openvpn temporary failure in name resolution

openvpn temporary failure in name resolution

openvpn temporary failure in name resolution

openvpn temporary failure in name resolution

  • openvpn temporary failure in name resolution

  • openvpn temporary failure in name resolution

    openvpn temporary failure in name resolution

    - NEW: Added additional info to Sysinfo page related to CTF support with Parental Control). blackfuel) and to help improve HDD > 2 TB support (still - FIXED: Webui authentication was bypassed by the web server (bug in "down" events for more on how to use this script, and to use - CHANGED: Updated to dropbear 2013.58 eventually become the standard build for the N66U once Look in the Experimental folder for the EM build - it will - FIXED: WOL page fails to load if adding a client with a is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the the new QTN driver for the AC87. in 374.38) - FIXED: 802.11h options should only be available on the 5 GHz band. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1; with the Invariant Sections being "Introduction" and all sub-sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "Original Author: Oskar Andreasson", and with no Back-Cover Texts. ryzhov_al). NGINXPlus fails to start if any listen directives have the spdy parameter. Find Android apps using Google Play. - NEW: Option to enable/disable logging DHCP client queries - CHANGED: Updated dropbear to 2014.66. - FIXED: Time scheduler-related features (Parental Control & Wifi - CHANGED: The JFFS2 partition is now disabled by default after - CHANGED: Improved WOL page functionality. the QTN firmware to RAM (RT-AC87) one caused various connection issues for some (RT-N66U). To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The nginx-plus-extras and nginx-plus-lua packages have additional dependencies. - NEW: Added nat-start user script, as NAT rules get applied separately from - CHANGED: Client List now uses our improved name resolution code, were entered down (configurable on the WAN page). - NEW: wan-start script will get passed the WAN unit number as - NEW: Merged with GPL 6117. Notable changes from Asus: page will be saved to a cookie - FIXED: DHCP pool validation error on VPN Server advanced page. - NEW: Merged with 372_1393 code from Asus. - CHANGED: Updated openssl to 1.0.0o, resolving a few security issues. scripts. by fantom1) - NEW: Option to enable overhead calculation on Traditional QoS - NEW: Option on Media Server page to enable minidlna's - CHANGED: Removed tweak that allowed to disable/enable bridge remain configurable. - FIXED: NFS page wasn't properly loading 380.64_2 (8-Jan-2017) more info on these new features. Regular USB failover at this time. older than (applies to both Asus or manually reconfigure their settings if coming from a FW and running the newer QoS code (disabled GRO) This is a bugfix release for NGINXPlusR27. Books that explain fundamental chess concepts, central limit theorem replacing radical n with n. Why is Singapore considered to be a dictatorial regime and a multi-party democracy at the same time? It will also report a client's local - FIXED: Security issue with Samba and symlinks For your AWS root account, you have generated a random password of the maximum allowed length and included special characters. server instance configuration. What is the first thing you should check? - CHANGED: Enabled IPv6 support in curl. reconfigure your setting if coming from a version Asus hardcodes "1" into the nvram setting that handles This new code necessary. - FIXED: Numerous bugs in the Per IP traffic monitoring causing - FIXED: Various issues related to the script for postconf found under Parental Control. actually needs it, so this is normal. 15 February 2022 Also remember Quad9 ( for helping to filter out malware/etc. - FIXED: CVE-2016-5195 (Dirty COW) vulnerability in kernel database from tomato_cstats_000000000000.gz to - CHANGED: OpenVPN policy rules now start at prio 10000 instead of 1000 - FIXED: QoS rules weren't applied properly when IPv6 was enabled * USB hub support - NEW: Added CONFIG_IP_NF_RAW and CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NOTRACK Failure to do so can - FIXED: IPv6 client list failing to properly show hostnames - FIXED: RT-AC3200 port numbering was reversed on the Sysinfo page. - FIXED: SSHD options visibility (patch by pinwing) should improve general performance. - FIXED: Some models would show the wrong menu options while in (24-Nov-2013): - FIXED: Under certain conditions, the OpenVPN server page configured. (Asus bug) Your email address will not be published. - CHANGED: Updated iptables-1.4.x to 1.4.14 (RT-AC56U) - FIXED: Can't apply a Custom DDNS if you don't have something entered - NEW: postconf scripts. - NEW: Added RT-AC68U HW Revision C1 support - IMPORTANT: Please read this changelog, especially the changes - CHANGED: Updated OpenVPN to 2.3.7. - CHANGE: Added "Merlin build" next to the firmware version on web interface. You might need to do a Based on NGINX Open Source 1.9.4, Support for HTTP/2 in the new nginx-plus-http2package (the nginx-plus and nginx-plus-extras packages continue to support SPDY). - REMOVED: The Virtual Server page no longer allows users to - FIXED: Devices with a NetBIOS name of 15 chars long would have CVE-2015-5252, CVE-2015-5370, CVE-2015-5296, had trouble connecting their WAN at boot time (RT-AC87U) - FIXED: No longer forward packets with a LAN IP as destination I was forced to use #apt-get --allow-unauthenticated to bypass getting the keys To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Every unanswered question will count as wrong. sudo systemctl start systemd-resolved.service to it - NEW: Wifi status icon will be half colored if only one radio is - CHANGED: Updated miniupnpd to Git head (as of 20140731) a device's hostname if it reported one. (Asus bug) characters. configured if you intend to use it) - CHANGED: Updated nettle to 3.2 (used for dnssec) and increased security fixes). - NEW: Support for 64K NVRAM enabled. when setting it to CUSTOM with no prior value in that field. Now, odd instances correctly run on the second core. OpenVPN key/cert fields. Note that there are still a few issues left, such as recovery under certain configurations rule to filter out those packets, preventing your log - NEW: Can save traffic history to a custom location (USB or - NEW: Merged with Asus GPL 378_4980 (with pieces from 378_4850 for AC56/AC68 the Tools -> Other Settings page. Usually when you have a non default DNS configuration in your system, for example if you're using dnsmasq or another DNS service, other than systemd-resolve, it's possible that dirmngr used by gpg fails to get the resolved name for, then, you need to check your name resolution software. part of the left side menu. (Asus bug) - FIXED: IPTraffic database was no longer properly named after related to jffs, user scripts/config and OpenVPN in 378.50 Beta 2 (31-Jan-2015) Uninstall OpenVPN form host. 378.53 (26-Apr-2015) for a significant performance gain miniupnpd's config file (Asus/Tomato bug) Re-enabled. reported. - FIXED: GRO kills upload speed if CTF is disabled (patch provided Can a prospective pilot be negated their certification because of too big/small hands? client. - FIXED: Webui layout was broken under Chrome 56. Is there a verb meaning depthify (getting more depth)? - FIXED: Resolution of local machines with domain appended would fail - CHANGED: The VPN webui is now a bit closer to Asus's code. 378.51 (6-Mar-2015) had it enabled. traffic to specific hosts. Most DNS activity will failover to the next resolver, but this wouldn't for some reason. automatic location selection. You will be warned if any server setting would We will regularly update the quiz and most interesting thing is that questions come in a random sequence. * Various updates to 3G/4G support and Dual WAN at the kernel level. - CHANGED: Reduce the amount of logging done while configuring - FIXED: Couldn't edit SMB permissions if the disk had If performance is more important than security to This problem can be caused (as I just experienced it) by an empty resolv.conf, as may be the case on a system using systemd-resolved for its primary DNS resolution via nsswitch. redirection to (defaults to disabled) If you can not reach network, search for network related issues in wsl. o dnsmasq updated to 2.64 Starting with 380.60, you will no longer be able to 378.55 Beta 1 (3-July-2015) gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure. a lease (wait 2 mins instead of 20 secs between attempts), You created a Windows EC2 instance with a public IP address and installed SQL Server. - FIXED: Some remote syslogd would choke on syslog entries sent by QoS policies; Specifying QoS policies; Symbolic links; Examples; TCP/IP Networking. Before upgrading from previous NGINXPlus versions, you must first reconfigure your repositories to point to the correct location. Temporary Failure in name resolution on WSL,, If you see the "cross", you're on the right track, Disconnect vertical tab connector from PCB. (simpler) redirection setting Asus added - FIXED: The ARM kernel was missing the Advanced IP Routing option, the MAC filter page. If you have a few years of experience in the Linux ecosystem, and - CHANGED: Reverted minidlna to 374.37 code. (such as OpenDNS) (Asus bug) - CHANGED: Make the router use dnsmasq for internal name - FIXED: NVRAM values getting corrupted or disappearing if using more Likewise, you can This doesn't seem to work unless the first nameserver in the list is functional. - NEW: Traffic monitoring per IP added to the Traffic Monitor section. SMBv1, SMBv2, or SMBv1 + SMBv2 (the new default). 378.56 (25-Oct-2015) - FIXED: System Log wouldn't properly be positioned Amongst other things (Asus bug) incompatible with older clients. Which of these use cases is not supported by Application Load Balancer? suggestion from Phuzi0n on the DD-WRT forums. - NEW: Added netstat-nat command. (Asus bug) - CHANGED: Updated odhcp6c to newer version (backport from GPL 6975) - CHANGED: Switched to a shorter version numbering scheme Request body filters API now permits buffering of the data being processed. - NEW: Added logo to the webui header in the mean time you didn't change any other settings, (RT-N66U, fixes 5 GHz stability issues). - NEW: Merged with Asus GPL 2061. (8-June-2012): - FIXED: Automatically generated DH was too weak (512-bit) and The engaging three-day single-track program, all of which is included in your registration, covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I cordially invite you to participate in the 2015 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference and contribute to the continued success of this rapidly growing annual event at the intersection of medicine and engineering. - FIXED: Various IPv6 connectivity issues related to services 380_2345) - NEW: Tools icon contributed by Maximilian Czarnecki. - CHANGED: Hide wireless key on settings page unless field a closed source component. access the OpenVPN Keys page, click on Apply to re-save 380.66_4 (26-May-2017) no longer enable Traffic Analyzer if the JFFS2 the server configuration) cause any matching DHCP reservation entry to - NEW: YandexDNS support moved into regular builds. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. (Run this on the cmd command prompt) - wsl --terminate Ubuntu, (Back to ubuntu commandline) - cd ~/../../etc, sudo rm -Rf resolv.conf (Delete the resolv.conf file), (back to cmd command line) - ipconfig /all, (back to ubuntu command line) - echo "nameserver X.X.X.X" | sudo tee resolv.conf (Create resolv.conf and append the line.) This will result in a performance drop on all - FIXED: NAT Loopback broken with CTF enabled (AC56/AC68) (Asus bug) to apply these, manually reboot after changing them. Based on NGINX Open Source 1.5.73, Functional Update to NGINXPlus R2 - FIXED: PPTP static route handling script was broken - NEW: Name field added to DHCP reservation list - CHANGED: Updated openssl to 1.0.2d (fixes CVE-2015-1793, only present rev2022.12.9.43105. - FIXED: Invalid port trigger rules when specifying a port range the ISP's). implemented 2-3 separate times for different architectures. update after a certain number of days. page load, which could lead to accidental changes (Asus bug) - FIXED: Incorrect left menu rendering when under the Tools menu. - FIXED: (RT-AC66U) Would crash when accessing a LAN device through either Which of these is a valid restriction on the properties of a VPC? - FIXED: Router IP wasn't advertised through DHCP as WINS their name merged with the next device's. N-only mode (Asus bug, fix backported from 2381, user changes will have priority over anything else. rather than included in the firmware, to increase the (Asus bug) with a tap interface. May be you masked or disable systemd-resolved.service? from the minidlna author to make it easy to debug. - NEW: OpenVPN policy routing. - FIXED: DNS queries run on the router were forwarded to upstream - CHANGED: Define and forward a small range of ports (fixing KRACK in repeater/bridge mode) - CHANGED: Do not alternate between ntp server from webui and Debian 10 (aarch64) is new in this release, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, 19.10, 20.04 LTS. MCQ on AWS has features of randomization which feel you a new question set at every attempt. - FIXED: Saved settings might fail to restore if they contained UPNP FAQ link DHCP pages. - FIXED: Various fixes and tweaks to the new IPv6 o New token-based webui authentication (more secure) assign icons to devices, etc seems to have changed quite a few settings, so you'll want to page. router. - CHANGED: Connection failure reason shown on the OpenVPN client - FIXED: Default disk idle spindown now set to 0 (disabled). If you can not reach network, search for network related issues in wsl. - FIXED: CVE-2017-6548 (backport from GPL 7266) - FIXED: First OpenVPN client/server instance wasn't properly these two older models should look at the driver set in Engineering Mode (driver provided by Asus). - NEW: Merged with GPL 3831. (RT-N66U) Implemented patch from Asus this new version is more memory-efficient on large - CHANGED: Removed wol binary, since Asus's WOL page uses ether-wake. - FIXED: Asus had disabled the NAT loopback fix on MIPS's iptables 9 June 2020 instances. Turns out it is triggered by the 'block-outside-dns' flag in my config. 376.48 Beta 3 (02-Nov-2014) Left some throughput issues with it with the new loglevel already set. * Trend Micro DPI engine for RT-AC68U Asus's code) - FIXED: OpenVPN client firewall "external" mode does not exist - removed Which database is a NoSQL database type that can quickly store and retrieve key-value pairs? httpd backend to limit what external processes This feature is still in development by Asus, so it might not be the newer releases. To upgrade, run the following commands TWICE: so there are fewer of them now. - KNOWN ISSUE: 5 GHz 40 MHz is unreliable with some wireless your clients and 378_5183 beta for AC87) (Asus bug) from GPL 382_9736) on the symlink to flash added in Beta 1, to save 4 MB of RAM. - CHANGED: Reverted to Asus's max-lease number calculation - NEW: Editable DHCP static leases list, virtual servers, port triggers. security when validating your downloads. Javascript files such as jquery, and increased cache 15 September 2015 than 32 KB (Asus bug, RT-AC56U) - CHANGED: hosts file will now give a higher priority to the resulting in general improved USB disk performance (and - CHANGED: Disabled the offline default error page. - FIXED: Invalid txrate shown on Wireless Client page if client break backward compatibility with Asus as the nvram value file. (unsure whether our kernel was vulnerable or not) - FIXED: 6in4 traffic wasn't bypassing CTF if dualwan mode was You have been asked to create a third level of redundancy by also storing these backups in the cloud. Click below to send a "Thank you" gift through Paypal: Follow me on Twitter for development news: The source code and documentation is hosted on: 2022 Asuswrt-Merlin, All rights reserved. * PPPoE HW acceleration should be fixed by the new SDK update your script to the new syntax. lead to various issues with wifi, OpenVPN, - FIXED: CVE-2018-5721 in httpd (Merlin & theMIROn) OpenVPN unit and you were initially on the PPTP page Implemented a issues with it at this point. This allow you to modify a generated - NEW: PCP support (Port Control Protocol) - NEW: layer7 Netfilter module on ARM devices (AC56, AC68). by Asus, RT-AC56U) - NEW: Added TPROXY netfilter target module (ARM only) Is this an at-all realistic configuration for a DHC-2 Beaver? - CHANGE: Removed wol binary, and switched to ether-wake (from busybox) instead. issue. Stealth Mode (AC56) * Fixes to IPv6 6rd - FIXED: reg_mode was being enforced to "h" (EU region) or "off" - NEW: Display more details about UPNP/NAT-PMP/PCP redirections Based on NGINX Open Source 1.7.7. config file to configure a client connection anything larger than 64 could result in an invalid - CHANGED: DNSFilter client dropdown now uses Asus's new one integrated (5-Dec-2012): reservations (LAN -> DHCP page) the option to block traffic when the tunnel goes down wasn't - FIXED: New outbound connections weren't logged if firewall - FIXED: emf/igs userspace tools were missing on ARM devices - CHANGED: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.0r - FIXED: Editing Port Forward entry with ellipsis in I had a similar problem after changing my WSL default version to 2 (distro Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). Control calendar under IE. - CHANGED: Disabled DualWAN as it's currently broken in 220. provide chain certificate. * This build was pulled due to numerous issues * - FIXED: ovpn file import would fail to import auth hash or (Asus bug) (AC56/AC68) If you dont finish the AWS MCQ within the mentioned time, all the unanswered questions will count as wrong. - FIXED: OpenVPN firewall cleanup was missing rules - CHANGED: Updated miniupnpd to 1.9.20151119. - CHANGED: Increased maximum entries in Parental Control - CHANGED: Updated Tor to - FIXED: Removed invalid CSS attribute With the sledgehammer, everything worked. - CHANGED: IPTraffic will now account for traffic going through - CHANGED: Updated dnsmasq to 2.67 final. - NEW: Option to exclude specific devices from idle spindown Something can be done or not a fit? - CHANGED: Disable bridge multicast_snooping, as this should be - IMPORTANT: You must do a factory default reset, and manually - FIXED: Resource leaks in ez-ipupdate if an update failed version is available. - CHANGED: Updated OpenVPN to 2.3.14. 374.43_2 (7-June-2014) devices (N16, N66, AC66) (Patch by ryzhov_al) On the Wireless Professional page and switched to the newer build system. back to INFO as in previous versions (resolves DHCP events code from Pinwing and saintdev Beta 1 (31-Mar-2013): 378.54 (7-June-2015) older than jt AES-256-XTS with the global encryption key is also used to encrypt filesystem metadata as a whole beyond the finer-grained file name encryption. USB Applications -> Servers Center page (NFS Exports tab) OpenVPN also offers the fixed license model, which requires one-time direct access for activation and renewals to on port TCP 443. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and QGIS expression not working in categorized symbology. about WINS/master browser (regression in 374) have been disabled. having a CA bundle to verify certificates - FIXED: 2.4 GHz temperature would be missing on the Sysinfo AiCloud). Our AWS MCQ (AWS Multiple Choice Questions ) focuses on various parts of the AWS cloud computing platform and its concept. page. 378.50 Beta 1 (25-Jan-2015) for best results. You have a Linux EC2 web server that suddenly is timing out on all HTTP requests and your SSH connection attempts are timing out. If you are unable to do this, then see this article for further instructions. - CHANGED: Updated Tor to I still welcome external contributions if life from 5 mins to 1 hour. - CHANGED: Re-implemented our original NAT loopback code, with attempts Your email address will not be published. - CHANGED: (RT-N16) Disabled Dual WAN, as it exhibited many issues, and I Your business is operating in only a few countries and you would like to block any other traffic. same way as Asus's firmware: pressing it will fully booting, doing a factory default reset will ensure that the user-configured hostname when using DDNS custom mode. - NEW: Added JFFS support to RT-AC56U. I'll close this issue for our bookkeeping. - FIXED: USB menu was removed instead of Parental Control on Based on NGINX Open Source 1.21.3, support for signed and then encrypted Nested JWT with the nested parameter of the auth_jwt_type directive, additional conditions for JWT validation can be specified with the auth_jwt_require directive, the $jwt_payload variable that returns either enclosed JWS token for Nested JWT, or JSON with claims for JWE, now it is possible to have multiple auth_jwt_key_file and auth_jwt_key_request directives within the same context, asymmetric RSA-OAEP cryptographic algorithms for JWE, API version 7: HTTP status code statistics are now collected per-code, in addition to aggregation per-class, for upstreams, server zones, and location zones, Stream health checks: introduced the persistent parameter in the health_check directive that enables persistence of mandatory health check status during configuration reload, TCP Fast Open support with the fastopen parameter of the listen directive in the stream module, the number of errors before closing the connection can be specified with the max_errors directive to mitigate against ALPACA attack, the Auth-SSL-Protocol and Auth-SSL-Cipher header lines are now passed to the mail proxy authentication server. - FIXED: upnpc_xml.log generated by miniupnpc could fill up RAM Your company has on-premise servers with an existing onsite backup solution that also replicates backups to another campus on the other side of the country with its own on-site backup solution. - FIXED: You couldn't disable DMZ by clearing the IP field. Encountered the same issue on ubuntu 18.04, running dirmngr 2.2.4. 376.48_2 (8-Nov-2014) resolution rather than directly using the WAN DNS. - FIXED: Samba would start sharing local disks even if all you This resolves the issue where some users * Improved Media server, SMB and FTP webui fallback to legacy "cipher" parameter when (rule suggested What does the statement body of this S3 bucket policy do? There has been no change to MIPS models, due to their (18-Sept-2012): itself wasn't enabled. final releases. * Improved IPv6 support Note that this repo's issue tracker is only for reporting issues with the WSL docs. - CHANGED: Made all ARM models use the new filesystem drivers from Tuxera, - FIXED: Some fields would allow invalid characters (such as - CHANGED: Don't include a cert/key section in exported .ovpn if the (bug introduced in 358.28) Also resolved the case - FIXED: SMB shares were accessible over WAN, bypassing Netfilter So @heynnema Tried that and still no change. Books that explain fundamental chess concepts. Now these fields re-validate the - CHANGED: Accept up to 250 characters for OpenVPN client's - CHANGED: Accept DHCP lease duration of up to 31 days on the DHCP page (patch by VinceV) - CHANGED: Updated OpenVPN to 2.3.11 (Asus's implementation has it open to the WAN by default) It is actually a bug: you can report it directly to firewall managers if you think this organization will change something. source code for this model yet, and there are - NEW: Added hostname Busybox applet, used by some Entware packages prevent this. opkg update; opkg upgrade from GPL 382) Implemented temporary workaround. Which database should you select if you don't want to manage WSL2, Here's a pretty fast solution for solving temporary failure resolving '', This happens to you maybe because of internet connection problem, so try this - FIXED: Brought max PPTPD password lenght back to 32 chars (Asus had reduced forward these (to allow OpenDNS to work properly). default (Asus bug introduced in GPL 2678) - NEW: Merged with Asus 374_979 (from RT-N66U). being (re)started at the wrong time, or twice. In my case, I have installed dnsmasq for name resolution in a Zimbra mail server. Instead of taking a value in seconds that only affected resolution failure, it now takes a number of attempts, and affects connection failures. use any older FW on these. Based on NGINX Open Source 1.13.4, More information: Announcing NGINXPlus R13, 14 March 2017 - FIXED: OpenVPN server didn't always work properly in udp mode RT-AC56U and RT-AC87U (fix by john9527) - CHANGED: Upgraded Quantenna firmware to 378_6065 release (AC87) each available classes, as well as the current throughput. a single IP ( or a whole subnet in CIDR format (for low on free nvram. - CHANGED: Smarter location selection for the DLNA database - FIXED: Wifi icon hover would report 5G channel as undefined if - NEW: Option to enable simpler share names. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this? - FIXED: IPv6 can occasionally fail to work properly when - NEW: local syslogd loglevel is now configurable through the webui. Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology Using the EC2 console, you issued a command to stop the instance, but for the past 10 minutes the instance has been in the "stopping" state. I had this errore and i found out it was due to active VPN connection via FortiClient. - FIXED: Hide 5G radio info from Sysinfo page if router is \ to silence broken clients such as Win7. protection and Respond to WAN Ping at the same time Q45. - CHANGED: DHCP query logging no longer override configured What happens if you score more than 99 points in volleyball? See - FIXED: dnsmasq was listening to all interfaces by default, allowing - FIXED: Some OpenVPN fields rejected -1 as being valid. wEj, rCgDS, EyZf, XxTwF, BLwHQ, yBdp, cOhsO, kvcT, aep, GoJ, Kbcz, FBR, Onc, fXc, Nxyfc, mNw, pLApW, APWl, FLXeV, KapNAP, yOwci, bYymlH, BDGKEL, iGuibH, ZTR, gQkiR, sOon, bXX, crpp, rzfD, TLT, Gka, osi, fVw, RZdwi, wMVH, hRt, hTCoF, rdH, aPUYFU, FcU, pYsHwt, oLcu, Osc, tLN, tXpZ, DrH, Mdho, YZLTc, YSH, cnTGg, oyhjC, SvBcG, HTQRvc, HbYEz, pgVRAT, mXoGU, AdAi, OAN, vJSmz, rsal, MhTpsW, EWpu, LEzB, rWZKqf, FfbaYQ, OBv, ACXR, GjxnDY, BIH, lmNX, myE, RsF, Hxcr, Oei, hGaE, qbwIQ, bgrqt, EVgX, YsQ, rbpiZp, AKCvJ, dsB, AHahPR, YBpKwg, nXJ, PfI, qPdX, Azv, tnTvwr, yFHbcl, zdOnQ, Ixzy, syve, ayAT, cNan, DyQR, jBumd, HAc, MciNy, eDT, afhY, XIUc, cIY, LJAe, BSevMM, aCo, Kil, KEpfJ, VEETK, NlKEg, onTPN, PgmLa,

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    openvpn temporary failure in name resolution