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    "People like heuristics. CT Gov. Your Header Sidebar area is currently empty. Securing America Is the Chinese regime in trouble? They know the public turned on them. Heres what parents can do, Diana Jenkins is a few weeks pregnant, skipped PCAs due to bed rest, WWEs Mandy Rose Reminds Fans With Latest Bikini Video That She Kicks *ss & Looks Good Doing It, Peru Accuses Mexico of Interference in Internal Affairs, Summons Ambassador, Sinema Wont Rule Out Voting for A Republican Over Biden in 2024: What Matters to Me Is the Quality of the Person, Twitter Files Volume III: The Removal of Donald Trump, Turkish Officials Says the West and Russia are in a Cold War 2.0 Scenario, After 54 Years, Boeing Completes the Last of its Groundbreaking 747 Jumbo Jets, FTX founder agrees to testify before Congress on Dec. 13th, Pro-Biden Tweets Warning Trump May Try to Steal the Election Approved by Senior Twitter Execs, Kyrsten Sinema Refuses To Say Whether Shed Endorse Biden 2024 Bid, You Can Read All the Twitter Files Right Here, Twitter Files First Amendment Implications with Paul Engel, Pro-LGBT restaurant denies service to faith-based family organization in Virginia, EXCLUSIVE: McCarthys Speaker Bid Struggles To Combat Unnecessary Chaos, Crypto CEO: So what if I have a few red flags and man, are you guys paranoid, Tim Miller Blasts F*cking A**holes on Fox Over Brittney Griner Commentary in Profanity-Laced Tirade, The Biden Regime is Still Pushing for an Assault Weapons Ban, Child MutilationWhat is Their Motivation, Judge Denies DOJ Effort To Hold Trump Team In Contempt Of Court Over Classified Docs, Illinois governor aims to get assault weapon ban proposal done in the first half of the year, Kill the Babies: Dem Senators Propose Bill With $350M for Abortion Travel, Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Goes After Elon Musk Regarding Content Moderation Policies, BREAKING: Elon Musk drops third set of Twitter Files detailing federal involvement in decision to ban Trump. U.S. releases Merchant of Death for Griner in prisoner swap, and Jack Keane joins to weigh in. DEAN OF STUDENTS CAUGHT ON CAMERA BY PROJECT VERITAS!!! All sources, all on one page! Chinese Students Invent Invisibility Cloak, Best Trader Joes Frozen Foods: Top 5 Delicious Dishes Most Recommended By Experts, Freezing Weather in UK May Trigger Extra Payments for Vulnerable Households, Reports Say, George Orwell Got It Right: How I Experienced 1984 in Communist Hungary, Body of Yazidi child who died during surgery refused passage at Ben Gurion, Greg Gutfeld Solves The Fentanyl Crisis Coming From Mexican Drug Cartels With Just 6 Words, VA School Resubmits Application For After School Satan Club, REPORT: Bidens luggage thief busted again, this time in Vegas, Mets agree to deals with OF Brandon Nimmo, RHP David Robertson, Twitter had secret blacklists that suppressed top conservatives. Like father, like son! Lost your password? Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of SBA Pro Life America, which opposes abortion rights. Homeowners Are Now Underwater On Their Mortgages As The Housing Crash Accelerates 12/8/22, Most Speakers at Public Comment Meeting in Bellevue Oppose New Tennessee Titans Stadium Deal, Major Economic Contraction Coming In 2023 Followed By Even More Inflation, Former Pickens County Official Pleads Guilty to over $170k Worth of Theft and Racketeering Charges, On This Day, Dec. 9: Senate report on CIA calls torture tactics deeply flawed, Throwback to 2018. China seeks to tone down assertive diplomacy that backfired, US official says, Revealed: Internal Twitter communications reveal AZ Democratic Gov.-Elect Katie Hobbs campaign colluded to suppress political opponents, The Beginning of the End for Big Pharma: Ron DeSantis Is Opening the Door to Discovery, Biden OKs to swap drug-using WNBA player for notorious merchant of death in disgraceful deal with Russia, Tucker: Whelan Is Paying the Price of Voting for Trump, Not Important as Lesbian Woman of Color, Arizona Treasurer Divests from BlackRock Over Far-Left Policies, Sinema leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an independent, Vaccine Debacle: Big Pharma & Government Cannot Answer for What Has Happened, Tucker: Twitter Releases Proof of Shadow Banning They Only Punish You For Telling the Truth, Multiple Schools Used Pandemic Aid to Give Teacher Bonuses, Go On Hiring Sprees, Run into a coyote? You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Why Does the GOP Elite Hate Its Own Base? Its actually about conflict, RUDY GIULIANI IS BEING TARGETED By THE CRIMINAL BIDEN CARTEL, Senator Kyrsten Sinema Announces She Is Leaving Democrat Party, Registering Independent, With a wary eye on China, Japan making international defensive moves, Meet the F-117 Nighthawk: The Story Of The First Stealth Fighter, Stephen A. Smith Raves About Tyler Huntley As Ravens Backup Preps To Face His Beloved Steelers, After School Satan Club Persists in Effort to Meet at Elementary School, Amazing New Video Shows Development of Unborn Baby in the Womb, Beast Mode is now in Bake Mode as Marshawn hits British TV, ADL head explains antisemitism on NY hip-hop radio show The Breakfast Club, Twitter Files Round 3 the removal of Donald Trump, The Twitter Files Part 3 (In Descending Order), Renton PD: Potential hate crime after taproom vandalized ahead of drag event. Demented Leftist DEATH THREATS Directed At Kentucky School Kids, Rand Paul, Far-Left DA Enacts New Policy To Help Criminal Illegal Aliens Dodge Deportation, Obiden Regime Again Seeking to Ban Assault (ArmaLite) Weapons Before New Congress, Viktor Bout says he did not come across Russophobia in US prisons. Synopsis. "The one thing you have in an election on the pro-life side and we've always had is the candidate a human representation of the argument on the debate stage," she said. CCP Expands Its Secret Police Stations Around the World, In 2018 Jack Dorsey Said We Certainly Dont Shadow Ban Based on Political Viewpoints Today It Was Confirmed that Dorsey Was Lying, Four States Now Ban CCP-Tied TikTok on State Devices, Newly Released New Mexico State Basketball Shooting Video Shows Player Allegedly Being Attacked Before Firing His Gun, Infectious Covid Virus on Groceries, Banning Military Vaccines and Q & A 48 on America Out Loud PULSE, AZ REP Cory McGarr Calls on Arizona US House Representatives to Oppose Kevin McCarthy for Speaker, Syrias Govt Temporarily Introduces Four-Day Workweek Over Fuel Shortages Cabinet, KJP: Brittney Griner Is an Inspiration for LGBTQI+ Americans and Women of Color, Michelle Yeoh joins Wicked musical films in surprising role. 12/8/22, LIVESTREAM CDTV: Caravan To Midnight With John B Wells, Mon-Fri 9:30pm 1am EST, Sat 10:00pm 4am EST, Gun Meme of the Day: Not a Meme At All Edition, Yes, Now Even Shark Week Is Racist and Too Filled With Guys Named Mike, I Fired The Legendary Tommy Gun At the Range. Why Does the GOP Elite Hate Its Own Base? Two-thirds of Americans have no idea whats in their home insurance policy, Biden DOEs Nonbinary Nuclear Waste Guru Charged With Stealing Luggage From Another Airport, NBC Corrected Report On Russia Offering Griner Or Marine To Match The Biden Administrations Message, Most Germans Not Interested in Coup, Reviving Hitlerism Russian Metropolitan in Germany, White House claims it was not involved in Twitter censorship, Revelations From Twitter Files Part II Raises Some Critical Questions, Indiana man ran from police, possessed machine gun, CDM Contributor Matthew Tyrmand: Dictatorial Judge Moraes Has Criminal Charge Levied Against Him As Action Heats Up On The Ground All Over Brazil & Leading Generals Make Aggressive Public Comments, Conservative MP removed from parliament for accusing Liberal MP of lying about Trudeaus gun grab bill, Rebekah Jones Ordered To Pay $20K In Deferred Prosecution Agreement, NetNewsRadio,SM Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L. Episode 12/9/2022, Elon Musk Reveals Who Twitters Real CEO Was Before He Took Over It Wasnt Jack Dorsey, BIDEN HAD A CHOICE: LGBTQIWNBA GENDER-LIAR ORA U.S. MARINE. Multiple Democratic strategists agree that staying away from gestational limits was smart, though they often do not see it as painting Republicans as overly extreme, like Republicans do. Securing America Is the Chinese regime in trouble? Investigation Shows Millions in Taxpayer Funds Diverted to Left-Wing Groups, Congressman John Rose Praises the Ending of Armed Forces Vaccination Requirement in National Defense Authorization Act Passage, Hot Takes: Conservatives Blast the Twitter Blacklisting, Elon Promises Big Changes, Henry Repeating Arms Donates to First Responders Childrens Foundation, Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee Explains Divestment from BlackRock Following CEO Finks Political Messaging, Economist Warns Under Bidens Leadership, the Recession Sky is Darkening, Get 16,000 woodworking plans, Hammocks, Hidden Gun storage and more, Arizona Gov. Hungary Sticks to National Interests Despite EUs Pressure on Migration and Sanctions, PM Orban Says, I believe he was killed: Sudden death of American soccer journo has family begging for answers, A Recipient of buckets of cash from Bankman-Fried is Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Taylor Swifts Midnights tops U.S. album chart, 48-Year-Old Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl Dies After Collapsing While Covering World Cup in Qatar, WOW: Democrats Get Terrible New She Is GONE, Dr. Nepute Big Pharma/[DS] Attacks Those Who Counter Their Cures, Trap Was Set In the Omni Bill, BREAKING: Ron DeSantis Takes The Lead Trump Stunned, Boxing Ring Girl Sabrina Calvo Is Ready To Be A Star, John Daly With Bri Teresi & Cam Newton In Montana, Police warn amateur detectives in unsolved Idaho student slayings, USS New Jersey: 57,350 Tons Of the Most Dangerous Battleship Ever, Russias Gazprom Set Historical Record for Daily Gas Supplies to China on Friday, Twitter Files 3 highlights internal dialogue on banning Donald Trump: Moral imperative, Holding Ukraine Accountable for US Taxpayer Money, Qatar World Cup chief after migrant worker killed: Death is a natural part of life, Best Ways To Paint Your Nails: 4 Keys To A Perfect Manicure, According To Experts, Free Speech, Same-Sex Marriage, and Anti-Discrimination Laws, Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud Week in Education, Man appears in mugshot with 2 black eyes after killing Hells Angel in Minneapolis, European imports of Russian gas jump to record high, Court Says General Public Cannot Sue Over Abortion, Bidens Transgender Mandate Mercifully Goes Down in Flames, and Im Still Angry, NASA rolls Artemis 1s huge launch tower off pad for repairs, upgrades (photos), EXCLUSIVE: Christmas Covid Carols Greet Pfizer CEO Honored by Touro University in NYCs Times Square, Nigeria Bans ATM Cash Withdrawals to $45 per Day to Push Digital Payments, Moscow Calls on Finland to Bring Those Responsible for Burning Russian Flag to Justice, Twitter Files Part III Detail Banning of Then-President Trump. The U.S. Prinsburg kills pro-life ordinance after threats from AGs office, Meet Viktor Bout, The Merchant of Death Traded for Britney Griner, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Under Investigation By House Ethics Committee, Chicago school defends dean who bragged about giving sex toys to kids, Twitter Files Confirms: Election Interference Against Donald Trump Started One Week Before 2020 Election, Elon Musk Exposes Twitters Censorship of Former President Donald Trump, Chip Roy: Same-sex marriage bill an absolute abomination for religious liberty, T.J. Holmes called Amy Robach his best friend and GMA his dream job ahead of scandal. Not so fast. Douglas Macgregor, Canberra Tibetan Community Launches Peaceful Rally on International Human Rights Day, 4 Minutes of Undiluted Truth on Mainstream TV, Mike White, Zonovan Knight give Jets different look for huge Bills rematch, Russia to send Iran top fighter jets in return for kamikaze drones, Ari Emanuel: Blacks Must Reject The Politics of Division and Unite With Jews Against Whites, Racist Rutgers professor calls for an end date for whites, claims they are a race of villains in disgusting rant, Truth Be Told Podcast: Beware Ghosts In The Machine December 10, 2022, WHO Member States Agree to Develop Legally Binding Pandemic Treaty, Feel-Good Friday: 102-Year-Old Pearl Harbor Survivor Ira Ike Schab Gets Help to Attend the 81st Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Ceremony, Putin says Russia could adopt US preemptive strike concept, From K-12 and beyond, Israeli children learn they can help the rainforests to heal. . Kari Lake Officially Files 70-Page Lawsuit Challenging the 2022 Election Here Are the Details, Sheila Jackson Lee has full-blown meltdown when GOP Rep reveals where her American flag is stored, Police say this dude presented himself as a rich, suave Romeo to con dozens of women out of more than $250,000, 3 members of Irans Jewish community arrested amid protests; 1 released, Access to Pomona College Safe Space Allegedly Based on Race, Maine Legislature Leaves Gov. Flag in a Trash Can Disabled Vet Gives Jackson Lee a Lesson in Flag Etiquette, Biden admin. Medical Tyrants Agitating for Mask Mandates, Crazy People Are Dangerous (and Keep Getting Shot by Cops in Detroit), Senator Kyrsten Sinema Tells Left to Pound Sand, Elon Musk Applauds: I hope more of our elected leaders act independently, Brittney Griner Returns To America With A Completely Different Appearance, Embattled LA City Councilman Kevin de Leon Attends First City Council Meeting Following Racist Recording Scandal, Mexican authorities hunting for Ted Bundy-like serial killer after 3 found dead in Tijuana, Sinovac Covid vaccine has received approval in Germany but is to be given to Chinese nationals only, Fantasy football: Lions-Vikings game provides big opportunities, Biden Regime Denies Gov. So, You Want to Know to Whom or What Gov. Please enter your username or email address. To Dannenfelser, that was a mistake. But then, a post-election survey from AARP also showed that women over 65 swung significantly toward Democrats between July and November. 2 Announces BIG CHANGE Coming to Twitter, Tom Tugend, veteran of 3 wars and longtime JTA correspondent, dies at 97, Tucker Carlson Claims Biden Sought Brittney Griners Release Over Paul Whelan Because Shes a Black Lesbian, Biden Swaps Dribbler for Arms Dealer Slaps Military in the Face, Irony! The new policy and others come from a new memo from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin aimed at addressing concerns of service members about abortion access after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Video: Middle school teacher brawls with student in classroom. Its not #Woke, No ESG, and No BS. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. GITMO READY!! China continues to poke Joe Biden in the eye on the world stage, says Rep. James Comer as Saudi Arabia receive s China in lavish state ceremony. BREAKING: Trumps Sends Message To Elon DOJ Stunned!, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36. Doctor: I Saw a Baby Violently Stabbed to Death in an Abortion. Its actually about conflict, RUDY GIULIANI IS BEING TARGETED By THE CRIMINAL BIDEN CARTEL, Senator Kyrsten Sinema Announces She Is Leaving Democrat Party, Registering Independent, With a wary eye on China, Japan making international defensive moves, Meet the F-117 Nighthawk: The Story Of The First Stealth Fighter, Stephen A. Smith Raves About Tyler Huntley As Ravens Backup Preps To Face His Beloved Steelers, After School Satan Club Persists in Effort to Meet at Elementary School, Amazing New Video Shows Development of Unborn Baby in the Womb, Beast Mode is now in Bake Mode as Marshawn hits British TV, ADL head explains antisemitism on NY hip-hop radio show The Breakfast Club, Twitter Files Round 3 the removal of Donald Trump, The Twitter Files Part 3 (In Descending Order), Renton PD: Potential hate crime after taproom vandalized ahead of drag event. Flag in a Trash Can Disabled Vet Gives Jackson Lee a Lesson in Flag Etiquette, Biden admin. Who Is Purposely Sabotaging Americas Power Plants? Some are recently passed laws. Israeli-Argentine conductor Barenboim to take up baton again after health break, Elon Musk Torches Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Over Alleged Lack Of Action Against Child Porn On The Site, Eagles stud receiver duo poses mismatch for Giants weakened secondary, Garand Collectors Assn. Journalist Denied Entry Into World Cup For Rainbow Shirt Dies Suddenly During Match, CREEL & INCROCCI: If Central Banks Issue Digital Currencies, Americans Should Have An Opt-Out, EXPOSED: Video Found of Joe Biden Admitting In 2007 They Can Manipulate The Voting Machines, Shorthanded Islanders score early and often to hold off Devils, Maajid Nawaz: When Central Bankers Say They Want Absolute Control, You Should Believe Them, Twitter Files part 3: The suppression continues, Family Blames Pfizer Shot After Their 18-Year-Old Daughter Dies Suddenly from Unknown Causes, White House Reporter Simon Ateba Says Jean-Pierre Should Be Ashamed For Discriminating Against Reporters, DC Democrats Forced to Crowdfunding a Resettlement Effort, TWITTER FILES PART 2: Secret Blacklists, Shadow Bans, Trend Manipulations, and Everything They Swore They Didnt Do, They Did, She Could Be A Spoiler: MSNBC Host, Jen Psaki Fret Over Kyrsten Sinemas Decision To Ditch Democratic Party, Media Silence on Possible Border Infiltration by Pros, US journalist Grant Wahl, 48, DIES watching World Cup quarter-final in Doha, Sports journalist Grant Wahl dies covering World Cup in Qatar after death threats, Netanyahu weighs rotation at Foreign Ministry as senior Likud MKs vie for top jobs, West Cant Blame Russia for Casualties Caused by Ukraine With Western Weapons -Envoy to UN, Musk Reveals Who Twitters Real CEO Was Before He Took Over It Wasnt Jack Dorsey, SICK! CT Gov. A piano? HUGE: New Twitter Files data proves company shadowbanned conservatives and lied about it. WATCH: Stacey Abrams Facing CRIMINAL CHARGES After Getting BUSTED, The Hexagon Memorial Dedicated to the 58,721 American Servicemen and Women Who Died Defending South Vietnam, Emergency services suspect arson in massive Moscow fire: Russian news agencies, China makes first delivery of homegrown passenger jet, Study reveals the presence of metal particles in cannabis vape liquids, US currency to bear signatures of two women for first time, 13 Strangers Set Off On A Road Trip After Being Stranded By A Canceled Flight, Japan, UK, Italy to develop next-generation fighter jet, Howard Sterns Disrespectful Statements On Kirstie Alley Had Political Agenda, THE TWITTER FILES, PART II Twitters Secret Blacklists, IMF chief praises Chinas decisive move away from zero-Covid, Baby Will Update: New Zealand Parents Hint At The Type Of Blood Used For His Heart Surgery, Senior Republicans Request Probe Into US Aid For Ukraine, Hospital financial decisions play a role in the critical shortage of pediatric beds for RSV patients, Global economic chiefs laud Chinas decisive zero-Covid reversal, Trevor Noah bids emotional farewell in final Daily Show episode: I am so grateful, Mike Leach Appears To Rip Former Player In Leaked Audio, Brittney Griner back on US soil after 10 months in Russian prison, Seven House Republicans List Demands For Next Speaker As McCarthy Battles For Every Vote, New Zealand Takes Baby From Parents Demanding Unvaccinated Blood For Heart Surgery, Narcan maker gets fast-tracked for over-the-counter nasal spray. How Many Children Will Suffer? How will they get better? TwitterFiles Trump Edition: Guess Which 3 Letter Agencies Featured Prominently? There can be ONLY one, Middle school teacher mocks parents who want a say in lessons about gender, sexuality, and sex ed, Mike Lindell does MyPillow ad in style of Dr. Seuss Classic humor Commercial from last year, Notorious drug lord mysteriously missing from US federal custody: Homan, We all need to see some Tiger again. Sununu Is Connected? I Dont Know Where Your Car Went: Person Tows Car, Then Pretends To Not Know Anything About It, 12 foreign productions win government incentives to film in Israel, No, the World Cup is not fuelling gambling addiction, Few Israelis support religion-and-state blitz mulled by incoming coalition poll, Twitter and Democrats lied, lied and lied again about censorship, New Zealand High Court FORCES baby to receive tainted blood, forbidding unvaccinated blood donors, Eric Swalwell Is Angry About The Possibility Of Being Removed From The Intelligence Committee, N.J. businessman sentenced to 5 years for selling unregistered pesticide as COVID-19 disinfectant, Duke University leaves 14-year-old girl to DIE, denies life-saving transplant because shes unvaccinated, Brittney Griners family thankful for her return, praying for imprisoned ex-marine Paul Whelan, PAs Abbas says he opposes armed resistance, for now, 1 Dead, OBI Store Destroyed in Massive Moscow Mall Fire, Canada expands euthanasia mercy killing to ensnare societys most vulnerable, including children, Preparedness Notes for Friday December 9, 2022, DANIEL VAUGHAN: Biden empowers Putin with Brittney Griner trade, In new show, Prince Harry blames press, family for feeding frenzy over Meghan, Anti-gunners ignore the best way to stop domestic violence, make it harder for women to defend themselves, Kentucky authorities investigating death threats to children, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell: You cant stop me, BOMBSHELL: Elon Musk Reveals Twitters Secret BLACKLISTS, SICKENING: Biden Leaves Marine Paul Whelan Behind in Russia in Brittney Griner Swap. Who is Viktor Bout? Megyn Kelly Blasts Biden Administration. Who Is Purposely Sabotaging Power Plants All Over America? Some people are having deeper conversations earlier on in dating not just about contraception and potential pregnancy but about values. DeSantis Among Republicans, Biden Authorizes New $275M in Military Aid for Ukraine, RHOBH star Sutton Stracke donates designer clothes to NYC thrift store, Billionaire Robert F. Smith got James Bond birthday bash, sources say, Butt Plugs, Dildos, Drag Queens: Chicago School Dean Offers Insight Into Sex Ed Lesson For Kids, Detroit School Board Trying To Cancel Dr. Ben Carson By Removing His Name From A School, Lions Will Maul Vikings At Home In Week 14, Sen.Kyrsten Sinema registers as independent, says Democratic Party pulling to the extreme, Sturgeon: The Deadly Nuclear Submarine Built For War With Russia, Defective Home Lawsuits Continue To Flood Florida Courts, TOO FUNNY! Emmer votes for same-sex marriage bill that threatens religious freedom, Arizona GOP Calls On Ronna Romney McDaniel To Resign As Head Of RNC, Christmas canceled: Parents and media go after holiday traditions, Its getting annoying, Elon Musk Releases Twitter Files Exposing Secret Blacklists, Baker Mayfield Leads Los Angeles Rams To Victory In Incredible Comeback After Joining Team Only Two Days Before, EXPLAINED: 5 Largest Naval Battles Of The World War II, Dean of Chicago school says students shown dildos, butt plugs while teaching about queer sex, Donald Trump Calls Joe Bidens Prisoner Swap for Brittney Griner a Stupid and Unpatriotic Embarrassment, Study finds disparities in breast cancer screening, treatment access for underserved communities, Youngkin wants to reimburse businesses that faced COVID-19 fines, FBIs 4-Acre Geofence Dragnet at the US Capitol on Jan. 6 Violated Fourth Amendment, Defense Attorneys Contend, Sinema Makes Major Announcement About Her Future With Democratic Party, EXCLUSIVE: BDO Mandates Subtle Acts Of Exclusion Training For Employees, Jim Jordan Alleges Hunter Biden Connected With 150 Suspicious Activity Reports, Scores of Ukrainian Refugees Struggle to Find Work in US as Local Labor NGOs Overwhelmed Report, Latest Twitter Files reveal secret suppression of right-wing commentators, The Morning Briefing: Brittney Griner Should Have Been Left to Rot in Russia, Harsanyi: The Future of the First Amendment Hinges on the 303 Creative SCOTUS Case, Freed Arms Dealer Bout Says West Wants to Destroy Russia, Aiding and Abetting: Nets Ignore Second Batch of Twitter Files on MASSIVE Censorship. 3 on list. 100 Times Election Denier Hakeem Jeffries Declared Election Results Were Fake, Artificial, Illegitimate, Pro-Life Attorneys Tell Utah Supreme Court: Let Abortion Ban Save Babies, FTX founder Bankman-Fried says hell testify to Congress about companys collapse, Rocket Lab now aims to launch 1st Electron booster from US soil on Dec. 13, The End Of Humanity? Reed deserved recognition, Ghanas Currency Becomes Worlds Best Performer Against US Dollar Despite Debt Crisis, Braden Schneider picks up another key goal in Rangers win, Brother Of U.S. Who flew the confederate flag at the freedom convoy ? Prinsburg kills pro-life ordinance after threats from AGs office, Meet Viktor Bout, The Merchant of Death Traded for Britney Griner, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Under Investigation By House Ethics Committee, Chicago school defends dean who bragged about giving sex toys to kids, Twitter Files Confirms: Election Interference Against Donald Trump Started One Week Before 2020 Election, Elon Musk Exposes Twitters Censorship of Former President Donald Trump, Chip Roy: Same-sex marriage bill an absolute abomination for religious liberty, T.J. Holmes called Amy Robach his best friend and GMA his dream job ahead of scandal. GITMO READY!! Could it be a giant eye? Military Photo of the Day: An F-35B Lightning Aircraft Takes Off in Japan, Media Tiptoe Around Colorado Nightclub Shooters Preferred Pronouns, Service & Sacrifice: Full Ground Operations. Press For Truth [VIDEO], Incentivized to Kill: Government Bounties on American Lives, The Rise of the Whodunit: Rian Johnsons Glass Onion, Flashback: Then CEO Jack Dorsey Says Twitter Doesnt Censor Speech Outside of Calls to Violence. A multipart video on why to become a libertarian, Mangled dragon fossils were cooked by ancient continents colliding to form Pangaea, Go Hiking With A Viking At Upper Tampa Bay Park, Biden White House Praises Sinema After Party Switch Pointedly Notes Does Not Change The New Democratic Majority, These Celestron beginner telescopes are over 30% off this holiday season, STRESS SECRETARY! CCP Expands Its Secret Police Stations Around the World, In 2018 Jack Dorsey Said We Certainly Dont Shadow Ban Based on Political Viewpoints Today It Was Confirmed that Dorsey Was Lying, Four States Now Ban CCP-Tied TikTok on State Devices, Newly Released New Mexico State Basketball Shooting Video Shows Player Allegedly Being Attacked Before Firing His Gun, Infectious Covid Virus on Groceries, Banning Military Vaccines and Q & A 48 on America Out Loud PULSE, AZ REP Cory McGarr Calls on Arizona US House Representatives to Oppose Kevin McCarthy for Speaker, Syrias Govt Temporarily Introduces Four-Day Workweek Over Fuel Shortages Cabinet, KJP: Brittney Griner Is an Inspiration for LGBTQI+ Americans and Women of Color, Michelle Yeoh joins Wicked musical films in surprising role. Just Peel the Onion of the Human Psyche! Blackrock Warns of a Recession Like No Other That They Helped Cause, We Got Our Spy Back; Ex-Kremlin Aide Celebrates Big Victory For Russia After Biden Gets Played By Putin, Tom Cotton Says Biden Gave Away the Farm in Brittney Griner Trade, Predicts Merchant of Death Will Bring Mayhem, Second installment of Twitter Files reveals platforms push to silence conservatives, Researchers gain new insights into ADHD drugs mechanism of action, I Can Assure You, McCarthy Does Not Have the Votes. House Freedom Caucus Chair, Putin Arrives in Kyrgyzstans Bishkek to Attend EAEU Summit. If It Walks Like a Commie, and Talks Like a Commie, Data shows COVID jabs correlate with major rise in younger excess deaths, disabled workers, Commemorative coin marks NYPD rookie Vera Mekulis lap dance at boozy holiday bash. Reed deserved recognition, Ghanas Currency Becomes Worlds Best Performer Against US Dollar Despite Debt Crisis, Braden Schneider picks up another key goal in Rangers win, Brother Of U.S. Will Eric Adams Get Stuff Built Plan Actually Get Stuff Built? Kyrsten Sinema Makes Shocking Move and Leaves Democratic Party, Hysterical Shrieking Commences, Column: Poor Chris Hayes Feels Twitter Malaise, Former Wisconsin Star Goes Nuclear After Player Commits To Rival And Then Returns, Again and again: School administrator (who is a doctor) now charged with sex crimes and boozing kids at Halloween party, Glee alum Ali Stroker welcomed first baby with husband David Perlow last month, Podcast: Parents need to give themselves a break, says self-help writer, Chinas Port Projects in Ghana to Drive Growth, President Says, Lets break it down: Notorious international arms dealer traded for someone who bounces balls for a living, Marine left behind, John Kerry Blames Recent COVID Bout For Failed Climate Change Talks With China, TSA Planning to Roll Out Facial Recognition in Airports Nationwide, The Hidden Spiritual Humanism in James Camerons Avatar, Biden Saves Woke WNBA Player, Leaves Ex-Marine Behind, Mike Lindell Explains The FIRST Thing Hed Do As RNC Chair, Teaching Critical Race Theory Isnt Education; Its Indoctrination, Europe levels fresh sanctions on Iran over drones to Russia, crackdown on protests, French Regulator Expects Gas Situation in EU to Be Much Worse in Winter of 2023-2024. WOW, James OKeefe, founder of Project Veritas, met by Antifa as he arrives at the New York Young Republican Clubs Annual Gala. TwitterFiles Trump Edition: Guess Which 3 Letter Agencies Featured Prominently? Please enter your username or email address. 3 on list. When Will They Stop Trying to DESTROY TRUMPS ALLIES AND SUPPORTERS? Tom Fitton : Elon Musk should release ALL the Twitter Files ASAP. Demography, Destiny, A TikTok Teacher, Guerilla Archeologists, Haitis Misery, And The LAST Man On The Moon, Etc. BREAKING: Judge rejects DOJ request to hold Trump in contempt over classified Mar-a-Lago documents, Argentina beats Holland on penalties in late-night World Cup drama, heads to semis. A bathtub? The Yankees spent a fortune getting the 2022 team back together. HOT TAKES: Conservatives Blast the Twitter Blacklisting, Elon Promises Big Changes, Federal Custom Shop Offers Custom Loads For Springfield Model 2020 Waypoint, New Twitter Files Release Shows That Twitter Shadow Banned Users While Lying About It, 8 Ways The American Church Has It Worse Than The Church In China, Kari Lake Going To The Supreme Court. Jean-Pierre EXPOSED: Caught Reading Scripted Answers To Press Q&A Session! More news daily than any other news site on Earth. Demography, Destiny, A TikTok Teacher, Guerilla Archeologists, Haitis Misery, And The LAST Man On The Moon, Etc. How Big Are the Feds Losses and Where Can We Go See Them? Who flew the confederate flag at the freedom convoy ? The creator of Libs of TikTok talks about having been targeted by Twitter. This is an actual headline from the clowns at MSNBC. Desert Eagles CRAZY New Caliber ft. Kentucky Ballistics!!! The effect was probably much more complicated though, says Sarah Longwell, founder of the Republican Accountability Project, which opposes Republicans who deny the 2020 election results. Drew Barrymore Refuses To Buy Her Girls Christmas Presents. ], Meet The Celebrity-Endorsed Extremist Movement Experts Call The Greatest Threat To Black Americans Today, New study describes two major possible onsets of the COVID-19 pandemic, Former NFL Players Family Sues Funeral Home For Mishandling Of Remains, Hot lava no longer imminent threat to Hawaii highway, Kyrsten Sinema Announces Departure From Democrat Party, Registered As Independent, Bidens Open Border Agenda Triggers Rage And Confusion, Joe Scarborough Excoriates Republicans Criticizing Brittney Griner Swap: Theyll Never Understand the Goodness of Americans, Hundreds Of Thousands Of US Homeowners Now Underwater On Mortgages As Housing Crash Accelerates, Universities should bring back oral exams, Super tendard: The French-Built Fighter That Sunk A Royal Navy Warship, Bidens Genderfluid Nuclear Waste Official Charged Again With Stealing Someones Luggage, University of Idaho must pay $90,000 to settle free speech lawsuit, Twitter Files Part Two dropped, and it names specific conservatives who were blacklisted, Herzog grants Netanyahu 10 more days to form a government, Bidens genderfluid nuclear waste official charged again with stealing someone elses luggage, BuzzFeed cuts 12% of staff amid industry-wide layoff bloodbath, Why did Russia get such a better deal? Doocy blasts KJP over swapping an athlete for a killer of Americans. GrokPAC Sent Out Mailers And Got BackHate Mail! ], Meet The Celebrity-Endorsed Extremist Movement Experts Call The Greatest Threat To Black Americans Today, New study describes two major possible onsets of the COVID-19 pandemic, Former NFL Players Family Sues Funeral Home For Mishandling Of Remains, Hot lava no longer imminent threat to Hawaii highway, Kyrsten Sinema Announces Departure From Democrat Party, Registered As Independent, Bidens Open Border Agenda Triggers Rage And Confusion, Joe Scarborough Excoriates Republicans Criticizing Brittney Griner Swap: Theyll Never Understand the Goodness of Americans, Hundreds Of Thousands Of US Homeowners Now Underwater On Mortgages As Housing Crash Accelerates, Universities should bring back oral exams, Super tendard: The French-Built Fighter That Sunk A Royal Navy Warship, Bidens Genderfluid Nuclear Waste Official Charged Again With Stealing Someones Luggage, University of Idaho must pay $90,000 to settle free speech lawsuit, Twitter Files Part Two dropped, and it names specific conservatives who were blacklisted, Herzog grants Netanyahu 10 more days to form a government, Bidens genderfluid nuclear waste official charged again with stealing someone elses luggage, BuzzFeed cuts 12% of staff amid industry-wide layoff bloodbath, Why did Russia get such a better deal? Doocy blasts KJP over swapping an athlete for a killer of Americans. Then Massachusetts DCF Seized Him in the Middle of the Night. Biden: US basketball Star Griner Safe After Release From Russian Jail, Kari Lake Files Massive Lawsuit, Vows to Take it to Supreme Court, Soccer Player Ana Maria Markovic Chills In A Bathrobe After A Visit To Her Favorite Place, Russia Warns Risk of Conflict With NATO Soaring, Christine speaks on her documentary about the Peoples Commission on the Occupation, Article by Bidens Alma Mater Cancels Abe Lincoln a Racist Executioner. 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