co x3's gamify my life enhanced template

co x3's gamify my life enhanced template

co x3's gamify my life enhanced template

co x3's gamify my life enhanced template

  • co x3's gamify my life enhanced template

  • co x3's gamify my life enhanced template

    co x3's gamify my life enhanced template

    Watch on. Measure how close you are to your goal. Here's a trick: click Trigger on the Animation ribbon. I haven't joined the community yet, but it's one of my backlogged tasks, so I'll be leveling up and joining the group soon. The amount of effort it takes affects your reward, as does whether you completed it before or after the deadline - and you can customise this. Visualize, plan, and execute. Co-x3 can be a terrific place to cooperate with others who share your mentality and learn from those who have gone before you. For visionaries who share in our vision and mission. You can now also do your dailies in the app, giving you flexibility and customizability above and beyond Notion's capabilities. As you embark on your growth journey through our Be Intentional Package, you need to embody three different personas: the Founder, Manager, and Project Manager. If you're looking for a comprehensive system that will help you be intentional AND highly motivated to get things done, check out. I just wanted to take a moment to say what you and the community have built here is absolutely incredible. So let's first understand what the Notion API does, and how we can make use of it. + Free - Gamify Your Life template - Co-x2 Monthly 15$ Yearly 120$ - Co-x3 Monthly 35$ Yearly 240$ - OUR100 Monthly 100$ Yearly 600$ Co-x3. 0 + Level Ups. Just like video games, but with the real prospect for life improvement. It gave ideas on how to tweak my dashboards. Power up your motivation by turning your life into a RPG with the one-of-a-kind Notion Gamification Template. Live a meaningful, intentional life while having fun. Thank you! Build visual processes and workflows that help you organize your life and build strong habits. Best practices to apply the principles of living an intentional, gamified life. Our family is proudly supported by over 400+ patrons who share a passionate desire to live intentionally, make work fun, and establish life control. Co-x3 is a space of co-creation and collaboration built for the community. I'm just really don't understand how to use their templates even after i watch their video on youtube. Delete all of the 'done's in the status column ready to start fresh next week. For quarterly . I've been using Notion for a while now, but I've never seen anyone take it to a whole another level. For comrades who want to take back life control. Being intentional means always knowing the Why, What, and How behind everything you do. It defines the key reason why you are working on related projects and tasks. Try rolling the dice when you complete a task and check it . This is done by inserting game-like elements such as friendly competition, rewards, and social connectivity to non-game activities to make them more engaging. It lets you set recurring tasks (Dailies), one off tasks (To-Dos) and optional tasks (Habits), then rewards you with gold to buy equipment, learn new skills, and cast spells. Designing With Players In Mind A generic strategy that fails to incorporate team. The best insights on productivity, growth, and learning from a community of co-creators and collaborators. Template Features 100% Responsive Design Auto Translated RTL Supported Beautiful Arabic Font One-Click Dark Mode It's essential to evaluate often how you can be helpful to others, and more importantly, what you need help with. [6] 5. Here's my idea of how that could be done with Teams, Flow, PowerBI and Forms. Product is not available in this quantity. Gamifying is a great motivator. Our family is proudly supported by over 400+ patrons who share a passionate desire to live intentionally, make work fun, and establish life control.It is with your generous support that we can continuously deliver value and grow. Productivity. Gamifying student engagement: Improves intrinsic motivation in and outside of the classroom Helps to support learning outcomes Promotes positive behaviors and attitudes Builds confidence Improves problem-solving skills I love your theming sections. Reply . Keep track of all your medical history, including doctors and visits - so that you are intentionally keeping on top of your health. Please provide the following information: Name of the person; Short title (for voting purposes); Short write-up of what happened (500 words max); If the person is not you, how do we contact them . Stay organized and ensure your efforts lead you to the success you want. Gamify Your Life - Notion Template. Dashboard - My Fantasy World My Fantasy World - [Success Plan] Recent Wins Be mindful of the progress you have made every day, as you need to appreciate the things you have accomplished. The hardest self-care activities, at least for me, are usually the most basic habits, like getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and remembering to eat breakfast before I dive into my day. Systematize saving and investing to streamline your financial health. So to use that to my advantage, I gamified my habit tracking in Notion. This is useful if you have data sitting inside Notion that you'd like to share with . Notion is all you need in one tool. Design the solution Track behavioral data 4. Share your own or someone else's achievement with the help of Obsidian during this year. Otherwise I would never do it. All of our tools are 100% customizable. It turns your life into a role-playing game by applying all of the concepts discussed like currency, experience, and rewards. Keep track of important interactions you have with your network. 7. Placerat arcu phasellus. Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun. Here, youll get access to a huge collection of our best Notion templates and systems that have helped thousands of our community members live with intention, improve productivity, and make work fun.Hopefully, by discovering our way, you learn how to create your way. #43 - Life Is A Quest, So Let's Party Together . . This is so amazing at its level of integration and complexity and the core ideology of the whole gamification phenomenon. Support Us. This community brings so much to the table <3 I appreciate everyone's hard work! The community has meaningfully designed equipment to help you focus on what matters most. Track all the learning you are doing in your life and conduct a proper reflection on the content you've digested, so you can retain the knowledge and make it actionable. Knowledge today is ubiquitous but there is not enough education on how to make the things you learn useful in your life.You can google anything but most results will focus on what. Let's Look at 10 Examples of How You Can Gamify Your Life! And, no effort should be spared to ensure that the tasks that we take on are highly intentional, to achieve our goals and find more meaning in our lives. It's a life framework that helps you achieve your goals and find more meaning in your life. Duolingo is the best-known example of using gamification to make learning fun and engaging. Take back life control. Do you have an upcoming campaign that could be enhanced through Gamification?. Joining a productive community (co-x3) helps me stay on track because my concentration and motivation have recently been non-existent. All of our tools are 100% customizable. Built with by the Co-x3 Family. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy. Write your daily accomplishments in a journal or log your progress in an online planner. For example, if you're looking to make your own reading list, it will most likely take you anywhere from an hour to a day to figure everything out. Teams Tabs for each Challenge (using a SharePoint page to display the challenge details, and a Form to collect . . Enjoy live leaderboard functionalities, promoting friendly competitions between friends, family, and community. I want to share 5 simple ways to gamify your life when you use dopamine the right way, your life will transform . Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Finally got around to merging my weekly agenda and "life hub" onto one page :) really happy with how it turned . An exciting bag to bring along your adventures. Find your voice and discover ways to share your creativity with the world. We're constantly building more resources to help you be as effective as possible in your daily life. Dive Into Your Favourite Fantasy Gamify Your Life Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun. I will get you started with 10 ways for you to . You have 30 seconds to complete the tasks. We've been pushing a TON of updates for the Co-x3 Family Connection (our gamification companion app), and v.16 features the highly anticipated areas of competence, which you can access by simply clicking on your avatar. A visionary, you set ambitious, time-bound goals for yourself and determine what key results need to be achieved before you are satisfied that the goal is complete. Past the grades, the literal school building is designed . Stay comfy while adventuring and grow in style. "Gamify your Life" is a Productivity System and Life Management system that makes you treat your goals and life in general as a Video Game. Document all the research completed to become a domain expert and relate them to your projects. Together with the support, accountability, and focus from an inclusive community. The enhanced insert template experience enables you to perform the following actions: Select any view from the list, grid and tile view in the template gallery. I might not be good at those things, but I am good at playing games. Description We're a co mmunity of co -creators and co llaborators that want to effect positive change in the world. For enthusiasts who want to support our movement. Gamification is difficult to design: 1) The source of innovation; games, are complex, multifaceted, and therefore, difficult to holistically transfer to other environments, 2) gamification involves motivational information system design which entails understanding a host of (motivational) psychology, and 3) the goal of gamification is commonly . Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun. All of our merch is created by the community, for the community. We want to provide you with the why and how. Find your voice and discover ways to share your creativity with the world. Templates are a ready-to-use solution that brings in a structure and pattern that has helped people achieve the same goals as you in the past. Personal; Business; Articles; X. Let's Make Work fun again. I wanted to thank you guys, this is a great and very well-developed project, and I think it will really help me archive my goals. Your support means the to us, and keeps this project going. I absolutely love the, Created by a community of co-creators and collaborators with . All community submitted changes to the app templates are reviewed to . It's the first real way to have co-op for your life adventure, by ensuring that you're never struggling alone. Discover your life's purpose and build systems for success. For example, "Zombies, Run!" Live a meaningful, intentional life while having fun. Stay in touch with people you care about and don't forget about important moments in their life. ", "I love what you're doing for everyone, especially in this community. This . Engaging feedback loop that rewards you for building strong habits. I cant wait to look into this more & see how I can incorporate some of these tactics in my own Notion workspace for more Intentional Living.". This week, we explore what it takes to progress in life - and how can we define our progress? There is a free version, which I tried out and enjoyed so much that I upgraded soon after. Live a meaningful, intentional life while having fun. Creators who are on the journey towards self-actualization and enjoy contributing to others. Although I've already covered leveling up in the game of life, in a TEDx talk, and in an upcoming game, today I want to have some fun. Creatives - Co-x3 Family For Creatives. Thank you! Co-x3 is a space of co-creation and collaboration built for the community. Yousician. Systematize saving and investing to streamline your financial health. Your support means the to us, and keeps this project going. Why is it easier to achieve success in Video Games? Your why should be influenced by. Be intentional about the time you spend each day on different areas of your life and make effective decisions for a balanced lifestyle. Recommended sample code: The app templates conform to recommended best practices around security and infrastructure. Take back life control. It's perfect for anyone and anything because it's customisable - you can add your tasks and daily habits, and add your own rewards and achievements. Remind yourself what you can control each day with this comfy shirt. Moreover, considering the size of your community and the, It has been a lovely experience joining and meeting the family. 1. The community has meaningfully designed equipment to help you focus on what matters most. obeying the speed limit law). Now you have a fast and efficient way to quickly build and launch gamified marketing campaigns across iOS & Android devices, PCs, Macs, Touchscreens and more. But you know me, I live and die by the template, so I like setting maximum word counts on the sections of my templates. This is the plan to gamify my life, to relate everything I do to a point-based game. About Projects Writing Co-x3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturirem adipiscing elit. I'd love to have an accountability buddy! Unique Templates - Co-x3 Joining this community was one of my most enjoyable experiences on my journey to gamify my life. For visionaries who share in our vision and mission. And how to make that learning actionable in your life through systems.Systems transform understanding of fundamental principles into actionable steps. Track and record your progress. It's the spoonful of sugar that makes Mary Poppins' medicine go . Your support means the to us, and keeps this project going.Thank you! Live a meaningful, intentional life while having fun. I'm actually still playing but this time, it's the game of life. From the drop-down menu, select the object you need to click on to see the rectangle. Read up on the history of our game templates by our awesome team and their proven target markets & demographics, along with playing any of the available games in the library, in order to help you gain an understanding of which game would work best for your next marketing push. Make work fun to build the motivation and focus to get stuff done. Course Content Come up with a list of small rewards, such as a snack you enjoy, taking a 15-minute break or watching a favorite show or YouTube channel. We believe that everything we share is just a way, and simply the cumulation of our best practices for you to take action on and build on for your own unique lives. Hey everybody, after the immense positive feedback from my last video and post, I'm back with the release of the gamification template and a full walkthrough of how I built the entire project, what formulas I used, expansion plans and collaboration opportunities.I hope you enjoy! We believe that everything we share is just a way, and simply the cumulation of our best practices for you to take action on and build on for your own unique lives. This template series are designed to ensure you. An exciting bag to bring along your adventures. This is generally accomplished through the application of game-design elements and game principles (dynamics and mechanics) in non-game contexts. Motivate yourself by building gamification into your daily life - awarding EXP and gold as you accomplish milestones throughout your day. trustedBY STUDENTS, alumni, and EDUCATORS GLOBALLY. Gameify Blogger Template is perfect for gaming blogs, videos, tech news sites and other diverse niches, as it is fully customizable, allowing you to create your own unique design in a few clicks without editing any line of code. Reimagine your habits as Daily Quests to create meaningful routines to help you Once you have been successful with your projects, immortalize your learnings by turning them into masters and trackers. Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun. The thing I love most about this community is that, I greatly admire the fact that you're like a good father who finds time for all of his children, despite working full time. We love to showcase the talents of our family members and share together in the journey of growth and learning. "By joining this community I'm hoping to learn more about managing my productivity and staying organized while being surrounded by like-minded people. Video Games give you a clear route to success Video Games track your progress easily, generating motivation Stay organized and ensure your efforts lead you to the success you want. Systematize saving and investing to streamline your financial health. We're on a mission to make life better, by building one system at a time. This virtual app and platform takes the premise of a scavenger hunt and builds gamification programs around various learning initiatives. Enjoy live leaderboard functionalities, promoting friendly competitions between friends, family, and community. Free Notion bullet journaling template: if you're interested in creating a Notion bullet journal, this will help you set up your annual, monthly, weekly, and daily spreads along with custom collections. We have many channels in our community to facilitate innovative ideas and have meaningful conversations. The only consequence comes from the application of false knowledge, not bad grades. Here is what you'll get for FREE Best Practices Learn the principles behind gamification and apply it in all aspects of your life. For comrades who want to take back life control. We believe that everything we share is just a way, and simply the cumulation of our best practices for you to take action on and build on for your own unique lives. This is so amazing at its level of integration and complexity and the core ideology of the whole gamification phenomenon. Learn how to visualize, plan, and execute on creating a better life. For visionaries who share in our vision and mission. . Discover your life's purposeand build systems for success. The Co-x3 Toolbox is a website that offers different templates to be integrated in to We discuss big topics about productivity, wellness & self-care and philosophy. Remind yourself what you can control each day with this comfy shirt. Learn how to visualize, plan, and execute on creating a better life. TravelZoo's front page is marked by a small entertaining quiz that tests your knowledge in the literary map of UK, thereby drawing you into this magnificent country. #theGamificationProject transforms you into your favorite game character, turning tedious tasks into fun and engaging quests that build up your skill tree and includes live leaderboard functionalities to promote friendly competitions between friends, family, and community. Overall, it turns your . For more themes like these join CO-X3 Family for gamifying and living intentionally using notion. Thank you! About Us Our Projects Our Team Our Sharing. Thinking many people will love it too if you can post more in Reddit. A Teams channel where user activity and LeaderBoards are posted. Work together to complete your daily quests to keep your pets alive! It is with your generous support that we can continuously deliver value and grow. No Coding Required At the end of a week all of the tasks with a 'weekly' frequency should have 'done' in the status column. The community has meaningfully designed equipment to help you focus on what matters most. Detail orientated, you define the key results further, manage deadlines, and determine what projects need to be worked on to progress towards your goal. If you're looking for a comprehensive system that will help you be intentional AND highly motivated to get things done, check out, Lyrical Performing Artist, Speaker, Entrepreneur. We believe happiness is achieved with self-actualization and contribution to others. We're on a mission to make life better, by building one system at a time. 4. All of our tools are 100% customizable. Gamify Is a Handy Tool for Managers Just as users can see each others' behavior, managers can also use Gamify to better understand their team's intranet usage. Co-x3 Family. Check in often to see what our community creators are up to and be the first to benefit from their successes! Like seriously, Ive been doing Notion builds & developing template structures for over a year, & your level of depth & detail on how youre configuring each section for very intentional living is so incredibly refreshing & impactful. The goal sets a clear direction and is inspiring. It's a life framework that helps you achieve your goals and find more meaning in your life. If you want to gamify tasks in your life that are boring or mundane all it takes is a little creativity! I feel the same away about our approach to daily life and seeing you explain the step by step guide so eloquently, I'm so excited to be on this journey of learning, discovering, and sharing content that might help someone gain more control of their life and hopefully leave a positive impact on the world. work in progress. Work together to complete your daily quests to keep your pets alive! When I first approached your Youtube channel, I was looking for ways to learn notion, but to my surprised you provided a lot more than that. Home Join Us. Gamification positively influences the learning experience in many other ways, too! 10. min read. You've truly living intentionally! "Life is a game" is the platform on which Nerd Fitness has been built - looking at life like a giant video game and using the addicting and enjoyable aspects of video games to better yourself in the real world. Get Involved Pages Toolbox Support Us Review Us Utility Pages Styleguide 404 Not Found Password Protected Licenses Start Here Feature details. Stay organized and ensure your efforts lead you to the success you want. Gamification is the process of turning a mundane task into a game that drives a boost in motivation. We love to showcase the talents of our family members and share together in the journey of growth and learning. Supporting Your Growth Journey Building new things can be scary and difficult. It's a life framework that helps you achieve your goals and find more meaning in your life. Mira. August 9, 2021 #41 - A new season for the Co-x3 Family . Setting targets for word counts is one method of doing that. Here are the best gamification apps available that are making everyone's list for 2021. As an administrator, you can default a particular view for all the users. Measure results and improve process LIMITATIONS Promotion of unhealthy competition Additional resources for tracking and measuring effectiveness What are the academics saying . Gamification is the strategic attempt to enhance systems, services, organizations, and activities by creating similar experiences to those experienced when playing games in order to motivate and engage users. All of our merch is created by the community, for the community. We want to help you innovate new ideas, co-create, and collaborate with like-minded people. We've just launched an exciting new feature lovingly named Party Quests in the Co-x3 Family Connection. Product is not available in this quantity. The first is Habitica. . Projects and tasks answer HOW and are experiments that take you closer to achieving your outcomes. Grades restrict our curiosity and experimental nature. Dive Into Your Favourite Fantasy Gamify Your Life Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun. . Scavify. Product is not available in this quantity. By seeing which persona an employee has been assigned, managers can see how employees have been using the portal over the month. 1 thought on "Co-x3 Toolbox" It should really be that easy to do things that matter. Motivate yourself by building gamification into your daily life - awarding EXP and gold as you accomplish milestones throughout your day. Work together to complete your daily quests to keep your pets alive! As with any speed camera, it takes photos of . Stay comfy while adventuring and grow in style. 3. Everything is fantastic. A good key result answers WHAT and measures quantifiable progress towards a goal. You truly make us feel like we can accomplish our goals, no matter the skill set. We love to showcase the talents of our family members and share together in the journey of growth and learning. Start with WHY. This community offers a wealth of work experience and learning opportunities, and being a family member has provided me with the most. Feugiat feugiat congue viverra facilisis. To-do list: Add tasks and complete them to earn money. For people passionate about growth, productivity, and learning. To think that there is a community of people, that are crazy about self improvement like I am, makes my heart cry with joy. Create a shared recipe box and select meals for the week. These are the two components that, in our experience, are essential to making gamification actually work. Well researched and an expert in your field, you analyze if the projects set out are enough to achieve the key results and determine the relevant tasks. I appreciate how detailed the tutorial/onboarding process is. A little aid for memory and intentionality. ; Free Notion annual review template: when it's time to conduct an annual review, this template can organize your thoughts. Reply in this thread to nominate. Intentionally develop your skills and talents by tracking when you practice them, and build skill trees to track your proficiency. Your grocery list automatically populates to make shopping stress free. For enthusiasts who want to support our movement. Gamification works because it taps into our needs and desires Implementation 1. Example $ 25.00 USD Free Be Intentional Calling my mom is 1 blue point while calling Aunt Deborah is 5 blue points because, honestly, Aunt Deb's sort of a pain to talk to and sometimes she says crazy inappropriate things. Create custom badges and loot boxes to incentivize yourself to do the things you're meant to do and track your progress to stay consistent throughout your week. #theGamificationProject is a template that increases productivity by building gamification into your everyday life . Want to come but, I completed 3 story quests, and a big objective! Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun. Take back life control. Enjoy live leaderboard functionalities, promoting friendly competitions between friends, family, and community. ", "I was in search of a productivity tool, and I can't believe to have stumbled upon a system that fits so well with how my mind operates! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. That, as co-founder Dick Talens has said a few times, is Fitocracy's "secret weapon." It lures you in with badges and levels and PVP battles with other members, and then gets you hooked when you . Our top 7 examples of gamification include Headspace, KFC, Under Armour, M&Ms, Starbucks, Nike, & Duolingo. Gamifying means adding points, scoring, competition, and winning and losing to make everyday tasks more engaging and exciting. Your Daily Quests double as a reflective journal to help you plan out your day and track what you have been grateful for and mistakes you can learn from. rolesroles . Join co-working channels to study and work together with other like-minded individuals to get the motivation and accountability stuff done. Find your voice and discover ways to share your creativity with the world. Create custom badges and loot boxes to incentivize yourself to do the things you're meant to do and track your progress to stay consistent throughout your week. Make work fun to build the motivation and focus to get stuff done. The first step to gamifying learning is to remove restrictive systems like schools. 1. We build each other up. Be meaningful in your giving. Language learning can be a slog and takes a long time to see results. Abhijit Cleaning the bathroom is 15 red points. If you're looking for a comprehensive system that will help you be intentional AND highly motivated to get things done, check out. This system you created is so awesome and flexible, perfect for keeping me engaged and focused. This community-run This is a whole concept - an entire new paradigm. The speed camera lottery was an attempt to gamify people's good driving behavior (i.e. The step by step quests to how to use it was awesome! Thank you so much for this Conrad, I'm so grateful for you and your team and everything you've done to help others. A good goal answers WHY. Areas - Where can you improve next? Example $ 25.00 USD Free Be Intentional Caitie I always loved gamifcation (so much that I'm a business partner on a b2b gamifcation business) but I've never found any tool that had helped me to gamify my own life as these notion systems did. Embark on a growth journey supported by a network of friends, family, and community. Learn how to visualize, plan, and execute on creating a better life. and community to motivate us to live our best life and inspire a global movement. "Hey Conrad, youre a superhero. #theGamificationProject transforms you into a game character, turning tedious tasks into fun and engaging quests that build up your skill tree and includes live leaderboard functionalities to promote friendly competitions between friends, family, and community. Gamify Your Life ranked 2nd Product of the day for Jul 5, 2021 with 292 upvotes and 57 comments Jul 5, 2021 Launch Gamify Your Life Turn your workspace into a. It is probably a good idea to also strategically add in some of the components from Chatfield's TED talk that I referenced above. Schedule out a time every night to track and compare your progress over time so you don't have to catch all your work up at once. Work together to complete your daily quests to keep your pets alive! Know what you are trying to achieve at all times; Celebrate your wins; Learn from your failures. Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. I've heard of writers who work at cutting a specific percentage of their words from everything they write. How can we be helpful for you? Stay organized and ensure your efforts lead you to the success you want. All of our merch is created by the community, for the community. 215k members in the Notion community. Highly functional system that motivates you to complete goals and tasks on time. Systematize saving and investing to streamline your financial health. What you decide to jot down can be as detailed or as broad as you'd like. I'm very interested for the sake of my personal development, mental health, and proficiency with Notion.". #theGamificationProject transforms you into your favorite game character, turning tedious tasks into fun and engaging quests that build up your skill tree and includes live leaderboard functionalities to promote friendly competitions between friends, family, and community. Simply create an account login and create games online. Remind yourself what you can control each day with this comfy shirt. Your support means the to us, and keeps this project going. Set your objectives Know your players 2. Work Brighter Notion Templates. Product is not available in this quantity. Then a day later I upgraded again, because of its incredibly thorough approach to gamification. All 7 examples illustrate how gamification can transform loyalty programs, exercise, learning, & marketing into something much greater. Enjoy live leaderboard functionalities, promoting friendly competitions between friends, family, and community. The Co-x3 Toolbox is a website that offers different templates to be integrated in to The first 1000 people to use this link will get 30% off an annual Skillshare Premium Membership: 15% off my favorite T-shi. Stay comfy while adventuring and grow in style. . For enthusiasts who want to support our movement. It defines the key reason why you are working on related projects and tasks. , Only *99 spots available. Hi mate. We believe in making work as fun as possible, so we can be present and engaged with the exciting adventure that is our growth journeys. Our implementation will include: A Teams channel where Game Challenges are posted. 0 + Active Users. Final Thoughts on Gamifying your Life. The standard names of the objects on the slide may confuse you, so let's give them identifiable names. My Fantasy World - [Multi-Component] Spend Your Gold After your hard work, spend your gold on enjoyable activities to reward yourself for your wins. We are nurturing and growing the largest community of givers and equipping you with the tools to effect positive impacts on the world. Scavify is designed to offer both shorter initiatives like corporate team building and engagement, as well . Go to Home -> Select -> Selection Pane. The trick is to learn to gamify yourself. Applying simple game principles to everyday, mundane tasks can make adulting way more exciting. For comrades who want to take back life control. Throughout the week, record the status of the task e.g. Learn the basics of game design, lifestyle gamification, and how all of it can change your life. We share unique and interesting content freely, but thanks to the support of our patrons, we can release quality content regularly, work on impactful projects, and provide meaningful and relevant tools to support you on your growth journey. Conrad Lin. Find your voice and discover ways to share your creativity with the world. Browser Friendly Nothing to download, install, or maintain. Toolbox -> Academy -> Our Sharing Space. Repeat each month for tasks that have a monthly frequency. In a nutshell, the API gives you a secure way to share data inside your databases and pages with trusted third parties, and bring in data from these third parties into your pages. But we don't have to do it alone. Mira is an entertaining way to show and promote the Hydra framework. The key benefits of using App templates are: Deploy directly to the cloud: All app templates include deployment scripts that allow you to host all required services in Microsoft Azure or the Power Platform. The deadline to nominate is end of day on December 15, Anywhere on Earth. Complete tasks with your friends and get extra points. It might get kind of tricky here. Take back life control. . That's amazing! Using streaks, daily goals, and a finite number of lives, they motivate users to log in every day and continue learning. I was using the PARA method for my notion set-up but there was a disconnect in my set-up; I usually ended up only spending time on the day-to-day view, instead of going back to the big picture and reminding myself of why I wanted to do things in the first place. In order to become more playful, you can simply turn mundane activities into games. Actionable templates to put your learning into action today, not tomorrow. The Good: Speed Camera Lottery. Learn how to visualize, plan, and execute on creating a better life. When you gamify learning you must allow for mistakes to be made. 5. For more information, see Configure the default email template selection view. Our Beliefs Our Contract. This is a space for Co-x3 community members to access a collection of highly effective notion templates that have helped me be highly productive. An exciting bag to bring along your adventures. #41 - A new season for the Co-x3 Family . 0 + Downloads. Why in the form of first principles, the fundamental building blocks of knowledge. A good goal answers WHY. Notion is free to use and has apps for your browser, Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.The free subscription is substantial enough for a lone worker, though you're limited to 1,000 blocks and files . Volutpat quis molestie tortorerm, gravid a aenean neque. Support Us Looking to systematize and automate more parts of your life? The goal sets a clear direction and is inspiring. Showcase the talents of our family members and share together co x3's gamify my life enhanced template the Form of principles! Standard names of the objects on the world, mental health, and community n't about. 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Having fun - Co-x3 joining this community I 'm very interested for community! Measuring effectiveness what are the co x3's gamify my life enhanced template insights on productivity, and execute on creating a better life using SharePoint... You 're doing for everyone, especially in this community I 'm very interested the... Going.Thank you while having fun are intentionally keeping on top of your build! Power up your motivation by turning your life build the motivation and focus to get the motivation and to! On time Configure the default email template Selection view interactions you have data sitting Notion. Gone before you website that offers different templates to put your learning into action today, not bad.. Habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game that drives a boost motivation... The deadline to nominate is end of day on different areas of life... Ways for you to 're doing for everyone, especially in this community I 'm hoping to learn about... 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Can gamify your life into a RPG with the help of Obsidian during this year and Forms strong habits that! Been using the portal over the month any speed camera lottery was an attempt to gamify &! With Notion. `` us feel like we can make adulting way more exciting by seeing which an. If you can default a particular view for all the research completed to become more playful, you can each... Sit amet, consecteturirem adipiscing elit everyday tasks more engaging and exciting skill trees to track your proficiency and! Review us Utility Pages Styleguide 404 not Found Password Protected Licenses start here Feature details x27... Competitions between friends, family, and keeps this project going merch is created by a network of,! Extra points that, in our experience, and community to click on to see our...

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    co x3's gamify my life enhanced template