achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms

achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms

achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms

achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms

  • achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms

  • achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms

    achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms

    My mental state is ok at the moment. I was reassured at the hospital that I would be able to take a removeable cast on holiday for the plane, pool etc. So Im pretty optimistic at the moment because Im actually training my legs fully at the moment. Although I had never quite reached the point of completely shaking off a walking limp, I could do most of my physio exercises okay and seemed on the road to a full recovery. Both PT and OS continue to tell me this pain is part of the normal process and it will go away. was just walking down the street and i felt the same dreaded sensation of being kicked. For the last 3 weeks with cast on I walked on it. I think it was Seppo Marxs line: Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?. And pt not for 6 weeks. Maybe it changes the best treatments, but Ive never seen a study that takes it into account. . Having an ATR is a kick in the head as well as the leg, and rerupturing is a bigger kick. For those of you following PT protocols, thought maybe youd like to see mine. I needed pain killers for only about 1 day. Did any of you experienced anything similar? So I am walking on egg shells. You might ask your surgeons if they plan on putting in some sort of reinforcement material to help strengthen the area. I read most of the re-rupture blogs and it appeared that most re-ruptures occured a few weeks to a few months post surgery when the achilles was still very vulnerable. After searching the internet about the most recent surgical innovations I found this forum. As posted a few days ago, my achilles rupture is different from a normal rupture. Its probably not a totally harmless test, if you HAVE reruptured, since it will probably increase your gap size a bit. Every step is a chance to make your calf/achilles better..The moment I stop working out increases the chance of re-rupture when I decided to suddenly be active again..I just want to minimize the chance of this happening ever again without being stuck on a couch for the rest of my life.. Youve likely suffered a lot of atrophy up to this point- starting over again is going to make it worse. For me, the surgery was performed on an outpatient basis (an afternoon) and went very well. Is this normal? Have you guys ever heard on someone re-rupturing while in the black boot with a 2 CM heel lift? Dr. had just put me in 2 shoes, and three days later I slipped a bit in my house. Hes been selected again as a Texas Super Doctor and he serves patients from all over Metro Houston and Southeast Texas. I received an email from one of my employers after I told them the bad newsthey said they would have to hire someone to replace me and they cannot guarantee my Supervisor shifts if and when I do decide to go back. My wife took me to emergency where they inspected the stitches and said everything looked good externally. What a living HELL.FML and all that bad stuffHere we go all over again. All I want for Christmas is my two good tendons You dont want to hear me actually sing. The boot gave me confidence and while it is on there is very little chance you can rerupture. Its been 10 weeks and I have not even started PT yet. Learn as much as you can about expected recovery rates, return to function expectations/schedule, etc., so that youll be able to recognize if things are taking a turn for the worse as early as possible. I think your problem is more common than you think or people let on. I agree with ryanb that you should get a few opinions. It may be good to have the wife back but I bet at first it will be a little strange having someone else around to give you a hand. Hours later it hadnt dropped much and eventually they got around to taking the cast off to check the wound which was fine. the 2 worse scenarios you can have post op is 1)re rupture 2) infection well I gone through both in the past 4 mths, I got infected by a virus called Staphylococcus aureus, I m thankful its not MRSA or else I would be really screwed. I am still walking with a slight limp, but I have stopped going to PT (about a month ago). Maybe it works just as well on re-ruptures as it does on fresh ones, but its just another maybe. Brian, My socks are just below the knee. - had surgery and was fitted with a half cast for two weeks before getting a full cast Keep your chin up. She asked me what happened and then if I was healing Ok. She then said she knew what I was going through as she broke her knee. How did you feel after the first surgery? Two weeks later snap. Im so sorry youre having this torturous experience. The other ortho came in a did a few tests on my leg, first he manually checked the tendon and decided it was still in place, thick, and did not feel compromised. If I gotta sleep in the boot, Ill sleep in it. It will be a little strange having my wife back to help me. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Well I had the dreded rerupture last night. I was on this page back in April I silpped just 2 days in 2 shoes. An acute Achilles tendon rupture is a tear that occurs when the tendon is stretched beyond . She kindly explained that because woman have more flexible joints, it is very uncommon for them to have a full rupture. Bookshelf I then re-re-ruptured at 5 weeks, while wearing the boot, due to a very minor stumble. I was following the UWO non-surgical approach. Im not sure protocol Doc has me on but i gather it will be slow considering my DVT will limit my activities for few more extra weeks when cast finally comes off, well at least until im off the Warfarin. Symptoms of an Achilles Tendon Rupture or Tear During sudden or quick movements, muscles and tendons can rupture or tear. Commentary on an article by Kevin Willits, MA, MD, FRCSC, et al. I didnt notice any popping or anything specific and did not slip and fall. My second tear was lower down, very close to the heal. Coincidently that night Kobe Bryant was making his NBA debut coming back from the same injury. HE placed my leg in a neutral position again and said I should consult with my Doc on my next appointment which was the next friday ( week later ). The more mobile and independent I became the better I felt. This injury has put in a very tough situation physically and financially. She put me back in the boot until just last week.. My pain is much better, but I still have trouble with swelling and the foor turning black and blue. It seems I had too much scar tissue built up and upon taking a step my leg literally blew open. I am not one to find fault or reason so keeping a attitude of it is what it is and dealng with it. zruth - to put your mind at rest firstly. Im really sorry to hear about your re-injury. +1 to Annes Honestly, getting into two shoes quickly is overrated. The best results dont come from going much faster than the most successful protocols like but they dont come from going much slower, either. which i wanted when it first happened. I also cannot emphasize more about being very careful not to ever let those toes bend upward (dorsiflexion) the first month or two. I am 43 yrs old and ruptured my right Achilles for the 1st time on March 8th near the end of a very intense soccer match. Hmmm. Sorry for the should be perseverance, not perserverance(too many beers on Fathers day). Thank you so much for replying!!! The dr looked at me a little suspect but let me go anyway (?). This article discusses the most common symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture. But Im certainly no expert on DVT, not even an AMATEUR expert! Sending you the luck of the Irish for a speedy recovery from here on in. In the same way HarelyLady, I will be praying for you during my journey. Gotta love these anti-spam words! I agree. I wish you the best and I will be praying for you tonight. Its not as painful as the first surgery which is excellent. Probably not the smartest thing, and I wont recommend to everyone to be as stupid as me, either. Worried that it could be serious. Went to the emergency room. Churches are there and want to help! Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The MRI tech says he sees a hole which means a rupture. If you choose to forego treatment, you may be more likely to rupture it again. He did my achilles surgery 12 weeks ago. I am also getting used to the CAM walker. Only works when swelling is down though. I am not sure if a rerupture means the exact same place or just another rupture while still healing. However i feel my achilles tendon keeps pulsating it kinda feels like it did before my surgery but a little better. When they took out my stitches at week2 it was long and 25 -30 stitches Does anyone try to contract their tendon while in the cast, I mean trying to see if it will flex a little. Good Healing! Its important to let the tendon heal as much as possible. 8600 Rockville Pike They usually present with the following symptoms: A popping sound accompanied the injury Pain Inflammation Loose feeling in the joint The patient cannot place weight on the injured joint Weak muscles It seams to me that the doc pointed my food down with the splint which made it feel better. After a couple of months here, Ive had the impression that most ATRs described were full ruptures, the biggest difference being in the protocols used. The MRI showed that there is a gap and its a complete tear but my doctor thinks it will heal in a cast with no surgery. Pictures of my two calf muscles next to each other were kind of depressing, though, cant believe how much my injured calf has shrunk since my initial rupture on March 8th.must be at least 2 inches smaller already! I dont push surgery for primary ATRs, but its not because it doesnt work. Im completely devastated, Im 4 months in from my first rupture and it kills me to think I have to go through that entire process again. Either way, Many people describe it as a kick or hit in the calf. From what Ive read and seen, most people re-rupture the previous rupture. Generally if you are protected there is only slim chance of damage with a fall but if not or if only in a half cast then there is a good chance. To my dismay, she told me there is a new study out for those who are nonop that they have better healing by not confining the heel in a cast during this next period. Cope with the problems as well as you can, and dont beat yourself up if you have bad days; that just makes them worse (obviously, when you think about it). And when normofthenorth chooses surgery for an ATR, its GOT to be worth at least a COUPLE of votes! I was also able to complete over 30 consecutive one legged catch-and-throws, so some clear progress! Tendons are much stronger than muscles and since you where only walking your tendon would not have been over stressed. When all this started I purchased a Portable ultrasound to use on my calf and ankle to stimulate blood flow twice a day for 5 minutes. This is no joke and its not a sprained ankle. I understand that its hard to diagnose anything over a forum, but I find it really helpful to draw on other bloggers experience. Enough for me to yell and catch myself. In between my injury and surgery (10 days approx) I was given the boot from one of my med school friends to move around. They fitted my with a new splint, this time on the front of my shin and top of my foot (MUCH better!!) I had tenderness well, pain after doing too many 1-legged heel raises after my first (surgical) ATR, but none after the second (non-op) one. Help. My concern are is that when I finally come out of the cast after this injury my leg will be very weak as it will have been about 5 months since my original injury, so I think I will be at increased risk of re-re-re-rupturing (!) That being said, I was extremely relieved that I had not reruptured. Epub 2019 Feb 6. After the surgery I was in full hard cast for 4 weeks, then half cast for 2 weeks and another 2 weeks of boot. We review the pros, cons, pricing, and more. how do you get out and about without doing that.???? One thing I would add is that I feel several times, but every time I had on a hard cast walking boot that probabyl saved me from re-injuring myself. Most pain in the Achilles tendon may be classified as tendinosis because this pain is related to tendon degeneration rather than inflammation. Ill be following this blog during this recovery. My advice? 1st time at oct 2011 n had surgery. I immediately started to elevate and ice, fearing re-rupture. I am nervous and relieved at teh same time. If they suspect youve ruptured your Achilles tendon, they may also order an MRI or ultrasound to determine the severity of the injury. Just today I was at work in my boot, just outside coming in, there is uneven stones patterning the sidewalk, as my boot rolled, rocked forward a bit on an uneven slab, as I thought my boot would continue rolling but wedged short thereby stretching the back of my injured area. Hi all, I have found this site really helpful since I originally ruptured my left achilles tendon in the middle of September and now that I have joined the rerupture club I would be really grateful if anyone had any advice or experience that might help me. I was stretching and diligently doing my exercises. Maybe some scar tissue tore, but did severely tear the ligaments in my ankle. norm and ryanb @leotig yeah now that I can look back at it, I laugh a lot and even went to Applebees to get that toilet photo lol! Like I said before, the situation felt like someone was playing that area like a punk rocker would play an electric guitar but only for a second. Doc was very happy with the progress and said that I should set up an appointment for next Tuesday to switch over to the Bledsoe boot (27 days after 2nd surgery). The full text of the study is on this very site, linked from the Studies page. You can still have a good result doing it this way but it will take longer. It may be mild and get better or worse over time. I was finally to the point where I was walking without a limp. Cant really see whats going on with the cast on, so any thoughts would be apprecaited! My snap was also right under the calf muscle of my right leg so the non-op was presented as my only viable optionsurgery was described as at best, it would be complicated for the same reasons that were explained to youtheres nothing to stich in to. I believe I did do a lot of damage but prayer and support really helped me out. I was just curious about the chance of re-doing it and youve kind of told me that it probably should be fine. Had surgery on 21st May and still in cast with foot pointed. But the latest evidence a number of good randomized trials published 2007-2010 suggests that the extra risks of surgery bring little or even no actual benefits in strength, ROM, or rerupture risk. Last night I attempted to tidy up a bit more than usual and ended up putting weight on my leg. Second surgery with a foot and ankle specialist, the surgeon augmented the Achilles a little. I remember it happening to me 12 years ago when I broke my arm but it was never diagnosed or treated. 2. Click here for the Site-wide recent comments (front page). is this normal. I love sports and love the out doors so I am very upset that this has happened again. I hope youre getting into a boot and onto a PTs table a lot faster this time. conclusion: the epidemiology of achilles tendon re-rupture is described and known trends (e.g. I read in some blog that I could ask for a report on the surgery. Do some research on this site, Norm will point you to the UWO study. He has his first PT today! It isnt hinged like the VacoCast (and hinged is GOOD! At starting having problems about two weeks ago, a spot had open in the incision and was draining clear fluid. Dr. J. Michael Bennett is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and a Fellowship Trained Sports Medicine Physician. It is a little bit more than 3 weeks post-op. Forgive my ignorance. What are the signs and symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture? My doctor opted to wait on MRI until swelling goes down and recasted in a downward postion for 2 weeks, then reevaluate. I did physical therapy and boots as well. For what its worth, when I saw the surgeon during my rerupture referral appt they did the calf squeeze test too and thought maybe it was only partially torn because I was getting a slight response. Every two weeks we removed the cast and flexed the foot a bit to put some stress on tendon. Youre an inspiration to my son, age 18, who is desirous of running again after his complete achilles tear right before going to state in 3 events in track. I am living downstairs for now, and will continue to do so after she leaves. Dr. Martin OMalley at the hospital for special surgery. Once in emergency, I wasnt given the option of surgery, and was put directly into the fiberglass cast for two weeks. We had one guy here who re-ruptured post-op recently (~4 months ago? I live on my own up 2 flights of stairs and hate asking for help (though Ive had to learn but I feel a burden). My leg felt like it had an iron rod in it no flexibility. Post ypur picture Brian I too had the graftjacket and would like to see it. It was painful and started bleeding for about 5 minutes! The first few days were pretty tough. I fall on my injured leg. I am gonna set it all up when I am laid up for a week straight. Harleylady: My wife suggested that I should skip taking showers for the first week after she leaves. When I hit my 100 days In January I took a break from the blog as I was beginning to feel so obsesed with my recovery charting every little thing Then I had family company all Of Jan & Feb. Today I went to Cross Fit and worked out privatly with Gordon. Thank you for your info. Didnt realise you were back at work. This time i opted for non-surgical treatment & have convinced myself it was the right decisionlol. Generally, the tendon winds 90 degrees on its path towards the heel, such that the gastrocnemius attaches laterally and the soleus attaches . Though I was able to just about drive myself home, the pain got so bad during the night that I eventually ended driving myself (in agony) to A&E at 4am in the morning. I had my first ATR in April 2007, played basketball, was 29 at the time. Thompson test has good movement and I can flex toes and move foot. But I didnt know anything about it prior to using it, and it worked. Anyways, on February 9th, I simply took a step in the kitchen and my wife and I both heard a pop coming from the same leg! I had a serious fall six weeks ago in the ice and snow (walking my dog!) - one week after surgery, was finally feeling good, but crutch slipped on a wet floor and I landed hard on my foot Finally saw the specialist a week after the rerupture and he sent me for an MRI and said his preference is not to operate on reruptures which seemed odd to me. Researchers are expressing concerns over the number of bicycle accidents involving drugs. What do you think I should do? Maybe they are? A sudden pop, snap, or crack at the back of your leg Severe pain in your leg or ankle, especially when your foot is bent down Swelling, stiffness, or weakness in your leg or ankle A bruise on the back of your ankle Trouble moving or putting weight on your leg Your point is overwhelmingly true, though (1) a few pros are startting to break ranks, e.g. Following surgery, are you usually in splint that allows for wound inspection and placment of ice? It hurt. They all stressed how long recovery is and they were all aggressive with pt at home and with therapist. 1st time at oct 2011 n had surgery. I think it seems the safer way to go, unless youre unusually afraid of surgery and its complications. The bad news is that few if any of us are born with the tools to do that, and most of us havent acquired them pre-ATR either. This will likely include a physical exam and discussion on the cause of injury. 2013 May;41(5):1100-7. doi: 10.1177/0363546513479017. When our hands are busy with crutches, we are in the same boat as four-legged animals, and we find it frustrating, dont we? ? 3) Basic ROM exercises: These went in the sequence of 3x Alphabet, 30x circles in each direction, dorsi/planta flex up and down 30x, lateral ROM 30x, surfboard ankle circles (dont know what to call these!) Could a minor partial tear happened allowing me to pass Thompson test. Steroid injection: Injections into and around the Achilles tendon have been associated with ruptures. government site. The strange thing, at least to me, I can still move my anke but when i do Thompson test nothing seems to move. Deb. His recommendations were the same as Norms (adjust the boot to a more pointed toe position and no weight bearing for a week). If you can squeeze out the swelling (as in my last note) and feel that the tendon is not broken, and you can push your toes down a little, you should be fine. I went to doc on June 3 and he & another doc agreed it wasnt healing & I had surgery again on June 4th. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body and it connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. We assessed the maximum calf circumference and isometric plantar flexion strength before surgery and at the last follow up. Did you wear your boots all the time after the rerupture? Was wondering about some sort of light(er) weight padded splint that could Velcro on for sleeping? I went in to get my cast changed yesterday and we were able to change the angle of my foot from 68 degrees (22 degrees plantar flexed) to 83 degrees for my new cast. Would that offend him? Only started turning the corner at around six months post. Can anyone else feel something similar at their rupture sight, I know the scar tissue fills in the gap. Glen - should all be the same second time around considering you had surgery both times unless you go bass fishing again. Also, does anyone know if the small pop i might of felt, could that have been scare tissue vs the AT? If you suspect that youve ruptured your Achilles tendon, its important to seek medical attention. Things that dont work out at work or elsewhere are really unimportant - nothing is as bad as not being able to walk again. Hoping its nothing more serious. I also recently re-ruptured, although I was only 5 weeks post-surgery. It sounds like youre well on your way back to recovery - good for you! Turns out that I re ruptured my tendon. We prospectively enrolled 21 patients undergoing minimally invasive reconstruction using a transfer of the ipsilateral peroneus brevis (PB) (five patients) or the free ipsilateral semitendinosus tendon (ST) graft with or without interference screw fixation (ten and six patients, respectively). He did trim the scar tissue from the ends of the tendon. Shamrock AG, et al. My first surgery was Mar 24. Any body have any advice on dealing with things? This time, know up front what your expected protocol is going to be. Be careful, because youre still very vulnerable. Finding my first doctor and getting the MRI results from him lost me about 10 days. Now looking at having surgery again to clean out infection and remove ATR and an allograft transfer later. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. I dont have the UWO study in front of me, but I think they had something like 3 DVTs in the surgical group and 1 in the non-op. They also tell me it would be near impossible to rerupture in the boot without a fall, trip etc. I do have a friend that has been helping. It did take me about 5 days to transition to FWB. The worst part of my re-rupture, besides the second surgery and recovery, was the interminable wait for the final word. Yeah you are right. Check out his blog for his story. 12 years ago had partial rupture in right which was casted for a few months. Below is what they had me do at my 6th PT session, 3 weeks after getting out of the cast and going to FWB. It s not like I need to get back to a pro athletic endeavor or even a minor one but I sure would like the option to be as active as possible. I truly wish the best of luck to all of you in your recovery, this blog has been very valuable to me! Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that I stay infection, dvt, etc free. Sudden movements, or movements where you are not paying attention to your foot can end in another rerupture. That hurt so bad as it was still stiff from the operation. Now am in the boot, but doc said to be on the safe side no weight bearing for 2 more weeks. I am at 4 weeks, and back in the gym, although not much with the legs yet. Wow, thats hard to believe, kb60, that you had a re-rupture back in April but they didnt diagnose until 2 months later!?!? It is so good to hear that you are back on your feet after 6 months, Brian. Oddly I am progressing. The rest of my session was done barefoot as usual 2013;36(9):709-21. doi:10.1007/s40264-013-0089-8, Pedowitz D, Kirwan G. Achilles tendon ruptures. So alas, I dont trust much other than the Thompson test. I have to keep my legs pretty warm or I get zapped. [my original surgery gave me a DVT which turned int a Pulminary Embolism and so I am on blood thinning medication]. My advicealways have surgery, go private if you canthe NHS give cheapest treatment, not the best. Today, 5 days later, I finally saw my surgeon. You wrote that you are not in your home country, which is where? I was in quite a bit of pain several months post op and nearly went back to the boot, The tape helped me get through that time. The next day, I had an MRI, and while the MRI showed signs of a rupture and post-operative changes to the achilles, the doctor determined that I had not reruptured. when will i be able to drive again. You have a suspected rupture to your Achilles tendon which needs to be confirmed via an ultrasound scan (USS) Healing. Did anyone had some similar situation? Im keeping my fingers crossed that it wasnt a rerupture. Pkent - well that sounds a bit more of a reasonable adjustmentalso know you know this but you will need somewhere to elevate your leg. This probably will be the loniest 4th I have ever had. If there is no problem then you can worry less. 6) Cool down: Approximately 10 minute hard massage of the Achilles and soleus followed by 10 minutes of icing with Aircast Cryocuff. 28 Aug,2nd surgery. Personally, I also wish we could start fining anybody who tries to win a point by saying something like after all, you really dont want to do this again or another re-rupture would be terrible news. Of course, of course.. HOWEVER, theres now some very impressive new evidence that non-op treatment at least smart modern treatment can work just as well on a decent-sized group of reruptures as it works on a huge group of primary ATRs. And thats for simple straight-forward sports-type initial ATRs, of the sort that dominate the populations in the scientific studies. My left foot flexed past 90 degrees, and I felt a rip followed by intense pain at the surgical site. the non-op ones) were kept in casts until their legs turned to noodles, with no chance for their ATs to learn how to become a tendon. Im so confused and frustrated now. The one questionable step - in my eyes - is the abrupt transition from NWB to FWB (no PWB) even with big heel lifts in a boot, I would have recommended a gradual transition to weight bearing, using crutches to assist with walking for a while. Just one opinion from a non-doctor stranger, but there it is. Usually when people have chronic problems that wont go away, theyre problems that develop gradually, without trauma, so the bodys rush of healing and reconstruction never gets triggered. - my thought is that some of the tendon has rolled up again.but am not sure. Thank you very much for the referral. Did you ask the doctor the questions that you are now asking this (mostly very well-informed) community? I a not sure where to post, so here it is! Norm, I will start blogging and give the details later(I have horrible memory so I better start soon), the past surgery I had(abscess removal) was done by an experienced doctor in a private hospital so I have more faith this time. More like lumbered around on it. I hope youve had a good experience with your GraftJacket?? Its nothing to really worry about. The good news is that almost all of us come out of this challenge stronger psychologically more patient, more grateful for almost everything, more empathetic to people with problems, etc., etc. Finally he had me put the ball of my foot against his palm and push as though trying to stand on my tip toes. After feeling the dreaded Ive been shot snap, I knew what had happened (Im a member of the Canadian Ski Patrol and knew the classic signs). Same with an ultra sound. This surgeon also tells me that I will be in a cast for the entire non weight bearing 12weeks. marianne - I am very sorry to hear that youve re-ruptured your achilles. I think surgery probably makes sense, followed by a schedule with some evidentiary support behind it, since he needs as many odds stacked in his favor as he can get! I was physically handicapped, and now financially. When he rang again like a maniac I suddenly jumped out of bed - right onto my wrong foot. They do tend to hate that. In walking boot with wedges I am still in a plaster splint that goes from the middle of calf to the ball of my foot. All the surrounding muscles are weak and there just isnt a lot of support. Youre due for some already. And yes, crawling up and down the stairs to your loo sucks. Is some movement a good sign? The lasting impact of the fall, including the incision opening and achilles stretching, is still up in the air. I have a question though - I am able to flex my calf muscle (or whats left of it) pretty well. The machine only goes up to 400lbsonce I get back to that level, should be done with PT! Now at the rupture sight I I can feel hard nodule or tendon which is a little tender to the touch. Keep in mind that exercise produces helpful brain chemicals, that youve been without for months and months. I saw another surgeon, one look and he ordered an MRI. As you will see, they stayed NWB for 2 weeks, then PWB for 2 more weeks, then FWB as tolerated, starting at 4 wks post-op or post-non-op. I got mine from and their prices are about a third of what the drugstore charges. walk up stairs normally. To learn more about their experiences, please visit their blogs: In Daves case, he was fitted with half-length boot that came up to middle of his calf, not all the way up to just-below his knees. Other than that I can only think of a tiny tiny cut, maybe 1 mm on my ankel(dunno how I got it) so I really have no clue of exactly where the infection was coming from. Your rerupture (if thats indeed what it is) is very stale, so I wouldnt expect it to heal by itself non-op, without being re-injured surgically. Anyway I can tell whithout having to go back to the Dr? doesnt sound like its kept you down at all. Things have actually been well in my world. A defect in the Achilles tendon can often be felt after a tear. I still had strength in the ankle, could even do toe lifts. TIA!!! Keep some in your bag for work so you dont put your colleagues off You sound like you are doing great. Thanks. But I am going the conservative route. I see Dr. tomorrow and have told my students and friends to send positive vibes that everything will be okay. Anyone else have this fear and how do you ever get over it? That usually means immobilization in equinus (plantar-flexed) for a while, and usually with a couple of weeks back on crutches, too. The doctor doesnt believe I reruptured as the ultrasound showed scar tissue/tendon tissue around the gap. Saw Family dr. told me not to let it get stiff so do light stretches! He said everything was still intact and that if I had re ruptured it, I would not be able to push down with any force at all. In the a.m., went into the kitchen to get some coffee without my boot on. Glad to hear that nothig happen to you, it gives me a glimmer of hope. I really hope I can recover from this. At just before 12 weeks, I started trying to run a tiny bit (less than a mile) and continued PT until around week 14. The pressure on my Achilles was pretty painful, but I decided that I would wait until March 21 for my first follow-up appointment (probably a big mistake). but it seems like i can move the foot still. In this case I would definitely skip the next surgery and go with the cast in neutral position for longer. Currently sat in hospital bed waiting for the repair in a couple of hours. The PA says to me that the Thompson test is inconclusive, the AT seems to be attached, that could be a partial tear, and if that was the case I could be back on the boot for 6 more weeks but depending on the MRI results I may need a second surgery. But living in NZ It seems that conservative ( unless you are a pro rugby player)is the way to go! I was without my crutch, slipped and stepped forward with my boot, the velcrow came off and my foot bent forward I felt a sharp pain were my Achilles was stitched together. I was in crutches and a boot until approx the end of Feb (8 weeks), but I was walking with only the boot by just over 9 weeks. Page (still up) entitled Swelling (& elevating) is getting OLD! The good news is that is that it didnt last a lot longer, but I was already WAY tired of it. Sorry to hear about your mishap and can feel your worry (and pain). Sometimes I would even walk without crutches in the house. The calf muscle is not like a window-shade roller that can spin around too many times then need rewinding. These medical reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Though my re-attachment is much lower. Ive been very lucky in my friends, my incredibly supportive workplace, and lucky that this happened to my left foot so I could still drive, etc., etc. Do you guys think I re ruptured it? But because the magical healing that facilitates the non-op success is poorly understood in the first place, its conceivable that its not as well triggered by a re-rupture? and/or getting the Drive Medical Steerable Knee Scooter (the one with handlebars) I was able to get insurance to pay for the knee scooter and it saved my life. Achilles also needed lengthened. BTW, all the re-rupture posts really scare the S**T out of me. So sorry!!! No further re-ruptures were recorded. Maybe a bit of EXTRA short-term pain, but there should be some long-term gain there, too. Theyll also feel the Achilles tendon to check for a rupture or a tendon gap, which is a space where the tendon has ruptured. Ill get into the mall with the boot on, and then switch to shoes once I get inside while carrying my boot in a backpack. The tendon re-ruptured after 3 days. It feels like as if someone put a rubber ball on the outside of my leg and then put the cast on. Im still anxious obviously as I could be totally wrong about my belief in myself or something else is wrong with my leg. Jonathan Cluett, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with subspecialty training in sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery. To be honest, Im so sick and annoyed at myself and dont even wanna see another basketball anytime soon! Pain and swelling. I studied some subjects Id been interested in for a while - but spent more time lying in bed feeling shitty. Taking Warfarin is a bummer, as is being casted for 3 months. . A good lesson though for those in future given the opportunity to actually discuss options with the surgeon - dont just ask about surgery or non-op, ask about the rehab protocol, whether boot or plaster, and so on. Common signs of an Achilles tendon rupture include a loud pop, intense pain at the onset of injury, and difficulty standing on your toes or walking up the stairs. She thinks a cast would have a better protection and heal faster than the CAM walker. On the previous conservative treatment I received. This time they increased the incline to the 2nd highest level available out of 5 levels. Conclusions: Slight soreness but it feels great. Tough luck on the rerupture, Brian! ASK FOR HELP! Are falls and mistaken weight-bearing commonplace? Lots of people are never getting off crutches or out of a wheelchair, etc., but for us this is a pothole, not a cliff. I frankly had a hard time believing how quickly (about 3 days) the swelling went away once I got the compression sock on. Home to rest. What should you do if you think its ruptured? 28 year old male in good physical condition. MRI studies may be indicated for surgical management of chronic injuries. Anyone ever heard of this infection being there for a year. And BTW, 8 weeks in casts then straight to 2 shoes is primitive care! Its caused by severe stretching of the Achilles tendon usually beyond its normal capacity which results in the tendon rupturing or separating from the heel. However, along with all of this I am having a good deal of pain. Havent seen anyone with the set backs I have had. I had an abscess and it was caused by the huge knot in the non-dissolving sutures. But the problem with that is that tendon is lengthened out because they dont get those ends together and you get a lot of weakness and your risk of re-rupture is higher. I am now in my 5.5 weeks and trow my appt with doc. Wearing Challenging Shoes: Those stilettos might be calling your name from the closet, but they're a terrible idea if an Achilles tendon injury is present. Pkent, I should have added I had to find more than one person for a lift (it went on a while in my case!) I ruptured my achilles playing soccer three weeks ago today and had surgery two days later. It may be difficult to push off or stand on the toes of the injured leg. My initial recovery was good but I had seemed to have plateaued in recent weeks. I feel like if I can walk with little pain, then I will have to let things heal and then back to PT for things. Ok, back from the doctor, 13 days post-OP..13 days after my 2nd surgery due to re-rupture that occurred 5 days after my 1st surgery. I ruptured my AT in March when my ankle was grabbed by an escalator. You would know and you would certainly not be able to walk with a normal gait or do a heel rise. He did the squeeze test and ultrasound that confirmed it. Most of the good studies that tested non-op treatment of primary ATRs operated on their reruptures also not based on evidence. Smish, I know I slipped on our hall runner, when I reruptured. what a luck And a couple of answers for leotig from a guy on the Internet: I had my first surgery on March 14th and all went pretty well. Maybe you only partially tore it? I found the only reason doctors and physio recommended early weight bearing and more aggressive physio is to get you back to your feet sooner, if you feel this is not really necessary or are afraid of a re-rupture, then take your time to heal. -, Am J Sports Med. Following pt protocol at home mostly. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. I knew I had torn something, but this time felt different. Read our. I was in the boot for just over 12 weeksmy ortho said that, at that point, my AT was 70% healed and that a risk of re-rupture during rehab is quite low (again, brutal). Check it out and check out your leg, too! I suffered a complete rupture of my Achilles exactly one week ago, and had surgery to repair it four days ago. male predilection) are confirmed, while other novel findings are described, including incidence of a small but significant number of late re-ruptures, occurring years after the primary injury and an increased incidence of re-rupture in less Very sorry to hear about this. I got to my shower on crutches while I was NWB and PWB, then stepped inside and sat down, rested the crutches outside the shower, took off the boot and rested it outside. I think DVT can occur with any leg healing (like ATRs), though its much more common after ATR surgery than during a non-surgical rehab. Two people in the last few years even tore both ATs at the SAME TIME!! Good luck to you. No more pain little limp. I am six weeks along. Here I am complaining about my possible re rupture and we have someone going through worse. One thing my surgeon told me is that I have skinny tendons for a guy my size. Im five years out from the first Achilles tear and its doing great (knock on wood) Slowed-Down Rehabilitation Following Percutaneous Repair of Achilles Tendon Rupture. I was able to ride a real bike outside slowly for approx 30 minutes at about 10 weeks. FOIA An Achilles tendon rupture is usually an unmistakable event. Here is a blog is from a guy who went surgery and then conservative: Norm, the Thompson test was positive, but even 4 weeks prior to the possible re-rupture, there was hardly any connection and the doc said perhaps their was a very slight movement. The subject of this section of the Show is the chance of re-injury afterachilles tendon surgery. That sounds nonsense. 2014 Oct;26(5):513-9. doi: 10.1007/s00064-012-0228-x. I completely ruptured my left Achilles 7 years ago, had surgery and made a 100% recovery, and ran, jumped and did everything the same as before after a 6-9 month recovery. Unfortunately, the careful studies Ive seen testing it have mostly found that it does NOT produce better results than simple surgery which in turn, doesnt produce better results than NO surgery, for initial ATRs! It hurts like hell and causes massive swelling and bruising, but thats all part of the package, the bodys reaction to an important injury. post 3months surgery was involved in an attempted snatch theft when just start walking and this time heard clear pop sound Sorry, but Ive been away for a little while, but came back and noticed what you posted. 2 weeks after the surgery doctor took the stiches out and replaced my splint with an ACE tape. I wish you a happier recovery this time around. BTW, if you think the scientific evidence on treatment of an initial and total ATR, dont even bother LOOKING for statistics on different treatments for partial tears or re-ruptures! Good luck. Arthritis affects millions of people, causing joint pain, stiffness, and disability. I think the window of surgery varies greatly. Maybe Ill remember your ID the next time somebody asks for examples of happy non-op campers! Instinctively, I landed on my injured right foot. Im in the UK, and have an appt on the 24th Aug to have this cast off, and then to physio again, so it will have been 2 weeks in a slab and bandages and then 6 weeks in this cast. Lesson learned: NEVER try to motate around on crutches unless that boot is on. I am approximately 18 weeks post a full rupture. 3timers case is pretty simple. Saw the ortho surg today and hes fairly certain its re-ruptured. Don t rush it!re-ruptures are not nice. I took a spill off of the knee walker Dec. 9. The stitches are still in place holding the tendon to the sheath they put around it, but the center between the stiches is what ripped apart again. Validity and Reliability of Mini-Invasive Surgery Assisted by Ultrasound in Achilles Tendon Rupture. I am walkingon it very lightly and mri prob today. I am probably at least another few weeks away from trying a broad jump, but I just turned 44! I had no symptoms. But the Thompson test squeezes the gastroc, and only the AT connects it to the heel/ankle.). I have 2 or 3 more casts before they give me my cam boot. it has not even been three weeks since the first surgery, but perhaps its best to have the problem corrected now? There is difficulty walking immediately. I was told I needed to work through the pain and yes sometimes it is a mind thing. I could not concentrate on anything else, but kept thinking I could not be in this cast for another two weeks, when I am supposed to go back for the CAM walker. Coupla things, Rodney: Can that be held on with an ace wrap? 1st 3rd week Visit. Call 281-633-8600 for an appointment at our Sugar Land clinic and 713-234-3152 for an appointment at our clinic near the Houston Galleria. I live alone in a 2nd story apartment in a house downtown. Its amazing what we can do for ourselves when we have to and I bet the beer tasted especially good. (Thats a copy of what the authors faxed to my surgeon, at his request, in 2009.). This means, for the population of 10,000, there may be 80 ATRs over a life time of 80 years. Ive got plenty of sports med and foot and ankle docs that I work with that I can bring this up to as well. And when on average the dent closes? PT gives me a massage at the end of each session but that no longer seems to be improving the scar tissue issue. If you have a severe and complete rupture, you will likely need surgery. As Hillie already stated, you need to ask these questions of your doctor and, if you dont like/trust your doctor, then get a new one. Was it the same activity as the 1st? I have a review in a couple of weeks anyway so we will see - feeling more positive about it now anyway. Will let you know how it goes! Physio has now referred me back tuma consultant whereas another physio told me to lose the boot and start walkingany advice would be gratefully recieved. I didnt hear a pop or feel the kick sensation, but I definitely felt stitches popping. Protect your injury to the best of your ability, and keep you patience. jackieo, Im curious if other ATRR (reruptures) had questions they wished they asked before 2nd surgery? Good to hear that your employer is making an effort to accomodate your (temporary!) I found this odd, as I has been on crutches for the past two monthsbut afterall, hes the expert. Namely walking. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Its also been working well for at least 3 of us here. Active male official website and that any information you provide is encrypted I am ordering the vaco boot today and my surgeon likes the aggressive nature of rehab I have toalkled about. If I then want surgery in future, it seems like a 2-5 (?) Original rupture August 19, 2010 was called a transverse rupture11cm proximal. Keep up the great work! Some have gotten pills to lessen them, but I dont recall anybody actually re-rupturing from a spasm, at least during the 1.5 yrs that Ive been paying attention. So there is a chance that the Thompson test was always positive for the past 8 weeks or there was a tenuous connection at best. However it still wasnt closed and was weeping. if you can feel the full length of the tendon you are probably ok. good luck. I was allowed to go to the boot on 9/13, at PT the other day I was able to do a couple of calf raises. But in a study, it has been identified that people who have suffered from Achilles tendon rupture have experienced the following: Very sharp pain around the ankles. December 27th, 2013 right after Christmas. Some people have commented that Doctors dont like the boots because some patients just take them off when they are not suposed to but they offer every bit as good protection as a cast. Your calf muscle is probably strong enough to tear your injured-and-repaired AT. In my case I was lucky I had a follow up appointment with my OS two days later and was told everything was ok, it gave me one heck of a fright though and a reminder if how much care must be given at all times. I am going with the sponge bath the next few days. But guess what - I WILL heal eventually. Only one problem: It never worked very well! Had me a brand new pair of hiking boots. IE before taking a shower I would take my cam walker off and hop towards the shower without any pain but now when I do it, my foot dangles and hurts a bit, still tender from the slip i guess. The Achilles tendon total rupture score (ATRS) and number of single-leg heel lifts on the affected leg were evaluated at the last follow up. GRRR!! Stay strong! Hey guys hopefully some of you can give me some insight. BTW (= By the Way), entering those cryptic acronyms into Google usually gives the right result in a hurry. I went non-op for my ATR repair and my doctor said that if it did rerupture, wed just do non op again. Sorry to clobber you for something thats so common, Kaston, but you were lucky enough to stick your head above the mole-hole while I had the Whack-A-Mole Mallet handy! thank you so much for your words of encouragement Im 7 weeks post op, been walking well for the past two weeks. So I dont think the evidence supports your 3rd surgeons view, though I havent tried to calculate the raw strength differences from either of those two studies. He did encounter a small number of ATRs whose ends would not approximate, but ONLY among the stale or chronic ATRs, those that had gone untreated for a long time and even most of THOSE stale ATRs approximated and healed fine non-op, with a slightly LOWER rerupture rate than the primary ATRs that were treated promptly(!!). Well, on that weekend, I used the wrong foot to start climbing just two steps in my garage to get in the house. Even though I get frustrated a lot it only goes to a certain point because what can you do? I was out of the cast after 10 days, and in a boot. My surgeon advised that the condition of the tendon wasnt good enough to hold stitches but that there was very good blood supply so the tendon will heal well without augmentation. The Achilles tendon rupture is the most common tendon to rupture (Holm). Somehow I will need to lose the five pounds I gained. Stuart, At present I am stretching the tendon 3 reps of ten holding each stretch for ten seconds every day. Monday morning, doc says that we gotta start over again. Last year, I went to take off and it popped, this year, I jumped for a ball in the air and it popped. This latest injury occurred whilst simply walking in France two nights ago. Check out for a good modern high-speed rehab protocol that produced excellent results in 145 complete-ATR patients, with and without surgery. I can only speak for myself but after my re-rupture, I could still press down with my foot. You use it almost every time you move your leg. But repeated stress can make the tendon more prone to . Epub 2021 Sep 28. You are going well. Check with doctor about travelling and any precautions he thinks you should take. A partial or complete rupture of the Achilles tendon is an injury that requires prompt medical attention. First surgery, ortho just stitched back what was left of the Achilles. Heres how we can help relieve your shoulder arthritis. Last addition: Apologies for writing a novel. Before surgery the doc basically said he would look at the condition of the tendon and then decide what to do so I didnt have the chance to be involved in the decision and wasnt given any options to choose from. I want to believe them and try to ignore it, but it is hard, I know my body and something tells me the pain is not normal. I was supposed to have my boot of this coming Tuesday anyways. I am terrified that I re-ruptured the tendon since the swelling is not coming down dispite me keeping my leg up and icing. , is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in all conditions involving the foot and ankle region. If treated quickly, you will likely get back to normal walking as well as stair climbing within 12 weeks. He said if I walked out in my yard or somewhere else to wear the boot. When I ruptured the right Achilles ihad the same problem but after a lot of persuasion from our physiotherapist and my team mates giving me some stick I realised that it was more in my mind holding me back in cases injured it again. Its listed under surgery vs. non-op, but they used the same fast protocol for both and got very good results with both. After 9 week,when I was crossing jungle for fishing bass,I felt somebody kick my leg again. A few days rest, elevation and ice has seen the swelling subside significantly and the aching ease. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. You should be OK and be able to use crutches when you are away. 2017 Jul 31;11:660-669. doi: 10.2174/1874325001711010660. I plan to get the foundations poured in about 2 weeks and my specialist feels I should be able to climb a ladder at 3 months but thankfully I will have a bit longer before I have to do that. July 2006 had a full rupture on right with surgery. Good luck, and keep that boot on! FWIW, I think youre making the same decision Id make in your place. I had an ATR on RIGHT leg 8 years ago (27 years of age playing top flight basketball for my province) opted for surgery & can honestly admit i didnt do enough rehab, strengthening etc (calf atrophy?) New surgery coming this week. Most of us find it easy to be appreciative when were relatively helpless. The tendon helps you point your foot downward, rise on your toes, and push off when you walk. The most reliable exceptions have been folks like Durwood (see above) whose reruptures were stale when they re-started treatment. It puts strain on my family to take care of me and strain on my business as I will be out. Sorry, just lots of questions and not sure Im posting them in the right place (1st time blogger). He cited the physical presence of my intact achilles tendon and the tension I experienced when he moved my foot in his assessment. What to Expect When Treating Your Muscle Injury with PRP What was at the bottom of the abscess? Achilles Tendon Rupture. The purpose of this study was to compare outcomes of different minimally invasive techniques for reconstruction of Achilles tendon re-ruptures. Deeleft, I agree completely with your I feel exactly as though I have had surgery but only to set up good conditions for non-op healing. The puzzles are still multiple, though: (1) Theres precious little evidence on non-op treatment of single reruptures treated promptly, and none on 3rd-time-rounders. My doc allowed me to take it off from 3 weeks Post op to start some active ROM. Good luck everyone and be warned, you can rerupture more than once and you can rerupture when in a cast/bootif anyone has any questions about my experiences or treatment let me know and I am happy to go into more detail if it would be helpful or interesting for anyone. I dont envy your situation but I am sure there are plenty of ATR sufferers that have had to do it on their own and I hope they can help. So until I can get the swelling under control, I will need to stick with the boot. Supposedly the swelling is going up after injury for about 4 days. The local hospital surgeon said i could only have . This is from a study I was just reading; Therefore, heel lifts can be used to reduce stress on the repair while the patient progresses in weight bearing status. Why your doc didnt give you some is beyond me. I am hoping that these are all good signs and hopefully do not indicate a full tear and it may only be a small partial or even better yet only scar tissue. However, I am still wondering if maybe it partially torn? Know the symptoms and what to do if you experience them. What are the symptoms of a partial rupture? Its hard to talk to anyone about this since I dont know anyone who has gone through it other than me. Then.hopefully its walking brace time! I actually did some 60lb one legged deadlifts, lots of them I lost count. Hung around the house without the boot on to let my foot breathe and continue to let the swelling go down after being cooped up in a cast for so long. So, Im keeping on with the UWO protocol and going FWB to help promote the healing. In this article Maryke explains how to know . Go USA SOCCER! I dont know what happened yesterday, maybe the print version? I hope everyone will keep the chin up. I certainly worry about other complications down the line such as my tendon ending up too short or needing some other treatment down the line but I suppose I will just have to take things as they come for now. It paid off though because it allowed my Achilles to heal properly. 2017 Dec;120(12):1007-1014. doi: 10.1007/s00113-017-0420-4. And a WAY high proportion reruptured. Im really hoping that Ill be able to start back late in the spring. I bet it was hard getting out of the jungle. I am looking forward to my first shower in three weeks after she is back. I am now fine. Hey all, just new to this site. I finally started playing a little soccer (and soccer tennis) w/ my son at around the 6 month mark and have started really pushing the running again over the last month. If it is the worst case then it might be better to find a more progressive consultant. Can anyone recommend a good surgeon in NJ or NY? Take care everyone. I had a full rupture playing soccer and went the conservative route to avoid the complications of the op as I am notoriously bad at healing. I was told I would start PT in two weeks. having just read this whole blog on re ruptures it seems that early on in recovery, I am 3 weeks post op for re rupture you may not hear or feel the pop as the tendon sutures could just come apart. What do you mean by the dont believe it commentary? I like the long term gain through short term pain comment. If it turns out to be a re-rupture I think I will fight harder not to have another surgery. I want to know how successful this procedure is? + This is a course page funded by Plus online learning I got a report like Stuart said describing the details of my surgery. Now its nearly 7 weeks post surgery and Im devasted. I also did not experience any discomfort while he manipulated it. What are the symptoms of Achilles tendon rupture? I am 4.5 weeks in from op. Anyway, at this point, I am making my own treatment choices depending on what my body and perhaps imperfect research is telling me. Sure enough as I push of my foot on to my toes I hear/felt the tear. . . Cant remember any others offhand. It was treated conservatively. I didnt sleep for the following 2 days, reading and reading about conservative protocols, re-ruptures, etc., I got on my boot with all wedges again and started the UWO protocol. 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    achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms