Murphy Brothers Blog

Tag Archives: Ponderings

What a New Year Brings…

It’s a snowy day out today.  My fireplace is toasty warm and the view out my window across the farmer’s fields in my back yard is really picturesque.  I need to remember to slow down once in a while and take a moment to enjoy these simple things.  I try to work from my home […]

Behind the scenes: making it look easy (when it’s sometimes not)

Yesterday I had a client ask me if we could use a cabinet-maker they recommend because (she wrote): “one of my co-workers has recommended a cabinet builder from his home town of Amery, WI who is seeking jobs.” We get questions like this periodically and each time we give it individual consideration….so this is not […]

A blog in the life of a project…a year revisited (+ bonus ponderings on life, learning and relationships!)

One of the many reasons why I really enjoy what I do is that there is always something new to learn.   There are so many different remodeling challenges and the puzzle in solving them is something that keeps





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