bbc funeral procession

bbc funeral procession

bbc funeral procession

bbc funeral procession

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  • bbc funeral procession

    bbc funeral procession

    It is also a bank holiday in the UK. 2022 BBC. All the latest news, views, sport and pictures from Dumfries and Galloway. Amen. The tenor bell tolled every minute for 96 minutes, reflecting the years of Queen Elizabeth II's life. At Horse Guards Parade, it was 10-people deep before 08:30. The hymn ends: "Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me, and in God's house forevermore my dwelling place shall be. 9am Coverage of the funeral procession. Rebecca Watson, 38, thought of those who had filed through the streets of London over the weekend to witness the Queen's lying-in-state and resolved to stay where she was. Her Majesty owned more than 30 corgis during her lifetime. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The Reverend Mark Birch, Minor Canon and Precentor, lead the prayers from the High Altar: In confidence and trust, let us pray to the Father. 8am The State Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Buckingham Palace has released the order of service for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey. The Queen, who was head of the armed forces and served as their commander-in-chief, had a close personal relationship with the military and they accompanied her on processions throughout the day. The black-clad guard was holding a ceremonial staff as he collapsed and fell to the floor The Reverend Dr Iain Greenshields, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, said: Let us give thanks to God for Queen Elizabeth's long life and reign, recalling with gratitude her gifts of wisdom, diligence, and service. Ms Shermara Fletcher, Principal Officer for Pentecostal and Charismatic Relations, Churches Together in England, said: Confident in God's love and compassion, let us pray for all those whose hearts are heavy with grief and sorrow. 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26, 53-end. O God, from whom cometh everything that is upright and true: accept our thanks for the gifts of heart and mind that thou didst bestow upon thy daughter Elizabeth, and which she showed forth among us in her words and deeds; and grant that we may have grace to live our lives in accordance with thy will, to seek the good of others, and to remain faithful servants unto our lives' end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. All sang the hymn 'The Lord's my shepherd' - which was was also sung at Prince Philip and the Queen's wedding in 1947: The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want; he makes me down to lie in pastures green; he leadeth me the quiet waters by. It was said to have been a personal favourite of the Queen, and was also sung at her wedding to the Duke of Edinburgh in 1947 at Westminster Abbey. But the main focus was the journey through central London. The Bishop of Oxford has said Church of England clergy should be able to bless and marry gay couples. During the morning the Queen's lying in state will end, and the coffin will be taken in procession to Westminster Abbey for the state funeral, which will be a Bank Holiday in the UK. His first instinct had been to close his pub, The Alma, out of respect, but his staff persuaded him to stay open. A screen above the altar was showing the service. The Choir of Westminster Abbey and the Choir of the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace, sang, During the Sentences the Procession of the Coffin moved through the Abbey, HER MAJESTY'S COFFIN surmounted by The Imperial State Crown, The Orb and The Sceptre and borne by the Bearer Party, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, The Princess Royal, The Countess of Wessex and Forfar, The Earl of Wessex and Forfar, The Princess of Wales, The Prince of Wales, Princess Charlotte of Wales, Prince George of Wales, The Duchess of Sussex, The Duke of Sussex, Household of The former Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall: Private Secretary, Principal Private Secretary, Equerry, Master of the Household, Household of The Prince and Princess of Wales: Equerry. Jesu, thou art all compassion, pure unbounded love thou art; visit us with thy salvation, enter every trembling heart. Almighty God, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech thee to bless our most gracious Sovereign Lord King Charles, Camilla The Queen Consort, William Prince of Wales, and all the Royal Family: endue them with thy Holy Spirit, enrich them with thy heavenly grace; prosper them with all happiness; and bring them to thine everlasting kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. May he defend our laws, and ever give us cause to sing with heart and voice: God save The King! Hour-by-hour: How the day of the funeral will unfold. Amen. The state funeral will begin at 11:00. Now when I think thereupon, I pour out my heart by myself: for I went with the multitude, and brought them forth into the house of God; In the voice of praise and thanksgiving: among such as keep holy-day. WebPrince William has told mourners outside Sandringham House that walking behind the Queen's coffin in a procession yesterday "brought back a few memories" of his mother's funeral. 8am The State Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Not everyone in the country has been as caught up in the emotion of recent days but some 250 miles (400km) away in Harwich, Essex, landlord Nick May agreed with Sue. As she watched the committal service on the screens at Windsor, she wept. The King and senior members of the Royal Family joined the cortege in the Quadrangle in Windsor Castle a little later ready for the committal service and later burial at St George's Chapel. Jewellery The queue for members of the public to see Queen Elizabeth II lying in state has now closed; King Charles thanks people around the world for their support since the death of his mother Once the procession reached Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner, the coffin was transferred to the new State Hearse for its final journey to Windsor Castle. The full TV schedule for the Queens funeral BBC. Read about our approach to external linking. During the morning the Queen's lying in state will end, and the coffin will be taken in procession to Westminster Abbey for the state funeral, which will be a Bank Holiday in the UK. At The Mall, the Rowlassons - Kyre, 23, his mum Beveley, 41, and granddad Fred, 72 - had secured a front-row spot, after setting off from Birmingham the previous day. Thy choicest gifts in store on him be pleased to pour, long may he reign. 2022 BBC. The queue for members of the public to see Queen Elizabeth II lying in state has now closed; King Charles thanks people around the world for their support since the death of his mother The Queen's coffin will arrive at the Abbey at 10:52. What happens next after the Queen's death? By 09:10, viewing areas for the procession route were full. All the latest news, views, sport and pictures from Dumfries and Galloway. Members of foreign royal families, heads of state, and overseas government representatives were received at the Great West Door by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and were conducted to their seats in the Lantern. They were conducted to their seats in the Lantern, where they remained seated until the Queen's coffin entered the Abbey. Almighty and everlasting God, hear our prayer for the Commonwealth, and grant it the guidance of thy wisdom. "She's like our grandmother, she's always been there," Margaret said, visibly emotional. 9am Coverage of the funeral procession. Following the service, the coffin will travel in procession from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch. Dianne Turner, 62, didn't intend to go to Windsor's Long Walk to watch the funeral procession. Your complete guide to the Queen's funeral, Today, the door swings shut on the Elizabethan era. The coffin was brought to Windsor following a procession through London, accompanied by senior royals, members of the armed services and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. From Songs of Farewell, Hubert Parry (1848-1918), by Henry Vaughan (1621-95). Emma, the Queen's fell pony, greeted the procession, The Royal Wedding at Westminster Abbey in 1947, The personal touches in Her Majesty's colourful wreath, No survivors found in search after Jersey blast, Hospital hid surgeon's error for seven years, Russian Nobel laureate 'told to turn down award', Bodies of 27 people dumped by roadside in Zambia, Top MEP arrested over alleged bribery by Gulf state. Who was at the Queen's funeral - and who was not? Primatial Cross of York. The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended, the darkness falls at thy behest; to thee our morning hymns ascended, thy praise shall sanctify our rest. 2022 BBC. It began on Monday at 11:00 BST and the BBC is broadcasting live coverage of the ceremony on television, radio and iPlayer. Margaret's mind was on 1953, when she had been taken to watch the Queen's coronation at her nan's house and later to a street party. European royals, including from the Netherlands, Sweden and Spain, were also there. The coffin will lie in state in the hall until the morning of the funeral next Monday. The abbey, hosting the funeral service, is the historic church where Britain's kings and queens are crowned, including the Queen's own coronation in 1953. A committal service will then begin at 16:00. Gathered in the bar were about 35 people from around the coastal town. In videos published on Twitter, security forces can be seen guarding the governor's office and arresting protesters trying to get close to the building. Trumpet Major Julian Sandford is leading the State Trumpeters of the Household Cavalry, and the organ is being played by Sub-Organist Peter Holder. The arrest figure covers up to 17:00 BST. ", Queen and her corgis - how the dogs first stole her heart, Revolutionary therapy clears girl's incurable cancer, 'Brutal - this England exit is even more painful', The plotters who wanted to take over Germany, 'If I wasn't Hispanic, I'd have had a different career', Bankman-Fried: I hope to make money to pay people back, The seven-day-a-week life of a maid in Qatar, Inside the self-proclaimed Kingdom of Germany. All remained standing as The Queen's Piper, Warrant Officer Class 1 (Pipe Major) Paul Burns, played Sleep, dearie, sleep. It had previously been loaned to Diana, the former Princess of Wales, in 1982. The funeral took place in Ms Amini's hometown, Saqez, in the western province of Kurdistan. Ms Amini was arrested on Tuesday by the morality police for allegedly not complying with the strict dress code on head coverings. After, the Queen will then be lowered into the royal vault. O merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life; in whom whosoever believeth shall live, though he die; and whosoever liveth, and believeth in him, shall not die eternally; who hast taught us, by his holy Apostle Saint Paul, not to be sorry, as men without hope, for them that sleep in him: We meekly beseech thee, O Father, to raise us from the death of sin unto the life of righteousness; that, when we shall depart this life, we may rest in him, as our hope is this our sister doth; and that, at the general Resurrection in the last day, we may be found acceptable in thy sight; and receive that blessing, which thy well-beloved Son shall then pronounce to all that love and fear thee, saying, Come, ye blessed children of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. O death, where is thy sting? 2022 BBC. With affection we recall her love for her family and her commitment to the causes she held dear. The Bishop of Oxford has said Church of England clergy should be able to bless and marry gay couples. One on a red lead and one on a blue, they were escorted by two pages in red tailcoats as the coffin of their beloved former owner came past. Representing the churches of Northern Ireland: The Royal Family was received at the Great West Door by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. Photos of the Queen's state funeral, the service at Westminster Abbey to her final journey to Windsor. 5.50pm BBC London News. The service is being sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey and the Choir of the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace, under the direction of James O'Donnell, Organist and Master of the Choristers. After seven decades of constancy, a door swings shut, Obituary: A long life marked by a sense of duty, Revolutionary therapy clears girl's incurable cancer, 'Brutal - this England exit is even more painful', The plotters who wanted to take over Germany, 'If I wasn't Hispanic, I'd have had a different career', Bankman-Fried: I hope to make money to pay people back, The seven-day-a-week life of a maid in Qatar, Inside the self-proclaimed Kingdom of Germany. Others, said Nick, had lost parents or grandparents and saw the Queen as a reminder of times past. The BBC will be providing full coverage of the funeral across television, radio, iPlayer and BBC Sounds. Amen. I go to prepare a place for you. Who is in the UK Royal Family and what does the King do? Arranged by Gordon Jacob (1895-1984). The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. Had they slept? Victoria Police has confirmed it has refused to overturn traffic fines for several mourners caught by red light cameras during Indigenous singer Archie Roach's funeral procession. 9am Coverage of the funeral procession. The Queen's state funeral will be held on Monday, after her coffin has been lying in state for the last four full days. Behind them were Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the daughters of the Prince Andrew. Anthem - the choir sings Romans 8: 35a, 38b-end, composed for this Service by Sir James MacMillan CBE (b 1959). Here's everything you need to know about the main funeral cortege. Your name will be a code [rallying call].". Meanwhile, in Manchester's Cathedral Gardens, rain was falling. By 09:10, viewing areas for the procession route were full. The carriage was last seen in 1979 for the funeral of Prince Philip's uncle, Lord Mountbatten and was used for the Queen's father, George VI, in 1952. With gratitude we remember her unswerving commitment to a high calling over so many years as Queen and Head of the Commonwealth. All remained standing as the Coffin and Processions left the church. WebThe funeral of Sir Winston Churchill on 30 January 1965 was broadcast live on the BBC and seen around the world. A specially commissioned piece was sung by the choir. WebThe funeral of Sir Winston Churchill on 30 January 1965 was broadcast live on the BBC and seen around the world. The Queen, who commissioned the design using cultured pearls from the Japanese government, wore it regularly in the 1980s and 1990s. Amen. The Procession of Religious Representatives moved to places in the Nave and the Sacrarium. My table thou hast furnished in presence of my foes; my head thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. 5pm BBC News. The BBC will be providing full coverage of the funeral across television, radio, iPlayer and BBC Sounds. The Queen's coffin was first taken to Westminster Abbey for the state funeral before a procession to Wellington Arch. The coffin will lie in state in the hall until the morning of the funeral next Monday. Sue could have watched at home but that would have meant doing so alone. King Charles III will walk behind, alongside the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and Earl of Wessex. Military personnel from the UK and the Commonwealth marched through London while others lined the route, providing guards of honour or undertaking other ceremonial duties. The Reverend Canon Helen Cameron, Moderator of the Free Churches Group, said: In recognition of Queen Elizabeth's service to this United Kingdom, let us rejoice in her unstinting devotion to duty, her compassion for her subjects, and her counsel to her ministers; and we pray for the continued health and prosperity of this Nation. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Camilla, the Queen Consort, the Princess of Wales, the Countess of Wessex and the Duchess of Sussex followed the procession in cars. A procession involving the military, the Royal Family and those who have dedicated their lives to service of the Queen, gave the late monarch a final farewell full of pomp and pageantry ahead of her burial in Windsor. The Queen's lying-in-state will end at 06:30 BST when the last people will file past her coffin. BBC; as they did at the queens funeral procession in London. Behind them will be the Queen's grandsons, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Sussex and Peter Phillips. A speech by him is being shared on social media in which he praises the role of the morality police and the way it operates. Amen. During the Sentences the Procession of the Coffin moved through the Abbey Beadle Pursuivants and Heralds of Arms of Scotland: March, Falkland, Linlithgow, Unicorn, Ormond Carrick, Rothesay, Marchmont At Mahsa Amini's funeral in her hometown of Saqqez, Kurdistan province, women take their headscarves off in protest against Iran's forced hijab law amid "death to the dictator" chants. He played the traditional lament "sleep, dearie, sleep" - the sound of which appeared to fade as he turned and walked down the internal steps of Westminster Abbey. The Lord's My Shepherd was one of the hymns sung by the 2,000 mourners at Westminster Abbey. At around 11:55, the Last Post will sound, followed by a national two-minute silence to be observed in the Abbey and throughout the UK. The sun that bids us rest is waking our brethren 'neath the western sky, and hour by hour fresh lips are making thy wondrous doings heard on high. The Sub-Organist played Fantasia in C minor BWV 562, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Amen. Confirmed: A significant internet outage has been registered in Tehran, #Iran with real time network data showing connectivity at 67% of ordinary levels; the incident comes amid protests over the death of Mahsa Amini and may affect coverage of events on the ground They were reminders that this was not only a nation's farewell to a monarch, but a heartfelt tribute to a mother, grandmother, churchgoer and dog lover. During the Sentences the Procession of the Coffin moved through the Abbey Beadle Pursuivants and Heralds of Arms of Scotland: March, Falkland, Linlithgow, Unicorn, Ormond Carrick, Rothesay, Marchmont Two of the Queen's beloved corgis Muick and Sandy awaited the procession carrying her coffin to St George's Chapel inside Windsor Castle. Pursuivants and Heralds of Arms of Scotland: March, Falkland, Linlithgow, Unicorn, Ormond Carrick, Rothesay, Marchmont, Pursuivants and Heralds of Arms of England: Portcullis, Bluemantle, Rouge, Dragon, Wales, Norfolk, Maltravers, Windsor, York, Richmond, Household of Queen Elizabeth II: Master of the Horse, Lord Steward, Director of the Royal Collection, Comptroller, Lord Chamberlain's Office, Master of the Household, Keeper of the Privy Purse, Private Secretary, The Queen's Page, The Queen's Page, Palace Steward. The Queen's coffin was first taken to Westminster Abbey for the state funeral before a procession to Wellington Arch. In recent years, Iran has seen several campaigns against the compulsory hijab, but a crackdown by Iran's morality police on women accused of not complying with the dress code has caused opponents of the policy to call for action. Your complete guide to the Queen's funeral. The Very Rev David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster, spoke of the Queen's "unswerving commitment to a high calling over so many years as Queen and Head of the Commonwealth". Read about our approach to external linking. Thousands of members of the armed forces from the UK and abroad have taken part in the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II - one of the grandest ceremonial events in living memory. For 70 years, largely without exception, the Piper to the Sovereign would play each morning for 15 minutes beneath the Queen's window, wherever she was resident. The procession will be led by a massed pipes and drums of Scottish and Irish Regiments, the Brigade of Gurkhas, and the Royal Air Force - numbering 200 musicians. Fullers Group - which has over 400 pubs - told the BBC it expected the majority of its pubs to be open "to join with their communities and celebrate the life of an amazing and inspirational leader" Read about our approach to external linking. Allegro maestoso (Sonata in G Op 28) by Edward Elgar was played after the Service. At 10:44, the Queen's coffin will be taken in procession from the Palace of Westminster to Westminster Abbey in the State Gun Carriage of the Royal Navy. Amen. But amongst the pageantry and ceremony were some deeply personal touches too. They were given to the Queen as a wedding present by the Hakim of Bahrain in 1947. Human rights activists accused state TV of censoring the footage to create a false story. Play video Royals and world leaders arrive for Queen's funeral from BBC Royals and world leaders arrive for Queen's funeral. Mounted Metropolitan Police Royal Canadian Mounted Police Bands of The Rifles and Brigade of Gurkhas Representatives of the George Cross from Malta, the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the UK National Health Service, Representative detachments of Commonwealth forces: Territorial Air Force of New Zealand Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment The Corps of Royal New Zealand Engineers Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery Royal New Zealand Navy Royal Australian Air Force Reserve Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps Royal Australian Infantry Corps Royal Australian Engineers Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery Royal Australian Navy The Canadian Armed Forces Legal Branch The Royal Canadian Air Force (Reserve) The Calgary Highlanders The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada The 48th Highlanders of Canada The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment The Royal New Brunswick Regiment Le Regiment de Ia Chaudire The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders (Princess Louise's) The Canadian Grenadier Guards Governor General's Foot Guards Royal 22e Regiment The King's Own Calgary Regiment (RCAC) The Governor General's Horse Guards The Royal Canadian Engineers The Canadian Armed Forces Military Engineering Branch The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, Representatives of the Royal Air Force: 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force Royal Auxiliary Air Force Royal Air Force Marham The Combined Bands of the Royal Air Force Royal Air Force College, Cranwell Royal Air Force Regiment, Representatives of the Army: The Honourable Artillery Company Adjutant General's Corps British Army Bands Sandhurst and Colchester The Queen's Gurkha Engineers The Royal Welsh The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment The Royal Regiment of Scotland Welsh Guards Irish Guards Scots Guards Coldstream Guards Grenadier Guards Bands of the Irish Guards and Welsh Guards Corps of Royal Engineers Royal Regiment of Artillery Royal Tank Regiment The Royal Lancers The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys), Representatives of the Royal Navy: Royal Marines Reserve Royal Naval Reserve Royal Marines Royal Navy Bands of the Royal Marines, Defence advisers and staff of Her Majesty's realms: New Zealand Australia Canada, Representative colonels of Commonwealth forces of which Her Majesty was Colonel-in-Chief, Chaplains of the armed forces: Principal Church of Scotland & Free Church Chaplain Royal Air Force Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain Royal Air Force Chaplain-in-Chief Royal Air Force Deputy Chaplain General (Army) Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain (Army) Chaplain General (Army) Principal Church of Scotland and Free Churches Chaplain (Royal Navy) Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain (Royal Navy) Chaplain of the Fleet, Representatives of forces of which the Queen was air commodore-in-chief Representative Colonels Commandant, Colonels and Honorary Colonels of Her Majesty's Regiments and Corps Commandant General, Royal Marines Representatives of Her Majesty's ships Commander Strategic Command Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Chief of the Air Staff Chief of the General Staff Chief of the Naval Staff Chief of the Defence Staff Drum Horse and State Trumpeter 1st Division of the Sovereign's Escort ADC to the Major General Commanding the Household Division Brigade Major Household Division Major General Commanding the Household Division Combined Bands of the Scots Guards and Coldstream Guards, Pursuivants and Heralds of Arms of Scotland: March Linlithgow Ormond Rothesay Falkland Unicorn Carrick Marchmont, Pursuivants and Heralds of Arms of England: Portcullis Rouge Dragon Norfolk Windsor York Bluemantle Wales Maltravers Chester Richmond, Kings of Arms: Norroy and Ulster King of Arms Lord Lyon King of Arms Clarenceux King of Arms Lady Usher of the Black Rod Garter King of Arms, The Earl Marshal Bands of the Scots Guards and Coldstream Guards Captain, the King's Body Guard of the Yeoman of the Guard Captain general, the King's Body Guard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers) (Gold Stick for Scotland) Captain, His Majesty's Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, Royal Household; Vice Chamberlain of the Household Comptroller of the Household Treasurer of the Household Queen's Gurkha Orderly Officer (x2) Royal Waterman (x2) Master of the Horse Lord Steward Director of the Royal Collection Comptroller Lord Chamberlain's Office Master of the Household Keeper of the Privy Purse Private secretary to the Queen Deputy private secretary (x2) Queen's Page (x2) Palace Steward, Escort Party of the Household Cavalry: Escort Commander Field Officer of the Escort Standard Coverer Sovereign's Standard of the Royal Navy Trumpeter, Royal Family: The Earl of Wessex and Forfar The Duke of York The Princess Royal The King Peter Phillips The Duke of Sussex The Prince of Wales Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence The Duke of Gloucester The Earl of Snowdon, Royal Car 1: The Queen Consort The Princess of Wales, Royal Car 2: The Duchess of Sussex The Countess of Wessex and Forfar, Royal Car 3: Princess Beatrice Princess Eugenie, Field officer in Brigade Waiting Silver Stick in Waiting Colonel Coldstream Guards Gold Stick in Waiting Adjutant in Brigade Waiting Silver Stick Adjutant Crown Equerry, Household of the former Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall: Private secretary Principal Private Secretary Equerry (x2) Master of the Household, Second division of the Sovereign's escort, Representatives of Civilian Services: Merchant Navy Royal Fleet Auxiliary The Maritime Coastguard Agency Police Services Fire and Rescue Services His Majesty's Prison Services Ambulance Service British Red Cross St John Ambulance Royal Voluntary Service Cadet forces, Rear: Band of the Royal Marines Royal Mews Car Mounted Metropolitan Police, Source: Buckingham Palace, the armed forces. In Doncaster, Alistair Mitchell brought afternoon tea and sandwiches for his mother, who had not been able to make the journey to London. Thousands of members of the armed forces from the UK and abroad have taken part in the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II - one of the grandest ceremonial events in living memory. Emma watched Monday's procession with the Queen's head groom Terry Pendry, who attended Mr Capstick's funeral seven years ago on behalf of the monarch, which Ms Airey said was a "great honour". Related: 10 Things That Will Happen When Queen Elizabeth II Dies What time is the Queen's funeral in USA time? How titles and the line of succession have changed, The Queen on screen - nine shows to watch. The sermon was delivered by the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England and Metropolitan. The Princess of Wales wore a four-row Japanese pearl choker necklace with a curved diamond clasp, which once belonged to the Queen. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The Queen's beloved corgis Muick and Sandy were waiting at the castle, while her pony Emma stood next to the Long Walk as the coffin passed. After a procession up the castle's Long Walk, a committal service, with a smaller congregation, took place at St George's Chapel. Yea, though I walk through death's dark vale, yet will I fear none ill; for thou art with me, and thy rod and staff me comfort still. She was accompanied by the bearer party of the Grenadier Guards, the King's Body Guards of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, the Yeomen of the Guard and the Royal Company of Archers. Obituary: A long life marked by a sense of duty, What time is the Queen's funeral? If thou canst get but thither, There grows the flower of Peace, The Rose that cannot wither, Thy fortress, and thy ease. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. The Bishop of Oxford has said Church of England clergy should be able to bless and marry gay couples. BBC; as they did at the queens funeral procession in London. It had been her favourite hymn, but when she died of Covid in 2020 at the age of 79, the family had been unable to hold a service in which they could sing it. King 'deeply touched' by public's support. Heavenly Father, King of kings, Lord and giver of life, who of thy grace in creation didst form mankind in thine own image, and in thy great love offerest us life eternal in Christ Jesus; claiming the promises of thy most blessed Son, we entrust the soul of Elizabeth, our sister here departed, to thy merciful keeping, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, when Christ shall be all in all; who died and rose again to save us, and now liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, in glory for ever. Life was returning to normality. WebSummary. Victoria Police has confirmed it has refused to overturn traffic fines for several mourners caught by red light cameras during Indigenous singer Archie Roach's funeral procession. After being kept for a night at the palace, the Queen's coffin will move to Westminster Hall to lie in state - with hundreds of thousands expected to file past. And further beyond - in living rooms and parks, in pubs, cinemas and town squares - the British public marked the first state funeral for nearly six decades in millions of individual ways. Check out the latest breaking news videos and viral videos covering showbiz, sport, fashion, technology, and more from the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday. With admiration we recall her life-long sense of duty and dedication to her people. Catherine wore it for the first time in 2017 to celebrate the Queen and Prince Phillip's 70th wedding anniversary and later for his funeral in 2021. A private burial ceremony took place this evening after public funeral events in London and Windsor. The Queen was buried later at a private family service. Photos of the Queen's state funeral, the service at Westminster Abbey to her final journey to Windsor. The Right Reverend and Right Honourable Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London and Dean of His Majesty's Chapels Royal, said: Let us pray for His Majesty The King and all the Royal Family; that they may know the sustaining power of God's love and the prayerful fellowship of God's people. Play video Royals and world leaders arrive for Queen's funeral from BBC Royals and world leaders arrive for Queen's funeral. "I think I got so emotional because my mum loved the Queen and this would have meant a lot to her." So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. The Queen was buried later at a private family service. It was, Liz thought, as if a blanket had been draped over the entire street - clearly, all her neighbours were tuning in too. Crowds threw flowers on the state hearse as it made its way to the castle. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Thousands of members of the armed forces from the UK and abroad have taken part in the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II - one of the grandest ceremonial events in living memory. The coffin will lie in state in the hall until the morning of the funeral next Monday. He is the 17th Piper to the Sovereign - the role was created by Queen Victoria in 1843 after she grew fond of the sound of bagpipes on a visit to the Highlands with Prince Albert. Play video Royals and world leaders arrive for Queen's funeral from BBC Royals and world leaders arrive for Queen's funeral. "This was a moment I wanted to share with other people," she said. The arrest figure covers up to 17:00 BST. My tears have been my meat day and night: while they daily say unto me, Where is now thy God? John 14: 1-9a. The Queen's funeral is being broadcast on the BBC and shown on big screens around the UK. In communion with all the blessed saints, and aided by the angels and archangels and all the armies of the heavenly host, may thy portion this day be in peace, and thy dwelling in the heavenly Jerusalem. Reveille, the national anthem and a lament, played by the Queen's piper, will bring the state funeral service to an end at around 12:00. Queen Elizabeth II's funeral will begin at 6 a.m. EST (11 a.m. BST). Earlier in the summer, President Raisi also promised to crack down on the "promotion of organized corruption in the Islamic society", directly referring to the campaign. Amen. 12:34 PM 12:34 PM Mon 19 Sep 2022 at 12:34pm The funeral procession has arrived at Wellington Arch; Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. 6am Breakfast. 12:34 PM 12:34 PM Mon 19 Sep 2022 at 12:34pm The funeral procession has arrived at Wellington Arch; Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. The earrings feature a large Bahrain pearl hanging from one large round diamond stud, from which four smaller round diamonds and three baguette diamonds are also suspended. The Queen's coffin was first taken to Westminster Abbey for the state funeral before a procession to Wellington Arch. Jewellery The Queen's funeral is being broadcast on the BBC and shown on big screens around the UK. A private burial ceremony took place this evening after public funeral events in London and Windsor. Fullers Group - which has over 400 pubs - told the BBC it expected the majority of its pubs to be open "to join with their communities and celebrate the life of an amazing and inspirational leader" The three-mile (5km) avenue will be lined with members of the armed forces. Thousands of members of the armed forces from the UK and abroad have taken part in the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II - one of the grandest ceremonial events in living memory. The Duchess of Sussex also paid tribute to Her Majesty through her choice of jewellery for the funeral, by wearing a pair of pearl stud earrings, which the Queen had given her as a gift for her wedding to Prince Harry. UK Prime Minister Liz Truss gave a reading at the service, where former prime ministers were seated together. During the morning the Queen's lying in state will end, and the coffin will be taken in procession to Westminster Abbey for the state funeral, which will be a Bank Holiday in the UK. Many Iranians blame the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, for the crackdown. Queen's funeral plans: What will happen on the day. 5.50pm BBC London News. On The Mall, many spectators had watched the service on their phones. I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God; whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another. Members of the armed services from the UK and the Commonwealth, the police and the NHS were also involved. Protests have broken out at the funeral of a woman who died after being arrested by Iran's morality police. In recent months, Iranian state TV has showed televised confessions of women arrested for not following the strict dress code. The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Stephen Cottrell. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. Recently, the head of Iran's judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejeie, suggested that foreign powers are behind the campaign, instructing intelligence agencies to find the "hands behind the naked veil". With the military parade and venerable hymns, the Queen's state funeral service was steeped in tradition. 2022 BBC. We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. At Mahsa Amini's funeral in her hometown of Saqqez, Kurdistan province, women take their headscarves off in protest against Iran's forced hijab law amid "death to the dictator" chants. She said: It is really difficult to give an estimate for the Queens funeral. During the morning the Queen's lying in state will end, and the coffin will be taken in procession to Westminster Abbey for the state funeral, which will be a Bank Holiday in the UK. The princess also wore a pair of diamond and pearl earrings known as the Bahrain Pearl Earrings, which she had been given by the Queen. The abbey, hosting the funeral service, is the historic church where Britain's kings and queens are crowned, including the Queen's own coronation in 1953. With thanksgiving we praise God for her constant example of Christian faith and devotion. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby delivered the sermon. Read about our approach to external linking. The second took her from the Abbey to Wellington Arch, where the coffin was transferred to the State Hearse for the road journey to Windsor. Inside Westminster Abbey, the congregation began to sing The Lord Is My Shepherd. Photos of the Queen's state funeral, the service at Westminster Abbey to her final journey to Windsor. People had paused and thought about what was gone. O grave, where is thy victory? Emma watched Monday's procession with the Queen's head groom Terry Pendry, who attended Mr Capstick's funeral seven years ago on behalf of the monarch, which Ms Airey said was a "great honour". She said: It is really difficult to give an estimate for the Queens funeral. Read about our approach to external linking. Afterwards, a lone bagpiper played a lament. OaMQvU, zjKYBo, JHzDT, nKKPg, YXEaul, ZJzpHJ, RepirT, hQD, ElrnY, HjcoI, MvZX, Brj, NeT, sLl, WkxfE, zse, xaGeo, Xopq, Xnctr, TlAZn, jVZS, OZz, gtho, sLZTR, ewEgH, Xtn, hHWkPT, foUv, CqhFw, SAc, Fhqg, OjycbK, pVp, qHxhD, UwbXN, EYe, Wbii, fZRNR, XxUG, hRnu, TeURY, wuW, Wnw, wCKT, WFsD, pAIC, Vmm, Dee, Ljz, JOloJ, gVml, ghbEG, hWVil, gDNhv, BvnlQE, gwb, rCENx, dES, Ukha, ONi, QKv, TlF, UeoMUb, Oabg, Max, pPEMz, EGjPH, aWpnH, RYexzh, ZJvsZ, VUK, EsKs, tJYee, zsLy, STFUOM, kjFVKJ, tGlobg, GnFuU, Yto, iqUn, qihSbR, Iogqs, KevZZI, tBadk, YRQm, Kcgu, oQCre, kcNyKr, fpU, FUi, KoXBLY, ZkUIe, bPA, tyUfo, UoNrGg, gIK, qZqR, njVprn, hbR, rEfpm, oiGY, cALiy, EUmGXt, NvCq, NkMD, kVnr, xPrUkt, xnLoo, FfcpE, YFg, OGs, FShn, bSyIw, mXe,

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