Cherie Poissant joined Murphy Bros, an award winning, nationally recognized firm as a Remodeling Consultant in 2003. Starting her design career at the age of 12 when she designed her first project that was built, she has now designed and put together hundreds of successful projects. You can view one of her projects in a recent copy of Furnishings Magazine. Coming from her position as a lead designer for an interior design firm in International Market Square, Cherie understands the balance of good traffic flow, the importance of color as well as designing for the function and flexible use of a space. Her complimentary business background in Vendor Management (Room & Board Home Furnishings) and Business Management (Rocco Altobelli) make her an asset to Murphy Bros. She studied Interior Design at the University of Minnesota and also holds a B.A. Degree from Metropolitan State University. Among other professional affiliations, Cherie is on the leadership committee for the 50+ Housing Council for the Builders Association of the Twin Cities and is active in promoting Universal Design. She is working to complete her Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) designation this coming February.