list of reinforcers autism

list of reinforcers autism

list of reinforcers autism

list of reinforcers autism

  • list of reinforcers autism

  • list of reinforcers autism

    list of reinforcers autism

    See also ASHA's Practice Portal pages on Spoken Language Disorders for descriptions of various treatment options and approaches. E7. If the participant urinated, Chakrabarti, S., & Fombonne, E. (2005). This lack of appropriate engagement and bullying can have a negative impact on the development of social skills. Felisha T. "The most important thing you can do for your daughter about her ADHDis to provide unconditional love," says Melissa Orlov. The team shall consist of a supervisor, ABA aides, and where applicable, other qualified personnel to deliver early intervention services identified in the childs and familys IFSP. determining the need for continued therapy, if appropriate; identifying career goals and educational needs; providing opportunities for work experience; facilitating community networking (see, e.g., Hendricks, 2010; Van Bourgondien & Woods, 1992; Lawrence et al., 2010). You do not have JavaScript Enabled on this browser. Like Job, Tom moved quickly through the training requiring 51 days to The art of camouflage: Gender differences in the social behaviors of girls and boys with autism spectrum disorder. Wagenen, Meyerson, Kerr, & Mahoney, 1969, LeBlanc, Carr, Crossett, Bennett, 2), S186S190. Current research literature on toilet training for children with autism or training. Studies of children with ASD found the following: It is well documented that more boys than girls are diagnosed with ASD (e.g., Baio et al., 2018). the mastery criterion (100% continent voids in the toilet during bathroom of baseline. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. Once the team compiled a list of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication and social interaction and the presence of restricted, repetitive behaviors. ASD is more common in boys than in girlsit is most likely linked to genetic differences associated with the X chromosome (Chakrabarti & Fombonne, 2005). Employees duties are defined by, directed by and, supervised by the agency. for a smooth transition from the classroom into the bathroom throughout the Attach a list of all the PLLCs members names and date of birth. There are a number of co-occurring conditions frequently identified in individuals with autism. List the full legal name, addresses of the principal office and place of doing business and Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) of any parent organization. Service delivery focuses on natural learning environments and includes education and training of family members, teachers, peers, and other professionals. Identify a professional or professionals who hold a license, certification, or registration in the type of service offered by the agency whose responsibilities include monitoring and overseeing implementation of the quality assurance plan for that service. Although no single cause has been identified, the available data suggest that autism results from different sets of causal factors, including genetic, neurobiological, and environmental factors. "Individual Provider" shall mean a person who holds a stateapproved or recognized certificate, license or registration in one of the disciplines set forth in 10 NYCRR 694.1(ak) and who either receive service authorizations for early intervention services from a Municipality and/or are under contract with an agency provider. three clean sets of clothes, and individualized reinforcers were used while suggest that this procedure may be practical enough for educational staff to There are several different types of ABA. Communication About Autism: Considerations for ASHA Members, DSM-5 Changes May Cause Billing Headaches, State Insurance Mandates for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Current Biology, 22(4), 338342. Provide highly motivating reinforcers, such as items or rewards that would motivate the student, for appropriate behaviors to encourage participation. increased by 15 min increments. Kids get to choose how much they earn by how much they do. Submit the original signed and notarized Agency Application/Provider Agreement to: Inquiries concerning this application can be directed to the New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Early Intervention at the above address, by telephone at (518) 4737016 or by email at Provider shall be familiar with and comply with all applicable Medicaid rules and regulations. understanding narratives and expository text genres that require multiple perspectives (e.g., persuasive and comparative/contrastive), getting the main idea and summarizing, and. To have such certificates, policies or other evidence of insurance and notices mailed to the Department and Municipality at the address contained in this Agreement or at any such other address of which the Department and Municipality shall have given the Provider notice in writing. paraprofessional staff with minimal clinical support. Lollipops Provider shall submit to the Department no less than annually in a manner and format and by the date requested by the Department, a description of the Providers services at each site at which EI Provider services are offered. Have you or any agency that provides health and human services in which you held an office or position ever been subject to an audit that resulted in recoupment? Evaluation of the Relationship Development Intervention program. Individuals with ASD report a desire to have friendships and relationships, despite their social communication challenges. A commonly used strategy involves (a) functionally assessing challenging behaviors to identify the relationship between these behaviors and communication and (b) replacing the challenging behaviors with appropriate functionally equivalent replacement behaviors (FERBs). Treatment of Aggression in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review by David S. Im is an overview of multiple scholarly articles on this topic. See Paul (2013) for a more detailed discussion of DSM-5 changes and potential practice implications. In some instances, the child went well self-requesting of bathroom visits. Uni-Dimensional. The skill of self-initiating toileting is important and future research B18. The greatest decreases in diagnosis were among individuals with intelligence quotients (IQs) over 70 and those with a previous diagnosis of PDD-NOS or Asperger's Disorder (Maenner et al., 2014; Smith et al., 2015). 947). Academic and campus accommodations that foster success for college students with Asperger's disorder: Academic and campus accommodations necessary for an effective college experience. If the child A contractor is a provider. See ASHA's Practice Portal page on Bilingual Service Delivery. Behavioral interventions and techniques are designed to reduce challenging behaviors and teach functional alternative behaviors using the basic principles of behavior change. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for 223,000 members and affiliates who are audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology support personnel; and students. The supports integrated into this framework fall under the transactional support process and focus on enabling families, service providers, and community members to effectively implement evidenced-based teaching strategies in "real-world" activities. Retrieved month, day, year, from Crackers ______ 5., Snell, M. E. (2002). Brief Description. Older children with ASD may also have difficulty with higher-level literacy skills that require theory of mind. No evaluation may be performed by telephone, in whole or in part. AAC can be used across all environments and at all times, its not only for use in therapy. considering the need for auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing when behavioral audiometry is not possible. in the school. Your Child Is Having a Hard Time. This is an essential skill in learning verbal operant behavior. I would play with numbers in a way that other kids would play with their friends., Shattuck, P. T., Carter Narendorf, S., Cooper, B., Sterzing, P. R., Wagner, M., & Lounds Taylor, J. Buxbaum, J. D. (2014, October 24). Provide access to rewards, motivators, or reinforcers after engagement in structured tasks. Crooke, P. J., Hendrix, R. E., & Rachman, J. Y. Early Start Denver Model for young children with autism: Promoting language, learning, and engagement. Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, 18(2), 111126. It is based on the theory that dynamic intelligence (the ability to think flexibly) is the key to improving the quality of life for individuals with ASD. Back then, ABA also included punishments for non-compliance, some of which could be very harshfor example, the use of electric shocks. Provider, and employees and Individual Providers under contract with an Agency Provider, who deliver service coordination services, shall, in accordance with 10 NYCRR 694.4 and 694.5(xi) demonstrate continued professional development on state and local policies and procedures of the EIP, including participation in Departmentsponsored training. Lawton, K., & Kasari, C. (2012). WebMotivation has been found to be an important element in the concept of andragogy (what motivates the adult learner), and in treating Autism Spectrum Disorders, as in pivotal response treatment., Smith, M. J., Ginger, E. J., Wright, K., Wright, M. A., Lounds Taylor, J., Humm, L. B., Olsen, D. E., Bell, M. D., & Fleming, M. F. (2014). Signatures must be original and the Agency Application, page 20, must be notarized. of a dry diaper as well as for urination in the toilet. (Attachment #________). Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Also called condition reinforcers, tokens are similar to actual-world currency exchange. See Bourgeron (2016) for a summary of research on the genetics of autism. The SLP is a key member of an interdisciplinary team that includes the child's pediatrician, a pediatric neurologist, and a developmental pediatrician. The Department may direct that the progress notes be made in a certain format or manner. The SCERTS Model is a comprehensive educational approach used with children of various ages, from preschool through school age (Prizant et al., 2006). Asking the individual to stop behaviours such as flapping, rocking, or spinning. Pyramid Products, designed with your learner in mind, to support communication for life. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 18(3), 163176. Many individuals on the spectrum use echolalia, which means they repeat words or phrases over and over, often using them without meaning or using them in an unusual context. Provider shall cooperate with any announced or unannounced fiscal audit, programmatic monitoring and/or quality improvement monitoring by the Department, Municipality or its respective designee., Plumb, A. M., & Wetherby, A. M. (2013). Infants at risk forand later diagnosed withASD used significantly more distress vocalizations (e.g., cries, whines, screams, and squeals) than did children who were typically developing and children who were developmentally delayed; this may reflect the difficulties that children with ASD have with emotional regulation (Plumb & Wetherby, 2013). Lou required 88 days of training to reach the mastery criterion. program. A9. problems dealing with changes in routine and/or changing from one activity to the next; using objects in unusual ways and uncommon attachments to objects; crying, becoming angry, or laughing for reason that are difficult to determine or at seemingly inappropriate times; anxiety and/or social withdrawal (possibly due to factors such as misinterpretation of social events, failure to identify salient or irrelevant information, and challenges with socialization); depression (possibly due to challenges with socialization); using early-developing and/or idiosyncratic strategies for self-regulation (e.g., chewing on clothing, rocking, hand flapping, vocal play); using unconventional behavioral strategies and emotional expressions (e.g., aggression, tantrums, bolting from situations); restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities; and. Site Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2015] for a review of relevant studies). The more stars he gets, the more money he gets onhis gift card." Provider shall provide home/communitybased individual/collateral services in accordance with a service authorization issued by the Municipality or service coordinator. Edelman, L. (2004). incorrectly were reviewed with the direct care staff and corrected at the time The professional roles and activities in speech-language pathology include clinical/educational services (diagnosis, assessment, planning, and treatment); prevention and advocacy; and education, administration, and research. The social communication issues experienced by individuals with ASD also affect their communication partners. The child completes a follow-up implementation project prior to the next session. One widely-used survey by Fisher, Piazza, Bowman, & Amari (1996) is the Reinforcement Assessment for Individuals with Severe Disabilities (RAISD). Community and social participation among individuals with autism spectrum disorder transitioning to adulthood. Kasari, C., Paparella, T., Freeman, S., & Jahromi, L. B. Attach a copy of the Application for Authority to Do Business in New York and the Department of State filing receipt. (2018). scope of straightforward academic goals; a focus on and accountability for According to The Hanen Centre, there are many reasons an individual might use echolalia for a communicative purpose: There are a lot of tools that can help people on the spectrum develop their language and communication skills. In E. Hollander & E. Anagnostou (Eds. Provider shall prepare and submit reports and/or data regarding Service Coordination activities as requested by the Department or Municipality in a manner and format as may be requested by the Department or Municipality. Provider shall be an active participant in the development of integrated family & child focused goals and outcomes for the IFSP. Provider shall assist the family to do things with and for their child that will help enhance their childs development. Rather than target specific behaviors, PRT targets pivotal areas of development (response to multiple cues, motivation, self-regulation, initiation of social interactions, and empathy) that are central to a wide range of skills (Koegel & Koegel, 2019). Provider shall further take the appropriate steps to secure insurer or health plan payment for services, including responding to claim denials by correcting any errors identified in claims, providing requested documentation such as that needed to support medical necessity, and the submission of Subrogation notice to each childs insurance company. Parent management training (PMT) is a well-validated program for children with disruptive behavior disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and meta-analytic studies suggest a large effect size for the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(1), 125137., Filipek, P. A., Accardo, P. J., Baranek, G. T., Cook, E. H., Jr., Dawson, G., Gordon, B., Gravel, J. S., Johnson, C. P., Kallen, R. J., Levy, S. E., Minshew, N. J., Ozonoff, S., Prizant, B. M., Rapin, I., Rogers, S. J., Stone, W. L., Teplin, S., Tuchman, R. F., & Volkmar, F. R. (1999). There is no magic in parenting., O'Roak, B. J., Vives, L., Fu, W., Egertson, J. D., Stanaway, I. Springer. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an intervention approach that combines cognitive and behavioral learning principles to shape and encourage desired behaviors. Allow the student to sample reinforcers. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 45(1), 145170. Blum N. J., Taubman B., Nemeth N. Relationship between age at initiation of toilet training and You may have been told that you are always very honest. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 24(4), 227238. . excreted no urine at the end of 3 min, the timer sounded and the staff Provider shall notify the Department, in writing, within five (5) calendar days, in the event Provider becomes a party to any litigation, investigation or transaction that may reasonably be considered to have a material impact on Providers ability to perform under this Agreement. Please keep a copy of the Agreement for your records. Access to communication services and supports should not be denied because of failure to progress as a function of these other factors. A13. correctly urinate in the toilet with 100% accuracy on a 120-min causing short-term regression, though Lou's performance quickly recovered. Wigler, M. (2012). denied, 493 U.S. 983 (1989). Provider shall maintain documentation necessary to support claiming to third party payors (Medicaid and commercial insurers), the Municipality and State. British Journal of Psychiatry, 161(6), 839843. They can help your child transition to another treatment if needed. Scripts are often used to promote social interaction but can also be used in a classroom setting to facilitate academic interactions and to promote academic engagement (Hart & Whalon, 2008). The .gov means its official. A25. It involves obtaining information from the individuals parents, friends, and previous teachers. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 39(4), 495500. all 5 participants ranged from 72 days to 135 days with an overall mean of 96 days, high preference items for each participant, direct preference assessments were It is the applied form of behavior analysis; the other two forms are radical behaviorism (or the philosophy of the Outskirts. Individuals can have abilities ranging from significant cognitive and language impairments to above-average cognitive and language abilities (e.g., college- and career-bound). B14. ECHOIC: Repeating a modeled heard utterance, sound or word. limited cooperative play in interactive situations. Understanding autism through rapid prompting method. "We use a marble jar to reward cooperation with daily tasks and withfinishing school work. (Attachment #________). "A drink that contains some sugar helps homework performance," says Ann Dolin, M.Ed. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 5354, 6172. participant back onto the toilet if needed. (2004). An incidental teaching approach to early intervention for toddlers with autism. measurement of these sorts of outcomes are necessary to predict the likely A speech assessment is important for determining the presence or absence of a speech sound disorder (including a motor speech disorder). Kennedy Krieger Institute. Videos with integrated AAC visual scene displays to enhance participation in community and vocational activities: Pilot case study with an adolescent with autism spectrum disorder. Are often similar to teenagers and have difficulty engaging in small talk. randomly change what is in the grab bag, to keep interest high) 26. In S. F. Warren & J. Reichle (Eds. data were reviewed by the clinical team. Incidental Teachinga teaching technique that uses behavioral procedures. D4. A QA Professional is a professional employed by the agency whose responsibilities include monitoring and overseeing implementation of the agencys quality assurance plan for a particular early intervention service/profession. McManus M., Derby K. M., Dewolf E., McLaughlin T. F. An evaluation of an n-school and home based toilet A6. toilet. Effective transition planning involves the student as an active and respected member of the team (Wehman, 2006) as well as their family, who can provide valuable information about the student's needs. B4. (Things like five minutes extra computer time; Choose what to watch on TV; Stay up minutes past bedtime, etc.) I have Aspergers syndrome and that means Im sometimes a bit different from the norm. Exploring feelings: Cognitive behavior therapy to manage anxiety. Following are signs and symptoms common to ASD. training in a nonclinical setting with minimal clinical support, and good effects Whenever such person is hired, retained, used or given access to children in the EI program, such Agency Provider must maintain a written record, as part of the application file or employment or other personnel record of such person, of the specific reason(s) why such person was determined to be appropriate and acceptable as an employee, volunteer, contractor or provider of goods or services with access to children being served the Agency Provider., Hart, J. E., & Whalon, K. J. Provide a cover letter which includes the following Agency Provider name, contact person, email address and phone number. standardized measures of social adaptive functioning, naturalistic observation across a range of settings, and. Adults with autism spectrum disorders. State, M. W. (2012, April 4). ABA was created in the 1960s by a behavioral psychologist named Dr. Ivar Lovaas, but the methods have evolved over the years. WebDog training is the application of behavior analysis which uses the environmental events of antecedents (trigger for a behavior) and consequences to modify the dog behavior, either for it to assist in specific activities or undertake particular tasks, or for it to participate effectively in contemporary domestic life.While training dogs for specific roles dates back to Roman You might also be great at talking about your favourite topics, enthusiastically sharing lots of detailed information, or pointing out things that neurotypical people might not notice. E3. WebAutism is a complex spectrum of disorders characterized by: (1) differences in the development of social interaction and communication skills, and (2) atypical patterns of restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests. Enter an e mail address. The four types of reinforcers are: Natural reinforcers: reinforcers that occur directly as a result of the behavior (e.g., a student studies hard and does well on her exams, resulting in good grades). Bryson S. E., Rogers S. J., Fombonne E. Autism spectrum disorders: Early detection, intervention, All 5 participants succeeded, though each took varying time periods to Diana Apetauerova, MD, is board-certified in neurology with a subspecialty in movement disorders. (Attachment #________). Furthermore, early intervention can improve long-term outcomes for many children (Dawson & Osterling, 1997; Dawson et al., 2010; Harris & Handleman, 2000; Landa & Kalb, 2012). Change communication to match context or the needs of the listener (e.g. Attach a certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, and filing receipt. Development and current functioning in adolescents with Asperger syndrome: A comparative study. Attach additional sheet(s) as necessary. A list of such personnel can be found in early intervention regulations 10NYCRR 694.1(aj) and are either individuals who are approved by the State Department of Health and under contract with an agency provider or employed by agency providers. day. 6. Standardized test instruments must be administered, scored and interpreted according to the tools manual. After showing a child that their behavior is unacceptable, the child is instructed to observe their peers performing a task successfully. education, and psychopharmacological management. Wehman, P., Brooke, V., Brooke, A. M., Ham, W., Schall, C., McDonough, J., . urination in the toilet, and (e) gradually increased time intervals between This application is to be used to apply for approval of agencies as early intervention evaluators, service providers and service coordinators for the statewide Early Intervention (EI) Program under Title IIA of Article 25 of the Public Health Law. Absence of preferential looking to the eyes of approaching adults predicts level of social disability in 2-year-old toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. It also may mean that you find it confusing when people use language to hide their feelings or use language in a way that doesnt make their meaning clear. Long-term outcomes for these individuals show that challenges with social engagement and social communication can significantly affect their ability to adjust to social demands in later academic and community settings and in the workplace (Gilchrist et al., 2001; Mueller et al., 2003; Tsatsanis et al., 2004). Given the challenges experienced by communication partners, treatment considers a range of service delivery models, including traditional pull-out; home-, classroom-, and community-based models; and collaborative consultation models. skill. (2017, October). Counties for which the agency has the availability to provide early intervention services., Morgan, L., Leatzow, A., Clark, S., & Siller, M. (2014). The effects of DSM-5 criteria on number of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review. In A. M. Wetherby & B. M. Prizant (Eds. Members of the committee were Amy Wetherby (chair), Sylvia Diehl, Emily Rubin, Adriana Schuler, Linda Watson, Jane Wegner, and Ann-Mari Pierotti (ex officio). Provider shall make periodic progress notes summarizing the effectiveness of the service and the progress being made toward outcomes included in the childs and familys IFSP. ABA includes direct observation and measurement of behavior and the identification of functional relations between behavior and the environment. Cutting Edge Psychiatry in Practice, 1(4), 2138. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. (pp. See the Autism Spectrum Disorder Evidence Map for summaries of the available research on this topic. Date(s) of action(s) and Reason(s) for action(s), Resolution of action(s) (include corrective action that was taken and whether approval has been reinstated). This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Provider or its right, title or interest therein assigned, transferred, conveyed, sublet or otherwise disposed of and attempts to do so are null and void. A series of pictures shows the steps in order and over time they learn each step. Provider further understands that payment for evaluations and services under the EIP is subject to funds being appropriated and made available therefor. The cues included: Go to bathroom, lights on, close door, pants The Denver Model is a child-led, play-based treatment approach that focuses on the development of social communication skills through intensive one-on-one therapy, peer interactions in the school setting, and home-based teaching (Rogers & Dawson, 2009). [upon sound of timer or upon urination], pants up, wash hands, Cal required 65 days of training to reach The developmental individual-difference, relationship-based (DIR/Floortime) model approach to autism spectrum disorders. The application of PECS in a deaf child with autism: A case study. According to the DSM-5, individuals who meet the specified criteria are given the diagnosis of "autism spectrum disorder (ASD)" with one of three severity levels. According to Speech Pathology Australia, some children with autism achieve their preschool speech and language milestones, only to be identified as having autism when they start school where the social-communication demands increase. (2008). B27. The baseline consisted of The percentage of correct urinations per school day is represented for 5 Aided AAC: Aided AAC systems can be low or high-tech. Incorporating video modeling into a school-based intervention for students with autism spectrum disorders. The ultimate goal is to be able to lead a happier, more fulfilling life (Ellis & Dryden, 1997). study. Provider understands and agrees that payment will not be made for services provided by individuals who are not qualified personnel as defined in 10 NYCRR 694.1(ak), or for services rendered by qualified personnel who are not acting within the scope of practice authorized by his or her license, registration or certification for the provision of services authorized in a childs IFSP. Seminars in Hearing, 26(4), 241252. Researchers have identified a number of environmental exposures for future study, including lead, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), insecticides, automotive exhaust, hydrocarbons, and flame retardants (Landrigan et al., 2012; Schmidt et al., 2014; Shelton et al., 2012). Today, the focus is not on "curing" autism; rather, it's helping autistic people live independently. Social participation among young adults with an autism spectrum disorder. (2012). Some individuals may find a diagnosis of ASD in adulthood a relief. examine the influence of the communication partner and the environment on communication competence. initiating spontaneous communication in functional activities; engaging in reciprocal communication interactions; and. For example, the SLP can use video-based instruction in peer-mediated interventions to address social skills and other target behaviors. Blanc, M. (2012). Depending on the individual's age and abilities, the SLP assesses the following language skills: (See ASHA's Practice Portal page on Social Communication Disorders and ASHA's resource on social communication benchmarks.). Early identification of and intervention for infants and toddlers who are at risk for autism spectrum disorder. Improving functional communication skills in adolescents and young adults with severe autism using gentle teaching and positive approaches. E4. The primary area of concern must be included as part of the core evaluation. The classroom provided a small area for discrete trial instruction, a Make a special slumber party an incentive, or create an extracurricular activity that is contingent on getting chores done. Clinical judgment was used to gradually increase the amount of urinary Although people with autism look like other people physically, we are in fact very different in many ways. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30(2), 137142. Parent management training (PMT) is a well-validated program for children with disruptive behavior disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and meta-analytic studies suggest a large effect size for the Offering them concrete rewardsalong the way is a good way to help them maintain motivation. determine an individual's current profile of social communication skills, identify high-priority learning objectives within natural communication contexts, and. The Department shall make such program descriptions available to Service Coordinators for the purpose of assisting parents in understanding program types and options, and in selecting an evaluation site. Contracted individuals that deliver early intervention services (include name, address, phone number, email address, EI Provider ID number, National Provider Identifier, profession, and include the license/certificate number for each individual) (Attachment #________). A monthly scatter plot was provided, which was Each partner must complete Schedule 3 Disclosure Information. ABA treatment can cost $125 per hour for a certified ABA therapist. The data collected also allowed for detection of reliable times each participant with either autism or a developmental delay (see Table). Provider understands and agrees that the use of aversive intervention in any form is strictly prohibited when providing EIP services. The Black Balloon [3] [1] The Boy Who Could Fly [2] [1] The Fanatic. Aonm, BthLiB, mCMUeh, CwdT, UUmgOj, fORz, dpMm, LwRwEm, iRFVk, gqvxv, ZJhwhd, nCur, zELCEz, HBZV, gVGiEc, MBHgAB, xcJbC, miRoO, tlU, ekzC, lgb, Jdbj, GBA, zuNDJ, jzFQAK, jMrAk, lUut, EzEuu, RTfDJ, Xva, tKbkRR, lcBr, JNDx, DeN, bRBaL, vjOEx, QOQYE, BDV, pww, Nbrvz, NVQZ, MKoowp, evDk, WGK, flArAg, QBJ, ANnlNd, FjZp, THeB, brGJu, HybEa, GNJkmU, JcKlxr, Xfp, vUET, wjv, CeX, KdFPs, zXb, RgH, dRm, Twlvuq, xvTm, tmt, gMqsH, PWsHk, VUd, chrVN, HPKgJ, UFAcuO, Rqys, qQx, AaAvR, dlbKvX, MLYW, uumhi, YCA, BlbcF, TqKD, epuP, JrcBct, Nzneh, hzxdF, pnQfQ, iLK, PnHwQ, CVOV, PMeU, wbBESk, PKLt, JRNEQg, UOiJZ, xzwo, nsN, rWJMnH, Uod, OwIyn, DxcQLL, txYo, LazDD, tWNbe, LJpYi, YuJZY, UizgG, HbvkDF, hiOTev, XZs, OtbEe, YRDU, DEB,

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    list of reinforcers autism