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    . & Dentistry of N.J., 223 F.3d 220, 225 (3d Cir. Pa. June 16, 2017) (ruling that sexual harassment claim by ministerial employee was not barred because Hosanna-Tabor expressly limited its holding to employment discrimination claims based on hiring and termination decisions and left open whether the ministerial exception bars other types of claims), with Skrzypczak v. Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa, 611 F.3d 1238, 1246 (10th Cir. (a churchs independence on matters of faith and doctrine requires the authority to select, supervise, and if necessary, remove a minister without interference by secular authorities.). In an increasingly pluralistic society, the mix of divergent beliefs and practices can give rise to conflicts requiring employers to balance the rights of employers and employees who wish to express their religious beliefs with the rights of other employees to be free from religious harassment under the foregoing Title VII harassment standards. See, e.g., Dey v. Colt Constr. Dist., 323 F.3d 1185, 1196 (9th Cir. 1978) (Implicit within plaintiffs prima facie case is the requirement that plaintiff inform his employer of both his religious needs and his need for an accommodation.). The applicability and scope of other defenses based on Title VIIs interaction with the First Amendment or the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is an evolving area of the law. [s]uch a belief isnt impossible, but it is sufficiently rare that a prisons chaplain could be skeptical and conduct an inquiry to determine whether the claim was nonetheless sincere); Dockery v. Maryville Acad., 379 F. Supp. The employer objects because its written policy allows one fifteen-minute break in the middle of each morning and afternoon. . Several employees complain that to accommodate their non-Christian religious beliefs, the employer should take down the wreaths and tree, or alternatively should add holiday decorations associated with other religions. 1995) (en banc) (holding that allowing employee to assign secretary to type his Bible study notes posed more than de minimis cost because secretary would otherwise have been performing employers work during that time); see also Protos v. Volkswagen of Am., Inc., 797 F.2d 129, 13435 (3d Cir. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. [251] Id. 2004) (holding it was not disparate treatment under Title VII to require religious objectors to pay full amount of dues to charity where non-religious objectors were only paying agency fee to union). Corrales, NM 98.9FM K255AU You can listen online as well as from the Windows or mobile app. See, e.g., EEOC v. Firestone Fibers & Textiles Co., 515 F.3d 307, 315 (4th Cir. [302] See Anderson v. U.S.F. WebCBS News DFW. What Time Is The Packer Viking Game On Sunday TVGreen Bay vs Minnesota Vikings Channel Listing, How to Stream, Watch-Vikings Game on Radio & Streaming Options. Philadelphia, PA - 640AM WWJZ conveys the need for effectiveness). But other writers were less sympathetic to medieval art and many traditional iconographies considered without adequate scriptural foundation were in effect prohibited (for example the Swoon of the Virgin), as was any inclusion of classical pagan elements in religious art, and almost all nudity, including that of the infant Jesus. & Loan Assn, 509 F.2d 140, 144-45 (5th Cir. . The employer will probably be unable to show that allowing Susan to display a religious message in her personal workspace posed an undue hardship, unless there was evidence of disruption to the business or the workplace which resulted. [298] See Wilson v. U.S. W. Commcns, 58 F.3d 1337, 134142 (8th Cir. Response: The final guidance incorporates these recommended changes. 3d 468, 485-88 (E.D.N.Y. Latest News. WebA Catholic employee requests a schedule change so that he can attend a church service on Good Friday. 31, 2009) (holding that discrimination could be found where plaintiff was terminated but her coworker, who engaged in same misconduct but attended their supervisors church, was not); see also Venters, 123 F.3d at 964 (holding that employee established that she was discharged on the basis of her religion after supervisor, among other things, repeatedly called her evil and stated that she had to share his Christian beliefs in order to be a good employee). This guidance document was issued upon approval by vote of the U.S. 13891, 84 Fed. The courts have as well. [181] See Hall v. City of Chi., 713 F.3d 325, 330 (7th Cir. Therefore, her belief is a personal preference that is not religious in nature.[37]. Airlines, Civil Action No. [18] 42 U.S.C. . Portland and Salem 88.3 FM KBVM Yonhap news articles produced by building a network covering domestic supplies in various newspapers, broadcasting and government departments, major institutions, major corporations, media ,K-pop, K-wave, Hallyu, Korean Wave, Korean pop, Korean pop culture, Korean culture, Korean idol, Korean movies, Internet media and international agreements of the Republic of It is in the Catacombs of Rome that recognizable representations of Christian figures first appear in number. 2014) (upholding discharge for employees continuing, after warning, to violate companys anti-harassment policy by distributing religious pamphlets that denigrated other religions); Bodett v. CoxCom, Inc., 366 F.3d 736, 745-46 (9th Cir. Dist., 259 F.3d 678, 693 (7th Cir. Religious Objection to Training Program Employee Must Be Excused. For example, in the event R is a union and the accommodation claim relates to payment of agency fees or union dues, the investigator should obtain any relevant information regarding how the particular union at issue may have handled payment by this religious objector in order to provide accommodation. cannot be fired because his employer dislikes atheists.); Shapolia v. Los Alamos Natl Laby, 992 F.2d 1033, 1037 (10th Cir. [240] See supra notes 210-212 and accompanying text. Because of its large area in comparison with other English counties, functions have been undertaken over time by its subdivisions, which have also been Investigators should contact the Office of Legal Counsel if questions arise about how to appropriately analyze charges brought against government entities. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. [281], An employer may have to make an exception to its policies, procedures, or practices in order to grant a religious accommodation. . As described below,[236] an employee should be accommodated in his or her current position absent an undue hardship. 2009) (holding that it would pose an undue hardship to accommodate employees religious belief that he was exempt from any tax liability and could use multiple names on forms, in part because it would expose employer to potential IRS issues). Title VIIs undue hardship defense to providing religious accommodation has been defined by the Supreme Court as requiring a showing that the proposed accommodation in a particular case poses more than a de minimis cost or burden. When he inquires, the crew complains that Harinder, whom they mistakenly believe is Muslim, makes them uncomfortable in light of the September 11th attacks. Arif also says that if Wamiq expects to advance in the company, he should join Arif and other Muslims for weekly prayer sessions in Arifs office. [96] The Court further explained that, while relevant, a title, by itself, does not automatically ensure coverage,[97] and that the title minister is not a necessary requirement, cautioning against attaching too much significance to titles.[98] Relatedly, while academic requirements are relevant, insisting in every case on rigid academic requirements could have a distorting effect and judges have no warrant to second-guess [a religious institutions qualification] judgment or to impose their own credentialing requirements.[99] The Court rejected the view that the ministerial exception should be limited to those employees who perform exclusively religious functions and cautioned against placing too much emphasis on the performance of secular duties or the time spent on those duties. Dubuque 98.3 FM KCRD Once the employer becomes aware of the employees religious conflict, the employer should obtain promptly whatever additional information is needed to determine whether a reasonable accommodation is available without posing an undue hardship on the operation of the employers business. . Comment: Numerous commenters asked the Commission to delete or modify references to RFRA as a potential defense to Title VII enforcement by the government. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. 1996) (stating that the exemption does not exempt religious educational institutions with respect to all discrimination); DeMarco v. Holy Cross High Sch., 4 F.3d 166, 173 (2d Cir. [190], Supervisory Harassment with Tangible Employment Action. 2001) (finding no Title VII violations when it would be an unreasonable accommodation and undue hardship for the police to be forced to let individual officers add religious symbols to their uniforms, and the plaintiff failed to respond to reasonable offers of accommodation). The major comments and the Commissions responses to those comments are summarized below. . 1995) (finding that requiring police department to alter training program schedule to accommodate employees religious needs amounted to more than de minimis cost and thus an undue hardship because employee would not have experienced the educational benefits of working with different training officers), with Protos v. Volkswagen of Am., Inc., 797 F.2d 129, 133-34 (3d Cir. The best way for you to create an income statement is with the use of a template. of Educ. 2000e-2(a)(1) does not require an employer to reasonably accommodate the purely personal preferences of its employees and thus would not have required the employer in this case to bear the costs of excusing vast numbers of employees who wish to have Friday night off for secular reasons); Dachman v. Shalala, 9 F.Appx 186, 192 (4th Cir. Relevant Radio Owned and Operated Stations Relevant Radio Affiliate Stations Relevant Radio Stations ARIZONA Mesa, AZ - 1310AM KIHP Phoenix, AZ - 102.9FM K275CP CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, CA - 1050AM KJPG Bakersfield, CA - 106.7FM K294DK Eureka, CA - 1400AM KIHH Fresno, CA - 100.7FM K264CK Greenville, CA - 89.3FM KPJP Lemoore, CA - 1240AM KJOP 2001) (holding that unions refusal to provide accommodation unless employee produced independent corroboration that his accommodation request was motivated by a sincerely held religious belief did not violate Title VIIs religious accommodation provision, but cautioning that the holding was limited to the facts and circumstances of the present case and that [t]he inquiry [into sincerity] and the scope of that inquiry will necessarily vary based upon the individual requesting corroboration and the facts and circumstances of the request). The principal media of Gothic art were sculpture, panel painting, stained glass, fresco and the illuminated manuscript, though religious imagery was also expressed in metalwork, tapestries and embroidered vestments. [206] See id. religion . It is necessary to make a case-by-case determination regarding whether the effect on coworkers actually is an undue hardship. In fact, some are just online streams of the same radio program played over the air in that station's local area. Pub. 1605.2(c)(2)(ii) ([W]hen there is more than one means of accommodation which would not cause undue hardship, the employer or labor organization must offer the alternative which least disadvantages the individual with respect to his or her employment opportunities.). needs managers for the new convenience stores he has decided to add to the stations. of Ill. at Chi., 243 F.3d 336, 343 (7th Cir. Instead, in deciding whether a Lutheran school teachers retaliation claim was barred by the ministerial exception, the Supreme Court looked to all the circumstances of her employment, recognizing four considerations or circumstances that [it] found relevant in that case: (1) the employees formal title; (2) education or training; (3) the employees own use of the title; and (4) the important religious functions the employee performed. Most religious art, including illuminated manuscripts, was now produced by lay artists, but the commissioning patron often specified in detail what the work was to contain. [14] According to the medievalist mile Mle, this was "the death of medieval art".[15]. [17] The Commission recognizes that harassment and denial of religious accommodation are typically forms of disparate treatment in the terms and conditions of employment. Italian painting after 1520, with the notable exception of the art of Venice, developed into Mannerism, a highly sophisticated style, striving for effect, that drew the concern of many churchman that it lacked appeal for the mass of the population. . [33] Compare Fallon, 877 F.3d at 492-93 (recognizing that anti-vaccination beliefs such as those held by Christian Scientists can be part of a broader religious faith and therefore subject to Title VII religious accommodation in some circumstances, but concluding that plaintiffs beliefs did not qualify as religious because he simply worries about the health effects of the flu vaccine, disbelieves the scientifically accepted view that it is harmless to most people, and wishes to avoid this vaccine.), with Chenzira v. Cincinnati Child.s Hosp. Wash. May 3, 2017) (holding plaintiff could proceed with retaliatory termination claim when he was fired for alleged poor performance two days after he complained to management about supervisors proselytizing, management took no steps to investigate, and supervisor confronted him about complaint). Considering these three tenets, it can be assumed that gold was used to inspire awe in the mind and heart of the beholder, where later during the Protestant Reformation the ability to render gold through the use of plain pigments displayed an artist's skill in a way that the application of gold leaf to a panel does not[9], The Protestant Reformation was a holocaust of art in many parts of Europe. Types of Religious Practice or Observance. 2011) (noting, in a prison religious accommodation case, that where asserted religious belief differed significantly from the orthodox beliefs of [prisoners] faith, . Requiring a religious employer to explain why it has treated two employees who have committed essentially the same offense differently poses no threat to the employer's ability to create and maintain communities of the faithful.). As an architectural model for large churches, Christians chose the basilica, the Roman public building used for justice and administration. 2007) (addressing non-adherence or reverse religious discrimination claim); Reed v. Great Lakes Cos., 330 F.3d 931, 933-34 (7th Cir. It will, however, raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the Presidents priorities, or the principles set forth in Executive Order 12866. [217] If the employer reasonably needs more information, the employer and the applicant or employee should discuss the request. The dark interiors were illumined by frescoes of Jesus, Mary and the saints, often based on Byzantine models. Response: The final guidance has streamlined the discussion of the ministerial exception and has clarified how the Commission will procedurally address assertions of the defense. Such policies can reduce individual requests for exceptions. [322] Burlington N., 548 U.S. at 68 (quotations omitted). The most common methods are: (1) flexible scheduling; (2) voluntary substitutes or swaps of shifts and assignments; (3) lateral transfers or changes in job assignment; and (4) modifying workplace practices, policies, or procedures. 2000e(1)(a). Many such images were now small oil paintings intended for private meditation and devotion in the homes of the wealthy. What Time Is The Packer Viking Game On Sunday TVGreen Bay vs Minnesota Vikings Channel Listing, How to Stream, Watch-Vikings Game on Radio & Streaming Options. If it appears, or if CP claims, that R based an adverse action (e.g., refusal to hire) in part on its belief that CP would need a religious accommodation, obtain any available evidence bearing on the employers motivations for the action. [299] As explained in 12III-A-2-b of this document, religious expression directed toward coworkers, made in coworkers presence, or that a coworker learns of, might constitute unlawful harassment in some situations, for example where it is facially abusive (i.e., demeans people of other religions) or where, even if not abusive, it persists even though it is clearly unwelcome. 09 C 5493, 2011 WL 5184406, at *11 (N.D. Ill. Nov. 1, 2011) (ruling that employees request for clarification of an employer letter of counseling instructing that his discussions of religion with coworkers must cease was a request for accommodation, and holding that an ongoing broad instruction not to discuss religion could be found to be an adverse action, because it left him unable to exercise his religious belief and unable to discuss a subject of broad scope and of great importance to him even if the conversation was initiated by others). (An employer is surely entitled to have, for example, a no-headwear policy as an ordinary matter. religion . WebCatholic art is art produced by or for members of the Catholic Church.This includes visual art (iconography), sculpture, decorative arts, applied arts, and architecture.In a broader sense, Catholic music and other art may be included as well. 1994) (If the employers efforts fail to eliminate the employees religious conflict, the burden remains on the employer to establish that it is unable to reasonably accommodate the employees beliefs without incurring undue hardship.); EEOC v. Universal Mfg. He asks his supervisor to allow him to arrive at the meeting after the prayer. Corp., No. See Solomon v. Vilsack, 763 F.3d 1, 15 n.6 (D.C. Cir. 1998) (employee is not entitled to his choice of reasonable accommodation); Smith v. Pyro Mining Co., 827 F.2d 1081, 1085 (6th Cir. However, at least one court has held that a private employer providing company resources to recognized employee affinity groups does not violate Title VII by denying this privilege to any group promoting or advocating any religious or political position, where the company excluded not only groups advocating a particular religious position but also those espousing religious indifference or opposition. Dozens of the recently played songs are listed on their site where you can buy the tracks on iTunes, Must use the pop-up player to avoid stopping the music when you browse other areas of the site. 2d 5, 17 (D.R.I. Title VIIs prohibition against discrimination based on religion generally functions like its prohibition against discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin. Response: The final guidance clearly states that religious organizations are subject to the Title VII prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin (as well as the anti-discrimination provisions of the ADEA, ADA, and GINA), and related retaliation, but are permitted to assert the statutory exemption as an affirmative defense. 1982) (alteration in Meritor)). Ill. 1993) (holding that Seventh-day Adventist employees previous absence of faith and subsequent loss of faith did not prove that his religious beliefs were insincere at the time that he refused to work on the Sabbath); see also Union Independiente, 279 F.3d at 57 & n.8 (noting the fact that the alleged conflict between plaintiffs beliefs and union membership kept changing might call into question the sincerity of the beliefs or might simply reflect an evolution in plaintiffs religious views toward a more steadfast opposition to union membership). [296], If an employees religious objection is not to joining or financially supporting the union, but rather to the unions support of certain political or social causes, the employee may be accommodated if it would not pose an undue hardship by, for example, reducing the amount owed, allowing the employee to donate to a charitable organization the full amount the employee owes or that portion that is attributable to the unions support of the cause to which the employee has a religious objection, or diverting the amount owed to the national, state, or local union in the event one of those entities does not engage in support of the cause to which the employee has a religious objection.[297]. . As with all aspects of employee relations, employers are free to go beyond the requirements of the law. Lemoore, CA - 94.1FM K231DC & Dentistry of N.J., 223 F.3d 220, 226 (3d Cir. [238], Title VII is violated by an employers failure to reasonably accommodate even if, to avoid adverse consequences, an employee continues to work after his or her accommodation request is denied. 2018) (considering but rejecting employers defense that application of Title VII sex nondiscrimination requirement to its hiring decisions would substantially burden its exercise of religion under RFRA); EEOC v. Preferred Mgmt. Notwithstanding that the legal standard for undue hardship is more than a. [179] Cf. 300a-7 et seq. 1981) (holding that a union could not force an employer, under a contractual union security clause, to terminate three Seventh-day Adventists who offered to pay an amount equivalent to dues to a nonreligious charity because union failed to show that such an accommodation would deprive it of funds needed for its maintenance and operation); EEOC v. Univ. [36], Personal Preference That Is Not a Religious Belief, Sylvias job has instituted a policy that employees cannot have visible tattoos while working. 2013). While such policies may not cover every eventuality and some individual accommodations may still be needed, the number of such individual accommodations may be substantially reduced. . See, e.g., Occupational Safety & Health Admin., U.S. Dept of Lab., STD 1-6.5: Exemption for Religious Reason from Wearing Hard Hats (June 20, 1994), (exempting employers from citations for certain violations based on religious objection of employee, but providing for various reporting requirements). For example, courts have found undue hardship where the accommodation diminishes efficiency in other jobs,[252] infringes on other employees job rights or benefits,[253] impairs workplace safety,[254] or causes coworkers to carry the accommodated employees share of potentially hazardous or burdensome work. Wisconsin Rapids, WI - 93.9FM WMMA, Alabama However, as discussed in this section, Title VII does not cover all beliefs; for example, social, political, or economic philosophies, and mere personal preferences, are not religious beliefs within the meaning of the statute. 2001) (employer had a good faith basis to doubt sincerity of employees professed religious need to wear a beard because he had not worn a beard at any time in his fourteen years of employment, had never mentioned his religious beliefs to anyone at the hotel, and simply showed up for work one night and asked for an on-the-spot exception to the nobeard policy), affd, 2002 WL 390437 (2d Cir. 2001)); cf. 1990) (remanding for determination whether employer could reasonably accommodate without undue hardship employees religious objection to associating with certain organizations); Burns v. S. Pac. 2004) (undue hardship for employer to accommodate employees religiously motivated posting of large signs in his cubicle which he intended to be hurtful and to demean and harass his coworkers); Chalmers v. Tulon Co. of Richmond, 101 F.3d 1012, 1021 (4th Cir. Tran keeps a shrine of Buddha in the corner by the cash register and likes to play traditional Vietnamese music and chants. Carolingian artists consciously tried to emulate such examples of Byzantine and Late Antique art as were available to them, copying manuscripts like the Chronography of 354 and producing works like the Utrecht Psalter, which still divides art historians as to whether it is a copy of a much earlier manuscript, or an original Carolingian creation. The Basilica at Saint-Denis built by Abbot Suger was the first major building in the Gothic style. For ease of reference this document is organized by the following topics: Title VII prohibits covered employers, employment agencies, and unions[14] from engaging in disparate treatment and from maintaining policies or practices that result in unjustified disparate impact based on religion. Tran owns a restaurant serving Asian-fusion cuisine. Health Serv., Inc., 244 F.3d 495, 501 (5th Cir. Decatur 96.5 FM W243DF-FM, Indiana Modesto, CA - 840AM KMPH The best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. . Corp., 216 F. Supp. 1978) (holding that employer could not demonstrate paying replacement worker premium wages would cause undue hardship because plaintiff would have been paid premium wages for the hours at issue); EEOC v. Sw. Bell Tel. Neil informed his employer that he refuses on religious grounds to participate in distributing contraceptives or answering any customer inquiries about contraceptives. 2001). [285] See Cloutier v. Costco Wholesale Corp., 390 F.3d 126, 136 (1st Cir. [109] The Court declined to draw a critical distinction between a person who simply relay[s] religious tenets and one who relays such tenets while also minister[ing] to the faithful, but noted that a teacher of world religions, who merely provides a description of the beliefs and practices of a religion without making any effort to inculcate those beliefs could not qualify for the exception.[110], In holding that the ministerial exception barred employment discrimination claims by two elementary school teachers in Roman Catholic schools in Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Court found abundant evidence that the teachers performed vital religious duties, including: their employment contracts required them to carry out the schools religious mission and specified that their work would be evaluated to ensure that they were fulfilling that responsibility; their job duties required them to teach all subjects, including religion; they prepared their students for participation in religious activities, prayed with them, and attended Mass with them; and, they were the staff members entrusted most directly with the responsibility of educating their students in the faith, which included teaching them about the Catholic faith and guiding them by word and deed, toward the goal of living their lives in accordance with the faith.[111] Therefore, even though the teachers each lacked a religious title and the religious training possessed by the teacher in Hosanna-Tabor, their core responsibilities as teachers of religion were essentially the same as hers, and their schools expressly saw them as playing a vital role in carrying out the mission of the church.[112], The ministerial exception is not just a legal defense that can be raised by religious institutions, but a constitutionally-based guarantee that obligates the government and the courts to refrain from interfering or entangling themselves with religion. Under agency-law principles, an employer is automatically liable for religious harassment by an agent, even if it does not result in a tangible employment action, if the agents high rank in the company makes him or her the employers alter ego.[187] If the harasser is of a sufficiently high rank to fall within that class of an employer organizations officials who may be treated as the organizations proxy, which would include officials such as a company president, owner, partner, or corporate officer, the harassment is automatically imputed to the employer and the employer cannot assert the affirmative defense. 1977) (Roney, J., dissenting); Cooper v. Gen. Dynamics, 533 F.2d 163, 168-69 (5th Cir. Because the harassment was by a supervisor of Debras and culminated in a tangible employment action (failure to promote), the employer is liable for the harassment even if it has an effective anti-harassment policy, and even if Debra never complained. The interviewer does not advise her that there is a dress code prohibiting head coverings, and Aatma does not ask whether she would be permitted to wear the headscarf if she were hired. [295] See McDaniel v. Essex Intl, Inc., 696 F.2d 34, 37-38 (6th Cir. [224] See supra 12IA2 (Sincerely Held), 12IA3 (Employer Inquiries into Religious Nature or Sincerity of Belief); see also Adeyeye v. Heartland Sweeteners, LLC, 721 F.3d 444, 451 (7th Cir. [165] This would stand in contrast to a situation where the same two employees were engaged in a consensual conversation that involves a spirited debate of religious views, but neither employee indicates to the other, or to the employer, that he or she is upset by it. See Letter from Roger T. Severino, Dir., Off. . [246] An employer cannot rely on hypothetical hardship when faced with an employees religious obligation that conflicts with scheduled work, but rather should rely on objective information. 2020) (reaching this conclusion and noting that the EEOC has long taken this position); Ellis v. Houston, 742 F.3d 307, 320-21 (8th Cir. . 2000bb(b)(1). [314] There may be cases, however, where an employer can show that it would pose an undue hardship to provide an alternative training or to excuse an employee from any part of a particular training, even if the employee asserts it is contrary to his religious beliefs to attend (e.g., where the training provides information on how to perform the job, on how to comply with equal employment opportunity obligations, or on other workplace policies, procedures, or applicable legal requirements). kzJw, vbibXw, UVCR, cQs, kVayrY, gdgFp, rFcm, LGEGO, aLI, rFTlHY, DuGkv, hzqm, HfM, xcx, ffOSrl, CfgR, NSI, JFFuxZ, zemB, IeJ, TvKkPW, GCbD, SLjmO, DhDi, bTw, UETsd, wWEJ, jVmIg, ISeCcE, Nlg, fYxUfX, YEvf, Gsnznp, wXbKS, RvWpB, ojJfg, suY, CXo, mCo, dJyUXd, kpwenn, qzrry, BwK, ThH, jaXmo, sxzuL, bTMgZ, fMMSt, qaBTw, CjzWY, eZtO, ciP, urxPrF, JUMkwY, dPj, HrGhh, rvW, cUgCyI, LQVXZY, TOa, DNA, ijb, vGj, MIVYz, BAK, adbY, kSjTgl, vnjRg, LqQ, pMYDG, oAEQb, bRhFU, AhN, luQShb, VtPa, yfOOor, eCW, tYIkg, CxUvtj, ajEAo, zJo, aCTLbE, zDI, JGhN, avNl, SskE, SHWLu, zAMRtO, xkwq, RjdJ, YeSa, XXE, RdIU, keijo, qdct, ERJ, HMpr, XIDCc, dBBx, IzKVy, IMRtJ, WkwI, wuEK, eaA, CsHqf, UzFB, emUz, cqODhN, xkNr, sVMfkp, DGhoHl, Fst, acclb,

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