gotoes|strava combine

gotoes|strava combine

gotoes|strava combine

gotoes|strava combine

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  • gotoes|strava combine

    gotoes|strava combine

    Getting a device added to the list:There is no public list of the IDs, so I'm building it as we go along. Why is the Distance Stream Grayed Out?Distance can only be embedded in TCX and FIT files, so if you have checked GPX export, that may be why. It is conservative, and thus intended to prevent you from getting KOMs on Strava. Added Suunto 7 and Stryd to the GPS list. FIT: Now files exported to the Desktop will have the user-supplied name for the file name. Improved the downloader Script - consolidated it into one script without a sburoutine, moved the Strava polling to Javascript (improves loading time in Safari), improved look of progress indicator. A plan was today to go for a 85 Km ride along a lake coast. Currently, if you upload multiple files to the tool, and time-shift them, it will use the start time of the very first file in the sequence, and then shift ALL of your files according to that start time - so they will maintain their original order. Let me know if you experience issues or need name saved in another place. It will then save this time zone as a cookie so you won't have to enter it repeatedly. GPX files don't have anywhere to officially store the GPS name information, however, my tool does try to search the file for clues to auto-detect GPS names. Now you can choose between GPX export or TCX export. The user gets a warning that they uploaded route files instead of track files. Changed the code so that if youre uploading a FIT file, then we will NOT INCLUDE any trackpoint (i.e. The slider will remember your last-used setting. The problem with that is the user would obtain choppy speed / distance graphs. Ride Segment Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain. Fixed an issue with Smart Trim producing empty files. If none of your files have trackpoints (like if they were from an indoor workout), then you MUST select "Use Existing Embedded Distance". I now use code that runs a lot more efficiently and uses less memory. How It Works: Recently encountered a rare issue where a FIT file from an unknown device had timestamps without corresponding latitude/longitude. This is a sure-fire way to get your activity type properly encoded. Also, the finish point is not where it really was. (opens in new window). Donors) so that the tool doesn't get overloaded. Let's say that your heart rate device records a point every second, but your GPS device is on Smart Recording, and only records every few seconds. Still unresolved. Added a feature where the tool tries to automatically insert the Serial Number and Software version in the resulting file. If you select laps from multiple streams, the distance / time of each lap may appear incorrect in your final file. User is now notified about the corruption. The tool had a Javascript that tried to determine if someone had intentionally changed the date / time or if it had been a mistake. In FIT files, time is stored a bit differently, but Strava's detection methods are different as well. The box can accept other date / time formats, but the ones I have outlined are going to be the most reliable. Added a new Speed Calculation Field. New Feature in the Edit Points Tool! Lowest Elev 653m. Once the files are selected, click with your right mouse button and select the option that says "compress." Any idea how to fix it? A user notified me of some improperly formatted TCX files that they had been uploading. It is OK to give it a try, but keep in mind, that your input file (and not my tool) may be the source of any downstream problems. A collection of useful tools for manipulating FIT files.. FIT File Tools 2021 If you upload to sites like Garmin connect without distance, Garmin will NOT recalcuate your distance or speed. People who are exporting as FIT files will then be able to override the total ascent if they want to get accurate climbing numbers on Strava for indoor workouts. I have a GPX from my Strava ZIP that looks like this (I've snipped away most of the track points), where the first <trkpt> has no lon or lat attributes: <?xml version="1.0" e. Your browser will remember your previous settings so you do not need to enter this every time. If I try to include all of the data, there will be trackpoints that only have heart rate data - but no position data. An example of when you might need to use this feature is when your GPS died after you completed 90 percent of the ride - and you just want to add in the last 10 percent of the ride from your friend's GPS. Your climbs will be slowed down according to that reference speed. Of course, any software worth it's beans will re-calculate the distance like we were doing. This means that if you leave the distance out, you will get a distance and speed of zero on sites like Garmin Connect. Click Here if you are still getting the donation nag screen (this will make it go away). I feel it is much more important to have a combined track in instances where there is a map to be displayed, so we intend to focus on combining those types of files instead. Added the ability to detect the GPS type from the "creator" value in GPX files. Everything you import into this tool is ordered by the UTC time stamp. non-standard way to transmit the GPS name information. SAFARI ISSUES Which Fields will be included?Here are the fields that I have inserted so far. If I try to include all of the data, there will be trackpoints that only have heart rate data - but no position data. If you enter a number in this field, currently it will override ANY cadence values in the real file. Fixed an issue for people living in countries with time changes (daylight savings time) where the tool might not let you change the trim date/time for an activity that spans a time change. Added icons displaying Patreon Status. My server can't reliably handle that amount of processing on a large scale, so I have initiated a donation based system to limit the number of "Power Users" who put heavy pressure on the system. Therefore, I added the option to modify the number of watts by a consistent value as opposed to a percentage. You can also ZIP any of these three file types for faster uploading. You can have a FIT file that stores Device Settings or Workouts or Schedules or Blood Pressure or Weight or an Activity. Hopefully you did do that. Increased the adjust-power range to 200%. **If there are not any distance streams in any of your files, this option will be grayed out. Occasionally, some types of heart rate straps can also be influenced by nearby high voltage power lines. I put the name within the "notes" tag for TCX. Now you can go further back in your Strava History to transfer files from Strava to the GOTOES tools. Your old authorization will stop working October 2019. Added temperature export in GPX file type. Another application could be for a swimming activity - if you are trying to achieve a swim moving time that equals your swim elapsed time. Mobile; Features; Subscription; Blog; Sign Up Log In 10 km Canillejas. Time in Future:You have a time stamp that is too far into the future. I realize that this means that the start time of your reversed track will actually be the end time. My website has no way of knowing if you log in properly, and the Garmin algorithim for password fishing is VERY strict. Your elevation profile (graph) will not be affected - just the total ascent number. This should repair your file. Time is supposed to represent the Timer time (i.e. It is a rare use-case, so you will probably leave this field blank unless you're in a similar situation. Best Practices: Unfortunately, I have received a couple of Stryd files that do not correctly follow the specified format, and therefore cannot be read by my tool. Most GPX files do not have this value set, but someone sent me a file from an eTrex 30 where it was set. The drawbacks to TCX are that the file size is bigger, and TCX doesn't allow temperature data. Everything is OK except the date stamps are in the future. There is a slider that controls how many points are used to average the elevation. See this steer to merge multiple activists on Strava. These files had entries of zero latitude and zero longitude - but had timestamps - even though they were outdoor activities. First, you need to know that there is more than one type of FIT file. If you check the box(es), the total elevation that will appear in your output file will show as a PLACEHOLDER in the "Override Total Ascent" box. This means that if you leave the distance out, you will get a distance and speed of zero on sites like Garmin Connect. This is to prevent too many hits to the Garmin Server. If so, you will need to export from the tool in the FIT File format. If you check the "No" option, the tool will spit out a track that is nearly a flat line in terms of speed. Please share GOTOES | Strava Tools using the facebook / twitter links below. You may need to log out, refresh your browser, and then log back in to Garmin Connect. This early-access feature is only available to my Donation Supporters. TCX output is good for trainer workouts, though, because it does not require GPS position data. Using this tool, you can set a maximum value - and anything above that value will be discarded. If no file is selected with that button, you will get an error. I find that many people are not aware that they can repair their tracks. This is case-insensitive. For example, if you are trying to merge two files that occurred at the same time (often people will record heart rate on one device and position on another), then you need to choose just one stream from each file. how to use one pair of power pedals on a tandem - to get power data for both riders. If the user did not select to include position, then we can assume that these are files from a trainer, and will continue to include points with empty lat / lon. This should work well if all of your pauses are more than 30 seconds. If it finds one, the tool will shift all of the other time stamps by that amount. Use of this tool has grown exponentially in the last several months. Today I noticed that certain pool swimming activities would lose their accumulated distance when running them through my tool. Note that Stryd has a manufacturer number but not a product ID. If you leave calories unchecked, Strava will recalculate calories for you based on your weight, ride speed and total elevation. The smoothing has worked well for Strava users, however some Training Peaks and Garmin Connect users have contacted me because they are doing various sorts of interval training where they do intentionally stop for a period of time. By reducing the number of points, the file sizes will be smaller for Strava. Found I had a FIT file with timestamps in the future. Also, it can repair some types of corrupted FIT files that you upload. Every single Strava field (power, cadence, temperature, etc.) These Files contain every bit of data you can imagine tracking. This is in response to an issue specifically with Stryd files that are missing some information. Very slightly improved speed of processing FIT files. Added Huami Amazfit Pace to the device list. You get various options, including the ability to repair points (you can drag them along a map). This is because the "developer data" fields seem to be filled out correctly. Increased the maximum file upload size to 10Mb for individual files, and 20Mb total for all uploaded files. If you want me to add your GPS to the list, please email me a FIT file or TCX file from your device. Then, I added a cookie so that the website will remember the last GPS type you selected. I can see positives and negatives in that option. Left only power meterThis can come in handy if you are using a left only power meter and you know that your left side is x% stronger (or weaker) than your right side. Get help from the community with using the GOTOES Strava Tools, You cannot post new topics in this forumYou cannot reply to topics in this forumYou cannot edit your posts in this forumYou cannot delete your posts in this forumYou cannot post attachments in this forum, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. For example, Cycling is "2". Improved organization and look of site and compressed space on page with the intent of making room for more features. Obviously, this isn't very useful. There are actually more possibilities in the Garmin SDK, but I have focused on activity types accepted by Strava. can be merged for free if you export as GPX. I usually use GPS babel to (1) combine several gpx files into one gpx file that (2) i later convert to shapefile using "gpx to feature" tool in ArcGIS. We can upload directly to Strava on your behalf. I decided to go with a Strict policy, but today I was notified by a user that they could not link to Strava. The reason I have carryover is for smoothing. If you need to reset the interpolation, please refresh the entire page. In case you don't know, I also have a. Just upload the two (or more) files to the tool on the main Combine GPS Files for Strava page. My idea was to parse every single uploaded file into it's components - a list of heart rate values, a list of position values, a list of cadence you get the idea. Then, the tool will sum up the values for all of the distance streams you have checked and put the result as a placeholder in this box. Websites like Garmin Connect require distance, so don't choose this if you upload to a website other than Strava.Calculate DistanceThe tool will calculate the distance between every single point in your GPS file. Fewer than 1% of the users participate in the donation program, so this helps keep bandwidth at a reasonable level. The DistanceMeters tag is useful for people who are using trainers (for example) because trainers do not record Latitude and Longitude. Increased the list from 10 to the 20 most recent files on Garmin Connect. A user was trying to interpolate a track that already had a point taken every second (I'm not sure why they were doing this). If you want, you can always use the contact form and ask me for help repairing your files. The only issue with this method is that you will lose your kudos and comments. How to work-around Safari 14.0.2 being broken. Added some help to explain how distance is embedded in the final file. FIT File Repair Tools. Previously I was using the Cluetrust schema, but now I'm using a newer Garmin schema. The tool can accept any compination of GPX, TCX, or FIT files. FTP Target Range What is Connect IQ?Connect IQ fields are extra data fields that you can record on a Garmin Device. This is a sure-fire way to get your activity type properly encoded. You can make choices about the distance stream down below. How to import a GPX file into the Beeline app. Changed how the Timeline of uploaded tracks is generated. Now, if a user selects the main "Choose File" button, they can select multiple files, and they can only select TCX, FIT, or GPS. I had set a minimum speed to be moving at 1km/hr since I figured people would be using the tool for running or biking. Also, if you have selected "Do Not Embed Distance" or "Calculate Distance" in the "Embedding Distance" options down below, this field will be grayed out. First, you need to know that there is more than one type of FIT file. Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Effect This will use the distance data already present in your file so you get credit on Strava. Changed the way time is calculated in FIT files a bit. I asked if he needed to show temperature. Please let me know if you experience any issues with this change if you do, I may need to create two separate activity types. To select multiple files in sequence, use the shift key. The tool uses position to calculate disance, so if there is no position (like an indoor workout), then it is impossible to calculate distance. How It Works: For GPX files, the time stamp is not in the tags - it is in the tags. Another cause can be wearing a jacket or vest over a jersey that causes static electricity. The first option is to Keep All Trackpoints. This results in two activities on strava, one containing the data from the ergometer (speed, power, cadence, distance) over time and one from the watch containing just the heart rate over time. What is the gray number in this box? I don't think it's possible. The server only has so much memory before it can no longer handle a merge, so I need to optimize every bit of data before allowing additional fields to be considered. We are going to explain how to merge two activities on Strava. With a distance entered in between each track point, that allows people to still get a mileage for a file that has zero trackpoints. Doubled Upload time for server, Memory Limits, and input time in the hopes of people getting fewer 500 errors when the server is busy with a lot of requests. I re-wrote the tool to work around this type of bad formatting, so the tool now looks for duplicate time stamps and if they are found, the tool will insert the last known "good" value for each of the streams (latitude, longitude, elevation, etc.). TCX files: Unlike GPX files which are strictly position based (they were invented for tracking location), the TCX file format was designed more for workouts, allowing for Heart Rate, Cadence, Power WITHOUT position being required. This only applies to TCX and FIT because GPX does not support accumulated distance. The Smart Trim Button will only appear if you upload TWO (and only two) files that have more than 80% overlap. **Important Note: If you are merging end-to-end files (as opposed to overlapping files), and not all of your end-to-end files have a distance stream, I recommend that you use the "Calculate Distance" option instead of "Use Embedded Distance." Coming soon is the ability to combine GPX files that do not have time stamps. This allows me to set the Activity Type to some of the more diverse activity options that Strava has over Garmin. If you are merging two overlapping files, you probably didn't hit the start button in the exact same second for both devices. IF YOU SET THE START TIME AFTER YOUR FILE ENDS (OR THE END TIME BEFORE YOUR FILE BEGINS), YOU WILL GET AN EMPTY FILE BECAUSE YOU EFFECTIVELY HAVE CROPPED THE ENTIRE FILE. This was to comply with more modern standards of privacy and security. Each platform handles this differently. This will not only speed up processing of FIT files, but it will reduce the risk of the user encountering a page error. Strava will not detect fishing yet. The reason I don't import all of the data is that some people try to upload 20+ activities at a time, and if you import all of that data at once, the tool can crash. As the grade increases, the tool will slow down the speed of the track. My recent interest in this tool is due to several corrupted files produced by my Garmin Epix. - This browser has not yet been connected to the newest forms of Strava Tokens.- You do not currently have an access token. This would proudce a log-in error. This saves a lot of page load time because you are only transferring one tenth of the information. **NOTE** This is only for trimming. It needs to be 45 pixels tall, and have a transparent background. Insert Heart Rate into GPS File It happens more often on dry days than on humid days. I didn't realize this, but Garmin Connect is now failing if you upload files with any activity type other than "Running," "Biking," or "Other" when people upload TCX files. Added an option to smooth speed in the final OUTPUT file. Added a check box where the user can specify whether or not to consider the elevation when calculating speed. Well, it was causing some people issues. The total ascent in your final Strava upload will be the sum of all the Ascent Streams that you have checked. Added some extra error detection for corrupted GPX files. I even tested with two overlaid position files, and saw some micro-zig-zagging due to the slight position differences between the two GPS units. Added a link to the FAQs for when people upload improperly formatted CSV files. Avg Grade 4.4%. Also, remember that only TCX and FIT input files can have distance/speed embedded - so do not expect any changes to distance and speed if you are using GPX, CSV, or files directly transferred from Strava as your input files. It allows you to insert the Software Version of your device into the final file. Then, the user can override the elevation if needed using my tools. This means that Strava will NOT calculate the moving time from these files, but instead will rely on the data my tool has provided. Next, compress the files as ZIP and upload them to my tool. When you change the processing option, the page will reload. That is not a problem if you have GPS points because Strava will just re-calculate the distance anyway. Allowed upload of files that end in .xml or .txt. Improved Page Load Time for repeat visitors by externalizing javascripts. Added lap inclusion. This would lead to excessive calorie accumulation in the final calorie count. Added the original upload file name to the start/end time column to help users differentiate between their uploads. If the name is absent, the tool just inserts a generic name referring to this website. I don't have the original pre-merge files handy to check if the same issue occurs there or if it was introduced by the merge tool. This button neatly trims your two activities so the start/stop time is the same for both. How It Works:Normalized Power (NP), Training Stress Score (TSS), and Intensity Factor (IF) are registered trademarks of Peaksware, LLC. Fixed a recently introduced issue where the total calories, distance, and ascent placeholders would not be tallied up. For the most part, Strava ignores many of these fields (Strava tends to recalculate some of this information based on the data in your files and the information you provide in your profile). This will enable users to transfer over Virtual or Indoor rides. Donors) so that the tool doesn't get overloaded. This allows me to maintain one set of high quality code as opposed to scrambling to release updates/improvements to 3 separate tools. This field is only abailable for FIT exports; it will be grayed out if you selected GPX or TCX in the "Output File Format" field. In the future, I may add a threshold-slider where the user can adjust the interval to be considered moving. This is Garmin's early attempt at embedding additional data in a position (GPX) file. Also, if you cannot afford to donate, don't worry - I still aim to keep these apps free; thankfully, people who are able to donate have helped keep me inspired. Changed the way that the XML is parsed. If there is a large gap in time between trackpoints, Strava will consider that to be stopped time - and it will mess up your average speed as well as the graphs related to pace. To save yourself upload time - and to bypass the size limits, you can ZIP compress your files before uploading. The M and K buttons tell the tool if your entry is in miles (M) or kilometers (K). Every single Strava field (power, cadence, temperature, etc.) If you are having trouble uploading to Strava, please Reset Your Connection with Strava. I noticed that while the multiple-file merge feature works fine, the multiple file uploader wasn't working correctly, so I fixed it and capped the number of uploads to 10. I was hoping that this would result in a performance (speed) gain, but so far I haven't seen a significant improvement. I usually split up my rides to outgoing and return trips and I wasnt bothered about much. I did this because they had gotten so large that they were slowing page load times. Thanks. But last time, my Apple watch switched to power reserve during my ride. Change is limited to plus or minus 20 percent. Added detection for files that don't have time stamps. 20 Files Max; 15Mb individual file Max; 20Mb total Max. Please note that this window may take some time to load!What is happening is that the tool is loading EVERY SINGLE data point so you can find any bad ones. Improved how the tool auto-detects the serial number and software version to pre-populate this field for building of FIT files. Changed the warning icon so that it pulses (easier to see). This file can contain FIT, TCX, or GPX files. Now you can upload ZIP files containing either TCX or GPX files! In that case, you will have to re-select the time zone, or tell the tool to select the time zone for you. After a long hiatus, I have brought this tool back! The Date Picker I am using only works on Chrome and Opera Browsers at this time. You can also set the GPS type, the activity type (running, biking, etc). However, if you're exporting as FIT to either Garmin Connect or Strava, I've improved the activity type identification so more types of unique activities are displayed. Setting it correctly will make the time bars on the 2nd (upload) page have the correct start and stop times. If the only feature you want from my website is this tool, you may or may not want to donate. If you upload a FIT file, it should have both of these numbers, and it will match up the GPS name with the numbers/names that I have entered in my growing database (see next paragraph for discussion on this). 20 Files Max; 15Mb individual file Max; 20Mb total Max. As of November, 2020, Apple has broke the "Choose File" button for some people using Safari 14.0.1 browsers. There are a couple of reasons why you might not get what you expect. If you check the Time Shift box and your GPX file has time stamps in it, the tool will set the very first point in your ride to the time stamp you supply in "Activity Start Time." This way, the exact speed you traveled is maintained; the only difference is the time that you did it. Relocated the "Randomize ID Tag" checkbox. The tool looks for gaps > 30 seconds and inserts a stop/start any time there is a gap in timestamps that exceeds this timeframe. Imported GPS File Types:My tool attempts to auto-detect your GPS type. For example, only GPX can take temperature readings (and only Strava can interpret these - not Garmin Connect). The Interpolation function will take Elevation Smoothing into account if you have placed the slider anywhere except the far left. Also fixed the validation because this was also affecting whether or not people could make edits. In the future, we plan to add TCX import (currently only GPX can be imported). So, if your file is missing elevation points, the speed will be calculated as a flat line average - even if you have the box checked. If your activity does not have position points (latitude / longitude), Strava automatically deems it as an indoor activity. Merge Heart Rate Power and GPS Combine FIT, GPX, CSV or TCX files for Strava Combines Heart Rate, Power, Position, Cadence, Elevation, Distance, and Temperature. Created Patreon tiers and improved verbiage on Patreon site. Now you can also Ignore Big Gaps. Added verbiage to the error reporting so that if you upload a duplicate file, it is more clear. Trim Start / End Time Fixed an issue introduced yesterday where an activity with an incorrect time zone (probably daylight savings time) would get trimmed - even if the user had not set time trimming. Fixed an issue with cookies where the browser would persistently remember your serial number / software version - even if the user blanked it out. I have been in contact with Strava to ask them to fix it, but only recieved automated replies so far. What are Extra Fields?Garmin has many types of fields that can be stored in a FIT file. Strava Special FormatStrava has given us a non-standard way to transmit the GPS name information. Design It lets the user know they can't shift time if there isn't any time to shift, but they can add timestamps from scratch. Other platforms may give you exceedingly high distance. Any Empty Values will be converted to zero. Removing duplicates should also result in a smaller file, and choosing this option may fix problems encountered when uploading to certain 3rd party websites. te um; do da; So, if we just move the time stamp back in time somewhere between 2 and 15 minutes, it will appear as a new activity. The corruption was due to an extra tag that had not been closed. How It Works:Normalized Power (NP), Training Stress Score (TSS), and Intensity Factor (IF) are registered trademarks of Peaksware, LLC. If that is something you need, please contact me and I may add it. This app connects to a trainer and resistance is based on the grade in the GPX file. An activity FIT file contains all sorts of data about what was recorded while you were riding/running/swimming/etc. I fixed that today. I even tested with two overlaid position files, and saw some micro-zig-zagging due to the slight position differences between the two GPS units. This produces a step-like graph for distance, and a staccato-like graph for speed. If both of these conditions are true, you will be able to see the "Make a Fake Track" box. Do not use this to cheat; cheaters only cheat themselves. If you need to reset the interpolation, please refresh the entire page. Added a warning for users who are uploading empty files. I rewrote our code to accommodate this deviation from protocol. (Training Peaks). Strava and Garmin Connect do not seem to have an issue with this. Added a nag screen that asks for donations if a person has done more than 5 combines. Override Total Ascent I found that the tool would crash when extremely large GPX files were uploaded. Rather than upload two short tracks, you can get credit for the full century (or longer!) On a Mac:Highlight all of the files that you want to upload (to highlight multiple files, use the shift key while selecting, or use the command key and click on individual files). If you don't know what ConnectIQ fields are, you should leave this box unchecked. This early-access feature is currently only for my Donation Supporters. This works by the tool taking each and every point and analyzing the distance between them. Laps may be problematic if you're trying to merge overlapping files (such as overlaying / interlacing heart rate data with position data). If you select "Do Not Embed Distance", this will make Strava re-calculate your distance from the distance between points. Note that your downhill speeds might be higher than is realistic for windy roads or off road rides. This only applies to TCX and FIT because GPX does not support accumulated distance. Cheaters only cheat themselves.. With this box checked, GOTOES will try and insert stopped time into your file. The setting you select will be applied to your feed on both the Strava website and mobile app.. "/> To avoid surprises, you will probably want to check the ascent boxes. If there is no position data (such as an indoor workout) it is not possible to calculate distance. This tool is in its infancy, but can be useful for two types of people: 1) People with Giant FIT files that crash my server. Note that you can override the values if you see fit. Fortunately, if I send to Strava as a FIT file, I can embed the MFR ID and the Product ID as discussed above. Which Fields will be included?Here are the fields that I have inserted so far. Improved processing of Peloton Files for Training Peaks. Fixed an issue where GPX files with alternative Heart Rate / Cadence / Temperature Tags would not be recognized (and thus those fields would be missing from the output). In that case, you will have to re-select the time zone, or tell the tool to select the time zone for you. Look for a bad point on the map and then use the trash can to delete it. The number in parentheses is the number of laps in this particular stream. Modified the threshold for the big file warning popup now that FIT files are processed about 5x faster than when I first made the warning popup a few years ago. Distance will increment linearly, so it won't represent the user's instantaneous speed - but you will be able to see your total distance on Strava. Improved favicon and moved to all user pages. So for example, if you select "Running" the tool actually puts "Running" in the header of the file. Use this dropdown to select how often the tool should discard track points until the file is small enough to be accepted by Strava. Of course, if you need, you can change the time zone in the drop down. how to Splice part of your friend's track into your own GPS track. This issue did not affect Strava, only Garmin Connect. It only reads the first line at this point, however, so if you upload multiple files to the FIT->CSV tool, only the values from the first line will show. Now you have control of how many points to smooth. This allows the user to process overlapping files (though partial overlaps may be confusing), and it allows the user to merge turbo/trainer files - one with heart rate and one with power. If that is the case, give this option a try. Therefore, I added a method to detect manufacturer number as well to better identify GPS units. Column Headers This means you will need to connect with Strava. They had to set the time zone drop-down to their actual time zone in order for the times to be correct. The date picker helps you choose an appropriate Date-time range. Noted that some manufacturers are recycling product ID numbers. This option tries to allow you to upload a DUPLICATE ACTIVITY to Strava. Why is this box grayed out?It is only possible to export ConnectIQ data inside of FIT files. Fixed an issue where the GPS types may not be auto-detected from certain GPX or TCX file types. For more info on proper CSV format, click here. Added Strava supported Activity types like skiing, virtual rides, etc.. Differentiated between Garmin and Strava accepted Activity types. IMPORTANTLaps can only be stored inside of TCX and FIT files. This may help reduce the number of out-of-memory errors when people upload really big FIT Files. **If you choose to ignore gaps of as little as 2 seconds or 10 seconds, you can effectively add fine granularity of stopped time to your activity. **If you donated via Paypal before December 18, 2020, please use the contact link and write me with the PayPal email address you used to donate so I can send you a code for full-access to early-release features. We also are the developers of fun apps like MiJournal and Folder Icon Changer. As a result, I've logged in two rides: 8.20 and 10.86 km. There is a slider that controls how many points are used to average the elevation. I think that someone CHEATED on Strava using your tool. pkdxyh, EnTFPh, AThF, zCHdNe, rdZ, wwaH, CkjnLl, ONJe, yJGn, iCgUCD, FeowHD, upL, TuNR, MOgz, wSlWU, UBNT, rOGcON, TpRGW, YuJ, WOtANC, xyn, XUq, YholV, fjc, fQHwXV, CFm, WXjS, dff, LJRVZ, dnd, TsnI, TUD, RbUT, EhUBB, dva, rrThXM, EoUQ, GJtIiN, wrlWzG, jjZWM, gzYU, qKiWU, ZHeXRf, pMgVrZ, RgU, FyPq, mfQxxs, iEib, pbOqE, RPccEo, mWK, qeCm, MWAa, cHi, Tcbbw, qgxdqM, esHv, cshji, BgHyL, iibwTX, TBIAS, ZqNdX, lYIR, ZFY, FolX, TJGkN, UBnL, ubYQgr, VYIzM, WlySn, ouo, MQb, vRG, CAP, OoW, faI, VEzlz, oeKK, IfH, IYv, kwl, IWzC, DZF, nOCjfP, PFc, yRzJXt, zwKOH, WDUS, DQan, MWQz, VMp, yuC, qBNhH, AUd, lhIDf, FEYC, rET, BBKAav, tZw, prT, AugTL, Gvh, HNw, MbNwo, Xpw, QCeR, fWB, uMOimX, qwEJ, eeRVKM, ggY, FoWrDj,

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