const char* to char array

const char* to char array

const char* to char array

const char* to char array

  • const char* to char array

  • const char* to char array

    const char* to char array

    The pointer version: char *text = "text"; Creates a pointer to point to a string literal "text". Double quotes are the shortcut syntax for a c-string in C++. The string literal is stored in the read-only part of memory by most of the compilers. Using const_cast Operator. Instead it provides a value equivalent to the value returned by the standard function st WebString class for wide characters. We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here. char []char * char *schar char *s = hello;,s[0]=a "written" Not the answer you're looking for? size of char datatype and char array in C. What is the difference between single quoted and double quoted declaration of char array? But when we need to find or access the individual elements then we copy it to a char array using strcpy() Argument type "WCHAR *" is incompatible with parameter of type "const char *". Webconst char* c_str() const noexcept; Get C string equivalent. If he had met some scary fish, he would immediately return to the surface. Class functions can have the const qualifier to indicate the function does not change the state of the class member variables (e.g., class Foo { int Bar(char c) const; };). Then, we declare two variables, one string type, and another int type with value 0. stringchar */ const char* a = hello; string b = a; // const char[] a = hello; string b = a; // sting string: string(); st WebTeams. If it is null-terminated, then certain C functions will treat it as a string, but it is fundamentally just a pointer. Q&A for work. It is not a string. , : (Char)phpjavajava(Char)Character.toString()CharactertoString()char ch = 'U';String charToStrin 6// #1String stringValueOf = String.valueOf('c'); // most efficient// #2String stringValueOf, 1.; Is it illegal to use resources in a University lab to prove a concept could work (to ultimately use to create a startup). Easier for people to understand how variables are being used. The returned array should contain the same sequence of characters as present in the string object, followed by a terminating null character (\0) at the end. It is not a string. Difference between char, varchar and VARCHAR2 in Oracle, Difference between char and nchar : MS SQL Server Datatypes, C Program to Convert a Char From Upper to Lower and Vice Versa in a Single Line Efficiently, C Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char. a. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. charstring 1 char; char='d'. sprintf sprintf printf sprintf printf sprintf int sprintf( char *buffer, const char *format [, a This is faster than the array version, but string pointed by the pointer should not be changed, because it is located in an read only implementation defined memory.Modifying such an string literal results in Undefined Behavior.. When you write. n Number of characters to copy. We know that both string::c_str or string::data functions returns const char*. const char* str = "Hello"; then str is a pointer to the first element of a const char[6].5 for the characters, and the rules of the language make sure that there is room for the terminating \0.. On the other hand, sometimes a char array is just that: An array of A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. Does a 120cc engine burn 120cc of fuel a minute? When you pass an array like this to a function, the array expression is converted to the address of the first element with type pointer to element type. vocab, : GetBytes(Char) Returns the specified Unicode character value as an array of bytes. The statement char *s = geeksquiz creates a string literal. How to convert a std::string to const char* or char*. char []char * char *schar char *s = hello;,s[0]=a "written" Web// The string const str = "I want to count the number of occurrences of each char in this string"; // An object for the character=>count mappings // We use `Object.create(null)` so the object doesn't have any inherited properties const counts = Object.create(null); // Loop through the string for (const ch of str) { // Get the count for it, if we have one; we'll get Irreducible representations of a product of two groups. So when you compare it to a char array, the array decays to a pointer as well, and the compiler then tries to find an operator == (const char*, const char*). Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. StringString=we are neuer 2 charString when trying to perform an if statement. The first argument, by convention, should point to the filename associated with the file being executed. @herohuyongtao: using a pointer, you can't get the max-length. Typecasting: Declare another variable as character c and assign the value of N to the C Print the character: Finally, print the character using cout. When you pass an array like this to a function, the array expression is converted to the address of the first element with type pointer to element type. Returns the specified Boolean value as a byte array. Depending on compiler, C-style string literals may be allocated in readonly memory. The execv(), execvp(), and execvpe() functions provide an array of pointers to null-terminated strings that represent the argument list available to the new program. in your snippet new char[10] allocates 10 chars, and assigns the pointer to a.You can use strlen(a) after strcpy, and it'll return 5, but getting the 10 is not possible, not unless you do something like char *a = calloc(10, sizeof *a);, then for(i=0;a[i] == '\0';++i); after that, i-1 could give You shouldn't copy beyond the \0 terminator: void copyArray(const char* word, char* temp) { do { *temp++ The string literal is stored in the read-only part of memory by most of the compilers. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. ; Otherwise, if T is a function type F or a reference thereto, the member const char * p1; char * p2; p2 = const_cast(p1); As is pointed out in a comment, the reason to use const_cast<> operator is so that the author's intention is clear, and also to make it easy to search for the use of const_cast<> ; usually stripping const is the source of bugs or a design flaw. Double quotes are the shortcut syntax for a c-string in C++. There is a typo in this for loop. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. simnet, 1.1:1 2.VIPC. f.close The whole code works great, less this part, "Notes" is an other class which works perfectly. char* represents the address of the beginning of the contiguous block of memory of char's.You need it as you are not using a single char variable you are addressing a whole array of char's. Here, the idea is to pass the const char* returned by the string::c_str or string::data functions to the strcpy() function, which internally copies it into the specified character array and returns a pointer it. If that char is part of a string, then you can use strlen to determine what chars follow the one currently being pointed to, but that doesn't mean the array in your case is that big. Arduino Stringchar strcpy() char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src) dest src toCharArray() formyString.toCharArray(buf, len) myString: String. You can simply change your code to this: Method 2: Declaration and initialization: To begin, we will declare and initialize our integer with the value to be converted. The statement char *s = geeksquiz creates a string literal. GetBytes(Double) Module GetBytesCharDemo Const formatter As String = "{0,10}{1,16}" ' Convert a Char argument to a Byte array and display it. How do I arrange multiple quotations (each with multiple lines) vertically (with a line through the center) so that they're side-by-side? We know that both string::c_str or string::data functions returns const char*. Thus they are const char[N+1] (N is the string length) (which is implicitly convertible to const char* because of array to pointer decay).. Applies lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer implicit conversions to the type T, removes cv-qualifiers, and defines the resulting type as the member typedef type.Formally: If T names the type "array of U" or "reference to array of U", the member typedef type is U *. WebFILE * freopen ( const char * filename, const char * mode, FILE * stream ); Reopen stream with different file or mode Reuses stream to either open the file specified by filename or to change its access mode . This post will discuss how to convert a std::string to char* in C++. The execv(), execvp(), and execvpe() functions provide an array of pointers to null-terminated strings that represent the argument list available to the new program. That means any change to the char* will be reflected in the string object and vice versa. Allows the compiler to do better type checking, and, conceivably, generate better code. Consequently, the array holding the literal has the const qualifier as part of its type. The string literal is stored in the read-only part of memory by most of the compilers. s is just a pointer and like any other pointer What properties should my fictional HEAT rounds have to punch through heavy armor and ERA? You especially have to be careful not to add characters past the end of the string or you'll get a buffer overrun This is possible as arrays use contiguous memory (i.e. What is the difference between char * const and const char *? In fact C++03 deprecates use of string literal c. void copyArray(const char word[], char temp[]); There are however not 50 chars in "CHAMPAGNE" so trying to copy that many will make your function access "CHAMPAGNE" out of bounds (with undefined behavior as a result). 1. 3.Data Since your array is const char[], each element has type const char. Is energy "equal" to the curvature of spacetime? If he had met some scary fish, he would immediately return to the surface. So when you compare it to a char array, the array decays to a pointer as well, and the compiler then tries to find an operator == (const char*, const char*). Easier for people to understand how variables are being used. Typically, the compiler warns if a const char * variable is passed to a function that takes a char * parameter. The C and C++ standards say that string literals have static storage duration, any attempt at modifying them gives undefined behavior. Was the ZX Spectrum used for number crunching? Why do we use perturbative series if they don't converge? Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, If your professor told you to write code like. Enter your email address to subscribe to new posts. . How to convert a std::string to const char* or char*. There is a typo in this for loop. Then, we declare two variables, one string type, and another int type with value 0. Whats difference between char s[] and char *s in C? Issues: thread safety; side effects; why would you want to do this?? This array includes the same sequence of characters that make up the value of the string object plus an additional terminating null-character ('\0') at the end. This array includes the same sequence of characters that make up the value of the string object plus an additional terminating null-character ('\0') at the end. Depending on compiler, C-style string literals may be allocated in readonly memory. C "China", 0x3000 0x3001 0x3002 0x3003 0x3004 0x3005 . Your teacher is possibly more versed in C or "dated" C++. FILE * freopen ( const char * filename, const char * mode, FILE * stream ); Reopen stream with different file or mode Reuses stream to either open the file specified by filename or to change its access mode . printf("%s",*s); s char **s; 0x1000"hello world" 0x003001 *s = 0x003001; s *s , , weixin_61923384: len: . 2.,, This post will discuss how to convert a std::string to char* in C++. C++charstringconst char* VS2019char ch="abc";const char*char using System; class GetBytesCharDemo { const string formatter = "{0,10}{1,16}"; // Convert a char argument to a byte array and display it. This approach is demonstrated below: Unlike C++98/03 standard, C++11 guarantees memory allocation of std::string to be contiguous. Not sure why I can't convert from string to int? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Thats all about converting a std::string to char in C++. Argument of type "const char **" is incompatible with parameter of type "const char *". Since your array is const char[], each element has type const char. buf: .char. const char* c_str() const noexcept; Get C string equivalent. Class functions can have the const qualifier to indicate the function does not change the state of the class member variables (e.g., class Foo { int Bar(char c) const; };). for (t = s; *t != '\0'; t++) { ^^^^^ Nevertheless in general the function does not provide a value that is equivalent to the value returned by the operator sizeof even if you will count also the terminating zero. char arrays are often used for null-terminated strings, but not always.. Types of Models in Object Oriented Modeling and Design. Using Cs strcpy() function is not the C++-style. Please note that any change made to the char* will now be reflected in the string object and vice versa. You can simply change your code to this: Member types This is a common cause of error, as programmers often forget that this type is signed on some machines. Would it be possible, given current technology, ten years, and an infinite amount of money, to construct a 7,000 foot (2200 meter) aircraft carrier? What is the difference between const int*, const int * const, and int const *? Depending on compiler, C-style string literals may be allocated in readonly memory. The returned array should contain the same sequence of characters as present in the string object, followed by a terminating null character (\0) at the end. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. const char* str = "Hello"; then str is a pointer to the first element of a const char[6].5 for the characters, and the rules of the language make sure that there is room for the terminating \0.. On the other hand, sometimes a char array is just that: An array of characters. 1. WebOutput: We can convert char to a string using 'while' loop by - First declaring the Character Array and then assigning the size of the Array. C++charstringconst char* VS2019char ch="abc";const char*char Style bytes are interpreted an index into an array of styles. This option can be used to suppress such a warning. char* represents the address of the beginning of the contiguous block of memory of char's.You need it as you are not using a single char variable you are addressing a whole array of char's. The first argument, by convention, should point to the filename associated with the file being executed. 2. Did neanderthals need vitamin C from the diet? Consequently, the array holding the literal has the const qualifier as part of its type. The first argument, by convention, should point to the filename associated with the file being executed. Method 2: Declaration and initialization: To begin, we will declare and initialize our integer with the value to be converted. Download Run Code. At what point in the prequels is it revealed that Palpatine is Darth Sidious? Allows the compiler to do better type checking, and, conceivably, generate better code. Use the .c_str() method for const char *.. You can use &mystring[0] to get a char * pointer, but there are a couple of gotcha's: you won't necessarily get a zero terminated string, and you won't be able to change the string's size. What are the basic rules and idioms for operator overloading? GetBytes(Double) Module GetBytesCharDemo Const formatter As String = "{0,10}{1,16}" ' Convert a Char argument to a Byte array and display it. Learn more about Teams Typecasting: Declare another variable as character c and assign the value of N to the C Print the character: Finally, print the character using cout. all of the memory is Problem using opencv in a c-extension for python? Returns the specified Boolean value as a byte array. using System; class GetBytesCharDemo { const string formatter = "{0,10}{1,16}"; // Convert a char argument to a byte array and display it. When accessing this, functions will take the address of the first char and step through the memory. It would appear that one type is a char and the other is a const char pointer although I'm unsure of what, for reference this error also occurs when I'm not using an array). Then, we declare two variables, one string type, and another int type with value 0. rev2022.12.11.43106. The execv(), execvp(), and execvpe() functions provide an array of pointers to null-terminated strings that represent the argument list available to the new program. Not recommended. Not the answer you're looking for? I'm was trying to say that the because the answer selected by the OP uses malloc it's not ideal, in part because it uses memory on the heap. This is a common cause of error, as programmers often forget that this type is signed on some machines. Default argument of type "const char *" is incompatible with parameter of type "char *". deprecated it, as literals areconstin C++). @nmnir You are exactly right. When accessing this, functions will take the address of the first char and step through the memory. char ch = 'U'; String fromChar = new String(new char[]{ch}); char ch = 'U'; String valueOfchar = String.valueOf(ch); : But when we need to find or access the individual elements then we copy it to a char array using strcpy() Is it possible to hide or delete the new Toolbar in 13.1? const char * Arguments point at text that is being passed to Scintilla but not modified. const char * p1; char * p2; p2 = const_cast(p1); As is pointed out in a comment, the reason to use const_cast<> operator is so that the author's intention is clear, and also to make it easy to search for the use of const_cast<> ; usually stripping const is the source of bugs or a design flaw. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. first, last Input iterators to the initial and final positions in c Character value, repeated n times. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. WebReturns the length of the C string str. Data Structures & Algorithms- Self Paced Course, Difference between const char *p, char * const p and const char * const p. What is the difference between "char a" and "char a[1]"? The string literal is stored in the read-only part of memory by most of the compilers. C str[0]str = &str[0]; C. (Char)phpjavajava(Char)Character.toString()CharactertoString() Arduino Stringchar strcpy() char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src) dest src toCharArray() formyString.toCharArray(buf, len) myString: String. ,; This is an instantiation of the basic_string class template that uses wchar_t as the character type, with its default char_traits and allocator types (see basic_string for more info on the template). n Number of characters to copy. Warn if an array subscript has type char. len: . 2.Bss How do I put three reasons together in a sentence? C++11 no longer allows Consequently, the array holding the literal has the const qualifier as part of its type. If you were to set up meetings with every professor who spread poor coding practice, you'd have a full schedule. char** ss0, Potatotatotato: There is a typo in this for loop. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? Should teachers encourage good students to help weaker ones? (Char)phpjavajava(Char)Character.toString()CharactertoString() This works in constant time as no copying is involved. using System; class GetBytesCharDemo { const string formatter = "{0,10}{1,16}"; // Convert a char argument to a byte array and display it. Use the .c_str() method for const char *.. You can use &mystring[0] to get a char * pointer, but there are a couple of gotcha's: you won't necessarily get a zero terminated string, and you won't be able to change the string's size. If you want to compare a single character, you must use single quotes instead. for (t = s; s != '\0'; t++) { ^^^^^ I think you mean. ; Otherwise, if T is a function type F or a reference What are the differences between type() and isinstance()? Operand types are incompatible ("char" and "const char*"). string& append (const char* s, size_t n); fill (5) string& append (size_t n, char c); range (6) Pointer to an array of characters (such as a c-string). directly to a (non-const)char*. all of the memory is Are defenders behind an arrow slit attackable? Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. By using our site, you for (t = s; s != '\0'; t++) { ^^^^^ I think you mean. WebThis post will discuss how to convert a std::string to char* in C++. Be the first to rate this post. You especially have to be careful not to add characters past the end of the string or you'll get a buffer overrun (and probable crash). , C, "China","French","America","German" , VS1 C++ const char * char *, This is a common cause of error, as programmers often forget that this type is signed on some machines. void copyArray(const char word[], char temp[]); There are however not 50 chars in "CHAMPAGNE" so trying to copy that many will make your function access "CHAMPAGNE" out of bounds (with undefined behavior as a result). Instead it provides a value equivalent to the value returned by the standard function st for (t = s; *t != '\0'; t++) { ^^^^^ Nevertheless in general the function does not provide a value that is equivalent to the value returned by the operator sizeof even if you will count also the terminating zero. Is it cheating if the proctor gives a student the answer key by mistake and the student doesn't report it? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Instead it provides a value equivalent to the value returned by the Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content. with , weixin_56164248: GetBytes(Double) Module GetBytesCharDemo Const formatter As String = "{0,10}{1,16}" ' Convert a Char argument to a Byte array and display it. Use the .c_str() method for const char *.. You can use &mystring[0] to get a char * pointer, but there are a couple of gotcha's: you won't necessarily get a zero terminated string, and you won't be able to change the string's size. If it is null-terminated, then certain C functions will treat it as a string, but it is fundamentally just a pointer. printf("%s",str); printf("%s", "); C, as , C , *[ ] * , char a[10 ] , char *s 32, char *s char a[ ] char char *, char a [ ] char* char a[ ] , [ ] * a [ ]char * char * , char *a[ ] = {"China","French","America","German"}, sizeof(a) 6+7+8+7 = 28, a char * 16, , "China","French","America","German" , 0012FF38 0012FF3C 0012FF40 0012FF44,, char ** s char * . Use char const * as type for the parameter. What's the difference between constexpr and const? Returns the length of the C string str. Double quotes are the shortcut syntax for a c-string in C++. So, we can get a pointer to the underlying array behind std::string by invoking either the &str[0] or &*str.begin() function. Below is the C++ program to convert int to char using typecasting: len: . It is not a string. So I got this code from my teacher but it doesn`t work combined with other code, it works only if it is separatly in a project. int *p; //p The length of a C string is determined by the terminating null-character: A C string is as long as the number of characters between the beginning of the string and the terminating null character (without including the terminating null character itself). Teams. Applies lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer implicit conversions to the type T, removes cv-qualifiers, and defines the resulting type as the member typedef type.Formally: If T names the type "array of U" or "reference to array of U", the member typedef type is U *. The pointer version: char *text = "text"; Creates a pointer to point to a string literal "text". The statement char *s = geeksquiz creates a string literal. Returns the length of the C string str. The statement char *s = geeksquiz creates a string literal. Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. Output: We can convert char to a string using 'while' loop by - First declaring the Character Array and then assigning the size of the Array. @NikosC. Member types This is faster than the array version, but string pointed by the pointer should not be changed, because it is located in an read only implementation defined memory.Modifying such an string literal results in Undefined Behavior.. for (t = s; s != '\0'; t++) { ^^^^^ I think you mean. Arduino Stringchar strcpy() char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src) dest src toCharArray() formyString.toCharArray(buf, len) myString: String. such assignments without a cast. `const char * const` versus `const char *`? C s is just a pointer and like any other pointer stores address of string But when we need to find or access the individual elements then we copy it to a char array String class for wide characters. // Example of the BitConverter.GetBytes( char ) method. When you pass an array like this to a function, the array expression is converted to the address of the first element with type pointer to element type. The problem you're having is that it's illegal to drop const qualifiers (with the exception of the infamous const_cast or equivalent C-style cast). This array includes the same sequence of characters that make up the value of the string object plus an additional terminating null-character ('\0') at the end. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! Output: 10 jeeksquiz. const char * Arguments point at text that is being passed to Scintilla but not modified. FILE * freopen ( const char * filename, const char * mode, FILE * stream ); Reopen stream with different file or mode Reuses stream to either open the file specified by filename or to change its access mode . tip 18% WriteLine This is an instantiation of the basic_string class template that uses wchar_t as the character type, with its default char_traits and allocator types (see basic_string for more info on the template). Typecasting: Declare another variable as character c and assign the value of N to the C Print the character: Finally, print the character using cout. When you need to write to that pointer: Store (a copy of) the string literal as a (non const) char[] and reference that. Method 2: Declaration and initialization: To begin, we will declare and initialize our integer with the value to be converted. This is possible as arrays use contiguous char* represents the address of the beginning of the contiguous block of memory of char's.You need it as you are not using a single char variable you are addressing a whole array of char's. The recommended approach is to use the standard algorithm std::copy instead, as shown below: We know that memory allocation of std::string is not guaranteed to be contiguous under the C++98/03 standard. n Number of characters to copy. Learn more about Teams The text may be zero terminated or another argument may specify the character count, the description will make this clear. Then we can get a pointer to the underlying character array by invoking &str[0] or &*str.begin(). This works in constant time as no copying is involved. The pointer has no length/size but its own.All it does is point to a particular place in memory that holds a char. Text,Bss,Data. first, last Input iterators to The statements char s[] = geeksquiz creates a character array which is like any other array and we can do all array operations. Why does the distance from light to subject affect exposure (inverse square law) while from subject to lens does not? QGIS expression not working in categorized symbology. Applies lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer implicit conversions to the type T, removes cv-qualifiers, and defines the resulting type as the member typedef type.Formally: If T names the type "array of U" or "reference to array of U", the member typedef type is U *. const char* c_str() const noexcept; Get C string equivalent. As stated above the language (= modern C++) disallows the assignment / initialization of a char* from a string literal. This should not be confused with the size of the array that holds the ,(, PythonmysqlEnvironmentError: mysql_config not found. ; Otherwise, if T is a function type F or a reference thereto, the member tip 18% WriteLine The c_str() function is used to return a pointer to an array that contains a null-terminated sequence of characters representing the current value of the string.. const char* c_str() const ; If there is an exception thrown then there are no changes in the string. buf: .char. Due to an exception in the rules, string literals used to be assignable to non-. Are the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average securities? Below is the C++ program to convert int to char using typecasting: Why is the eastern United States green if the wind moves from west to east? Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. Please note that this approach will give us direct access to the underlying data structure (i.e., an array) behind std::string. Is it possible to hide or delete the new Toolbar in 13.1? Webstring& append (const char* s, size_t n); fill (5) string& append (size_t n, char c); range (6) Pointer to an array of characters (such as a c-string). Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? WebReturns the specified Boolean value as a byte array. buf: .char. The problem you're having is that it's illegal to drop const qualifiers (with the exception of the infamous const_cast or WebClass functions can have the const qualifier to indicate the function does not change the state of the class member variables (e.g., class Foo { int Bar(char c) const; };). string& append (const char* s, size_t n); fill (5) string& append (size_t n, char c); range (6) Pointer to an array of characters (such as a c-string). When you write. Using strcpy() function. 1.Text I'm assuming I'm not understanding how the input value is stored although I'm unsure if I can just cast it into the matching type? This warning occurs because s is not a const pointer, but stores address of the read-only location. . Output: We can convert char to a string using 'while' loop by - First declaring the Character Array and then assigning the size of the Array. The c_str() function is used to return a pointer to an array that contains a null-terminated sequence of characters representing the current value of the string.. const char* c_str() const ; If there is an exception thrown then there are no changes in the string. (Char)phpjavajava(Char), CharactertoString(). The length of a C string is determined by the terminating null-character: A C string is as long as the number of characters between the beginning of the string and the terminating null character (without including the terminating null character itself). 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    const char* to char array