Energy Saver Rebates Are Here! We Can Help! Minnesota Federal Stimulus rebates of up to $10,000 are available through the Minnesota Housing Fix-up Fund in the form of an Energy Saver Rebate on
Author Archives: John M.
Desperate Homeowners are easy targets for charlatans.
November 13, 2009 – 7:24 am
In just this past week I have heard first hand of three separate instances of people, in their attempts to get a deal, got fleeced. If you read the paper, internet news or watch TV it is easy to understand why consumers believe that contractors are desperate and that
Linwood Lake Remodel updates…
November 3, 2009 – 1:45 pm
The Linwood Lake project has progressed into siding and
8 Tips for Making Small Houses Feel Larger
October 14, 2009 – 9:41 am
No one has a corner on good ideas so there are times when we find articles and letters that echo our thoughts and feelings at Murphy Bros. So instead of rewriting an article, it is often just easier to share it you and then give credit to the originator(s). These helpful design ideas are from
The Wrong Handyman…
October 8, 2009 – 6:39 am
10 comments that should make think you might have hired the wrong handyman.