query tracker excel template

query tracker excel template

query tracker excel template

query tracker excel template

  • query tracker excel template

  • query tracker excel template

    query tracker excel template

    For example, if I scroll forward to March, A1 will stay static. Hi Sumit, is there anyway to make this template based on a bi-weekly (2weeks) schedule? So me and my friend could collaborate when using it. If you want , You can clean up the sheet : Excel is very good for keeping track of your investments. The sheet you have created is very helpful. I would like to track the leave balance too. Hope you are enjoying learning Excel with us, if you want any support related to this article, please do comment else you can ask questions inExcel Community. AllTaskList!B:B<>0 is a formula to express a condition and returns a boolean value. Reference to link: Download the mutual fund portfolio tracker excel workbook now. of Personal Time. There is no video tutorial on this, just the template. This is going to sound a little weird, but what program does this use and what file do I open? 2. e Earnings/Share e1 Error Indication (returned for symbol changed / invalid) As you click on the scroll bar, the months would change and the leave record would remain intact. The 'Latest NAV sheet' is getting the updated data. NAV turns to "notfound" result. please let me know how to add column before emp name .. i want to add emp id column however while doing so the whole sheet gets messed .. Hi! @sumitbansal23:disqus I need to do some edits on the same. Thanks ahead , hi, with the newest version available, how do add more employees? . june I added Sicksheet 2 and annual leave 3 and while again going to enter in july month it gives the same total + adding the july sickksheet and annual leave. could you kindly assist with the codes for that. k2 Change Percent (Real-time) k3 Last Trade Size k4 Change From 52-week High In the meantime, please can you let me know which cell the letter C sits in i.e. TrumpExcel.com Free Online Excel Training, Want to learn how to create awesome templates and dashboards? I could get it to show .5 but then nothing else I entered for that month would add in the monthly total, just the yearly total. What should I do. How do i indicate in the excel sheet? Hope that you are able to help me with this problem. Learning to code could be your ticket to a lucrative and fulfilling career. The complement to this is adding another worksheet that provides a summary of competencies / skills, that also includes (as Nick R has noted), the capacity to highlight when a particular training is expiring so that it can be considered for adding it to Currently I dont have anything that shows each employee detail in a separate tab. Why could it be so and can I do something to fix it? I hope you find this leave/vacation tracker helpful. Hi.just downloaded but the triangle icon is not working. I have tried changing the year but it did not work correctly. But Im running into 2 issues. Anyway, i have one question. Click on Edit Query, When you click on query in the next pop up screen you can able to see a new web page with address as http://portal.amfiindia.com/spages/NAV0.txt Hello Luke.. I tried copying the sheet and changing the year to have 2 leave sheets in one workbook. Replace Inf1***; with blank Thanks for the superb excel file. How is that done? I had made changes as instructed by Mr. L K Singh apart from those 13 steps we need to replace ;INF--***; with : -- symbol indicates there are other INF numbers mentioned for other Mutal Fund AMC need to check for those details in Latest NAV and we need to replace it. I have one question: How can I count friday as half day? Can I delete every code but vacation days? I had already done a couple of people in January and wanted to see February. says page not found and the application is not able to retrieve data. I can not wait to use this for a portion of our company. WebVerwenden Sie Office Online, um dynamisch und in Echtzeit mit anderen Personen zusammenzuarbeiten, oder um die volle Leistungsfhigkeit von Word, PowerPoint und Excel weiterhin zu nutzen, wenn diese Anwendungen auf Ihrem PC oder Mac installiert sind. I got the answer. Could you kindly assist how the scroll bar can be enabled in the online version so that your excel sheet can be used. Use the scroll bar to change months, and not cell A1. Thanks Sumit for the tracker, however the half day leave is not summed up with the corresponding types of leave like Vacation or Sick. Apart from that, we will add STATS details in our pro version. I know it is possible to do this, just looking for the best method to do so. I have few doubt to ask..! Never trust Abby Perlman because she was planing to lock up Dara Pettinelli using CBS anchor Otis Livingston! Please email the template. Where is the tutorial I can download an updated version from? Hey Liz.. Maybe its the cache issue in your browser.. This is amazing. Today we are going to release an upgrade for that file. Vacations are not copied to the other months. Hi Chandoo I need a small change would you be able to show the leaves separately. thank you it is fantastic I have 2 questions 1.how to reduce the employees number 2. in some countries the holidays are more than one day, even up to 7 days how to adjust it, Hi there, I have the same two questions did you manage to find anything out about these? Im looking at the formula and have not yet figured it out. I really appreciate your hard work. Thank you! Im trying to tweak it some to add additional tracking capability. Create different values for categories, urgencies, importances, and the status here. Download the mutual fund tracker Indianow. Thanks, Hello Sumit, cant tell you how grateful l am, l have downloaded it through the link and l have gotten what l wanted. Im trying to change the equation numbers but its not working .. Dont hide columns or the correct ones .. can you give a hand !? And the click here to copy the leave tracker is not accessible. You can't trade in MFs after 330pm anyway. Once your customer decides to accept your price quote, you can then create a purchase order thanks to this template. This happens as the file is a bit heavy. Now you can select the weekends, Thanks for dropping by and commenting.. Glad you liked the template . Hello. Hello Carolyn.. As of now I have created it for Jan-Dec.. Will soon create one for custom periods and share here with you. Then you will end up becoming more efficient and you can look for other opportunities to work on. Is there a way to add a second half day or change one of the existing days to a half day as well? my name is Abrar-ur-Rahman Niloy. Replace ;Inf7***; with ; This means that I have to wait for each fund house to provide the NAVs for each scheme to AMFI at the end of the day (whenever the cutoff time is), and then this sheet in turn fetches that from the AMFI website. In order to resolve your problem, you need to open the Excel workbook in Microsoft Office 365 version. Ideally this spreadsheet would provide a pay period summary for each employee for the following; hours worked, vacation hours taken, sick hours, and overtime hours, as well as a yearly summary for managers showing total sick time taken/remaining, vacation time taken/remaining, etc. Please could you tell me how I can add another leave type that counts half days. Instead, after clicking an approve button, it will automatically be plotted. 1) I want to know how can i calculate difference of NAV amount of any mutual fund between yesterday and today's NAV. Similarly, AllTaskList!G:G=Not Done is a condition and returns a boolean value. Please help.. . To add more employees, simply add employees and copy the formatting and formula. It will be good and useful if Sumit can do this, hello Darren.. also, I would like to see a summary of each employees type of leave that has been used as opposed to the sum of all leave for example, 3 days sick, 1.5 days vacation, 2 days compensatory. Is there a way to fix this please? Content and social media have only grown in importance over the past few years. So, in column NJ (Leaves This Months) & in NK (Leaves This Year) should pull the total no. Do you happen to know how to create one for 2017? On the payment screen, it says you need to have some previliges to authorize the transanction. I am using Excel2016. Hello Vinoth, You need to use the scroll bar to change the months, and not cell A1. How can I change to hours? How to input and manage the units sold?. How we can track the extra days for the workers who work on holidays? I also need for the CASUAL LEAVE to be changed to CAME LATE (THIS SHOULD BE HIGHLIGHTED IN RED) BUT NO DEDUCTIONS SHOULD BE MADE. Hi. =IF($D10="","",(IF(MID(B10,9,2)=";-",LEN(D10)+5,IF(MID(B10,8,2)="IN",IF(MID(B10,21,2)="IN",LEN(D10)+27,LEN(D10)+16))))), Copy paste the formula till the end of the column. What if we follow alternate saturdays working ? This is very helpful template. Here is a simple code for you,, Read More VBA Code to List Files in FolderContinue, Read More Lock Cells to avoid editing, Hide FormulasContinue, VBA Code To Delete All Shapes On A Excel sheet Here is a VBA code which deletes all the shapes from an Excel sheet. so, wait for some time. WebDownload the Random Group Generator Template. What is the password for the VB code so I correct this? Hello Malsha.. Found it here: http://www.amfiindia.com/NavReport.aspx?type=1. For example, if the total leaves for a month is 2, then hours could be 2*8 (considering an eight hour work day), Hello Sumit, First of all, your tracker is amazing. Thanks for sharing. So If you want to have one for multiple years, you need to create a copy of the workbook. Hello Andre.. Can you send instructions? Dont use the value in cell A1 to change months (its just to specify the time period for the leave tracker). CAN U UNDERSTAND ME DEEP TO ATTENDANCE SHEET OF EMPLOYEE, how to add coverage: if any one is on leave some one is assigned to cover. Similarly, you can change the category in cell D4 to see the pending tasks of other categories. Thank you. How do I change it from 0.5 to 1? The control bar is not going to the next month, hard to control. I will be sending a separate e-mail to you about my consulting service details. When, say if I add 10:03 to employee 1, leaves increase by 1. But to do this you need a little bit about Formula and VBA skills. Thank you. Hello Summit, Thank you for this excel sheet I am trying to change the colors to the different leave codes, can you tell he how to do that? i tried adding an extra column but when i scroll to the february and came back it is again 30 days. Please let me know if there is a way to accomplish that? Is there anyway made the cells different colours for each leave code please? Similarly, you can create pending tasks by urgency and importance of those tasks. How can I make some public holidays work days for selected staff? @Novice: As far as I know you cannot get private web pages (the ones that need login / password to access) using Excel's web queries. Hi, Ive recently start using this great spreadsheet as it really fulfills all my needs but unfortunately Im not as good expert of excel as this sheet. Hi I have 80 employees, please suggest how can i add more to track leaves template of 50 employees? I have updated the template. i am ready/happy to pay the charges .. Hello Tony.. You need to use the scroll bar to change the month. This template might be the one for you. Here is the Scenario; Hope it works for us well. what do you mean by "I want portfolio tracker on my site", if you are planning to include it on your site as a downloadable, go ahead and do that, just leave a link to my site and this post. THANKS. I like having the leave codes but need to do this by hours, too. The way our company works employees get 3 per fiscal year. Would like to be ready for the new year. hi Ive added some changes to the excel, Ive added additional years since were halfway into 2017 and modify some of the codes to be in alignment with our policy. Click here to Enroll. Hi there, may I know how do you change the colour of the leave record and how to you add more column into the leave record? Skills for career advancement, Microsoft Excel for Mac - Basic & Advanced, Lean Six Sigma Advanced Principles - Black Belt, Introduction to Data Analysis with Python, world meeting planner and time zone converter. Because every time I add a column, the first day of the month January disapears. If you get around to London, here's a coupon for a meal at my place! It was created more than an year ago and in the last 16 months there are few hundred new funds. Hi! Hello Marvin. Read my story FREE Excel tips book. Hi this is a great tracker unfortunately my business has disabled the ability for macros to use any ideas on how to use the template without the macros? It counts the leaves on working days only (those on weekends and/or holidays are not counted). Before I did this, I had to create the half day holiday reference cells so I added to the existing table pushing the Days of the week table down. I tired doing it it works however when I put the code in tracker it wont give me the red color. i have a mf sip, do you have any tracker please advice. All you need is a public source of fund data and a little web query. It's all here. Will you be able to further help us to continue with your excel as its getting error out or just leave a message us to look for other options. A big part of the solution creating process is simply knowing what needs to get done. My organization has comp offs that I would like to capture too but they need to be counted as 0 (similar to H being counted as 0.5). When I click on the scroll bar; it says; Run Time Error: 1004 Application defined or object define error. Thank you for your feedback. Can you assist? then save, Even this is not working. I want to include weekends for the sick leave only. Would like to be able to see what they have used and how much is available. Getting Excel-certified can be highly beneficial for job seekers. , Thanks for commenting Prabhath.. Glad you found this useful , Hello Sumit, Thanks for your template it is great , can you please help me how to add additional column for ID and position in template 2017 I could not use the template you added additional column in version 2016, Hi did you by any chance find the way to add employee ID. i love this solution. hi, can i use this template of year 2017 & 2018 in one sheet? How could I put actual hours in here and have it add them up also I tried to add a column B for the employee id and it skews the January date to start with 2. Tried modifying the Leave formula but cant get it to work Thanks ! As you would have understood by now I am just a user with not much knowledge of excel- so please explain in layman's terms. I hope the money will not be deducted from my account. Hi Instead of H2 which is Half Day Leave 2, I want to create a new code altogether as Unplanned Leave but still the value shows as 0.5 whereas it should get changed to 1 ideally. All rights reserved. Hi this is great and super useful. It would be nice to be able to have different colours for different leave. Adewunmi Adeyinka says. Click on below link and save the Time & Motion Tracker in your system, 2. Hello Sumit, You have the best tracker I have been able to find so far! Thanks. You open an Excel file and some cells show #### instead of the value. You can download the new tracker from the link in the tutorial. d2 Trade Date Any idea on how I can accmplish this? Hello, i wanted to know how i can remove employee 3 from February month. please tell me to manage sip' return and accounting in your mutual fund tracker. Pls right me back. Can I insert additional holiday sheets and with different colour codes? Hello Mar, if you dont want the total count to include sick leaves, it would be best to highlight sick leaves with a background color, but not insert any alphabet code in it. But, when I marked C casual leave for one of the employees on a date, let say 10th of February. I was using Microsoft Edge. Thank you. I have a question/problem though. Lets name the sheet, Now select different category values from the, First of all, create a new spreadsheet, Lets name it. How this Excel Leave Tracker Template Works? Hi Sumit, Thanks for the template. please help btw very inspiring template well done, DId you ever figure out how to go to the next month? For instance January 2015 -December 2015 cell values will be remove when you plan your schedule for January 2016 -December 2016. There are a couple of cool Excel features and a few helper columns that make this random group generator template in Excel. How do I add more leave options I want to add a leave option for unpaid leave and a few others. Hi. t7 Ticker Trend t8 1 yr Target Price v Volume Thanks, I just downloaded the tracker, but not able to find how to open the xls, where its located in the downloaded folder. Only the amount of leave actually taken may be counted against the employees leave entitlement. This will help you to understand the difference between Cycle Time and Lead Time, After getting cycle time for each step, we bifurcate these recorded cycle time further into 2 different categories:1. This is a really great tracker. Getting this error" [Expression.error] The Csv.Document .parameter'Columns'is invalid, Can you check and upload the new working file. Im not sure if Im doing something wrong, so would appreciate help in opening the spreadsheet. Heres why. Once you have set leave year, you need to use the scroll bar only to go to next/previous month. Now you can select weekends from the list. in addition, id like the leave to only count vacation days and half days. If there is an even set of numbers, the median is the average of the middle two values. Select the appropriate category for it. I love this template. I rebuild the leave tracker to learn but when it comes to the macro code its not working. The tracker is made to have all employees in a single sheet. Id love to have a way to specify the working days for each employee. At first, we will be making a dataset, that should be automatically updatable. (1) I change the number in A1 and use the scroll bar to switch months. I would like to ask why every time i am adding columns, the 1-31 dates is changing. @Raman, go to the sheet where downloaded NAVs are pasted and change the web reference from there. Would like to check if I can delete the leave codes as I do not need so many in my tracker. Similarly, add list boxes under the other columns with the help of the other sheet. Hello Sumit..I added additional column for Work from home this year(W) however i dont want work from home to be counted on Leaves this month and Leaves this year.could you please give me the formula for that. Hi did you get any reply on this as I want to do something same. thanks! Its versatility allows you to do a plethora of different things like track KPIs, create sales receipts, and record time cards. In the Portfolio Sheet, how have you restricted the navigation to go to cell M2 for example? Download again if you need to. =FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done")*(AllTaskList!D:D='Pending Tasks by Categroy'!D4)). Another user mentioned he used the array formula. Kindly download the template again using the link in the tutorial. I have loved using your leave tracker this past year for 2018, I modified it for my vacation schedule in Canada Will you be providing a 2019 leave tracking soon? Hello Gehad..I have updates the template. Join 100,000+ others and get it free. can you please help me the get this resolved. In you want to use it for multiple years, you need to create a copy of this, so one for 2016 and a different one for 2017. This Excel VBA Code helps to Get User Name. Instead of starting from January to start from April. Also can you create tabs to add additional trackers for multiple years or does it need to be a new document each time. But i found that it works only for lumpsum investments and not for SIPs as it requires me to insert all my SIP investments data month-wise. Attempted change but could not get to work. Been using it for a while now. As requested access the MF tracker using below link, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ydlEO_ZjMyNWJUNEJtNmNHM3M/edit?usp=sharing I-001 or R-001, Raised By (Creator Name) Date Logged, Issue Name (or Customer Name), Description of Issue / Risk field (free text), Current Owner (Owner name) Priority (High, Medium, Low), Age field (Age of issue in days) Last Updated on (Date / Time field flagged and highlighted if not updated in X days), Status (Open, Closed, On Hold (with a triggered Off Hold date), an associated Audit record and, most importantly Each record must be able to accommodate multiple Actions with each Action having a Time / Date stamp. You need to complete 35 hours of PM training from an ATP to get your certification. I am try to insert the employees code and number column before employees name. Also is there an easier way to view a single persons vacation details? What if I want to deduct the half day from the available leave types (EL,CL or SL)? You can unprotect the sheet with [emailprotected] password. please help. After he has entered 12 months of data, is there any way to add months, or do you have to start a fresh, blank template? How do I update the day of the week row to be accurate? Can you please guide me ? Hello Mohammad.. Hi Sumit thanks for the great work. My company allows for time to be taken in hourly increments, not just half or full days. =COUNTIF(B8:NI8,L). This is really is a brilliant template, thank you, I have added additional leave codes. Thanks a lot. I should not be manually plotting the dates one by one. From simple to complex, there is a formula for every occasion. It would be nice if it was possible to track MFs based on a transaction statement. What to do. You save me so much time! To reset the tracker and clear the tracked data, click on Reset button. Hi this is such a good and user friendly template. but i need further help. Hi Sumit. Hello Liz.. An easy way would be highlight the sick days (using fill cell), but not enter any leave code. Save time by using this free invoice template when receiving payments from customers. Did you manage to figure it out? The updated version is posted online now. I cannot run macros due to restrictions in work area. Hi, thanks for this amazing template. This there any way to return the dates from which the S,C,V,H,M (types) are applied to the calendar, and output them to a cell via Im guessing what would need to be an INDEX by type? My question is about the maximum number of leaves allowed. thx. Excel should record the time of login and cannot be changed in any case. Couple of questions. Can you please advise. It should not add up to holidays, but should have two similar columns to WFH per month and per year. Its just calculating individual contracts that is causing issues. I tried to edit the code but it is way above my skill level. I can make the complete week a working week, but then my cell shading is gone making it more difficult to enter data. Are you able to assist in how I would add this and the formula I need to use? Would also like some additional Half Day Leave Types/Columns. Hi Sumit, I tried deleting few leave codes but after that I do not see the color code. How can I fix it? This wont work in Google Sheet since this uses VBA as well. Another random bug I just discovered. However, I am unable to use is as the triangle icons do not work. pretty pretty please! You have it as a hidden row. No manual intervention. it shows like macros is missing. How to add columns without disturbing the formulas. Explore our resource center to find templates to help you get the job done, job interview tips, insights to tackle your biggest project management challenges, and so much more. Cannot find all the funds and fund options that I have invested in.. Since this workbook contain a macro, you need to enable the macros in it. s7 Short Ratio t1 Last Trade Time t6 Trade Links Thanks for the amazing tool! Learn how to lookup multiple criteria in Excel. The Society of Chinese Accountants & Auditors only hired a few staffs. Hi Chandoo, thanks but looks like the macro is picking up the wrong values. of days and ignore the cell were the log-in time is mentioned .currently if we put the login time then it is getting added as leaves. Kindly download the template from the link in the tutorial. Ive made few tweaks to match our organizations attendance policy. I have the same question. It has been very useful to track most of the mutual Funds. When checked in Latest NAV sheet i noticed NAV on 10.01.2012 is getting updated. Go ahead and spend few minutes to be AWESOME. If you have any advise it would be appreciated. Thank you for the helpful leave tracker. He would like to have a continuous, single spreadsheet that keeps adding months to the end, or has 60 months or more. This is how you can get the most out of your time, Now you can see the improvement in your process and you will end up becoming more smart and more efficient, Here is one more wonderful free tool which makes your life easy. xlsx - Library to simplify reading the XML format used by recent version of Microsoft Excel in Go programs. Also current NAV file which we should use "https://www.amfiindia.com/spages/NAVAll.txt" for data connection. thanks! Columns NL to NU gives the leave break-up by leave code (for the entire year). I am using the 50+Employee excel and its great! Is there an excel sheet to track ULIP. If employee take half day of sick leave, how could we track it? 2) I want to maintain historical values of mutual fund NAV's on monthly basis to see P/L title=">

    First month 16Dec18-15Jan19, Second month 16Jan19-15Feb19.. and so on. For more guides like this, visit Exceldemy.com. Thank you for choosing to learn with us. thank you. Any way to add vacation accrual based on hire date to calculate time remaining for each employee? It is a fairly straight forward tracker, except for this bit: If the person is a visitor, then no need to get department. Is it possible for you to repost/resend the excel file link. As you will see I have had to put in a new set of formula for each separate half day that I had to record. select definition then Edit Query Again we will say don't follow rumors follow market trend. Please share if youve got the solution, Hi, Im trying to download the leave tracker, it just shows up downloaded like a zip file and when I open zip file, no spreadsheet. Total operating, investment, and financing expenses and final cash balance will be calculated automatically. Friday 1 January 2016 New Years Day Mon 21 March 2016 Human Rights Day Friday 25 March 2016 Good Friday Monday 28 March 2016 Family Day Wed 27 April 2016 Freedom Day Sunday 1 May 2016 Workers Day Monday 2 May 2016 Public Holiday Thursday 16 June 2016 Youth Day Tuesday 9 August 2016 National Womens Day Sat 24 September 2016 Heritage Day Friday 16 December 2016 Day of Reconciliation Sunday 25 December 2016 Christmas Day Monday 26 December 2016 Day Of Goodwill (if you add all these dates in, then I can just update it next year without any problem). Hi sir thanks alots for this helpful sheet thats what Im looking for from long time but really you would help me to add some colume after the name if you can share the sheet with extra colume after the name coz ineed around 7 colume to add all staff details. I am looking for spread sheet for ULIP Funds. I downloaded the excel sheet but the red arrows arent working. Replace ;Inf5***; with ; An extremely useful app but unfortunately not able to deploy it. how do you edit the weekends days? are those mutual fund returns on your sheet correct? any Pivot tables kind of thing that can make it more efficient? Your Excel sheet id quite excellent. This happens only when I choose the month in cell A1 but when I scroll the moths it doesnt happend how can I fix this? I have Windows 10 and Office 2016. This template is the best. I just adapted the sheet for this very thing. Example: Sick Leave = 8 hours Vacation = 8 hours Half Day = 4 hours (or if someone happens to leave for an appointment) Appointment = 2 hours and in the final column have a calculation that would take those hours and give a total amount of days? And I would like to have a few different colours for highlighting. Are you able to add a rolling total of holiday taken month on month so that you can see how many remaining days the employee has left, Im not sure how to add this into a workbook that has macros (so what I need is annual entitlement, leave taken this month, leave remaining, so that it carriers across the entire year. How do I add additional Holidays. When I want to add different employees in other month the employee also delete from first moth what is the solution? Just select the Type column, go to Data > Validation and set up the validation type as List. To avoid manual changes in the time tracked; Date, Start Time, End Time and Duration columns have been protected with a password. I was trying to make my own sheet( with the help of your sheet), after importing data, how to arrange the sheet, there are a lot of unnecessary rows. You can download it from the tutorial above. Hi Chandoo, Hi Sumit, I love this tracker, I was wondering if its possible to add .25 hours to it? and they need Control + Shift + Enter, Savvy piece , Apropos , others need a HI DoT BB-1 , my colleagues filled out a blank document here http://goo.gl/MFT7jp. Can I change color codes for example annual leave green, sick leave not paid red, sick leave paid blue and maternity pink. Hello Jan, you can put these at the end of the tracker. Hi Chandoo, Help would be great! Lean Six Sigma provides a structured problem-solving methodology that can be used to address any type of problem. Thank you for the Leave Tracker. Power BI training in marathahalli bangalore, Dear I got this error Continue this till Inf9***; with blank, This should solve your problems temporarily. 7. And after some formatting, the final summary will look like this. 1. its not allowing to copy paste from the nav sheet the name of funds Hi Sumit, I think your template is excellent. Once you have the desired year range, scroll bar should be used to go to next/previous months. I received a VBA debug error. =IF(VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6)=Done,Completed,Work in Progress). Should have a button, when pressed excel should record the log out time. How can I create a LIST to record the same & then use other codes highlighting leaves. Hi, we have different working days for different employees- Sunday to Thursday, Monday to Friday and Tuesday to Saturday. Dont miss out on our best deals! Hi Chandroo, Thank you for the tracker. Let me know if this persists . I am new to your site but get the feeling the files are not updated with details around how to resolve issues to get the file working. I simply only want it to look at certain codes and deduct those eg vacation and half days. Please check the week number its not working #N/A this is what I see in the box.