Murphy Brothers Blog

Tag Archives: cost benefit

Murphy Bros. Visits Marvin Windows

I find plant tours fascinating.  Over the past 20 years, I have seen millwork, steel fabrication and a window manufacturing and visited several case goods (furniture) and upholstery plants as well throughout MN, WI and NC.  Technology is changing by the day and it is amazing how science really partners up with craftsmanship and ingenuity […]

John Weighs in on Lead Paint Law Change

Starting in April 2010, Builders and Remodelers who do renovation or remodeling project in homes built before 1978 must comply with the new lead paint safety requirements set by the EPA.   John attended the EPA approved course on Oct. 28th and was interviewed by Minnesota

Desperate Homeowners are easy targets for charlatans.

In just this past week I have heard first hand of three separate instances of people, in their attempts to get a deal, got fleeced.  If you read the paper, internet news or watch TV it is easy to understand why consumers believe that contractors are desperate and that





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