life after achilles tendon rupture

life after achilles tendon rupture

life after achilles tendon rupture

life after achilles tendon rupture

  • life after achilles tendon rupture

  • life after achilles tendon rupture

    life after achilles tendon rupture

    Learn the symptoms, causes, and remedies to try. Symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture are hard to ignore. Sign up to our newsletter to get expert advice on Achilles ruptures and the latest on our About 10% of Achilles tendon ruptures occur in patients who have pre-existing Achilles tendinopathy. In the CAM boot with heel wedges or a VACOped boot and you can begin to bear weight on your foot at four weeks after surgery. However, the speed at which patients can rebuild strength during this time depends on the type of injury and treatment they have, as well as their personal fitness goals. schedule appointment. Life after Achilles tendon rupture Properly treated, Achilles tendon ruptures heal very well. Acute Achilles tendon rupture (AATR) is common among young and middle-aged people with high intensity physical labor or high-competitive sports, and the incidence rate is as high as (2032)/105, with an increasing trend [1 ]. It often occurs during sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, and softball. If youre not sure whether surgery is the right step for you, talk with your doctor about your concerns. However, before moving forward with treatment for any type of Achilles tendon injury, its important to understand why the injury occurred and how different treatment options and behavioral changes can prevent it from happening again. (2018). This depends upon the precise nature of the work, but most rehabilitation programs reach the point Eliasson P, et al. Same or next-day access to orthopedic care. One tiny Do not assume that youll be fine, hopping into the shower. The goal of casting is to hold the foot and ankle in a position to bring the torn ends of the tendon in proximity, allowing the tendon to slowly heal over time without using invasive surgical techniques. Ruptures are often treated surgically in patients who are healthy and want to return to their former level of activity. thus the information on this site may not be current or accurate. A tendon is a type of connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones (or sometimes to other organs or structures). led to fewer re-ruptures compared to previous regimens, when treatment required months of plaster (2022). Patients in this age group tend to be weekend warriors: people who may not exercise as much during the week and then take part in recreational activities on weekends. It can cause ongoing pain and swelling in the heel, ankle, and back of the leg. In professional athletes only about 68% are able to return to their sport, and those that do return experience a 50% decline in play. Stretching and warming up before and cooling down after activity may help prevent an Achilles rupture. We review the pros, cons, pricing, and more. It may be difficult or impossible to bend ones forefoot downward or effectively push off from the foot with the injury. It is unknown, if young and active patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture, return to previous sports activity level after treatment with standardized non-operative immediate full weight-bearing protocol. Gradually, under careful supervision, you can resume normal activities. For minor or partial tears, the first approach is usually to apply functional bracing or casting to help reduce the movement in the ankle and allow the tear to heal. And the sooner their foot can handle weight, the faster they can start physical therapy and work on getting stronger; early weight bearing leads to better health and strength after six months. For people who do not engage in athletics, the decision on how to treat these injuries is made on an individual basis. Int J Sports Med. Over time, we will introduce weight-bearing exercises, such as toe raises on an elevated surface, to rebuild functional strength in the lower leg. Ill put more info in the comments if anyones interested about what as he gains new This a long-acting nerve block that may last 24 to 48 hours. Achilles tendon rupture. For example, connective, endothelial and epithelial tissue. The runner's stretch (for the gastroc and soleus muscles) Stair stretching by A shoe with a generous heel on the other foot Unlike muscle tissue, tendons dont get a significant supply of blood. Blood delivers fluid and nutrients that are essential for healing. The less blood delivered, the longer it takes for tissue to heal. Add to that the sheer size of the Achilles tendon, and youre in for a lengthy recovery. If you believe youve ruptured your Achilles tendon, schedule a visit with a doctor as soon as possible. These deficits are seen in achilles tendon ruptures treated with surgery and without surgery. You can expect to be in a boot or similar support for about 10 weeks. (2022). Depending on the type of work, some people need several weeks off work after an Achilles tendon tear (rupture); the time taken to return to sport is between 4 and 12 months. Generally, the outlook is good. However, the tendon does take time to heal, usually about six to eight weeks. for the treatment of a medical condition, see your doctor. Learn more about the most common types of running injuries, Do you have heel pain in the morning? MUSCLE STRAINS. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Minimally invasive techniques allow the surgeon to make a 3-cm incision over the Achilles tendon and two smaller incisions at the back of the heel to reattach the tendon to the heel bone. A tear in the Achilles tendon (also known as a rupture or snap) is one of the most common Achilles injuries, occurring in about 18 of every 100,000 patients. Similarly, the healed tendon remains thicker than it once was. Kannus P. Etiology and pathophysiology of chronic tendon disorders in sports. This improves with time (months to In some cases, X-ray, ultrasound and/or MRI imaging may be done to confirm the diagnosis or to rule out other injuries. Over time, this pressure can cause the tendon to become irritated or tear. While a ruptured Achilles tendon doesnt always require surgery to repair, surgery has some advantages to nonsurgical treatment. Properly treated, Achilles tendon ruptures heal very well. But what exactly is the role of your Achilles tendon, and what happens when you tear or rupture it? Full recovery from an Achilles injury usually takes six to 12 months, regardless of the treatment method. Calf Muscle Performance Deficits Remain 7 Years After an Achilles Tendon Rupture. Tight calves can increase pressure on the tendon. At HSS, most Achilles tendon surgeries are done with a nerve block (regional anesthesia) and/or a spinal anesthetic while you are in a twilight sleep. If theyre ready, I guide them through basic physical therapy exercises to prepare them for more strength building. 1997;7(2):78-85. If a chronic injury is severe, surgery may be an option to: While you can still walk or even run after an Achilles injury, putting off treatment will only make the injury worse. How long does it take to recover from a ruptured Achilles tendon? For tears very close to the insertion point at the heel bone or when the ruptures caused an avulsion fracture of the calcaneus, suture anchors may be used to repair and reconnect the Achilles directly into the calcaneus bone. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers. The ruptured Achilles tendon elongates for 6 months after surgical repair regardless of early or late weightbearing in combination with ankle mobilization: A randomized clinical trial. The length of the incision and the surgical approach will depend on location of the rupture. Here are the signs you may need to see a doctor. Achilles Tendon Rupture Recovery Can Start Sooner with Minimally Invasive Surgery. The Achilles tendon rupture is the most common tendon to rupture (Holm). @GoPro GoPro footage of my ACHILLES tendon RUPTURE & all the REHAB so far! A ruptured tendon can heal in one of two ways: with rest (in the case of minor tears) or with the help of surgery. Even if you can still walk with a torn Achilles tendon, you probably should not, at least not at first. As soon as a rupture is diagnosed, it should be treated to prevent loss of strength and improper healing. Minimally invasive The incision length is about three to four inches long in open surgery and about one inch or less with the minimally invasive approach. A blunt trauma injury can cause your spleen to rupture. Ruptures are often treated surgically in patients who are healthy and want to return to their former level of activity. What is a discoid meniscus? Without surgery, there is increased chance that the tendon heals in a stretched out fashion and leg strength therefore compromised. An Achilles tendon rupture is a tear in the tendon at the back of the ankle that spans from the calf muscles to the heel. (2002). He opened the clinic, which specializes in spine and sports injury prevention, in 2004 after many years of experience in the field. As of 2018, there are approximately 14,000 ABPTS certified specialists in the nation and less than 400 of them are located in the state of New Jersey. The Achilles tendon is a thick tendon located in the back of the leg, just above the heel. Soft-tissue massage to the calf muscle, stationary biking without a boot, and therapeutic ultrasound and electrical stimulation can be prescribed if needed. Achilles tendon ruptures are most often caused by sudden, strenuous athletic activity that was not preceded by proper stretching, Ruptures usually occur during high-stress activities such as running, cutting or jumping, but sometimes the tendon becomes chronically weakened and can give way during less strenuous activities like walking. Most people with active lifestyles will need surgery to recover from a complete Achilles rupture. In the past, a ruptured Achilles tendon could end the career of a professional athlete and significantly impact the quality of life for others with the injuryeven after treatment. (n.d.). I am at the 10 week mark and making steady progress, was not on an aggressive program, no PT till August. Each week, you will adjust the wedges or VACOped setting to decrease the angle of plantarflexion through your ankle. helps to even you up. At this time, the healthcare team will evaluate your incisions, remove the sutures and fit you with a lighter removable boot to wear. Deficits 10-years after Achilles tendon repair. Easy access to healthcare through your device, Physical activity during every stage of life can help protect and maintain your overall health. Shamrock AG, et al. How do you prevent an Achilles tendon rupture? This study reports the results of 64 patients with Achilles tendon ruptures treated surgically and with early mobilization. The Achilles tendon connects the heel to the calf. The objective of this review is to illuminate and discuss to what extent an Achilles tendon rupture affects Wall first suffered a debilitating injury back in 2018 when he was diagnosed with a Haglunds deformity and a chronic Achilles tendon injury in his left heel. (2020). To avoid reinjury or complications and return to normal activity, it is imperative that you engage in a rehabilitation program and patiently accept a recovery period of at least six months. our website is foreducational purposes only. Tendon. Just Look Below And Find The One That Works Best For You Tom Willemann is a premier physical therapist based out of Bergen County, New Jersey. But our team of foot and ankle specialists, orthopaedic surgeons, and physical therapists will work with you to Common symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture include: A snap, crack or popping sound when pushing off with your leg, A sharp pain in the back of your leg or ankle, Trouble moving your foot to walk or climb stairs, Inability to stand on your toes, Pain, bruising and swelling at the back of your leg or heel [6]. The appropriate surgical approach will depend on location of the rupture. The editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. How is an Achilles tendon rupture treated? Achilles tendon ruptures most commonly occur in people who remain active in their 30s and 40s. In fact, your doctor will likely recommend that you keep all weight off the affected foot and leg for at least the first 1 to 2 weeks which means absolutely no walking on the injured foot. It typically occurs in men over 30 and continues to. Achilles tendon ruptures most commonly occur in people who remain active in their 30s and 40s. To diagnose your injury, your doctor will physically examine your foot and ankle and ask you to demonstrate your range of motion. This condition typically causes pain and swelling in the main part of the tendon or where the tendon attaches to the heel bone. Tendons are a key part of the complex system that allows your body to move. Horstmann T, Lukas C, Merk J, Brauner T, Mundermann A. Although the lengthy recovery period following Achilles rupture is often frustratingparticularly for young, active patientsan individualized exercise program can enable a return to your normal life, pain free and without restrictions, once again. There are many complications that can occur during the treatment of a ruptured achilles tendon. 2012;33(6):474-479. Lemme NJ, et al. Resting the tendon by using crutches. Ice and over-the-counter pain medications can be used as needed. While in a sitting position, getting both feet out first before sitting on the edge of the tub made life much easier. Water retention, known as edema, is swelling in parts of the body. The researchers found that the tendon continued to repair itself for up to 6 months after surgery, and full functional recovery occurred almost 12 months after surgery. I often recommend minimally invasive surgery for a faster, less painful recovery. Br J Sports Med. The tendon helps you point your foot Ideally, you will start a PT regimen almost immediately post-op, and will continue it until you have reached your desired activity level. When you contract your muscles, your tendons transfer this mechanical force to your bones, allowing them to move. If the foot does not move downward with this squeeze, this means the Achilles is not attached to the muscle and indicates a ruptured tendon. A 2018 study published in the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine found that almost 82% of Achilles tendon ruptures resulted from sports or recreational activities. You use it to walk, run, and jump, so its constantly under pressure. Slowly increase the intensity of your workouts. And Well Send You Our Best Advice And Top Tips In One Special Report Its FREE! (2002). year. The risk of infection after Achilles surgery at HSS on the Foot and Ankle Service is less than 1%. Any injury that causes the Achilles tendon to rupture is presented by a pop sound, which is followed by an immediate extreme pain around the ankles and the lower part of the leg. Dont take any short-cuts. Scand J Med Sci Sports. Achilles Tendon Rupture. EXPLAINED WITH PICTURES. business developments. What Is A Rotator Cuff, And Why Can It Be Painful. Complications of the treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures. months to regain the muscle strength. The achilles tendon rupture is treated with or without surgery. An anesthesiologist will perform the regional block in the operating room once you are asleep. Typically, after an Achilles tendon repair, patients can expect three to four weeks of immobilization, non-weightbearing (using crutches). Epidemiology and outcomes of Achilles tendon ruptures in the National Football League. Toms caring interest in others and his strong belief in continuity of care, combined with his clinics ability to find solutions for the most difficult orthopedic problems, have earned Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation its excellent reputation with patients and medical professionals in northeastern New Jersey and beyond. If you take it off to wash, be seated first; maintain the tip-toe What are the symptoms of an Achilles tendon tear? During traditional open surgery, the surgeon makes a 12-cm incision on the back of the leg to access and repair the Achilles tendon. If you suffer from this serious injury, you can most likely return to your normal life again. A ruptured Achilles tendon can also cause: Its also possible to have a partial rupture, which is when the Achilles tendon tears only partially. The body begins to lose its rapid regenerative capacity seen in our youth, and yet many people remain athletically active and put a high strain on the body's ligaments and muscles. 10 years ago all of these were repaired surgically, however, clinical studies have shown that a very compliant patient can heal well with a nonsurgical protocol that involves a cast, and then cam boot with increasing amounts of weight bearing and activity. Patients were antsy to get outside, and they started hiking, running, and walking long distances without ramping up appropriately. For a fully ruptured Achilles tendon, the initial approach is usually surgery to reconnect the torn tendon, followed by bracing to allow for healing. It was misdiagnosed by A&E and after working and driving for 3-4 weeks I finally had an op 5wks post rupture. Transfer another tendon to the area to assist with foot push-off. What is the recovery time without surgery? We avoid using tertiary references. You may be able to use crutches to move around when bed rest is not possible. Surgery for Achilles tendon ruptures ensures that the tendon heals at the appropriate length and tension so that push-off strength in the leg is restored. However, full recovery takes a very long Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Broken Shoulder (Proximal Humerus Fracture), SLAP Tear (Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior Tear), Hand Nerve Damage (Injury to Ulnar, Median, or Radial Nerve), Broken Foot - Jones Fracture (5th Metatarsal Fracture), High Ankle Sprain (Syndesmotic Ligament Injury), Hammertoe, Claw-toe, Mallet-toe deformity, Neck - Pinched Nerve (Cervical Radiculopathy), Spine Injury - Den's Fracture (odontoid fracture), Spine Injury - Facet Fracture & Dislocation, Spine - Lumbar Disk Herniation (Pinched Nerve), Kids - Broken Elbow (Supracondylar Fracture), Kids - Broken Elbow (Medial Epicondyle Fracture), Kids - Broken Elbow (Lateral Condyle Fracture), Kids - Broken Forearm (Both Bone Forearm Fracture), KIDS - Broken Leg (Pediatric Femur Fracture), Kids - Broken Ankle (Distal Tibia Fracture), Kids - SCFE (Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis), Pigeon Toed (Internal Rotation of the Leg). Methods: Surgery of the ruptured tendon involved dividing the,,,,,, Achilles Tendon Stretches and Strength Exercises, Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS, Achilles Tendon Rupture: Symptoms to Look For, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, Ruptured Spleen: Symptoms and Treatment in Adults and Children, Drug-Related Bicycle Accidents Drawing Concerns, Everything You Need to Know About Water Retention, Klinio Review for 2023: A Comprehensive Overveview, trouble flexing the toes, especially downward, upwards of $850 for 24 physical therapy sessions. About 20% of people will never be able to return to their previous level of activity. It typically occurs in men over 30 and continues to increase in patients age 40-59 for two main reasons: Minimally invasive surgery is the best option for patients who are in good health and want to get back in action as soon as possible after an Achilles tendon rupture. So, what kind of movement does your Achilles tendon help you do? Walking on the injured leg, in the boot, is good for the healing. TORN LIGAMENTS. time. A true family man, Tom takes pride in his clinics warm and welcoming environment. Light stretching exercises will increase flexibility in the tendon. You will meet with your anesthesiologist the day of surgery to discuss what type of anesthesia will be performed in more detail. Surgery reconnects the tendon, which then allows the connective tissue to regrow the same process that happens to the tissue naturally in minor tears. Applying ice to the area. Wong M, et al. October 29, 2017. Orthotics are custom-made inserts that fit into the patients shoe and help stabilize the foot, so it functions properly and avoids reinjury. 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. The injury most commonly occurs in adults in their third to fifth decade of life. Your Achilles tendon is a large band of tissue in the back of your ankle. Nonsurgical treatment may be successful for a less athletic individual when the rupture is identified immediately (within 24 hours) and the person is placed in a cast with the toes pointed downward. What are the long term effects of an achilles rupture? After this it takes many Accidentally stepping in a hole or tripping over a curb can injure the tendon. Know the symptoms and what to do if you experience them. This injury can make it extremely hard to walk or use your leg properly, and it often causes a great deal of pain if its not addressed right away. 3 ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURE Description of Injury The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the human body. If you ask someone who has been through all this, they will Generally, the recommended treatment for a ruptured Achilles tendon depends on the extent of the injury, the risk of complications, and the desired recovery time. Taking certain precautions can decrease the risk of injury: Even the most disciplined athletes can suffer from Achilles tendon injuries. The body begins to lose its rapid regenerative capacity The choice of whether to undergo surgery is complex. Parekh SG, Wray WHIII, Brimmo O, Sennett BJ, Wapner KL. Most often, a ruptured spleen is caused by blunt force trauma. Rupture: the result of overuse and the lack of a proper warmup before exercise. Both techniques have shown to be good treatment options, although each also has a drawback. slip can be disastrous. beginning, with a re-rupture. Seek care immediately to lessen the damage and shorten your road to recovery. Personally I would love to get back playing but my head will over rule my heart. sufficiently flexible get help. An Achilles tendon rupture surgery reconnects the ends of the torn tendon. Men between the ages of 30 to 40 are also more likely to suffer a torn Achilles tendon. Pain relievers may also be prescribed by your physician as needed. The nonsurgical treatment has a slightly higher risk for re-rupture, while the surgical treatment has a higher risk for complications such as wound infection. 63 Responses to 3 months after The Achilles Tendon Rupture(11 weeks after surgery) pietrzak, on July 6th, 2009 at 1:49 pmSaid: Hey Ruthless, Good advice, exactly what I would say. At this visit, you will be evaluated to determine at what rate you wean out of the boot and into normal sneakers, usually 8 to 10 weeks after surgery. Some studies have shown that surgical treatment can. There is no population-based knowledge on how often Achilles tendon ruptures happen (Huttunen). should) walk. Common conditions of the Achilles tendon. Then, theyll perform imaging tests to look for damage in your Achilles tendon. We may also recommend wearing a boot for support while cycling or performing other exercises to maintain overall strength. Without the right treatment, a torn Achilles tendon can heal improperly and cause a number of potential complications, including re-rupture, blood clots, chronic nerve issues, and ongoing pain. The splint is removed at the first follow-up appointment. One recent study found that the average cost of ruptured Achilles tendon treatment consisted of: If you have private insurance, depending on your plan, most of these treatment options should be covered, aside from standard out-of-pocket costs such as deductibles. Usually, a doctor can palpate the back of the ankle and feel a defect in the tendon, therefore identifying the location of the rupture. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, I saw an increase in Achilles injuries. In fact, after 2 years, the muscle reaches its maximal point of improvement. Mazzone MF, et al. the information provided is not a substitution for seeing a medical doctor. The action This pattern can lead to, Achilles tendon injuries are categorized as. Usually, casting or bracing for up to 8 to 10 weeks is necessary, with four to six months of physical therapy. Mix activities that require running with walking, biking, swimming, or yoga. Foot Ankle Spec. It often occurs during sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, and softball. Achilles tendon injuries are categorized as acute or chronic. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be helpful for reducing pain while your tendon heals. The key point to remember is that the Achilles tendon actually repairs itself, no matter whether it is being operated upon or treated conservatively. Yes, physical therapy is necessary in order to reduce scarring and swelling, and to promote the strengthening of the Achilles and other soft tissues in the ankle. Minimally invasive repair allows the patient to start putting weight on their injured foot sooner than they would with open surgery or nonsurgical care. There is a controversy if non-operative or operative treatment for acute Achilles tendon rupture is superior. Fortunately, that is no longer the case. It is usually about six to nine months before you return to all activities, such as running or jumping. the game Snakes and Ladders (Shutes and Ladders in the US) each week sees you closer to the PAINFUL! Life after ATR Folks, I want to know if I really will be able to play football (soccer) again or if Im just flogging a dead horse with that dream. Orthotic support can also help. Hydrocolloid bandages are used to treat open, superficial wounds and open pimples. However, full recovery takes a very long time. While you may not need surgery, its important to consult a healthcare professional to find out the best way to help your body recover. Nonsurgical treatment for ruptures and all other types of Achilles injuries are recommended for older and less active patients. but still strong enough to work normally. For this procedure, anesthesia will also perform an epidural, or spinal, in addition to the medication behind the knee. Once the patient can put weight on the injured foot, they begin physical therapy to strengthen and stretch the tendon and surrounding muscles. the result of overuse and the lack of a proper warmup before exercise. Proteus Syndrome in a 34-Year-Old: A Rare Case.Proteus syndrome is a rare genetic disorder of progressive overgrowth in various tissue types. Apr 11 Complete Achilles rupture cast put on Apr 26 Invasive Operation to stitch tendon together and cast put on 8 weeks of being in casts (change of casts to reposition foot but foot still wouldnt go into neutral) June 23 (week 8 after op) Remove cast and change into heavy boot (1 wedge and 1 heal slab) + crutches Scand J Med Sci Sports. The Achilles transmits forces from the muscles to the foot, enabling the foot to push off against the ground when walking, running, or jumping. In some people, one of the first symptoms is a pop at the back of the ankle, usually accompanied by a sudden sharp pain. The Achilles tendon connects the heel to the calf. People who rupture their Achilles tendon generally are back walkingwhether they have surgery or dont have surgeryin about three months. But usually the muscle hasnt recovered enough strength to get back to jogging until around six months, sometimes even longer. As the healing process continues, you will have physical therapy to help restrengthen your muscles and allow them to adjust to movement again. Older adults and less active individuals may be better served by casting or other immobilization techniques, but again, skipping surgery comes with a higher rate of re-rupture. This will numb you from the waist down during the procedure and wears off in the recovery room. of walking helps the tendon ends to join in an efficient and strong manner. He had not suffered any complaints of Achilles tendons before. Your recovery is like But as your age increases, so does your risk of exercise-related injuriessuch as a ruptured Achilles tendon. After an ATR patients have been reported to show a lengthening of the healed tendon along with impairments of joint ROM and calf muscle strength, endurance and trophism. This early walking has Varying your workout and cross-training may help avoid overuse syndromes that can lead to tendon problems. In fact, research suggests that more than 80% of Achilles tendon ruptures happen in people who engage in sports or active hobbies. In rare instances, it can last as long as three days. If you have diabetes and are looking to lose weight, you may be wondering about the Klinio app. A rupture occurs when the Achilles is completely torn after a sudden step, jump or movement. He holds an MS in physical therapy from the University of Miami, is credentialed in the world-renowned McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), and holds an OCS (Orthopedic Clinical Specialist) certification. XFYG, KOt, ThQvTv, lqG, ccQ, hbQN, nnK, dfD, iGUX, Ooyq, rDOid, soc, WzX, cyqFN, wUB, oeoN, ItFQ, LWB, BMIXoL, WozYuB, Piyi, rXjn, Lgk, dhey, cVQfD, kkJ, jnEQ, YUNroE, iqHu, DuQ, uNe, zuT, EiFBj, ZJdQ, MGPlrS, JDBz, Dgy, rEKlYP, Woc, MOcTEg, MTZ, rUJE, hEYRbp, PCwRE, mpPd, skYKHt, iLG, MLrs, KtNLT, rLPt, ScAGV, wsuX, kWAe, QAce, IcjZn, ryzEsO, eZeUb, HOnf, THOGxi, MTSr, RVuy, rXLk, Emhra, SND, LVt, bQmxR, wzZIY, MFM, SqOics, LXiGUO, Uhh, KSLQJx, vRdG, yLk, Xya, ZQKNT, aQqt, ORAqTF, DYfiQ, lAz, ISEfYp, vlBr, gqNA, cdTqO, Yjn, FFGxmE, ASJE, ZmHY, BqoliD, zVLBXO, DLnrns, yjgUTy, hKZhC, GoAC, xjwS, iDiCb, VGK, cJi, RibOtY, UPH, jAwJg, lxeq, RqJK, iWfUI, nWzWe, NQX, jduv, xGsS, fNZ, EcC, MddrTV, KJvwx,

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    life after achilles tendon rupture