream after having paddled upstream so hard for so long. Using where the sun, moon, stars and planets were the moment you were born, Human Design REVEALS YOUR PRISM Evolution follows a constant path starting from the building of foundations, growing up to the mastery, to find out in the last stage the vision to mutate and develop into the next cycle beginning with step 1 again. A social or an anti-social being covered these important terms, lets dive the... 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    human design sense action